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Everything posted by O-78

  1. If only we got her in Equestria Girls. :coco:


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. O-78


      @Flutterstep I'm waiting for him to log in and see this! ^_^

    3. Tacodidra


      Pretty much my only complaint about EqG, other than it never getting a proper ending. Thankfully there's a lot of great art of EqG Coco! :coco:

    4. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      We did; we just didn't see her. Because if Sci-Twi exists, then somewhere out in that world, I am sure human Coco exists as well. :proud:

  2. I haven't tried it, and it be honest, I doubt I ever will. People on dating apps seem to reject others for such superficial reasons, and trying to get to know someone as a person while simultaneously evaluating them as a potential partner just seems like more trouble than it's worth.
  3. Yay, another trans woman! Welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy it here.
  4. Happy Easter and happy Transgender Day of Visibility! :yay:


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      To you as well! :eager:

    3. Astralshy


      Happy Easter

    4. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      And a happy double holiday to you, my friend. :pinkie:
      The people of Timor-Leste are known as Timorese and have a strong sense of national pride.

  5. Minuette with a ponytail! I love this for her. ^_^


    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Now that style is very aqua-fresh. I doubt anypony would be crestfallen after seeing it. Sorry if the puns are bad, not trying to strong arm-&-hammer it. :ButtercupLaugh:

    2. O-78


      @Samurai Equine No worries, my friend! We don't colgatekeep here. :mlp_smug:

  6. Are the forums back up and running? Yes, they are! :yay:

    A couple days ago, I decided to draw an OC & canon character ship of mine from 2019. Here's a pony version of Wallflower Blush and one of my OCs, Douglas Axeblade! They both love plants. ^_^


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Cute drawing. :fluttershy:

    3. Astralshy


      They are :>

      Adorable drawing

    4. O-78


      @Tacodidra Me too! It's a shame that Wallflower never got another speaking role after "Forgotten Friendship", because she was probably the most layered antagonist that G4 had. :kindness:

  7. @Tacodidra I got that sense too when watching it. Gossamer as a kid... seriously? I get that he cried when Bugs Bunny put his fingers in the mousetraps ("Hair-Raising Hare"), but that is clearly a full grown monster! I vaguely remember seeing "The Duxorcist" once when I was young, but that's my only memory of the Ford & Lennon cartoons.
  8. @Tacodidra I tried watching "The Looney Tunes Show" at one point, but I just couldn't get into it because the humor fell flat and the characters just didn't feel like themselves. A time paradox where Bosko and Buddy meet the golden era stars would certainly be something!
  9. I would ignore them and vacate the area as quickly as I could. There's clearly something very wrong with that person.
  10. @Tacodidra The high amount of character variety is one of the many things that made Looney Tunes great! Probably why nearly all of the characters from the golden era are still animation icons to this day.
  11. My first pony crush was Fluttershy, all the way back in 2017 when I first got into the show. She's no longer my #1 favorite pony, but she's still my favorite of the Mane 6.
  12. @Tacodidra Quite an upgrade within the space of a few cartoons then. Well, that's what firing Tom Palmer will do for you. Seeing a 30s cartoon mixed in with the more famous 40s & 50s cartoons was always surreal. Especially one from before even Porky was thought of.
  13. I thought the character designs were cute, and the fact that there was such a large fandom dedicated to it, inspired me to give MLP a shot. I started watching the first season of FiM in May 2017, and I haven't looked back since.
  14. A lot of people don't want anything to ever change, and they automatically fear anyone who is different from them. They're usually taught to think this way by closed-minded parents, or by arbitrary and meaningless rules that society has drilled into them. They are not particularly good at critical thinking, and are even worse at challenging their own biases and considering different points of view.
  15. I'm feeling a bit tired and sore from having blood drawn earlier today, but otherwise I'm fine.
  16. I see that the animation is starting to improve at this point in the series! I saw "Beauty and the Beast" once on Boomerang, and I was surprised that they included a cartoon from the Buddy days in their package.
  17. Hello! Just my favorite Shadowbolt being cute.
  18. Happy Lyra Day, everypony! :arethosehands:


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bon Bon

      Bon Bon

      Thanks and same to you!

      I like Lyra day


    3. Astralshy


      Happy Lyra day :>

    4. O-78


      @Samurai Equine I celebrate it with lots of fluffy hugs! ^_^

      @Bon Bon Hi, Bonnie! So good to see you! :eager:

  19. @Tacodidra That's a really good point, a lot of the earlier directors tend to get forgotten simply because their cartoons aren't seen on TV as much. That's why it's important to track down the DVDs!
  20. I feel like Octavia really deserves an emoji. Either one of these would be lovely!
  21. @Tacodidra I guess the studio preferred pigs over foxes, which must have led to Porky a few years later. Tex Avery is an absolute legend - he created almost all of the main Warner Bros stars, and then he went on to have a great career at MGM too! One could argue that he was the most important director of them all.
  22. I agree. If I was her, I'd have legally changed my name to Bon Bon anyway, whether I was a secret agent or not. Her cutie mark doesn't make me think of drops anyway, those are clearly bonbons!
  23. @Tacodidra I have a feeling the animator just copied Foxy and took away the humanoid features. My favorite fox cartoon from any studio is easily Tex Avery's "Out-Foxed", starring Droopy. This one is absolutely hilarious - give it a watch if you can find it!
  24. Some interesting history here! I always felt like the Warner Bros cartoons could have used more fox characters, since they're probably my favorite animal.
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