How did you find MLP Forums?:
It's been a while, so I can't remember exactly, but I probably found it via Google.
How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic:
Like many others, I became curious when I started seeing pony avatars popping up all over the Internet. A while later, On another forum, I saw a couple of guys try out the show and get hooked on it. This piqued my curiosity even more, and I decided to try out the show for myself... You can probably guess what happened when I did.
Hi, folks. I finally decided to join the forums. It took me long enough. I've been lurking here for more than two years now.
Anyway, my name is "Detritus" (Not my real name, thankfully, but I like to give myself self-deprecating names on forums). I'm a 28 year-old guy from the United States, and I've been a fan of the show since April 2012 (the end of season 2). It's been three and a half years now, and I still can't believe I watch this show... I think I'm always going to feel a bit weird about it.
My personality could be described as a combination of the two Pie sisters, Maud and Marble. In other words, I'm terribly shy and I speak in a monotonous, deadpan voice. I do also have a rather odd sense of humor though, so maybe I have a bit of Pinkie in me as well.
Other than pony, I'm also a fan of Star Trek, The Legend of Zelda, Back to the Future, and a number of other things. Some of my hobbies are 3D modeling, astronomy, messing around with vintage computer hardware, and classic video games-- especially the SNES.
I'll cut myself off here before I ramble on too much... Anyway, I look forward to seeing you all around the forums.
Oh yeah, I couldn't really decide on a favorite mane 6 pony, so I left that part blank. They all have their moments.