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Here No Longer

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Status Updates posted by Here No Longer

  1. George HW Bush, mediocre Republican president who at least called out Reagan's economic nonsense, died yesterday. 


    Am I really the only one who could care less? Does this make me sound like a bad person? I don't think either should be the case.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      Have fun thinking I'm a bad person for having an opinion then. Of course it's going nowhere, and you should have figured that out a long time ago.

      Wow the density of that is hilarious. Your first reply to this was almost two freaking hours ago.



    3. Gestum


      Yeah, my first replie was 2 hours ago but I literally spent 30 seconds on it. I'm not starting working on my replies the second you post yours.

    4. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      But that wasn't the point. The point was that you wasted two hours of time arguing with me when it was pretty obvious it wouldn't go anywhere.


  2. Sort of feel like doing a husbando tier list, but I'd be calling everyone else's husbandos trash... :P  

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Cash In

      Cash In

      Yeah, Lucas is a bit on the sluggish side. His up-smash attack is powerful, but is very slow.

      It sure did. Weren't we talking about husbandos?

    3. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      Speaking of sluggish, I'm excited to play Ike in Smash Ultimate. He seems to be a lot better.

      We were. But hey while we're on the topic of Smash, Marth is majestic... :D 

    4. Cash In

      Cash In

      I actually mained Ike years ago, before swapping to Lucas. I will also be interested in giving him another shot.

      Marth is great. I'm quite fond of his special attack :grin:.

  3. Anybody who complains about how the mainstream treats Trump should have a look at this. If they aren't in agreement that this is f***ed up, they're far right hacks.



    TLDW/TLDR: Military coup happened in Bolivia over an election result simply because a leftist leader won his fourth term in a totally constitutional and legal manner. And the OAS clearly has a bias against leftist leaders over literal fascists.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Oblivion


      As a libertarian, yes yes I do!

    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      My life doesn't have to be affected at this exact moment for me to see all that is wrong. Tax cuts for the rich, ruining the EPA, embracing coal for the rich lobbyists, ruining relations with other nations, having absolutely no decency whatsoever, going as far to insult entire states just because they don't agree with him, him lying all the time, he spouts xenophobic and nationalistic garbage at a constant rate, I can go on and on and on and on, but those that support him never listen. So my words are not for the purpose of convincing, but just a result of tiredness fueled boredom.

    4. Oblivion


      How is trump xenophobic? 

  4. So there's actually the carnivorous equivalent of vegans out there. And it's apparently not all THAT bad. Still bad, because you miss out, particularly on important vitamins so you will probably die from scurvy (vitamin C deficiency) if nothing else kills you first.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      @Kyoshi Not really, they pretty much just call it the "clear liquid diet." Pretty much the only solid food allowed in it is gelatin, but even then it counts as a fluid, and it works for that kind of diet because it requires no chewing.


      But it's not really the most healthy thing to pursue over longer periods, as it lacks nutrients and calories, and it's really only a good idea when you absolutely can't eat solid food.

    3. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      I definitely would not suggest any exclusion-based diet though for people, because it just makes you miss out on important nutritional supplementation.


      But I will say do NOT listen to the food pyramid. Seriously, it's a joke made to promote a high carb diet.

    4. Rebel the Wolfgirl
  5. Apparently there's a gay 2020 presidential hopeful. Interesting, but from what I can tell he sounds like just another corrupt Democrat with a few disagreeable ideas. He doesn't have my support at this point. :dry:

  6. "Guns don't kill people, video games do" - Far right middle-aged Republican voter

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      @2nd Amendment Brony I can't argue with stubborn hypocrisy.

    3. Libra


      How do i remove this thread from my notifications.

      @Phosphor welcome to politics. Blame everything else but the dude resposible.

    4. Jeric


      This belongs in Debate not in Status Updates. We aren't Facebook. 

