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Everything posted by Dreambiscuit

  1. I always make my bed immediately when I get up, otherwise, I'll get into doing something else and put it off, usually until bedtime. But I'm a picky sleeper so I like my bedding perfect when I get back into it at night, so at some point I have to fix it up.
  2. Welcome Sapphy! Great to have you with us! Always so much fun welcoming new friends. I hope to see lots of you on the boards!
  3. Welcome to the forums, SunsetPhoenix! Now the fantasy IS real! So lovely to meet you, and I can't wait to cross paths with you on the boards!
  4. Yes, I can't sleep without one! I used to sleep clutching a pillow but now I have a big soft panda bear. And she doesn't even snore!
  5. Welcome to our friendly neighborhood, Axis! Just peruse the various sections, find a topic you're interested in and click Reply To This Topic, type in anything you'd like to say and hit Send. Your stats, brohoofs, etc will automatically show up on your profile. Also, take a look at the rules of the site if you want to know the anything specific. It's pretty simple and straightforward though. You'll do fine, if you have any questions, feel free to ask. To send a message, just go to Personal Messenger (click your username and see the menu) on your profile page, type and send.
  6. Hiya Zunivues! So cool to see you here with us! I love-love-love Zootopia, Disney movies and Studio Ghibli! We're gonna have lots to talk about! Can't wait to see you on the boards! Feel free to drop me a PM anytime!
  7. Gettin' Glimmer in there seems too good an idea to hope for. I'd love to see her as a pony, it must be done!
  8. When I first started out it was Fluttershy, but seeing 'A Dog and Pony Show' turned that all around for me. Now it's It's Rarity forever!
  9. I'd love to see Sunset Shimmer come back as a pony. I also thought Trixie and Starlight had a cool chemistry and would make a great villainous duo. I'd love to have any of them go back to bein' bad.
  10. Yay Pinkie! *passes cake and party hats all around* I wonder how old she is.
  11. Name: Dreambiscuit/Katie (or make up your own nickname, thems is fun!) Age: Early twenties (if you want to know my exact age, PM me and I'll lie about it more specifically). Gender: Female Country: USA Likes: Disney movies & parks, Barbie movies, Star Wars and live theater. I also love good candid talk. Sometimes getting personal can make the most stimulating conversation. Dislikes: Video games (even though I play my fair share of them), computers (like the one I'm on right now), modern technology, feminism, politics and rudeness. Hobbies: Art (traditional), writing, and trying new things. Other Info: The things I like I love. So I guess I'm a passionate person in that respect. And while I think having similar interests with someone is good, we don't need to be clones of each other for us to be friends. Sometimes a few differences make things more fun and interesting. Drop me a PM and we'll kick it around!
  12. Seems simple enough to figure. The stars were able to aid in her escape. Therefore the stars probably also kept her supplied with takeout food, fresh dvds and toilet paper. No biggie.
  13. Welcome home, FirstPonySpectre! You won't remember me from before (I just started here this week) but I'm sure we'll get acquainted as we bump into each other on the boards. It's very nice to meet you and I'm looking forward to knowing you better!
  14. Friendship in this world is the same as friendship in any other. If Twilight can promote it in Equestria, why not here? I mean, who wouldn't listen to an adorable purple pony like that? I would! And if things didn't go as hoped, she could always bring Fluttershy along to give everybody 'The Stare.' :awuh:
  15. It wouldn't be Rarity because she would be more interested in fashionable shoes and relaxing indoors anyway. Pinkie, well, I'm not sure she isn't made of rubber or something that would cushion her steps anyway, so no big need there. Fluttershy would be too shy to be the first to venture out into a new world anyway. It wouldn't be Rainbow because she'd take off flying whether it drew attention or not, that girl just ain't gonna stay grounded, who are we kidding? As Detritus said, you don't want Applejack kicking your head clean off. That of course leaves Twilight, who would be an obvious choice to lead an expedition into a new world and represent Equestria as one of their princesses. But economically speaking, one pair of horseshoes can go for two ponies (sort of) it you went with Lyra-Bon (as seen in 'Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?'), assuming they could agree over which direction to walk.
