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Everything posted by ultrairongorilla

  1. Good night everyone, take care of yourselves. Remember to tell your families and friends you love them with all your heart. Don't take them for granted. Peace out.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Johnny1226


      Good night ultra 

    3. Alexshy


      Good night, friend. May mine Moon guide thee through the Dreamscape.

    4. Cwanky


      Thank you this is something I have grown increasingly aware of as I have gottrn older. I’m not sure if its a matter of maturity in wisdom and emotions, or just the cruel oppression of time and nature. I am down to 1 grandparent, my grandma, who constantly needs attention and has forgotten much, and now my mom is dealing with colon cancer.

      So yes thank you. I will do my best to care for my loved ones.

  2. Rest in peace Stephen Hawking. :(

    1. Wannabrony


      All these sad news today are really getting me down, man. May he rest in peace... :sunny:

  3. I just wanted to say I feel terrible for everything that happened with @TempestShadow. I offer my best condolences to his family and friends. I didn't know him personally, but I just feel horrible about the whole situation. I did see him on the forums, and he always seemed really nice to everyone. I always try to be as positive as I can on this site, but this news really punched me in the gut. R.I.P @TempestShadow

  4. Equestria Daily had this up today. I'd say this sums up why Sunset is so awesome.
  5. Found some Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid ponies on google.





    1. The_Gobo


      I don't know what's going on, but it looks adorable lmao


    2. Barpy


      So cute :fluttershy:

  6. Whenever I need a laugh I always go back to this video.......and Mr Bean sketches. I'm sure everyone could use a laugh right now.....


    1. The_Gobo


      Good god... that takes me back.


  7. Once my PS4 controller charges, I'll give Final Fantasy 7 a go. I actually played some of it a few years ago, but my PS3 from 2008 crapped the bed, so all my progress was essentially gone. I have the PS4 version now,  so I'm not sure how different it's going to be.

    1. The_Gobo


      Should be the same, I'd imagine o3o


    2. ultrairongorilla


      @The_Gobo From what I played it is the same. It just has smoothed out textures, trophy support, and multiple ways to break the game.

    3. The_Gobo


      Well I hope it's still enjoyable D:


  8. The answer to life, the universe and everything is 42.
  9. Found this on BBC news the other day.:DSmartSelectImage_2018-03-12-14-12-56.thumb.png.02051c35505377a167e9d169d21ace45.png

    1. Castle Bleck

      Castle Bleck

      More like "The factory saved by Gak." :lol:

    2. The_Gobo


      The place woulda gone up in flames without me :P


  10. Found these at a Wal Mart last weekend. No Fluttershy though.:huh:20180313_102655.thumb.jpg.dc77a49e86294150e31dce89dcc3d876.jpg

    1. The_Gobo


      No Flutters? T3T

      Seriously though, a few months back I saw/bought/ate some packs of italian ice that were mlp branded o3o

      They were actually pretty good :D

  11. What's going on with @TempestShadow?

    1. ultrairongorilla


      @Sunset Rose Oh shit....I'm so sorry.:blush: I remember seeing him on the forums quite a bit.:(

  12. Good night everyone. Take care.


  13. Just finished Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid and.....I absolutely loved it. Incredibly sweet and and freakin' hilarious.(The Matchstick girl episode was the best) Kanna is my favorite character, but Lucoa was my favorite design wise. I also wanted to give a special mention to how much I love the way the eyes are drawn.





  14. My anxiety causes me to overthink everything I do, and I'm extremely clumsy.
  15. I love random humor.




    1. Sparklefan1234


      I'm not a big fan of "Drawn Together" but I am a fan of Jess Harnell aka Captain Hero.

    2. ultrairongorilla


      @Cyra Drawn Together is awesome. I've watched the Super Nanny episode more times than I probably should have.:please:

      @Sparklefan1234 I actually met Jess Harnell at a convention I went to last year. He was an extremely cool guy to talk to. He seemed really excited that I knew what Drawn Together was.

  16. Cowboy Bebop K-On! Monster Musume High School DxD Cromartie High School Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid No Game No Life Anohana Code Geass High school of the Dead Sekirei Angel Beats! Panty and Stocking One Piece
  17. Praise the sun! Must get! :love:5aa70e3ce5813_praisethesun.png.e73531ccbef06a43bb79be2fa37aecbc.png





    1. The_Gobo


      Praise the sunbutt :3


  18. Naaaails! I saw a bird.........It was pretty.......Kick its ass.... -Super Kami Guru
  19. Great series.

    1. The_Gobo


      Better soundtrack :3


  20. Happy birthday!

    1. The_Gobo


      Thank you :3


  21. K-On! is my favorite anime of all time. I absolutely love love LOVE everything about it. It is a cutey show, but there is an underlying theme of trying to make the most of the time you have with the ones you love. The attention to detail in this series is phenomenal, from the subtle references to music, to even how specific rooms are set up. It starts off well, and concludes perfectly. The Movie made a bit later is the perfect send off to the series.
  22. I only check the news because I feel like I have to, but at this point it's become absolutely draining to keep up with it.
  23. Trying to figure out what game to start next. Thinking about starting Final Fantasy 7, or Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater, as I wanted to get more into those series. 

    1. Totally Nyx

      Totally Nyx

      Go for Final Fantasy 7. To this day it's still my favorite game of all time! :D

    2. The_Gobo


      FF7 is a good one for taking your time, MSG3 is just fun for the sneaky shooty RPG
      I also recommend FO3 if you haven't played thorugh it recently :3


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