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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by ultrairongorilla

  1. Watching Revolutionary Girl Utena for the first time.
  2. I'm know I'm not on this site as much as I used to be, but I wanted to thank each and everyone of you for making this my first social media platform a warm place to start.

    You guys are the reason why I've branched out to so many social media platforms, and made tons of friends because of it. You guys are all amazing, and I'm eternally grateful for that. 

    I run two Tumblr blogs now, with 600+ followers each, and that couldn't have happened without you!

    Happy holidays to everyone!:applehat:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sparklefan1234


      You're Welcome, My Friend! :-D

    3. CheeryFox


      Nice seein' ya again--happy holidays! :rarityhat:

    4. Wannabrony


      I'm so happy to hear that we can help! :squee: I'm so very happy to hear that you're finding success in other platforms, I hope that you continue making new friends sling your online journey! Just remember that you're amazing and may I add, very friendly, too! ^_^

      Happy holidays to you, and may you have a wonderful and fun-filled snowy season! :-D

  3. Thank you guys so much for the birthday wishes the other day! It really means alot to me!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sparklefan1234


      You're Welcome, My Friend! :squee:

    3. Rikifive


      You're welcome!:balloon: kDms9NM.png&key=c0b1fe16bb750dc0d2a89842
      I hope it was a great day for you! :yay: 

    4. ultrairongorilla
  4. Mario 64 Banio Tooie Conker's Bad Fur Day Star Fox 64 Rocket: Robot on Wheels Rayman 2 The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
  5. Thanks so much for the crown! :mlp_wink:

  6. Love the new profile icon. Carrot is one of the best One Piece characters.



  7. Tiny Toons: Plucky's Big Adventure for Ps1. Literally, this game has nothing to offer whatsoever. It's boring, clunky and has no clear indication of where to go.
  8. Definitely the Disney version. It's short, sweet, and has a ton of fun with its wacky self.
  9. Going to be predictable here, but I'm going with Blighttown from the original Dark Souls. Horrible framerate, extremely tricky to navigate, and some of the most annoying enemies in the entire series. I also wasn't a fan of the Crystal Caves or the Dukes Archives, mainly because of the checkpoint placement. Canary Mary Race 4 in Cloud Cuckooland Banjo Tooie. Nuff Said....
  10. I have a Tumblr which I'm a bit more active on, if you guys want to follow. This-is-your-brain-on-cartoons, on Tumblr.

  11. Sorry for the lack of updates. I've been rather busy as of late.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cwanky


      Don't worry at all. We all have our own business to attend to

    3. Divine plywood

      Divine plywood

      Welcome back Ultra!

    4. Cash In

      Cash In

      Don't stress dude. 

      Life will be life, so take your time and remember that you're always welcome here! 

  12. Thanks for the follow.:yay:

  13. 2,000 brohoofs? Awesome! Thanks guys!:yay:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wannabrony


      Congrats! :squee: 

    3. ChB


      Congrats, ultra! :D 

    4. Cwanky


      This is late, but here, have another!

  14. I started recording Ratchet & Clank about a week ago. Hopefully it came out good.


    1. The_Gobo


      Oh wow, this brings back some good memories :D


    2. ultrairongorilla


      @The_Gobo Replaying the game now for the channel, and I have to say, for the first installment in the series, it's still pretty damn solid. I'm up to the Orxon stage in recording where you have to navigate as Clank around the toxic environment.

    3. The_Gobo


      Goodness, that's a lot of ground to cover O_o


  15. Hope everyone had a good Monday. 

    1. The Recherche

      The Recherche

      Mine went alright; nothing amazing, but nothing horrible. :catface:

      Did yours? :ooh:

    2. ultrairongorilla


      @Recherche Mine could have been better, but it wasn't horrible. Glad to know you had a good monday.:squee:

    3. The_Gobo


      Mine was pretty bad, but it's over, so It's getting better XD


  16. I usually always prefer dubs because it helps me get more invested in what the characters are saying, rather than just reading it. Watamote is the only recent anime I can think of that I prefered the subs though.
  17. Forgot to mention, I did watch the Last Jedi recently and....I have no solid opinion on it. It was kind of a mess.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ultrairongorilla


      @Whomps I honestly don't know where they go from here. I just hope episode IX isn't going to spend it's run time trying to fix everything the Last Jedi messed up. Also why did Luke call a lightsaber a lazer sword?


      Puppet Yoda completely caught me off guard btw.


    3. Megas


      I was never really bothered by that. Luke was at a point where he rejected the Jedi. Him calling the lightsaber a laser sword was his clearly mocking them/it

    4. The_Gobo


      I'm really curious what they're planning on doing going forward, because it seems like it's spiraling downward right now



  18. R.I.P R. Lee Ermey. Loved him in Full Metal Jacket, Toy Story and The Grim Adventures of Bill and Mandy.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ChB


      Sorry to hear this sad news. May he rest in peace. 

      Thank you, Ermey, for giving us Commander Sarge in Toy Story.

    3. ultrairongorilla


      @Recherche @Wingnut His role in Billy and Mandy used to have me in stitches when I was a kid, and he had such an iconic role in Full Metal Jacket. Sucks he's gone too.


    4. The_Gobo
  19. Finished up the test recording with Sonic Adventure.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Recherche

      The Recherche

      I figured that's what it was. :o I should probably buy one for myself at some point soon.

    3. ultrairongorilla


      @Recherche I recommend the Elgato Hd60s if you can get it. It's simple to use once you set it up.

    4. The Recherche

      The Recherche

      Thank you very much, UltaIron! I added it to my amazon cart right now! ;)

  20. The new Littlest Pet Shop is on, and I have to say, it's pretty cute so far. The turtle has teeth though.....:D



    1. The_Gobo


      Birds don't have teeth either, normally.
      And yet oft' in cartoons you'll see them with 'em too o3o


  21. New episode was fun. I wonder how many easter eggs they hid in the background.

    1. The_Gobo


      Alls I know is, I saw Trixie's dad (or dads?) in the background.
      And I was happy because of it :3


  22. These games actually exist.




    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SDP40F amtrak

      SDP40F amtrak

      Ohhhhhh rockstarGTASA_BigSmoke.jpg

    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      TheLonelyGoomba did a video for the 'Oh Behave!' game. It is friggin weird as hell. It basically pretends to turn your Gameboy into a PDA. It even includes a fake Virus Scanner and a fake internet browser. Um, yay? XD

    4. PoisonClaw


      True fact, I actually had a copy of the last one when I was a kid, though for the life of me I can't remember how it actually played.

  23. Sorry for the lack of updates lately. Been kind of busy with stuff. I did manage to buy a video game capture card, so there's that. Now I just have to figure out what games to record. I can do every Ratchet and Clank game, Banjo Kazooie & Tooie, The Mass Effect series(yes, including Andromeda), maybe Sonic Adventure 1 & 2.....and 06....., the Mega Man series, and other stuff.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ultrairongorilla


      @Recherche I was thinking about making twitch account for all the game stuff.

    3. The_Gobo


      Life happens :3
      Sometimes it's best that the forum take a backseat :D


    4. Cash In

      Cash In

      Don't sweat it. Taking breaks is always fine.

      Anyways, that's an interesting set of games you have planned and I wish you the best on it.


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