  7. Can people PLEASE stop acting like Sans is somehow a character in Smash rather than a Mii fighter costume? It's not only ridiculous, it's starting to get annoying... :unamused:

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Rebel the Wolfgirl

      Rebel the Wolfgirl

      ...Even as an Undertale fan, I have to agree. Granted, it does a good job at emulating the 16-but RPGs of yore such as Earthbound, but I honestly agree it's become a joke at this point.

    3. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      @Kyoshi And of course Undertale fans hyping it slowly makes hyping it become a meme (which is essentially what it is at this point). Hey, at least it isn't Minecraft Steve. I may like Minecraft, but THAT has NO place in Smash, not even remotely... It's also not Goku or anything stupid like that. 


      I used to want Undertale until I saw it for what it was. A mediocre at best RPG trying to be good and different. Though I do think it seems like it has a decent story to an extent, but it seems extremely overrated I agree.

    4. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      With all this said though, I think we all know who the absolute best character addition to Smash would be:

      Jake Conway.


  8. It's not worth debating with those people. I think you should know what people I'm talking about. I figured out a long time ago that they will reject reason for their own hateful agenda. It's not worth your time to make any attempt to rationalize people who clearly don't want to be rational, and just cling to hateful blanket statements over anything logical. :dry:

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Sadly, it is more than that single thread. The issue has become more and more prevalent on this site lately.

    3. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      @Kyoshi Yeah the straight pride BS is going to completely p*** me off very soon. I've seen some of that around and it's ridiculous. There's a point to gay pride parades that should be blatantly obvious to anyone with even a quarter of a brain but morons want to say that if we have a parade everyone should. UHM NO. I shouldn't even have to explain why. If I do to anyone, then they don't deserve to or want to know, quite obviously.


      Though I do agree that it's been abused by big business to become a month-long advertisement for how GOOD of people they are. :baconmane:

    4. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      I can't even say (for my own good) what's super rudiculous about this, but do I wish I could. 

  9. It's really funny how most people these days in America seem to support freedoms only when it suits their political opinions. Heck, some even bring up freedoms that have nothing to do with the topic in question. I would give a quite recent example of this on this very forum, but I care too much about not getting reported for hurting somebody's little feelings.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      @Renegade the Unicorn But I actually do mean that in all seriousness. They actively attempt to divide society into economic and social classes. They however have actually ZERO interest in redistributing wealth unlike you might hear from some Democratic politicians.

    3. Cash In

      Cash In

      I try and avoid politics here, but I've seen what you've mentioned from too many people :yeahno:

    4. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      @Cash InI would if it weren't made extremely difficult in the current political climate. It ends up being so frustrating that it's impossible to avoid. 

  10. I am repulsed by people who pretend that it's the non-cis people that are offended by their opinions of them, when these people say in these "opinions" in pretty clear words that they're, in all reality, the ones getting offended by the fact that people could possibly identify as anything other than their birth sex. It's not only hypocritical, it's downright childish and absurdly annoying.


    These are the kinds of people that really show how toxic the internet really is. Like really, "toothpaste hair?" Ouch OOH! Such an insult! Let me know when you come up with something creative for somebody who has colorful hair and offends you, you poorly packaged pieces of horse $#!+... :dry:

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Altastrofae


      I heard that too. Hear it's pay to win

      But yes UwU I love da gay mafia spider druggie

    3. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      If I wasn't already kind of a furry before Hazbin, I am one now partially because of him... and Alastor... :bedeyes:

    4. Altastrofae


      Angel Dust:

      He Attacc

      He do Cracc

      But most importantly

      He over here lookin' like a Snacc

  11. I'm not going to lie: I don't entirely like the way Trump is handling COVID-19, but it's surely MUCH better than the way it's handled in China. Anybody who says China's handling it well is a sad pathetic clown who watches too much of the centrist corporate media.

    India's taking the opposite extreme from what I hear, pretty much declaring martial law saying nobody is to even go out of their own home, which is not good either.

