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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by ultrairongorilla

  1. Do you guys know of any really good websites that teach you how to draw?

    1. The Recherche

      The Recherche

      I can't think of any website off of the top of my head, but i know a few YouTubers who could help you out!

      - Alphonso Dunn

      - Sycra

      - Sinix Design

      Those are a few I know of who you could check out. Hopefully this helps a little bit! :)

    2. The_Gobo


      You should ask that exact question of Egoraptor :3


  2. Just watched the new Star vs the Forces of Evil episode. Things are getting pretty intense in the last few episodes. I'm not kidding when I say this, but it's slowly becoming one of my favorite cartoons of all time. It's at least in my top 5 right now.



    1. Divine plywood

      Divine plywood

      Star vs the forces of evil is a great show. I hate to say it, but I'm starting to believe that kids these days may have better cartoons than those which I watched as a child ^_^ Nostalgia goggles are finally starting to shatter

    2. ultrairongorilla


      @Divine plywood I completly agree with you on that. Kids these days are going to get spoiled with how many good shows we have now.

  3. Finally had a chance to watch the season 8 premiere. I really liked it.


    I take it that Chancellor Neighsay is the overarching villain for this season.

    All if the students are pretty interesting so far. Silverstream is my favorite and her fascination with stairs was hilarious.

    Glad to see the movie wasn't totally forgotten.







    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Deae Rising Shine~

      Deae Rising Shine~

      She must berelated to Sombra, Sombra LOVES stairs XD

    3. The_Gobo


      Oh god, not that meme XD
      Sombra is better than that!
      I promise!! lmao


    4. Deae Rising Shine~

      Deae Rising Shine~

      as great as the ladder meme in MGS3 XD

  4. I decided to give Banjo Kazooie Nuts & Bolts another chance. I haven't fully completed it since around 2009, and I'm curious to know if my initial feelings will change towards it now that I'm older. And....it's actually not as terrible as I remember.

    1. The Recherche

      The Recherche

      Expectations are a pretty crazy thing. They can make a bad game better, or a good game worse! :)

  5. What do you guys think are the best and worst Pop Figures? For best I'm going to go with the Adventure Times ones, because I think the art style of the show matches the pop figures quite nicely. The Overwatch ones look really good too. Especially Dva. For worst looking, I'm going to go with Bojack Horseman, Donkey from Shrek, Dory, or Doghan from Valerian.
  6. I'm a huge Dark Souls fan. I initially started with Bloodborne, which I still consider to be my favorite video game to date. I have never had such a fast, and visceral experience with a game before. Even after completing Dark Souls 1, and 3, I still think its the most difficult game in the series, mainly because when you really look at it, your'e basically playing Dark Souls without a shield. After completing Bloodborne, I went out and bought the rest of the Souls games as soon as I could. At this point I've completed Bloodborne, Dark Souls 1, and Dark Souls 3. I'm about half way through Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin, and I haven't gotten very far in Demon Souls.
  7. How about those weird finger family videos? Also anything made by raysipeladygaga is absolute gold.
  8. Banned for drinking the orange juice out of the carton.
  9. Good morning! How's everybody doing today? 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wannabrony


      I'm doing fine, thanks for asking! :) Good morning! ^^

    3. Deae Rising Shine~
    4. Johnny1226


      Good morning ultra 

  10. Replaying Mass Effect 3, and Ratchet and Clank Tools of Destruction. In terms of newer games, I just started playing Persona 5 for the first time.
  11. Banned for trying put a square block in a circular hole.
  12. The facial expressions, more dymanic lighting, more unique locations to show off, and the action scenes.
  13. The first time I watched season one, I skipped Green Isn't Your Color by total accident. I didn't realize it until I started the 2nd season. I usually don't skip episodes on full season rewatches, mainly because I want to get as much of a full experience as possible.
  14. Gave Shadow Play, and The My Little Pony Movie a rewatch in preparation for the new season.I swear every time I watch the My Little Pony Movie, it seems to get better with every viewing. I really hope they use the movie characters again for the future seasons, because I think there's a ton of potential for them. Both Shadow Play, and The Movie represent some of best the series has to offer, and are prime examples of why I love this series. Onward to season 8!

    1. The_Gobo


      I dunno if they'll use the movie characters, but I know they'll use the races used in the movie :3


  15. Thanks for the follow.:yay:

    1. TheRockARooster


      You’re welcome, my friend.

  16. Glad your enjoying your time here Recherche. Your appreciation post really made my day.:squee:

  17. Coming back from a flea market, and holy hell, they had a lot of really crazy stuff.




  18. 2 more days until season 8!:love:

  19. If you were a dog I'd scratch your belly. If you were a cat, I'd give you warm milk, until you started to purr. - Frieza
  20. Best thing ever.:squee:


    1. The_Gobo


      I dunno about 'best',

      but it's funny all the same :3


  21. This track is sooooooo goooood! I could listen to this for hours.


    1. The_Gobo


      God, this brings back such goo memories :3


  22. Hope everyone is doing exceptionally well this evening. Been really busy on my end.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. ShinGojira


      I'm doing alright. Got a few things on my mind. Hope you're doing well!

    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Thanks guys. I went on a walk, got some food stuffs and I am just watching videos, my mood is more leveled out now luckily.

    4. The_Gobo


      I hope it keeps improving :3

      Stay awesome, Kyo' :D


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