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Tranquil Claw

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Everything posted by Tranquil Claw

  1. Progression is a culmination of educated mistakes.

  2. Laws of nature... didn't we make those up? Why not learn how these laws are affected by things we don't understand yet. There's always more than meets the eye. These perpetual motion generators are actually open equations. They draw energy from some place which we are in the dark of. All we do understand is that there is energy being drawn from somewhere else, just not where that else is. This happens a lot in science. Wasn't electricity back then considered as uncontrollable as the weather? It all started with a certain machine that worked without any any reason for it to work. Probably it took a small bit before understanding could catch up.
  3. DQ stands for "Daily Question" it is a recent theme I made on the general forum. If there is something really frustrating for me, it's that I can try to change the world, but the methods I use just don't work. It almost seems pointless to try any more. I have been taught by experience over and over that the world needs to be fixed, that standing out is always bad, that you can't change the world around you by being yourself. These are just a few of the things that bother me every day. I love to write, but it just seems pointless when next to no one cares to help or urge me on. Every time I try to reach out, make an effort to stand out, it falls to pieces from stage fright. I know that all this I've just said isn't true, but how can I escape from a mental trap fueled by my own belief? I just realized how over dramatic that whole tirade was. Well I hope that inspired you all to share something in your life that frustrated you.
  4. I have also found a factor of suppression among many of the numerous and incredibly efficient magnetic generators of current day. There are homemade products capable of going above 100% efficiency, so basically they use perpetual motion and turn it into power. There are even vague claims that there are generators outputting 50 times their input. Here is a proof of concept, the YouTuber who shared this video has a load of contact with many other interesting ideas (most of which are functional and tested). I encourage you to do some research and see more for yourself. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDVbkVY-G0k
  5. DQ stands for "Daily Question". It is a theme I started recently. These days, you see inventions being made day and night on news covers and magazines, but where do these wonderful inventions go? Did they just, never happen? I think the problem is that our infrastructure in the current state that it is just can't keep up with all these numerous advances in science. We know about this problem, but how can it be fixed? Specifically I want to focus on power generation and all the alternative sources.
  6. https://mlpforums.com/topic/139261-the-perfect-colony-a-philosophical-rp-signup-and-plans/#entry4130342 This is the story of a band of philosophers on the quest to find the perfect government to which their new test civilization inside America will follow. They have been cut off from the influence of the traditional government and have built up a few fair sized towns to start with. Discussions relating to this idea are held daily in the local town hall. Only the best and brightest will take part in it. The name of the project is Medessa. Anyone who fits the requirements are allowed into this project no matter the phase it is in. Star Gaze woke up refreshed. Well today might be interesting. He thought to himself. Two days prior was the call to the meetings, and Star Gaze was the head. He got out of the hard mattress and stretched, sighing with relief. Might as well review my notes for the first session. A little refresher was probably a good idea. The failings of monetized money and a possible solution, check, how the media effects money and how it is affected by money, eh maybe some more review on that. Two minutes later the magic book was open on his desk and already forming the words. It was still interesting how no matter the amount of pages you turned, the book never stopped. This was another of those moments where the book never really gave what he wanted but instead something close to it. The information presented was still interesting though. "So coinage was itself, used as propaganda to establish an official feel and contribute to it's own popularity, interesting...." Star continued to muse over what he read until catching sight of the rising sun through his window and remembering the time. "By Celestia if I'm late for my own meeting I'll never forgive myself!" He pulled on some decent clothes and rushed to the door. Edit: This starting post is outdated and will be replaced whenever time is available.
  7. Fear is caused by media, not the threat itself.

  8. Still trying to figure out how women fit into society...

  9. Which is why philosophers like me and SugarfootWillie like to tackle that problem.
  10. An essay is exactly the response I wanted to see. I read through both and was shocked at the amount of detail and passion you guys put into these posts. Thank you so much for sharing this with the community. It's like your own letters to Celestia in a way. Writing down your struggles and showing how you overcame them. I like to call this the art of storytelling.
  11. DQ stands for "Daily Question". It is a theme I started recently. The biggest mistake I ever made was probably when I blurted out in daily shares a random dream I had the night before. I mistook the dream for a spiritual sending and then presented it as such. It was the most awkward situation I've ever been in. What I learned from it was actually negative, that you must blend into society or else pay the consequences. Out of this came the "Dark Ages" of my life, a period of time where I had to endure some increasingly hard depression. This eventually led to one of the more positive lessons I learned, how to use logic to separate true from false. Questioning life itself tends to put forth a lot of opportunities for growth and observation. As a result I am now very opposed to simply fitting into society. If I let society change me how will I be able to change society then? Keeping your wills and opinions untainted by the world around you marks you as a distinct figure. Someone I continue to strive towards being.
  12. DQ stands for "Daily Question", a new theme I started recently. This is a really heavy one from my helpful philosopher. Honestly I think it entirely depends on the technology at hand. When you look at the iPhone and how it eats up our days like a hungry monster, it makes you stop to think just what ways technology is impacting us. Almost every technology created has some sort of negative impact in one area or another when you think about it long enough.
  13. I'm starting up a Daily Questions theme in the general discussion area with my philosophical friend. Hope we can contribute a few things that really make ya think hard.
  14. DQ stands for "Daily Question". Before MLP I always considered a true friend to be someone who you could tell anything to without worrying about how they reacted. Now I think of a true friend as someone who shows loyalty, truthfulness, kindness, generosity, and a happiness that can never be dampened when you're around. What do you think a friend needs to be a true friend?
  15. This could count, but I saw an act of generosity in the face of greed. A reporter (even with his job in the balance) chose what he thought was right instead of trying to fit in with the rest of society. It inspired me with a sense of what America truly stood for, the right to freedom and the right to spread change. The reporter sadly lost his job, but made a contribution he felt was right in doing so. That is an example I could live up to one day.
  16. A true utopia for humanity lies not in perfection, but in the acceptance of mistakes.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. RDBestPony


