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Did a long list of tasks just beat Twilight that is supposedly good at lists? And does everypony of the Mane 6 combine well in activities with each other? I dont remember but season 5 where I think there was an AJ+Rarity was more interesting, imo those two don't have that much to do here and this was a bit of a filler episode. It was pleasant but nothing special, still nothing to make it a big deal, I don't find anything that went way off. It is more like the kind of episode, this is way too normal 'day' where nothing happens. if it is one, fine but there could be less of filler episodes. What is with the Rrrrr-ussian accents lately, the laundry pony too. But I find Aloe very cute. . Also didnt know this was Spoiled Rich on the front of the queue, good reminder. I liked the country music, this is more pleasant to me than constant singing. Didn't know spa centers are as large as castles inside with so many corridors and hidden entrances Overall not bad but nothing special about it, Ive nothing more to add.
After the previous two episodes that made me criticize episodes unlike the usual, I am genuinely pleased with this episode and I think it was great, well done Confalone indeed. While not being a big fan of Rarity, her episodes get better and better and I started enjoying her episodes at least from the previous season, this one being one of if not her best, imo. I was lost at first what was happening and what was being retold then I figured out it goes like that: Aftermath: the Mane 6 are afraid of Rarity learning about all that she was going to read. Reasons: They shared a lot of things not realizing their interviews are being written down/recorded, and may hurt Rarity (or was it all to hide the problems of preparing the Boutique for opening) . I think there is no problem that did not happen, in fact it is realistic when you are excited about something like that to not pay attention to e.g RD's imitating Rarity. Then there were these funny moments, I liked Twi's sweep dance and I liked the music that DJ Pon3 was playing, until Pinkie replaced it with that boring one. Funniest moments must have been the sweep dance, RD acting like Rarity (RD missed saying 'The Horror!!') but all of the Mane 6 were very cute here. I loved the funny moments like the mess they made when nothing worked, RD trying to make the candidates for work race was hilarious. Coco Pommel , good to see her again, she was cuter when not sick xD It was also the first type of this kind, like interviews with the Mane 6. Poor Spike has been left home? All in all it was a nice episode, very refreshing <3
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I'm kind of surprised... an episode in which not only nothing happened but some things were way weird got so highly liked, like are good episodes measured by the number of songs? (and if not Christmas songs I would ask what was that special about them). Not to say that while I felt some joy, the magic of the holiday was not present, or I may have been more positive, it is May, which is why again I'm baffled by the votes. I am not fan of musicals but for a Hearth's Warming Eve it is suitable, so I think it was fitting and I did not mind that songs were here. As for the good and bad in the episode, I will start with the bad. Firstly, the whole episode passing as a story, okay why not, it was unique, I did not mind that the story was presented as the Mane 6 and Starlight. I did not like Rainbow's mane style, sorry, it was way off. I know each of them were representing some last century's fashion and style as the story was taking place 1-2 centuries ago but RD's specially was meh to me. An episode with Starlight at Hearth's Eve is a nice idea but maybe they did not have much to add, it was written by a new writer it seems. Christmas songs I like hearing when it is really the holiday, they did not annoy me, as they were suitable but the whole episode was not in place for that. One song that I really liked and I think is the best and most touching I ever heard of all the seasons (well ive forgotten the old ones, I remember Season 4's had 1-2 nice songs but this one was better), that's Luna's song. Is it a coincidence that exactly Luna's idk but I loved it, for the rest I felt indifferent. I think when watching the previous Hearth's Eve episodes around Christmas they sure would have increased my holiday spirit, but as I said, I did not feel it here. The Luna's scene brought memories of the 'Cutie Re-Mark' almost got confused is Starlight recalling her past or the tale's. That pony professor (...) (A good idea for a villain pony I would say) was clearly representing Severus Snape (Alan Rickman) from Harry Potter (rip, another great actor of the 2 greatest movies of their time after Christopher Lee gone : /) . I loved Ponyville's Xmas /Hearth's Eve City decoration! These pictures made it look magical, like a Christmas tale. Nothing more I can say about the episode but Season 5's episode with Marble Pie introduced there was much better, and I was expecting something bigger from a Hearth's Warming Eve episode with Starlight, would have been worthy of something greater..
