Anypony here watch glee? I do, and i'm completely sad that it's almost over :'( Glee is one of the shows that got me through some really tough times. Its one of those shows that always keeps me crying... No one make fun of me though.. i just really like the show! I love musicals in general!
Hey everypony, what animals have you chosen for your pets? I have two cats, their names are KoKo and Nashville (Nashville just had surgery, he has a bunch of stitches in his face!)
Since i've been here, i haven't seen anypony else with dreadlocks. Am i really the only one? I would think not...... but i haven't seen or heard about any! I wanna see pics!! What does everypony else think of dreads? Do you believe the stereotypes?
Well this is indeed a lot of selfies... imma just post another one XD I kinda love selfies even though i look like crap, please ignore the messy dreads, they are kinda all over the place atm, they're only a year old!