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    There is nothing in a catterpillar that tells you it's gonna be a butterfly

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  1. Heey there! Just discovered your arts. It's lovely ^.^

    1. javaleen


      Hey! Thank you! ^^

  2. cooking with peanut oil got me impressed, made the food quite a lot better and didn't damage the flavor in any way. Too bad it's so expensive and hard to find in my part of denmark...

    1. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      Interesting :)

    2. javaleen


      mhm... I was nervous ab using it instead of regular oil to make the pasta sauce but it ended up not only with no overpower of flavor but also really nice and light compared to the sauce I made with normal oil.


  3. I was christian orthodox until 24, the dogmatic version since 12, thanks to my mom... around 23 I got sick of something no doctor could find out the cause of, so I did some soulsearching... comes out I was feeling guilty for eating meat on a wednesday because it was the only day of the week I was passing by my fave hot dog place, and my body reacted to my self-flagelation... I stopped getting sick after I managed to break that chain, and it made me realize how horrible christianity is to its folowers really, how much it counts on guilt to keep them in check, and how toxic that was... then I started researching ab the bible and the christian core beliefs and I realized they were all made just to keep people subservient and in check, which disappointed me terribly because I hoped they would be about God and reaching spiritual harmony, above wordly matters. I am now a deist, I have shaken off most of all religious practices and try to find my way to the divinity in my own way, independent of priests or saint written books. I still celebrate christmas since I like the holiday itself, tho I'm not letting it get flooded with religious symbols and traditiona any more, and I married in the orthodox church so I could let mom be happy and at peace, but I no longer go to church or keep religious holidays, nor confess, and it's brought a lot of peace in my life (as long as I don't hang out too long with my mom who keeps trying to convince me to confess everytime I visit home XD ) I keep researching on divinity and ethics, but I have a more practical approach to things than before...
  4. oddly enough I can't seem to find a reply or quote even option in the debate areas of the forums... do we need special passes for those? :o

  5. I just realized that safe spaces and blocking people for different oppinions is not only imature but also isolate people from reality... we need different oppinions to face reality just as we need to touch a cup to see if it's hot or cold. :v

    1. Snow


      A noteworthy realisation indeed, although I don't necessarily agree that we need different opinions to face reality, I believe that tolerance to different opinions gives us an upper hand in the world we live in. :grin: That is just my opinion though~ :P

    2. That Guy with the CMB
    3. javaleen


      @Snow tollerance to different opinions is what makes one face different opinions in the 1st place. It's basically impossible to be tollerant towards things u don't encounter, isn't it?

  6. I'm so sick of my cold... when I think it wentaway I start coughing my lungs out again <.<

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Snow


      That is quite unfortunate, I really hope things take a turn for the better.

    3. javaleen


      oh, they will, I'll go to the doctor if I have to and they still will, I'm just whining cuz I needed to vent a bit XD

    4. Snow


      I can't blame you for that, I'd be a liar if I said I didn't do the same from time to time. ;P

  7. I'm back :>
    Got a cold from the festival but other than that I'm well and kicking. :>


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. javaleen


      Yes, there were 3 bands that I really loved and they put up a really good show, we danced and sang with them and did a hora too, and the rest were nice. One thing I regret is not buying a dragon cane I saw on sale in the 1st day. I don't need a cane but that one was so sweet I just couldn't take my mind off it, and when I finally decided to get it they had sold out XD


      also, dunno if it's the music or Slayers fans tend to be more annoying than all other band fans, or both, but the Slayers concert was the least enjoyable I've been at.

      Huldre, on the other hand, was the most wholesome of them all :>

      also got inspired for some new paintings if I find time for them sometime :>

    3. Snow


      Haha, now you know to be quick for next time though xD
      Sounds like it was a lot of fun regardless.

    4. javaleen


      yes, it was.

      As far as I understood it's not gonna be very soon when I'll get the chance to see Slayers again so yeah, that's covered anyway :))



  8. I will be away for the dates of 22, 23 and 24. Not sure if I'll even have internet those days tbh XD

  9. fully aware I might be wrong, but if you draw a paralel there are far more similarities between bronies and furries than between bronies and any other fandom. the one difference is that furries are mostly independent from a specific show while bronies aren't. And before you start being pussyfarts and try put the brony community higher because no yiff (or however is that called) may I remind you ab 'clop'? Both communities have good, bad and questionable alike. It's a mark of a big, longlasting communty to have all kinds in its midst. most furries don't identify as their furry avatars tho, they are perfectly aware of their human condition, but enjoy using a specific design to represent them in certain situations.
  10. Love the avatar! so cute! <3

    1. Sphinx-Ara


      Thanks, it's jsut something I found on blujetink on tumblr 

  11. Now THAT is an avatar.

    One I can dig =w=


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The_Gobo


      I wish I could make something that good from scratch :V
      All my stuff is either found online or mushed together from other stuff XD


    3. javaleen


      it takes some time to get the skill, but if you have some coin you can check the commission forum here... I have a shop there  and so do other people, and I'm sure you'll find someone you'd like to draw it for you, and within reasonable pricing ^^

    4. The_Gobo


      I actually have a few people in mind to do drawings, people on deviantart.

      Thank you for the suggestions though :D

  12. Depends... if they got in by accident (bees, wasps, ladybugs, other outside dwelling bugs) or are spiders (I respect spiders a lot because they eat mosquitoes) I generally find a way to kick them out... if it's possibly local vermin, such as cockroaches (haven't had any yet but I did see the ocasional miriapode), or those little flies making my fresh parsley unedible, it's death and plotting for more death. Also mosquitoes and flies.... death to mosqueetoes! As for flies, if I'm at my grandma's, I learned to catch them alive so I can feed them to chicken because they are bastards and earn their death by not letting me sleep :v
  13. that moment when a commissioner gives you full artistic freedom but you end up with more poses for their character that you like and are super-temted to bother them to choose themselves which is best ;3;

  14. there was at least one episode where he was completely separated from twilight, no? Like the D&D episode?
  15. Welcome! I see you partake in the fine arts of drawing, please fo share some with us! I think you'll find Octavia's Hall to be most enjoyable. :>
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