    I feel like contact should be limited but at the same time people need to be able to get what they need from the store, or else you'll have a totally different issue on your hands. People may actually start dying of starvation and dehydration if you don't allow them to get what they need to survive.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      I think that's the main anxiety point with this virus, it certainly is for me. The fact that this virus is so hard to detect as it can take a while to even show any symptoms. That thought alone is nerve wracking thing for me, as I absolutely do not want to catch it because I do not want my dad to get it, I live with him.

    3. The Kaeya Simp

      The Kaeya Simp

      more people have died from the flu, hell more people die in car crashes than catch corona 

      and its hard to see how infectious it is with such a small infected group worldwide

      its still less infectious than the common cold, and the flu

    4. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One

      :)Is what we say now...

  12. I really don't understand what's so "controversial" about a cute femboy rat. :P



    Pretty sure it's for adult reasons, but that's just "think of the children" logic at work honestly. If you don't like that kind of stuff, you really don't have to look at it... :huh: Getting offended by it just makes you look like a Karen or male Karen that whines about everything.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      @Pastel Heart And the very same people offended by that not only don't have a problem with those awful things happening, but actively support those horrible acts.


      It's like I don't care, just let me look at whatever lewd stuff I please including lewd art of reggie... (As long as nobody's hurt).

    3. Pastel Heart

      Pastel Heart

      @Dusknoir These types of moral guardians have been around for ages. From the "please think of the children" Simpsons movement to Mortal Kombat to GTA to everything that is fun on the internet.

      It makes me mad because me and my generation spent our lives resisting the squares who wanted to control our lives and what we consumed, and many of the same people who resisted that have now become the morally outraged themselves. Never would I thought you could become an angry soccer mom before the age of 40. I'm preaching to the choir but I'm sick of people being shamed for liking or enjoying something that harms none; that shame is damaging and creates self esteem issues and incomplete ego building. I've learned to embrace my status as a weirdo and avoid toxic people but many haven't.

      Let people indulge so they do not compulse. I learned that in a book~

    4. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One

      But...thats how the world works...it runs on stupidity

  13. Comments section regarding Pokemon: "People say Gen 4 is the best and therefore it's overrated"


    Uhm, stop lying. I've literally been the only person I've seen actually express that view ANYWHERE, and I've in fact seen it called the WORST a few times.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      @AveryGamerDude No, some jerk on YouTube trying to say Gen 4 is overrated who clearly is being very selective on what they perceive about it. Not talking once about how DP are trash-talked absurdly often for dumb reasons.

    3. AveryGamerDude


      Oh okay, ha ha! I actually agree with you. Until Sword and Shield came out, I've seen a LOT of people say Gen 4 is the worst and most forgettable Gen. :laugh:

    4. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      @AveryGamerDude And this idiot's trying to claim people say the opposite, which is simply untrue. I almost always see it in the middle of lists at best most of the time, and I've seen it in the bottom SEVERAL times on YouTube lists, and every time I see it below third, most of what's said is an attack piece on Diamond and Pearl that is totally inane and ignores every other game in gen 4.

  14. Trump complains about mail by vote "rigging the election" (which is nonsense) but then he actually goes out of his way TO rig the election in his favor. And some predictions may even suggest that he'll even try to assume power almost regardless of the outcome.



    Dangerous and disgusting both don't even BEGIN to describe Trump's blatant moves towards rank authoritarianism. It's not like the signs weren't there, but... This man is a despot that not only must we vote out of office, but should be put in prison. If not, we can say goodbye to an even remotely democratic government and hello to a dictatorship.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Pastel Heart

      Pastel Heart


      So, a minarchy, basically? That's definitely an improvement, but I feel a complete abolishment of the state in favor of horizontal democracy would be a more efficient way to protect freedom. The idea of the founded USA was what you'd consider a minarchy but that degenerated due to the corruption of leadership. I just want authoritarianism to disappear, and to be able to live my life happily, being able to get the help I need and not be told no or restricted by this giant beurocratic berlin wall called capitalism. I didn't mean to say that all left libertarianism is anarchist necessarily though, my apologies, just that anarchists are left libertarians and the terms are mutually exclusive to describe me. There are libertarian forms of Marxism (such as council communism) and agorism that could be called left libertarian. Syndicalism is in large part anarchist, though.


