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Tropical Melody

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Everything posted by Tropical Melody

  1. Random picture(s) of the week ...

    Graffiti wall murals from Laindon's outdoor shopping mall in Essex, UK - supposed soon to be demolished (after years of indecision and general neglect) ...






    Used to live in Laindon up to a couple of years ago, when took these pix on the 'phone



  2. Yes I did know that. Else why would she have to move - but cynical moi thinks it was contrived, as suggested earlier to promote new products ... ?
  3. I want both! Can I have both? The socks thing, yeah a bit too much like stockings I guess. Altho on the ponies I tend to look at them as more like legwarmers. Are legwarmers still a thing? (Google says "yes" ! )
  4. Have to agree I never liked her moving to the new castle, the old tree house was just great IMO. Bit lame after that. Or would have made more sense (to me) to renovate the old two sisters castle.
  5. Alright I'm just gonna throw this out there - Rarity - really I bet she has hidden fluffiness ...
  6. Gales forecast for UK next 3 days, tail end of Florence?
  7. Via tenuous link from the above - just discovered this guy - so ... Simon Mills - Harmonic Jigsaws Vol 1 Described as dance genre, but a lot of it is more like ambient / chillout Sample:
  8. A tin of corned beef I found in the cupboard, the last from a jar of the pickled sliced beetroot, ditto the piccalilli pickle, with roast potatoes and parsnips. Plus a handful of sprouts and sliced carrot to 'add more colour'. A culinary mystery tour! And it was scrummy! I hate those corned beef slices out of the supermarket don't you? Has to be proper, out of a tin. Taste is much better.
  9. Oh crap - I wonder if we'll get the tail end of it. We often do.
  10. Yep I'd go with Rainbow & Fluttershy, but reckon AJ could be quite fluffy too. But for best effect will need to lose the tail scrunchie.
  11. Currently going thru this playlist ... https://www.reverbnation.com/crm114/songs I met this guy 10 years ago, however because he's almost pathologically shy we didn't actually speak. We knew each other from both being on a Kate Bush fan forum. The friend who runs the forum used to organise an annual gathering to coincide with Kate's birthday around end of July. In 2008 it was Oxford (by virtue of a tenuous link to Kate doing the 'Lyra' song for Golden Compass, which involved a college choir from Oxford) so saw him in person there. However he seems to have purged the Internet of his stuff, this is the only bit left I can find. However his output was prolific, he once gave me (no actually he SOLD me) 9 CD's worth, from which I compiled a personal best-of 2-CD of my faves. Not sure if I still got them. CRM114 has been no more for a few years now, his last 'band name' that I know of is/was 'Kissy Foot', which seems to be about foot fetishism, so didn't get involved.
  12. I used to eat them a lot, same flavour, but must have been too much can't do it now. Ham egg and chips. (That's English chips, aka, 'fat fries' )
  13. 'Allo 'allo what's happened to the colors? We've all gone "film noir" ? :o


  14. Wow that SO looks like Eastgate Mall in Basildon, Essex (UK) it's spooky But I guess that only means they all look the same
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