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Everything posted by Miss

  1. My mood has changed exponentially to Happy af!!!!
  2. A little impatient. A little irritated. But not to explosive. However, rather passive.
  3. Yes! I've kissed 3 different people in my life. Tho one of them was in truth or dare but she did like me and I liked her, but we didn't have a good enough connection for me to ask her out back in the day. ANYWAY Kissing is pretty awesome lol I'd do it every day if I had someone to kiss Hopefully soon
  4. Anyone ever feel too bored to sleep? 

    1. Iforgotmybrain


      No, usually sleeping is my solution to being bored :P

    2. Espy Vibe

      Espy Vibe

      I just put youtube in the background and fall asleep to that :blink:

  5. Miss


    Welcome! Enjoy the lurking
  6. Whoa throwback post. Idk, I still find myself saying jokes alot but my style of humor has changed drastically to being very dry deadpan humor. I've become very cynical so alot of things I don't find funny anymore or I'm critical of it. That being said while I don't find myself "hilarious" anymore I'd still say people think I'm funny but it's not as much as before. If people didn't laugh at what I say then I wouldn't say jokes as often as I do but I'm just like why do I joke so often? I feel like it might be awkwardness? Not that I can't be serious but maybe it's hard for me to connect with people at the beginning so I use humor to fill in the space and it does land alot of the time (but that's just at the beginning) That being said I do find myself in settings where none of the people around me find what I'm saying to be funny (2 groups i could think of in particular) but just recently was around my cousins.and i was keeping them chuckling so that made me feel good
  7. I'll take em off you lol Would def. Like bigger thighs And I already have stretch marks. and personally i like the look of them on me and others too
  8. TACOS WTF!!!!!! I know thats a whole other bag of worms with the economy and the prices of ingredients and maintaining a restaurant etc. BUT GODDAMN $4 FOR A TACO!!! With taxes that pretty much makes 2 TACOS $10! That could only make a 3 year old full. I'm a grown adult I need 4 tacos!!! (or more ) There use to be a place on the corner where I use to live that brought out the taquero in the night and sold them for a $1!!!! The other day I found a spot that did 3 tacos for $8!!!! It was like a discovered the lost city of gold
  9. Definitely. something that kinda comes along with being a queer person. But like the stuff that I'm into was already on the less "popular" side of things so im jist that much more left out. (Not to say I'm not into mainstream things or that I'm so underground or something but still.) And even when I meet fellow queers or allies in those small spaces seems like they don't really try or care to connect with me then or afterwards, even if we had a good time together, and of course, as usual, even if i reach out first.
  10. In order to not roast myself too hard lol I'll say the things that bother me the least Bags under my eyes, all the weight from food goes to my stomach and face so just pudgy looking in person (stops me from wearing a crop top)(but like in all honesty im not even that big so doesnt bother me that much minus the bloat, but also you know wouldn't hurt for some of that fat to go other places jaja ) and crooked teeth.
  11. Oooooo I like those movies! Was very fond of Hilda and enjoyed the film A Whisker away was good, but enjoyed the music much more especially the last three songs <3 mainstays in my anime playlist and every now and then karaoke
  12. Well not only do I have cavities and a lil belly I can't rid of. I'm also dumb too
  13. Miss

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    Almost to all 6666 brohoofs
  14. hell no. I have such a difficult time making friends. At the moment I have two consistent friends but one of them moved to another state. (the one friend i've known the longest has been going to strong for about a year and a half approximately) Recently made 3 new friends, which I'm very happy about but you know every year I make new friends and then 1 month to 6 months later they disappear. I hope it's different this time.
  15. truly ahead of his time. But forreal, I'd say when I go to the mall, hot topic is cool, forever 21........M burger lol if there's a boba shop at the mall then that's great
  16. "the hoes love the back of spencer's" - Mahatma Gandhi
  17. the back of spencer's is the GOAT place to go to at the mall. I always hide from my paren .... I mean.... go there with all my hoes, yea! thread callback
  18. I use to regularly donate blood before switching to platelets so none bother me at all
  19. Anyone else ever just get super bored with life sometimes? 

    Like damn, it's so routine or unexciting. And even when you do things that are fun it's also just apart of the routine.  

    "Spends money to Go to a concert, has fun, goes home, does it again 1/3 months later."

    Know what I mean? 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Miss


      @Iforgotmybrainwell it's not really the "money" thing that is on my mind or variety. It's more that just nothing really feels sustaining. I have fun in the moment and then it's over and that's it. 

      @Rikifiveever thought about reaching out to local groups? or taking some vacation time to go somewhere? 


    3. Rikifive


      I don't know of any here, other than maybe some football gangstas at least. :P

      As for going somewhere on vacations... Well, it's pricy. I do have to agree with @Iforgotmybrain in that regard. If I could freely spend money without feeling bad about this, I'm sure I'd figure something out. Otherwise I'm kind of tied to home and job, hoping to make ends meet. :eager:

    4. Rikifive


      I think I now realized, that I totally misinterpreted your question lol.

      I believe your situation vastly differs than the one of mine.

      So to answer your question properly:

      I'm afraid I cannot relate. ;p I'm a somewhat creative person with tons of hobbies and the like - even too many I'd say. I'd love to try and experience soooooooo many things - life is too short to try it all out! I'll always find something to keep myself busy. Hobbies, activities, there's plenty of stuff to do in life! ^_^

      My only problem is, that I don't really have enough time, nor means to delve into these. ;p

  20. Bored out of my mind. Well it's time for bed anyway but the whole day was like this!
  21. Happy Mexican Independence Day!!! 



    1. Tacodidra


      Happy Mexico Day, my friend! :yay:


      Art by diniarvegafinahar

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