      I'd say out of all the presidents, Lincoln would be my favorite, he was incredibly progressive for his time in an agrarian United States. He allowed for a healthy pass through the capitalist era towards the industrial era. He even exchanged letters with Marx, funnily enough.


      OH YEAH I REMEMBER THE PATRIOT ACT, what an absolute farce that was. What I liked about the 00s was, while the state was pushing new restrictions on the people, they pushed back harder. The counter culture that the 90s produced and propelled forward was bearing fruit, and came full circle in the early 10s, but not quite far enough. Everything since then has felt like going back 40 years.


      I don't think Biden, or anyone becoming president will fix the issues. They are limited by and moulded by the political serpent they participate in. It's preferable to a Trump presidency, things won't quite be as bad, but Biden is still a big business liberal and he will still put his corporate friends over the working class every time. He, like Obama will oppose working class movements worldwide, though not as maliciously as Trump. Positive reforms can come, but not enough to bandage the crisis. The fact he was against MFA means I and many others won't be getting the help they need either. There's gonna be a rough ride ahead either way. I'm willing to stand up and say this isn't acceptable, I just hope others do too before it's too late.  I'm willing to face whatever comes, if I have the strength, for a better future.

    3. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      @Pastel Heart

      I suppose that's something to call it. I personally have worries about anarchism becoming exactly what it despises in practice: an authoritarian philosophy. The questions that really seem to warrant asking are questions like the following:

      • Who exactly determines whether an organization is legitimate or not? If it would always be ALL of society, and not just a "leader of the mob" if you will, then it's no issue.
      • If the former would be determined by a leader of said mob, would he be able to abuse said power for the group? If not and the group would be beholden to abide by the principles of the ideology, then no issue.
      • If this were abusable and the mob wouldn't immediately protest to somebody abusing the group's power to deem organizations illegitimate, then what's to stop the group from essentially ruling over everyone else like an authoritarian regime would?

      There's been a very, very recent example of one such society that has had the wrong answers to every question, that society being the CHOP. Murder rates shot up, and in fact most of these murders were either committed or sanctioned by the leader of the mob behind it. However, especially if the first question is answered the right way, I have a lot of agreements on the philosophy and the core of it.


      Lincoln? You mean the same guy that violated the Constitution to imprison people arbitrarily under accusations of being Confederate spies? https://quod.lib.umich.edu/j/jala/2629860.0005.103/--lincoln-administration-and-arbitrary-arrests?rgn=main;view=fulltext Or the same one that was legitimately racist and wanted to free as few people as possible from slavery because he felt black people were inferior to whites? https://www.history.com/news/5-things-you-may-not-know-about-lincoln-slavery-and-emancipation I actually put Lincoln in the bottom half because the man actually had less respect for democracy and equality than most people seem to think.


      I personally think of FDR as my favorite president. He did apparently try to overreach a little bit in terms of authoritarian power over the government, according to some sources. But in my mind he's the closest we've had a to a democratic president. The only real bad thing he did was something the people wanted, being internment camps for the Japanese Americans. He saved the country twice, once from the product of unrestricted capitalism (the Great Depression) and the second time from the effects of a Nazi victory of WWII on the European Front.


      If we were sent back 60 years, it would be an improvement in terms of foreign and economic policy. I personally believe that every single president since Nixon has been a bad president, and even then LBJ I'm a bit ehh on considering although he made a lot of progress in very important ways, he also further focused on the Vietnam War first went into by Kennedy (who frankly is another president that's much worse than people realize, along with Lincoln). Really ever since the Korean War, every single conflict the US was involved in has been an offensive war the States actively wanted to start. As for social policy, that is one place we've improved significantly and I will more than readily acknowledge that fact. Socially speaking the US 60 years ago was absolutely intolerable by modern standards especially south of the Mason-Dixon line.

