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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Nye

  1. I dislike it mostly because it means I have to take my life seriously again.
  2. Hey there. I don't know how to flirt, so... hi.
  3. The Flim Flam Cider Song I haven't listened to it today but I have been singing and humming this all day. Especially the words "opportunity in this very community"
  4. You know you have watched too much when you hear a word that is in any of the show's songs and you immediately start humming the song that word is from. (Ever since I started watching the show all I hear is music and all I think is happiness... help.)
  5. "How might I ask did we end up in a bed together? I sleep on my beanbag..."
  6. I thought it suited them, though I would hope there is an episode sometime that explains the three different symbols.
  7. I really liked when Rainbow Crash acts like her friends. She portrays them in a very comical way.
  8. "How do you get your hair to do that all the time?" Best quote ever.
  9. Oh, I hadn't really considered what that might offer to trollers and such.
  10. I wish I could answer that, but I live under a rock. What's your favorite Symphonic/Orchestral piece?
  11. I am going to cuddle I everyone I can think of. @Sparklefan1234 @Prospekt @Divine plywood @Wannabe Bronylicious @Nightfallicious Gloamiscus @The_Gobo @Jeric @Sherbert Music-Guard @Rarity the Supreme *cuddles* This list will get bigger I am sure.
  12. I like the points you make there. I only answered to the best of my abilities.
  13. And I gained tons of new ideas for a new line of camouflage clothing! I think I'll call it "Camo-Maud"!
  14. Pretty cool seeing the Crusaders do what their cutie marks are meant for.
  15. My favorite part of this episode was when Rarity said to the guy that there was a fire in Maud's eyes.
  16. I enjoyed this 2 part season premiere. This episode you meet the baby Shining Armor and Candance are have. And it has an unexpected turn of events at the end of part one!
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