  16. First of all, my apologies to all! I guess I did come off a little pessimistic. Basically when I said the world was getting stagnant I was comparing it to the '60s (and should have of some of the '70s) which did have a lot going on. My bad for not clarifying that. Space travel just seems like one area that's slowed down, not in terms of quantity of spaceflights and missions into space (and obviously the Space Station is pretty awesome) but the fact that we haven't returned to the moon, or yet stepped a human foot on Mars. In the '60s, when Kennedy committed us to going to the moon, damned if we weren't there by the end of the decade. Right now, without there being that spirit of competition with Russia, I wonder if we could get to the Mars (or even the moon again) in such a short time frame. NASA always sites how dangerous it is and that's fine. But all exploration is, so leave it up to those who decide it's worth it. Things like cellphones and other gadgets, yes they did exist and have been improved and miniaturized. This isn't literally 'rearranging and reselling' them (as they do with computers and operating systems now with minimal improvement) but merely advancing something already done instead of forging new ground. But in all fairness, one can't just say "Okay, invent something brilliant from scratch" and simply will it into existence, so I'll relent. As far as feminism in the '70s and '80s, well, I firmly believe it to be a major step backward (for women, especially) but that's a matter of opinion and belongs under Debating where I do not wish to go. I respect anyone's opinion as long as it is their opinion and not just a playback of social conditioning. Granted, there are innovations in the world, my overextended blanket statements should not be taken literally when I say there aren't any. And yes, there are entrepreneurs and philanthropists who advance technology and culture. I do believe there are countless brilliant innovators in the world today, and I just as firmly believe they could bring about astonishing improvements in every field, if they get their chance. But that isn't always the case unless they have money, connections or a great deal of luck. Universal Flu vaccine? Well, I'll let it's ultimate success speak for itself if it can. I do thank you, Sealand, for your opinions and respect them. And again, I do apologize for coming off a little grim, even now.
  17. I thought it was surprisingly good. I liked that they made Kaa female, it gave her a sly sensuousness. Louise Prima is a hard act to follow as Louie, but, having no other choice, they might as well make it interesting with Christopher Walken. I'd have liked to see more interaction between Mowgli and the little wolf Gray, but hopefully they'll expand on that in the sequel (already on its way!) Shere Khan was a real bastard! Excellent and menacing! He's gonna be a hard act to follow.
  18. Wake up. Shower and get dressed. Have 2 choclolate poptarts and a Coke for breakfast. Brush teeth and finish hair. Drive to work, take shuttle from parking to workplace. Get wardrobe, hair and makeup. Face the public.
  19. Everything I love I'm obsessed with. This includes Disney everything, Star Wars, writing, art and cartoons.
  20. I hate superhero movies where the heroes are constantly taking their masks off in public. The whole point of the mask is to protect their civilian interests and loved ones. They're also very cool. No one cares about seeing the faces of the stars the studios overpaid to play the roles. It seems Hollywood is also trying to reinvent the superhero image by eliminating super costumes altogether or making them all look like Batman, in the feeling that colorful equates to being cheesy. Fans like superheroes the way they were drawn in the comics, that's why they're fans to begin with.
  21. Midnight snacking is an official meal for me. I have one meal during the day, than I have three smaller snacks equaling a second meal at night, usually while I'm parked in front of a movie or something.
  22. Chocolate chip cookies, any kind of cookies, macaroons and Napoleons.
  23. 2035 is only 19 years away. If (recent) history has shown us anything it's that NOTHING HAPPENS ANY MORE. There won't be significant changes in anything. Technology will advance in the same way it has for years, by taking existing tech, rearranging it to look like something new, and reselling it, with only the minimum of improvement needed to keep the dollars rolling in. Medical science will be the same; doling out just enough to keep stringing people along at insane prices. Greed and inflation? Do I really need to even go there? After the '60s, no one gave a crap about anything anymore. Everyone got lazy and content to just let the next generation down the line take care of things. Take a look at the movie Tomorrowland. It's a good analogy of the state of human indifference. It's no longer an optimistic innovative society, but a pessimistic and indifferent one. People talk about nuclear war, but it's never going to happen. Even if it did, it would merely be flushing a stagnant existence down the toilet. And frankly, at the moment things are getting pretty ripe.
  24. I'm very close to my family and consider all of them, to one extent or another, to be my friends (even best friends). I can count on them more than anyone and can be more candid and personal with them than I can anywhere else. I trust them totally and they have done more for me than can be expressed. Sure, everyone has their differences. You can't live your life or even spend any degree of time with someone without them getting on your nerves to some extent. That's just human behavior. But in the end, you always go back to the ones that love you most, and that's always been my family.
  25. Oh thank you for saying all this so I didn't have to! This is 100% accurate. I live in a big city now but I had the misfortune of having been 'exiled' to North/Central Arkansas for a few years when I was younger. My parents moved there (from Las Vegas) when I was too young to have a choice. Culture shock? You have no idea! Sure, being in the sticks had certain advantages like being able to leave your car unlocked, having all kinds of peace and quiet and the facade of everybody being best buddies with everybody. But there was absolutely NOTHING TO DO! If you wanted to buy something that wasn't the most common article in the world you'd have to go on the internet and pay to have it shipped and wait for it to arrive. Modern conveniences? Yer kiddin' right? Whenever a slight breeze came up we fired up the generator because a power blackout was ALWAYS moments behind. And you always had to drive for 20 minutes to get to the nearest freakin' gas station (yeah, you'd better hope you're not runnin' low!) Wanna buy a newspaper? Sure, they come out once a week (if you're lucky) and the biggest headline was always who caught the biggest fish that week (ugh!) The nearest civilized city was 2 1/2 hours away, and it wasn't even a very big one. In a real city, you have dependable utilities, convenience, things do do, places to go, people to see. New experiences every day. It's the future (at least I hope). My blood pressure dropped significantly as soon as I got free of all that 'peace and quiet,' and I'll never go back!
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