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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by LunarShadow

  1. A mushroom clown. Not much else to say.
  2. One movie that comes to mind is Titanic 2. That movie was a gutter trash abomination.
  3. I very much agree. At the very basic level for humans and pretty much every other living thing reproduction is the end game for most.
  4. I forgot about april fools until i read the title of this thread. That should be a testament to how i don't pay attention to these sort of things and makes me a good target for someone looking to pull a fast one. An interesting april fools joke would be Jim Cramer tells everyone in the United States that the U.S. stock market is going to crash hard and then pull up fake "live" charts of the DOW Jones Industrial Average and S&P 500 dropping off a cliff. Despite that being illegal as all hell i wonder how many fools would fall for it and panic sell given the fickle nature of most investors.
  5. In the grand scheme of things amongst the universe there really is no point to life. The meaning to life is what we decide to give it. From my perspective the meaning of life is in the legacy you leave behind for future generations of your species. You take the finite time you are given to live and use it to better yourself, your family, and your species as a whole and then when your inevitable demise comes you die knowing you left the world in a better position than when you entered it and secure in the fact that your legacy will live on in your children and that you did good for the collective whole of humanity. I personally don't think humans will ever be able to avoid death forever. Sure as we advance we will develop even better medical care that will extend life and for some people post pone death for a very long time but one way or another everyone will die and its an inevitable fact. The way i see it, true immortality is achieved through your legacy. Good or bad its what you leave behind that will matter most and live on and that is where meaning of life for me is derived from.
  6. Not my greatest shot. I forgot to smile in this image so i have this scowl on my face that makes me look borderline angry. I need too remember to smile more lol.
  7. When I meet one whenever that day may be I will spend some time to listen to them aswell. There views are not going to change my mind but I also want to hear what they have to say. After all that is concluded I would just politely tell them I am not intrested in their religion and leave it at that. Assuming they leave me alone after that I think I could walk away from that type of experience in a positive light but if I end up being harassed by them like they are sterotyped for doing I think it's fair game to dislike them.
  8. If i see them i will start preaching about our Lord and Savior Gabe Newell and tell them all about his glorious steam sales and the wrath he brings upon the heathens that attempt to oppose him.
  9. Trying to think of ways to kill my battery. I bought a 10000maH battery for my phone and i am trying to calibrate it right now. Since android has not developed an accurate profile of my new battery it has been sitting at 1% for the last 3 hours despite me trying to run as many intensive things as humanly possible google earth, youtube, facebook, games, benchmarks, netflix. The list goes on but this thing wont give in. Damn you 10000Mah battery
  10. I think the majority of people view them on the same level of annoyance as telemarketers due to there aggravating persistence. I personally have never met a Jehovah's Witness but if i ever did i can imagine it would be an awkward experience. Being that i am an atheist i have no desire to listen to a word of what they have to say. I don't think people would dislike them as much if they actually used common courtesy and leave people alone when they ask them too. I would be polite on my first encounter and simply tell them i am not interested but if they kept coming to my door day after day preaching the same garbage without respecting that i want no part of it i am going to get pissed. Thats the part where you open the door naked.
  11. Not sure how i feel about this, i feel they are going to slaughter a classic remaking Scarface. Remake of this cult classic is almost as insane as the idea to remake pulp fiction. 


    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. LunarShadow


      Perhaps they could make the game into a movie. The game was a spinoff where near the end of the movie you as Tony get to turn around and shoot the assassin that blasts a 12 gauge into your back and then from there you go into hiding and eventually come back to build up your drug cartel again and take down sosa. The game into a movie would make a great spinoff. 

    3. Castle Bleck

      Castle Bleck



      I see what you did there.

    4. Messy Mane

      Messy Mane

      sosa and his little monkeys :eww:

  12. Not long. Joined January 11th 2017 but have been a fan of MLP since January of 2013. What is one thing that terrifies you?
  13. Just read the backstory of your OC. Very detailed and intresting. I think if you ever have the time you should consider writing a story about her on Fimfiction that go through her struggles in life. I think it would make for a very interesting read. 

    1. AriaTheLovely


      Thank you it was written by my cousin chaosprincess. If your interested you could always ask her. As for other stories starring my oc there's a bunch of them in the making by her. 

    2. LunarShadow


      Is chaosprincess her user name on Fimfiction? 

    3. AriaTheLovely


      She hasn't joined yet but that is her is her username on here. She has a few stories  posted on this site. She is still contemplating on making a fimfiction account.

  14. That's a tough one to be honest. I have alot of foods i enjoy eating however i am not going to see something unoriginal like Hamburgers or Pizza. Honestly if i really had to think on it a well made ceasar salad is probably my favorite food. Its just so damn good. What is your favorite movie of all time?
  15. - A hot cup of tea - watching My Little Pony - My favorite childhood films - Reading a good story on Fimfiction - Playing my favorite games - Taking a nice walk through the woods on a calm Michigan summer evening. There is nothing more therapeutic. - Sitting around a fire/sitting around a fire with a friend just talking about anything. Life, love, the wonders of the universe and meaning of it all. I am sure there is more but that is a lot of what i like to do when i just need to relax and clear my head.
  16. I am just starting to watch Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron. Its been years since i watched this movie and i remember it as being one of my favorite childhood films. So anxious to watch it again.
  17. Lol its not about "growing up" or facing what's after childhood. It's about preserving the moral integrity of the site and respecting the desires of the majority of users and the majority of users don't want this site to host pony porn. Your 14 and you want this site to allow you to view pony porn on here WTF!
  18. So I think at this point it's been pretty well established that it's in the best intrest of MLPF and the majority of users that NSFW be kept off of this site. This site doesn't need the negative attention that comes with including controversial material like porn.
  19. princess celestia shall rule hte united states for she is a glorious dear leader and luna shall over throw her for the good of the glorious american people because heil luna and heil king sombra except sombra is evil but what if hes not evil and just a misunderstood pony in that case luna will help sombra discover his true shelf while being the glorious leader of the new United Lunar States of aMAREica because sombra deserves this chance and luna is great and cute and cuddly and she is best princess while celestia sits in prision eating prison food because she is bad and mean and is a traitor to great overlord putin the pony because world politics is mean and i dont know just luna is best pony kind of no she is, she is the best and sombra will help accentuate that fact because sombra x luna is a great ship and i dont know where the hell i went with this rant and its a jumbled mess but hay thats the whole point of this thread so why not btw this is probably the largest run on sentence i have ever wrote with a plethora of gramatical errors because i am typing as fast as i can so enjoy.
  20. I was going to say i would dump in into my TD Ameritrade account to day trade with but since that is technically investing that is off the table. So i have to spend 10k i can't save it. Hmm i can't really think about what i would want to dump it on. Perhaps a 2005 Chrysler 300C AWD with a Hemi. 10k can get you one of those cars with low miles in great shape.
  21. I am not sure how much my dad pays for internet itself since cable and phone is bundled in there but from looking on Charters website you can get unlimited 60mbps internet for $44 a month. When i get my own house one day i will likely only pay for internet as cable and home phone are pretty useless for me personally as i don't use either so $44 a month doesn't seem all that bad especially since it would be fulfilling all my entertainment needs.
  22. LunarShadow

    technology Which OS do you use?

    I use Windows 10 home edition. Does everything i want and then some.
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