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Everything posted by RDDash

  1. well, for starters can you lift the regular horse without her kicking you in the teeth, so I highly doubt it even if it was physically possible
  2. RDDash

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    just an average day, I guess
  3. We can't say for sure because the timeline is really out of order of what happens and when. As well as, each human year only equals few months in pony world
  4. Eh, I just don't kill non-hostiles, so no I try to avoid unnecessary deaths in the video game.
  5. Pinkie Pie could be bisexual, unless that flirting thing with Sunset was just a joke
  6. 277. Print a black and white copy of a dollar bill (any value would do), one side only the other one is blank. Accidentally give it to a cashier, then when they notice it quickly say "I am sorry, my bad." Quickly give them the real one, take the fake copy back to you, then pretend like the most embarrassing moment of your life didn't happen.
  7. Kind of like I would still watch it, I mean its not going to be that big of a deal to have non magical bipedal people in the land of magic
  8. I usually go where my missions take me, and sometimes it doesn't always mean I will be doing a game 100%. Maybe if I actually want to I might explore the game fully otherwise I will just leave some sections of the map unexplored.
  9. My coat is not pink its lightish red but on serious note, I don't think I ever saw a stallion with a pink coat
  10. Yes she did. The whole point of the episode is going to be is that Discord is jealous of Starlight because she was one of the six ponies thats was hired to work in the school and he wasn't. Why? Maybe they just can't afford him that often.
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