    4. Pastel Heart

      Pastel Heart


      Reasonable things to be concerned about, and I'm happy to answer, just keep in mind I'm not no Chomsky or LSR.


      • The question of what makes an organization a legitimate authority or not is a key component of anarchism. Since anarchism both in theory and practice has been a democratic ideology, it is next to impossible for one such "leader of the mob" to appear. If someone tried to do such a thing, they would be undermining the democratic process and would be illegitimate authority, undermining the democracy.
      • Someone can be a leader, or be in charge of something, but if they abuse that power they can be recalled from that post at any time. For example, in the Free Territory of Ukraine, Nestor Makhno was considered leader of the army that protected it, but the communes themselves were ran horizontally by the workers there, and Makhno himself was merely a figurehead and organizer of the army that protected the territory from the White Army and later the Red Army.

      Mob mentality, as it exists, I see is a phenomenon of a product in a capitalist society, as groups of oppressed may turn anger outward towards a greater region. It's things like racism, sexism and so forth that enforce and feed things like mob mentality, when in an anarchist society where the needs of all can be met and issues can be resolved in a democratic manner, this kind of tribalism becomes obsolete.

      As for CHOP, I thought it had a lot of promise, a free zone with no police; but this was a long term protest for the most part, most did not go in with the intention to create a classless society. Many elements were liberal in nature, though I do commend the direct democracy from what I've read. I haven't read or heard anything about there being any leaders, or sanctioned killings against individuals personally, but if true, that's not the what I'm looking for. Anarchism is against all illegitimate authority and for the well being and liberty of all. The state of CHOP was very different from say, Catalonia during the Spanish Civil War, which was a strong example of anarchism in a developed industrial country.


      Well, those reads are quite the eye openers. I'm pretty disappointed but not surprised. I'm not a big fan of FDR either after the mentioned debacle about him putting Japanese citizens into concentration camps, and while the new deal did help restabilize the economy it also crippled the socialist movement in America at a time where people were ready to drift leftward after years of being screwed. I wouldn't give him too much credit for winning WW2 either, if that's the case I'd have to thank Churchill and Stalin too. I'd say Obama would be my favorite president because he as a person was funny and he was the first pro LGBT president in history, but that's also soured by his support of tbings like ending internet neutrality and classifying the left wing rebels in Greece who were fighting the Golden Dawn "terrorists". But apparently GD weren't. Nice.


      Definitely agreed on Kennedy, Nixon and the Korean War. It's like the Cold War took all of the hope that existed after the Nazis were defeated and just blew it all. Nothing good came out of it and we still feel the effects of the US and USSR's little game of Risk. And considering the state I'm living in now had homosexuality criminalized all the way up until 2003, I can definitely see the country as a freer place socially, but that like any other reform was won through pressure and suffering. Atleast hopefully now the state can't take that away again... for now.

  15. Social Injustice Warriors are the most annoying, moronic, and downright hypocritical people on the entirety of the internet. Seriously. I look at a comment section of an Overwatch video and I see all of these STUPID comments about a supposed "social message' or "liberal agenda" that "nobody wanted" over Soldier: 76 being gay, Symmetra being autistic, and Tracer being a lesbian. Are we going to criticize the writers of a freaking video game over mentioning social issues, or when the writers of the game's lore, perish the thought, decide to make a character GAY? Seriously, these people are WAY more insane than any SJW I've ever seen, and they complain about THEM getting offended. What a joke that is, when you do the exact same thing. 


    Seriously, I've had enough of this already. Can people just deal with the fact that making a character of something gay doesn't automatically mean that they somehow think It should be forced on people to accept it? All the arguments I've seen are showing me is intolerance, from people who complain about the intolerance about other people... I could go on, that sentence could literally go on indefinitely. It's also worth nothing that based on the fact that roughly 8% of the population is LGBT, 2 out of 29 characters being such is actually LESS than proportionate to the population. True, less than 1% of the population is autistic, it would only be a problem if they went out and said another character is autistic. Even then, why get OFFENDED over it (Yes, that is NOT exclusive to SJWs, as anyone outside of the Skeptic community echo chamber and their own BASEMENT would know!!!)?


