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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Silver Note

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Everything posted by Silver Note

  1. I feel kind of scarred right now, as childish as that sounds. My mom almost just died from choking, she would have gone to the hospital had she not felt a little better at the moment.
  2. Well... life is being life...

    My mom choked and almost died, and I was the only person home. I know nothing about anything, so I was hoping I was slapping her on the back in the actual right way. I don't think I was, because she was still coughing and half choking. 

    After about 10 minutes, my sister came home and helped by actually helping, unlike me. She called people to take care of my little brother and got stuff for my mom. 

    Now we're in the car to go to the hospital, so... and now my mom said she's feeling better. Welp... 

    Anyone else hate life?

    Well... guess I'll keep posted. Sorry for the long, long, long update. 

    1. CypherHoof


      See if your school has any first aider type courses you can join - the Heimlich maneuver is the best known (and fairly effective) response to choking, and is basically a hard hug from behind (there is a little more to it than that, but surprisingly, only a little)

      some schools here offer the full course as an elective (and given every business has to have a certain number of qualified first aiders, that can be a bonus on your resumé come job hunting time) but almost all will offer a basic lifesaving course after hours, around twice per year.

      Knowing what to do, should it happen again, should make you feel better about the current situation; you weren't trained, so it isn't your fault you didn't know what to do. but you CAN fix that.

  3. Banned for questioning me, small child!
  4. Banned because you told us your secrets and now I'm no longer slow!
  5. Banned because no it's not, shush filly. Darn it @Hierok!
  6. Banned because I will win! Are you under 13?
  7. Yuck! (Makes my stomach hurt) Pizza?
  8. Banned because I'm pretty sure I'm younger than you.
  9. Banned for being under the age minimum, foal.
  10. Nooo why you beat me, @Hierok? Banned for not being fluffy. Ack, you beat me too, @Kyoshi! You're still not fluffy.
  11. Banned for posting Family Guy because why not ban you for that.
  12. I never 'cry,' per se, but I do feel tears in the corner of my eyes. Recently, while rewatching episodes, I started 'crying' (quote in quote) during Sleepless in Ponyville. When Scootaloo started confiding her feelings to Rainbow Dash, I felt for her, letting all her weaknesses show in front of her idle. She was putting everything she cared about at stake, as her future with her own sister like pony on the line.
  13. I would they would. Since this movie is supposed to introduce some new fans, I think the CMC will be a part of this, even if they don't get a line.
  14. 416287! Yeah, it's a special number, alright. Because I said so.
  15. Gah, fine. You can have this or this I wish for that mountain. Why? Because I can.
  16. Here ya go. I wish for a puppy cuz' why not?
  17. I wish for your nose. I will rule the world with this nose!!!
  18. Yeah, makes sense. Well, if it makes them uncomfortable, that's their problem, I guess. Nothing we can do about it.
  19. I feel like there will be tons of bronies watching. If you're nervous, you could wait to watch at home... but it's better to go out and face your fears!
  20. Update on BronyCon:

    There's about an 80% chance of me going to BronyCon, so I'm pretty happy. My cosplay of EG Fluffle Puff is going pretty good too, although I'm nowhere near done. I'm tired, my stomach and brain hurt, and I'm kinda bored, but at least I'm happy about something. :D




    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Silver Note

      Silver Note

      Wow, I have made the worst ship ever... haha PipSmith is now a reality!! :yay:

    3. Amys-pmvs




    4. Silver Note

      Silver Note

      Meh, fine, I'll stick with Fluffle Puff and Derpy...


  21. Like Scruffy? And baby Pinkie's hair? And stuffed animals? I see your point, puddle sploosh.
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