      Ok, this was one of the most interesting conversations i've had in a while. I'll be sure to check your posts.

    3. 1111


      him sounds like a depressing society well being is important

    4. Tranquil Claw

      Tranquil Claw

      I just haven't gotten to that part.

  17. (DQ stands for "Daily Question" it is a new theme me and SugarfootWillie started recently.) I have the impression that most everything in America is negative and focused on murders and beatings. Why don't we change that around and find a few things to be proud of.
  18. I toyed around with a "possible" utopia that takes into account human flaws. It is a system that filters greed through the bottom half of the chain and promotes passion throughout the top half. Fear must never be used as a tool to control with, temptation however, is a good way to get others to want something. All you have to do is remove that temptation and move it elsewhere to keep people from climbing up to the point you are at. Of course, passion is something you feel deep down is right, so it tends to wear the winds much longer than any other motivations. Usually it comes from traumatizing situations that leave a scar on you for the rest of your life. Since you always start from the bottom and work yourself up to the top, there are plenty of opportunities for things like that to happen. Another form of motivation is inspiration, when someone you look up to does something great, and you feel like you should live up to their expectations. This comes from power given to the people and lack of oppression. That is one reason this community is so great. I believe the My Little Pony fan base is one of the few "possible" utopia's in the world.
  19. Sir you have read my master plan like a book. It all starts with a show originally for little girls and could turn out to be humanity's last redemption from corruption. We have the information, we have the support, now we need to make it work. I am going to put fourth that anyone who wants to join my team should go talk to my co-founder, SugarfootWillie. This will definitely not be able to air every day but I do hope that with the help of the community this can become a strong tradition for the fandom. "Onward we go, touching the world with our influence, spreading ideas, and ushering a new age never before seen in history." Quote by Me, just in case it ever becomes famous.
  20. Indeed this daily question trend I am starting is directly influenced by the teachings of Socrates. I have run into a few problems with the idea of having a daily question trend though. These mostly have to do with not having enough time on my hands to run so large an operation. I will need volunteers to moderate subjects and keep them on track with the theme. If anyone wants to join the team pm me and I will give a response when available. I honestly did not expect this idea to take off so well. Thank you all for giving it a try and inspiring others to join in on it and make a contribution.
  21. I feel the exact same way. I love saying "Eeyup" to people who have no clue what I'm referencing. It's like having your own special secret that hides you when you need to be hidden, inspires you when you're in need of inspiration, and makes friends where previously you had none.
  22. If one were to go against me in a clash of will, I would surely lose. If one were to oppose my ideas, prepare to watch debate take a quantum leap in front of you.

  23. Your first assumption is correct. You will start off with the bare minimum to survive and are given incentive through advertisement and exposure to change the world around you and better yourself in the act. Media is an extremely effective tool in the hands of those who mean good and those who mean harm. In this case the people who are capable of using such tools are the advisers and supporters of the goals put forth by the leader. The leader(s) are in charge of keeping the goals that they want to change the country with on track while the advisers and an elected representative community are tasked with helping them achieve this and spreading their ideals. Leaders do have some power, that is all the power necessary to complete their goals but no more. Completing a goal that positively affects the country is the highest honor a citizen can have, and it is reflected in their retirement if said person chooses to. The resources used for country wide goals are held collectively by all relevant branches of government and can only be redistributed if there are ample left for completion of current goals. These resources are the form of tax that is issued from local community storage. Each of these storage stashes are collected from the local community and used like trading cards between governors who are kept in check by local community managers. Community managers are people who represent their local niche like the environmentalists, industrialists, etc. and are elected by their likewise supporters. Governors are elected from the community managers and must reach a minimum required experience in multiple areas (they must have support from multiple of the community managers to be elected, support from two conflicting groups is a sign of an ideal governor). This form of government will need additional ironing out but can be summarized as leaders>advisers>representative community>governors<>community managers>citizens. I can hear peoples brains popping from the amount of information I just posted.
  24. My goal is to create a system that encourages you to find a niche in society through long term struggles. The current system in the US is flawed because the people who are rich only want to be even more rich. Power can never truly be distributed evenly (as communism pointed out) but it can be fluctuated wildly in such a way that people who abuse that power find themselves toppling to the ground. The media is a problem of it's own, providing a route of indirect control to many of the people capable of pulling those kind of strings. A system that recovers from mistakes and corrects them on it's own is one that we need now. What do you think would fix this problem you stated?
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