    Seriously, the Overwatch community needs to get a grip. I'm this close to posting a freaking full-length RANT about the whole topic, and NOBODY wants that. It's happened with League of Legends, it's happened MORE THAN ONCE with Steven Universe (although there I suppose I get the point to some degree, getting so offended by it makes their arguments mostly moot), and I wouldn't be surprised to hear it happened to other media properties at least once if not more... This childishness needs to stop, or I will have a f***ing breakdown. At least one, if not more.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      @AveryGamerDude Even then at least SJWs didn't only do it to be spiteful towards a specific group of people.

    3. TheRockARooster


      I watch politically incorrect comedy.

    4. Castle Bleck

      Castle Bleck


      Apparently to one of such people, the newest Star Wars movie was about White genocide

      To me, The Last Jedi just sucked because of fail writing.

  16. I'm anxiously awaiting his arrival...:D  

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      I did get lucky indeed... :wub:

    3. Cash In

      Cash In

      Hopefully the wait will be worth it.

    4. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      It was more than worth the wait, I think. :)

  17. Watching Yang's performance in the debate has got me thinking about a Bernie/Yang 2020 ticket. That would be the dream.


    Y A N G   G A N G     

    F E E L   T H E   B E R N

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. DubWolf


      I don't mean to discredit Bernie; I still want him to succeed and hope I'm wrong, if he does win.

    3. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      @WWolf I remember Bernie explaining that the taxes would raise on the upper middle class and the rich, and gut the absurd military spending to pay for a lot of his policies including Medicare for All. The real money saver is that in the current system there is a private portion of it as well, and the system Bernie proposes and actually wrote into an actual bill that he brought up in the debate would eliminate that completely (which would actually save the government some money, because no insurance companies are on the payroll). Really all it is is making it so the government grants all of its citizens public access to healthcare without any money-making from the private insurers and big pharma (because it also addresses that problem that's been getting more serious over time). 


      To assuade doubts about his system, it's been implemented in every other developed country, and it's proven to be straight-up better. Everyone gets access to care, and rarely if ever does anybody have to pay for it directly. There's a reason people are going to Canada and Mexico for medicine and in some instances healthcare (A lot of people actually fly to El Paso to cross the border to get dental procedures done because it's actually cheaper to do that than just go to a Dentist in the US, so I've heard).

    4. DubWolf


      Oh it's much cheaper in Mexico to see a dentist; I've had a whitening over there and a cleaning a couple of times :P (although we were visiting relatives; we didn't just go to see a dentist).

      I think I'm neutral on private insurance companies; they're no angels, but if people want to keep their insurance through marketplace, I'd say so be it. That would just mean there are fewer people in the pool for the public option. I'm not sure if costs would be proportionally cheaper if fewer people were in the public healthcare pool (as a result of fewer claims) or if the cost decreases as more people are in that pool.

      But yes, healthcare isn't as expensive as huge profits are :stressed:.

  18. I think I may have to actually revise my worst states list a little when I get to finishing it, since Arkansas is now looking a little better into 2020 as they just raised their minimum wage to $10. All I'll say is T________ will now make the list and Arkansas will be the new 11/12th place along with M______.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Oblivion


      And amn right I agree with cali! 

    3. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      @Blivy With the wildfires and an insanely high cost of living, arguing for California over most states is almost like arguing that you want to have no chance to get anywhere.

    4. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      Correction: The state that I mentioned isn't A. It's A+, as I changed the format mid-way through making it. :D

  19. I didn't know this, but apparently Mario Kart titles have been outselling EVERY other game on the Switch, Wii U, and Wii. (Well, with the exception of Wii Sports on the Wii, but that came with literally every console). 8 Deluxe even outsold SMASH ULTIMATE for f***'s sake. By a good few million copies...


