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Sunrose Petal

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Everything posted by Sunrose Petal

  1. It's Movie Monday! What better way to start off than with a tale as old as time...


  2. A question to any well-established creators, from an up and coming one (I like to post reviews) -- Ko-fi or Patreon? I was thinking about patreon for later if I really gain an audience but I just found out about ko-fi and it seems like something nice and small to start out with, just to earn a little...? Thoughts? Does anyone else have one or both?
  3. Posted a poll on my site's sidebar, go and vote if you're interested! :squee:


  4. But what if it's too vague or short? I've watched a lot of reviewers on youtube who are some of my favorites and they'll go on about some episodes that I didn't have thought about or they'll bring notice or see a lot of depth in something that I didn't even acknowledge but I guess analyze skills are something you have to acquire...ugh sorry, I just need to get out of my own head I guess haha and just not care too much
  5. Hey guys, I'm fairly new to the forums (but a fan since 2011) and I really like writing reviews (for movies and such) and I really want to start reviewing the show but I'm feeling really doubtful about even starting when there are so many others out there who are either better or have already said exactly what my thoughts were so I'm thinking what's the point? I'm working on revamping my website to post more (even some of my movies reviews I think are kinda lame and not that well structured as others I've read myself) I'm sure every creator has gone through this with their content at one point or another and I know you're not going to please everyone with your opinion and should just throw it out into the void and see what happens but I'm still really nervous (I tend to overthink alot) and seeking some advice or reassurance...
  6. This is obviously coming from a person who's never met a cast member in person so forgive my weirdness buuuttttt... and this, for me, goes pretty much in anything animated, does anyone else feel like seeing a picture of a character's VA (or being surprise spoiled while watching a youtube video....) break the immersion of watching and hearing their character speak on the show? Like you can't unsee their face or unhear their voice as just someone in a booth reading lines whenever you see their character and then it just feels kinda boring watching them...and does anyone avoid seeing the actor's real faces or am I just a weirdy weird...?
  7. In regards to reviewing the show, (episode by episode or season wrap-ups)

    which is more popular? Youtube videos or blog posts?

    (asking for future reference) :rarity:

  8. Finally got around to finishing my profile description! :D

    1. Miss


      And I just read it! 

      See people do read these things XD

    2. Sunrose Petal

      Sunrose Petal

      haha thanks! I really appreciate it :) 

  9. oh my gosh i LOVE your OC!! it's so, well, sweet! :wub:

    1. Sweetcake


      Aww thank you, my dear!! I really love yours too! Very adorbs! ^_^

    2. Sunrose Petal
  10. Hey guys, I was curious of your opinion on reading movie reviews...I really want to review movies in my own way but I think I'm a little confused on what kind of style to go with. I've watched a lot of different movie critics (youtubers, mostly) where some will give a short review and just say quick tidbits on what they liked and didn't like and some that go through the whole movie and point out flaws and whatnot about it and how they felt at different moments while watching it and I'm wondering if that style is better received than a vague, shorter, spoiler-free review and I'd hate to hinder whatever audience I get by having to say "Spoilers Ahead" every time I review a movie... I don't know, there are just a lot of opinions out there and I'm a little nervous on how to start. :/ Any advice? (PS: and not to mention the different format for reviewing a TV show as a whole or in episodic posts...)
  11. I'm 4'10, people always mistake me for a 12-year-old... ...am I the shortest person that's posted here?
  12. MLP The Movie - My OC :D

    My Little Pony- The Movie - Pony Creator! (1).png

  13. It was my first one this year! I could only go the last day but it was still great. Went to the screenwriting & Podcasting panel with ACRacebest & company, met Kelly Sheridan, and met the Youtuber Applegeek!! Can't wait to go again next year
  14. Avatar: The Last Airbender Best show ever, it really helped shape the person I am today.
  15. Anyone have a favorite season? Mine is autumn! Autumn to me is Frank Sinatra and the smell of rain, hot chocolate with cinnamon sticks, doggy snuggles, tart honey-crisp apples, candied pecans, the anticipation of Christmas, crunching leaves on walks, the smell of chili in the crock-pot on Sundays, the chill in the air that wakes you up in the morning, fuzzy socks and long sleeves, blankets freshly warm out of the dryer, hot pancakes on Saturday mornings drowning in maple syrup, foggy sunrises, cozy sweaters, decorating my desk with baby pumpkins and gourds, poetry, beeswax candles, skinny jeans and boots with leg warmers, pumpkin bread, rereading Harry Potter, swings and bike rides looking up at the changing tree stars, cinnamon rolls, tea, and apple cider. I just love it so much! :3
  16. Whenever there's a close up of two ponies faces and it's just them in the frame, it's an automatic ship for me! It's too in-your-face not to be and they're just so adorable looking at each other and smiling! (Pinkie and Cheese, Fluttercord, Applebloom and Tender, and ESPECIALLY, Vapor and Sky :333)
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