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Your review made me see once again the good side of the episode and I said, the fact that RD becomes a Wonderbolt makes it a great episode for me alone, though you pointed out some things to support why it is great. However, I could not disagree with the critics by the others as I myself felt something was wrong with the way the episode was executed. I would say the flaws are bigger than you made them look and thus I agree with some of the opinions who even consider disastrous how some of the moments were presented. The name Rainbow Crash, from the most unwanted name for RD turned into an accepted name and happened too quickly. IT IS RAINBOW DASH! Not CMC's, not just anypony of the Mane 6, probably the most liked of the Mane 6, maybe many people started watching MLP because of Rainbow Dash, the most famous of MLP when anyone who doesnt watch MLP may know at least RD. And yet, we get a not well-written episode for such a milestone and a new writer to do that. The title of the episode was better off Rainbow Crash - at least it fit with his situations than the boring 'Newbie Crash'. The way the news were given to RD about becoming a Wonderbolt should have been spectacular almost like an event in Canterlot. It felt like Spitfire saying: 'btw you are now one of us, big deal /care' after all these seasons. Where is the lust of this great event? This is how it could have been served. The ending, though, it was better, maybe showed some maturity, accepting the consequences of probation and no longer acting more childish than any previous episode that showed her more developed than this episode's every other moment but the end. On a side note, I think No Second Prances was from the good ones,I disagree with the opposite thoughts. (Maybe I know less of Trixie's character than I do of RD thus I can see better what went wrong with this RD ep)
Wow I didn't know that in Season 6 Rainbow Dash really becomes a Wonderbolt! (Sorry I dont watch spoilers whether 'what happens in season 6' or watch any pre-airing, no matter what!). This is such a big development or change for Rainbow Dash, being one of my most fave of the Mane 6! And this is as huge as Twilight becoming an Alicorn, a Princess and maybe more than having her own castle. Seeing her like that is double 20% cooler! I loved the idea and I knew she would join the Academy one day but I never followed when. So, as an event it was a must-have, however, I will have to agree that the way some parts of the episode were delivered, was not too great, but because this is RD and I loved what she is now, I consider it a great episode, though not the 'best episode ever'. Getting into some details, we know that Rainbow Dash is emotional and shows that with cool reactions and complete joy but in the way she spoke to the rest of the Wonderbolts, I know she was supposed to be like a newbie but does that mean she had to act at moments a bit childish? As far as I remember in previous episodes with the Wonderbolts Dash was acting a little more leveled. Portraying her as a total newbie probably not the best idea, we can expect her to do something to show her coolness and I thought even by reading the title, that she would do something too much to make her look like a newbie. But it is the conversations in the mornings near the other ponies' beds, at the dressing room the moments I am referring to. I am sure not anyone would like the way she was presented. Im not too pleased either. Perhaps the idea to have nicknames is coming from having such pilot schools or academies (im not familiar), but this justifies the name Rainbow Crash and it is the first time I saw why she was being called like that in previous episodes. For the first time (is it?) - Spitfire without the Wonderbolt uniform, I couldn't recognize her like that, yellow, looked like another pony. So that explains it, a new writer and I agree, something felt not right about how RD was presented. I forgot that, yes kind of but you should see it like that - in a military school (that's what it looks like) in front of the others have to forget about friendship and act like the way 'newbies are treated' although the gap between what we know of RD-Spitfire connection and how they were presented here was big, Spitfire and others acted like they barely knew RD and thus it felt like they were indeed having some random new pony, not the one they've known for long. ---- The impersonations I agree, a bit mocking and not proving much, actually I did not like getting RD acting like that because it was not making her look good. I know they had to show a newbie behavior but I was expecting something like - does one big thing wrong or disappoints the Wonderbolt but not act ridiculous in the rest of the time. --- And something aside, I can't believe how good timing that was - I recently did something for a fighting engine, I dont work with it much cause it is meh but they once brought Rainbow Dash from 'fighting is magic' into the engine and around 10 days ago I decided to do a palette alternative of the original look of Rainbow Dash to look like a Wonderbolt. I didn't know an episode would be coming when RD is a Wonderbolt, not to say coming so soon. It is quite in place. Now, it's not my sprites and this is only color change (cannot draw or modify the image, this is a color palette applied to the original color look of RD) and this first pic on post#1 would have helped me get the colors even better like the goggles as I did it without looking anywhere. Such a nice timing with when to do it - all in the name of Rainbow Dash!
