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Everything posted by Dreambiscuit

  1. I love 'em. I see so many every day! All ages of kids (and adults too) as part of my job. The fact is, babies, toddlers and children of almost any age get a little cranky sometimes. We all do. The little ones just express it in the way they know how, which is usually a little noisy. They just have needs. As soon as they're taken care of, everything's good again. I find that with most kids old enough to communicate with words, I reach them by treating them with the same respect I would any adult. Kids are often more intelligent than their parents but come off differently because no one gives them a chance to be heard and they get frustrated. Listen to them, respect what they say, think and feel. One thing that I hate to hear parents tell their kids is "Because I said so." This is crap. It shows no interest or intelligent thought. If one really has a reason to tell a kid something, explain your reasons and they'll understand and respect you for it. If one has no good reasons, you'll see that you should be listening and not telling. Okay, I'm done yammering now.
  2. Welcome to the fun, JesseJack! I've been here for only a short time but can't get enough of it, thoroughly addicted! Hope to see a lot of you on the boards!
  3. Hi SprinkleIcing! Welcome to this brave new world of ponies. I just started here myself and it is awesommme! I'm sure you're gonna love it too! Always great to have a new friend join the herd!
  4. Thank you, Icy Wind! A very lovely welcome! We're gonna get along fine! The superhero thing is a long-standing work in progress. It's about 1/3 done. It's about an asinine wannabe who tries to use super powers to impress a girl. It doesn't work, but it gets him in deep with some real supers that aren't so nice. Then the plot thickens...
  5. Oh my goodness! I really LOVE your artwork! I'm not kiddin', this stuff rocks my world!
  6. Hey, I found meat, how hard can wine be? All I really need is dessert!
  7. Wow! That is some beautiful art! It really jumps off the page. Thanks for sharing!
  8. I wouldn't play favorites. Folks on the menu would be determined by nutritional considerations, calorie count and tenderness of meat. And if they just happen to go well with a good wine, so much the better!
  9. *takes cake and cider, enjoys both* Enjoying it here immensely! Meeting so many wonderful ponies. NIce to meet you now as well!
  10. I think I would, but it would have to be simmered in garlic butter, topped with shitake mushrooms and served with a nice red moscato.
  11. I can't live without a watch. I'd never use a phone because it's too bulky. A watch is not only an incredibly useful tool, it's a piece of jewelry that says something about your sense of style. I wear a Mickey Mouse watch that plays two tunes (Mickey Mouse Club March and It's A Small World) and I feel naked without it. Unfortunately, I wear a costume for my job and can't wear the watch with it during those hours. (But when I do, it's on the left hand).
  12. Yeah, I signed up there but the layout wasn't very intuitive for me. A friend recommended this place to me so I'll probably make this my home. Nice to see folks here from both forums though. Hope to see you around!
  13. I'm normally a fan of Rarity, but Rainbow (the human version from the human world) was awfully cute in all that nerdy getup.
  14. Yes! Always wanted to know more about that potential storyline!
  15. Mine would slide her head under you chin and rub noses. She'll also burrow under your mane if she really gets affectionate.
  16. If the ponies saw humans, they'd probably try to document the cryptozoological event before the ponies in black came to hush it up.
  17. I was up early before work and my roommate at the time had it on TV. I didn't think much about it, assuming it was just another morning cartoon show. But I couldn't turn away from it and very nearly ended up late for my job! The episode was 'Lesson Zero' and it remains one of my top three (right behind 'Magical Mystery Cure' and 'Crusaders of the Lost Mark'). What a way to start the day! (Not to mention the rest of my life!)
  18. I work for Disney so I'm surrounded by toons everyday. Nothing could be more natural. If I say "Hi, I'm a Pegasister!" I'll likely be greeted with a dry yawn and response like, "Yeah, and I'm Winnie the Pooh (literally). Ya want a medal er somethin'?"
  19. Hi Galaxia! I'm already getting along swimmingly. But if I come across any trouble (like a slightly insane Brit) I'll...oh, right, never mind. Anyway, I'm sure we'll get on great. See you on the boards, Natalie!
  20. I'm from SoCal and I drink tons of it. You can get used to it if you have an affinity for unfiltered backwash, the taste of old beef or the juice left over at the bottom of a can of SPAM. But hey, most people pay good money for flavored drinks and here we get 'em free, right out of the tap. Happily, I get a lot of free bottled water at work, so I haven't grown any extra mutant appendages this week.
  21. A good point. Another artist friend on here has suggested the same thing, so I probably will. I don't have anything to show at the moment (I usually give my stuff away as soon as it's done) but I'll try to put something together. I am notoriously slow, though, and I don't have a lot of time to work at it, so please be patient!
  22. They really are for everyone! These are fun, quality movies I'd recommend to anypony. Thanks for the welcome, Crypty! I hesitate to post my art. I'm not very confident in my work and so I have a bit of stage fright there. We'll see how it goes though.
  23. Okay, I'll relent. I did enjoy the early parts of the movie (on Jakku). It fell apart after that. When Han bought it I felt like someone put a boot through my chest. After that, the wind was taken out of the movie and I just couldn't enjoy it. I feel especially sorry for the older fans who actually waited those 32 years for this. The script writer, who actually worked on the originals, should have known Luke's character well enough to realize he'd never just give up and abandon the Jedi cause, for any reason.
  24. God reaches everyone in so many different ways and through many different religions and beliefs. It's great that you have a part of that in your life. Being part of two different churches is all the more exposure to God and what He has to say. It's like a buffet of truth and knowledge!
  25. Agreed across the boards! Hi again, Emiko! (No, I'm not stalking you!) I hate zombie stuff and it seems that's all there is anymore. When I saw Maze Runner: Scorch Trials I laughed out loud when they resorted to making it another zombie-fest! The first movie was at least watchable but this one was a joke. I can't even look at Twilight. It's one story line drrraaaaaaggged endlessly over (how many?) movies. And yeah, I can't even touch alcohol. Tastes like medicine, yuck!
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