    Seriously, the series is becoming quite the juggernaut...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. PiratePony


      Oh yeah well that is indeed nuts....wow.

      I still need to get a switch one of these days. 

      @Kyoshi aww I love Mario Kart Wii. We still play it all the time.

    3. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      @Kyoshi Huh I don't remember having to get used to 8 Deluxe's controls all that much even on joycons... That hurt my hands after a while though.

    4. Photon Jet

      Photon Jet

      Welcome to Mario Kart!

  20. Trumpanzees when Hillary probably committed a crime: "lock her up"


    Trumpanzees when Kellyanne Conway actually does something criminal: *silence*


    INB4 I say sorry for putting up a status update so soon after my last one.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Misty Shadow

      Misty Shadow

      You say that like Hillary Clinton and Kellyanne Conway aren't apples and oranges. :maud:


    3. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      @CloudMistDragonAnd that makes Conway's crime excusable... :dry:

    4. Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Can we all just agree that if you commit crimes like these two you’re a piece of shit and so are the people who  try to rationalize it?

  21. Thanks to people getting offended by the very idea of trans people, a thread that has no real reason to be in the Debate Pit is there. Congratulations.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. The Kaeya Simp

      The Kaeya Simp

      Granted, there are a few people just getting shook because transgender got mentioned, however its up to them how they react about people being transgender

    3. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      @Sherbie It is up to them how they react about it, which is exactly why it's so stupid that people get offended by the mere mention of such a topic. People really should think before they act in such stupid childish ways.

    4. The Kaeya Simp

      The Kaeya Simp

      yeah, agreeing wih you there,

      some were less than elegantly placing that point of being shook

  22. My BF doesn't understand how Nintendo works. 


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      In fact, if anything it's the opposite of greedy because they theoretically could make more if they were on other consoles. But why would they do that anyways?

    3. Rebel the Wolfgirl

      Rebel the Wolfgirl

      Yeah, I mean, Nintendo doesn't need more money. They have far more than Sony and Microsoft could ever dream of.

    4. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      And some people have said they're "failing" (before the Switch obviously, which on its own outsells the XBONE that came out 3 years earlier). Yeah, no they aren't.

  23. "Generation 1 had the best pokemon designs"


    Krabby? Paras? Rattata? Butterfree? Caterpie? VOLTORB? You have to be f***ing kidding me. :dry:

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      @AveryGamerDude I think Gen 1 or Gen 2 is probably the worst gen to be honest.

    3. Megas


      If you’re gonna pick on G1 at least pick on actually shitty designs like Grimes. I don’t know what you’re on but Butterfree is fucking adorable 

    4. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      @Kiryu-Chan Voltorb isn't shitty? Paras isn't shitty? Rattata isn't shitty? What are you on?

  24. Apparently the act of even putting a female character in a video game is in and of itself forced diversity to some of the easily offended... :dry: 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Rebel the Wolfgirl

      Rebel the Wolfgirl

      @DusksuD So how does putting a female protagonist in a game count as "liberal agenda", then?

    3. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      @Renegade the UnicornHonestly, I didn't really care to find out. Even if I looked at it, it probably would have been utter nonsense I couldn't make sense of anyways.

    4. Rebel the Wolfgirl
  25. Oh whoops, I posted something controversial (that shouldn't be in any way)... May I get personally attacked and accused of $#!+ because somebody else felt offended by a f***ing opinion of a f***ing movie.


    "How dare you say Episode III is the best Star Wars movie?" - Somebody, I swear.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      I'm more of a Star Trek fan myself to be honest.

    3. PiratePony


      Episode 3?!??!  How dare you? There isn't even podracing, or informing those of the perils of sand!



    4. Cash In

      Cash In

      This is outrageous. It's unfair...

      But in all seriousness, Episode 3 was my second favourite. 

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