Quite reprehensible opinion. I certainly did not see SG's spell on BigMac as some terrible evil that should immediately return the distrust of ponies towards Starlight. It was portrayed as a trick, really, just a spell trick that could be reverted any time (ofc Applejack was never together with Starlight as much as Twilight and like the rest of the Mane 6 would be trusting her less). And after the setting of the table or making a cake, this spell on BigMac should have not been viewed as anything bigger. I think the situations with SG and making new friends were shown in a good order. Same here, this is way of an over-reaction, everypony of the Mane6 in Equestria knows that SG is not as nice as Fluttershy to say the least but the act on BigMac being the apocalypse of her building relationships in Equestria.. really?
Trixie and Starlight?? I am not following or reading the plots of future episodes in advance and I once mentioned that I would love to see an interaction between both, and now here it is. I followed the history of episodes by this writer and I saw his were from the episodes I was less interested in. And yet, this one, I loved the episode! It entertained me for the whole time, as a non-adventure episode without anything happening, I have not had a relationship episode I enjoyed like that for quite a while! I ship Starlight Glimmer and Trixie, these two new BFF's go so well together with their similarities! Although after watching the episode I have not changed my neutral-to-slightly liking behavior towards Trixie but I did start liking Starlight even more after this episode and after the Crystalling. This one shows imo some more development of her and is really making her look better than Twilight, considering how Twilight reacted to a pure and honest attempt of SG to make a new friend. I was waiting SG to tell Trixie of what the former has done, I bet Trixie would be scared of Starlight! And I wonder if Trixie will learn, should we see them in another episode. Their relationship grew fast but there is nothing wrong - when they fit each other so well, it can happen quickly, no need to study one another. They should remain like that, though it is not typical to show Trixie as often as SG. I wasn't sure if initially the feelings of Trixie were real, so she turned out to be a bit more hostile than Starlight, I always thought SG was more, and SG was a lot more vulnerable, look at her feelings, her tears, I felt sorry to see her like that which is why I started liking her more, from compassion as she is trying hard to appeal to the other ponies. Please, they have to make a gif of Pinkie licking the cake off Mrs Cake, no I do not have any dirty thoughts, I just found it hilarious as well as eating above her head. Celestia - I was expecting her to say something at least for a while, I somewhat agree with the points above, she's been very.. passive. Somehow I found it strange how the episode ended, they were waiting for the new friend all along, did 'the new friend' ever arrive, or hmm, what would be the next reaction of Celestia?
Wow, this episode was better than I expected! I am neutral to most of the episodes featuring Spike, as they are not having much going on but there was one episode that I liked the most from his episodes and that episode was referenced here - Season 2's Dragon Quest! But it was the best until this one. I loved this episode, the best Spike episode ever better than the one from se2! So much adventure that I was watching every moment expecting something big every next minute! To start from the beginning (nice to see Luna and even Celestia in regular episode yay!), when I read the title I was anticipating to be an episode similar to Dragon Quest, I knew we would be seeing Spike on another adventure and the question was how good this episode was going to be. Then, when I saw Princess Ember (looked like a teenage Dragon by her behavior and talk but imo really cute and .. cool dragon, I liked her!' Then I asked, why isn't she the natural heir to be the new Dragon Lord. As soon as I saw her participation and Spike's, I already predicted that Spike would win and most likely give the prize or the title to Ember. I'm glad it happened so, I thought Ember could even take the staff first and Spike would let her do that. Spike would have no place as a Dragon Lord lol. I was expecting something to happen when Twilight and Rarity got busted especially by Garble but nothing came out of it. And the part with the hug between Spike and Ember look at her blush, so nice is Ember. So will spike get over Rarity now? And I agree, best Se6 episode so far, 5th season showed more of the griffons now we get to see more of the dragons.
Exactly what would have made a CMC episode more interesting for me than.. the usual over and over again (hanging out in the tree house and doing something in the vicinity) even if the episode is showing some development after getting their marks. -- Other than that, the extremely high expectation of perfection that is expected in episodes without a single small logic hole is... I cant understand it when reading some long posts. For me MLP is fun and I enjoy small moments or nice actions or not, dont pay attention to every microscopic detail. And I won't faint because I didnt see my fave char didnt do something or something somepony did went a bit off (I promise!)
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Being neutral to CMC episodes... I still think Applebloom is cutest of the three, and it was good to see them in Season 6 the episode was OK but nothing more to me, I was expecting Applebloom would help the pony without a cutie mark. Waiting for an animated gif of Scootaloo chasing her tail in circle again to pop up at some time.
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I liked the episode, it was funny at some moments but as a lesser fan of Pinkie Pie or Rarity, not hyped about it. Maud Pie was really funny with that stare oh and her comments about rocks or the tiles make me chuckle, she's funny with that look. Best part - the one where she asked for the cannon back. I almost thought Pinkie was going to lose that cannon. And yes since Season 5 had less of it, give more Fluttershy + others.
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My first comment on Season 6, let me firstly say Welcomeee Season 6!! I loved this beginning of of the new season but obviously far not as much as the end of the previous season. And although this may not be a big story start with lots of things happening like in the Season 5 finale, I think this is fine. I just like Starlight, the very moment I saw her in these two first season 6 episodes! She doesn't seem to go evil anymore, even if some things were too much for her. The most interesting of the episode imo is seeing how she interacts with others at these places. Luna - nice to see her again in some action I was confusing Starswirl with Sunburst and thought Sunburst was the one that did the time travel spell. Ok now Im corrected. Oh and *ahem* Harry *Sunburst* Potter! Im wondering if Starlight will be throughout the season and probably go back to her village in the end of the season or be really like a 7th member. Nah she's not mane 7th from what I see but I I like the whole idea of having her around, after all seasons, a change in the number is a nice thing or it would be the same heroes saving all every season. For the flurry, im just glad i didnt hear a long 'waaaaaaaaaaaaaah' (i had my finger on the volume button, the sonic blast was fine)
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spoiler Season 6 airdate confirmed!
ImpctR replied to Sidral Mundet's topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion
spoiler Season 6 Premiere: The Crystalling!
ImpctR replied to EquestriaGuy's topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion
My most fave episode so far of all seasons was Twilight's Kingdom the season 4 finale. After watching this episode again I just can't put this episode any lower, so the Se05 finale for me is equally the best episode of all seasons. I cannot say Twi's Kingdom was lesser either, as many things happened but this episode.. wow. For the first time we see Twilight or even the Mane 6 unable to solve a problem and the only way of that happening is convincing Starlight to not stop the sonic rainboom or anything to change the course of time. I admire this power of SG. It doesn't bother me at all that 'time travel cannot happen' or 'are these the only outcomes' - as they showed some of what many others could happen but they had to fit them in the 2 part episodes Even after watching it again now - The cataclysm/wasteland scenario made my eyes wet with tears. I love such plots and about going to a future where everything has changed in the timeline. Also since I rewatched the episode, now I noticed SG sitting at the lecture, the first time I watched I didn't. It was so interesting I was like watching with fear, what would happen next! Season 5 was a great season with lots of shipping but I liked it for the interesting Luna based episode (Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep), I liked Scare Master, The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone, Make New Friends but Keep Discord and The Hooffields and McColts for funniest, and I think overall had more of the nice episodes than previous seasons, now I cant wait to see Starlight taking part in some 'quest' the Mane 6 will be sent to in next season, are they now mane 7? 7 is symbolic number
S05:E13 - Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?
ImpctR replied to Jeric's topic in Season 5 Discussion
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