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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. brussels sprouts... they are gross to me, sorry
  2. Guilty of not finishing good games like: Final fantasy XV Pokemon Sword and Shield (yet) The legend of Zelda: breath of the wild (the game is damn awesome and i don't wanna finish it xD)
  3. Ask Deerie anything here and she'll try her best to answer __________________________________ Artwork by Mxnxii @DA
  4. I’m actually socially awkward / shy and have anxiety so i often make myself fear stuff i don’t need to. That makes posting hard but have to get over it-
  5. Well someone is happy :3 @Blivy, @Dynamo Pad, @Splashee 



    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. Pandora


      well.. they look like this and i want one xD


    3. Dynamo Pad

      Dynamo Pad

      After seeing the picture, the resemblance between it and a Dalmatian is spot on! XD That looks so adorable! Now I know what you mean as I might want to get a guinea pig haha. I've always considered the possibility, but I feel that having a cat and dog as pets are more than enough at my house. Maybe in the future as it's still a possibility. :3

    4. Pandora


      @Dynamo Pad Well i wasn't allowed cat or dog only guineapigs so x3
      in  a sense we're lucky now that my brother moved back home with his dog but it's also taking away a lot of my energy. Already low on it due to medical stuff but it's okay.

      *Gibs Dynamo a dalmatian guineapig because.. she can* sshh don't tell your cat and dog!

  6. I can be competitive when it comes to my favorite games but i try not to be too much
  7. Cinnamon, flowers (lavender, rosés etc) , fresh Applepie, perfumes, Rain, fresh cut grass, forest, Well.. anything sweet just not too sweet
  8. The part with Shiranui and Amaterasu in okami, because it’s sad at one point or the ending part of the game where Ammy’s prayers are gone -Okami-
  9. Well.. there was a cute squirrel at the store with a nut in his mouth looking at me lol! 

    I bought 3 toys for my brothers dog, some treats and lots for my spoiled guineapigs #satisfied :3

    1. Show previous comments  32 more
    2. Pandora


      @Splashee Badgers are creatures you should stay away from x3 foxes not so much, Badgers.. yes 

    3. applesjck


      I’m glad the trip went well! :mlp_icwudt:

    4. Pandora
  10. Always learning more english since it’s not my first language and love trying Japanese - korean though my interest in languages is big
  11. What are your favorite animals? 


    I love lots of animals but it ranges from little guineapigs to donkeys to african wild dog, zebra, etc x3

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Pandora


      I loved every bit of that. xD Not scared of those things but put me with spiders and i'm dead.

    3. Dynamo Pad

      Dynamo Pad

      I can imagine it must have been amazing being near wolves in what could be a sort of natural habitat. Even thought it was an enclosure. It's the same for me. You put the spiders near me, then I go running for the hills. XD

    4. Pandora


      @Dynamo Pad I once woke up to a spider right beside my pillow and sometimes on my bed too and i was like heeeeeck no, i'm not gonna sleep there.. nope.. never ever, ack! x3 aha.. my nightmares..

  12. Hi, how’s your day/ night going? 

    I will be going to the biggest pet store of EU today :3 the day just started for me.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. applesjck


      The biggest pet store?? :wau: Sounds awesome!!!

    3. Pandora


      @applesjck It is awesome and a whole lot of fun as you get to see a whole lot of stuff. (if you love animals at least but no doubt from people on a mlp site :>)

      @Dynamo Pad I think this one is the biggest of EU not sure of the world though but europe most definitely x3 i love visiting petstores and zoo's

    4. Dynamo Pad

      Dynamo Pad

      @Deerie The biggest pet shop being in the EU is pretty awesome and pretty impressive. The only biggest of something I know and/or been to was Bronycon. I think it was considered one of the biggest MLP conventions in the world, but I could be wrong on that. I haven't been to a zoo in a long time, but it sounds like fun. :D 

  13. <3 pbbt! * now doe feels special and smiles awkwardly* aww :3 i just thought this is more suiting for her tbh
  14. @Blivy *doe bleats softly at the boop but doesn’t want to disturb too many by booping*
  15. @Totally Not Kion *doe mlems at the boop* pbbt~ *doe then boops her dear friend @Blivy*
  16. about time doe goes to sleep but .. had a blast! -happy bleats of doom ssh-:blush:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dynamo Pad

      Dynamo Pad

      Pleasant dreams and it was great talking to you, my friend!

    3. EpicEnergy


      Goodnight! Rest well! :fluttershy:

    4. Splashee


      I'd say good night, if I weren't already asleep.

      Anyways, good night! :LunaMCM:

  17. I love you >//n//< cause i find it hard to say those words but i would want people to know i loved them
  18. I don't know, I'd like to believe something exists though for hell, i'm not sure. Life feels like hell most of the times.. though i'd like to think there's a heaven where everyone goes to that is filled with dreams and things you would of wanted to do but never could in life.
  19. What songs do you listen to while.. drawing or gaming - chatting?
    right now while drawing it's this one for me:

    I love drawing to japanese music though usually it has a 'kawai' factor, right now it's a bit silly but still beautiful.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Pandora


      @Dynamo Pad For me, orisa is just too slow. I love characters who go fast, they don't need a high attack. (dva certainly doesn't have high att) but just.. speed. I started off with tracer before i got into other characters so i kinda prefer stuff like that.

      I know, I still have to beat like a few mons at those gyms, I just haven't gotten to it, I got myself sword to play too.. and there was a shiny magikarp event going on so I've only beaten the first gym with that one and already have two shiny magikarp lol on Shield i only have shiny raichu as raichu's my favorite mon.

      I'm a huge pokemon lover and before my brother came back had a room filled with mons!
      Right now I still have a few mons at my own room but not as many. If I have to choose wooloo or mareep.. i'd still go for mareep x3

    3. Dynamo Pad

      Dynamo Pad

      @Deerie I'm the same way as I want to get into the fight, but to also get out of the fight. Just in case things get too crazy lol. I always played Soldier 76 back when the game first started. Even during the beta, I was always picking him. Just because of his sprint button that got me to the point as quickly as possible. Granted, I always fought on my own and forgot that Overwatch was a team game, but I learned haha. 

      Okay and cool. Once you beat the gyms again, then you will be able to go to the top of the tower. The spot where you fought the dragon legendary to battle the sword and shield and claim the legendary on the box. I've got about two of the shiny magikarp and might trade them to prepare for some battle ready mons. I know I'm going to work on participating in the competitive scene of the game. Not bad on the shiny Raichu and you can't go wrong with a classic favorite. My first shiny was a shiny Duraludon I got for Christmas.

      I was a fan of the games and anime, but I slowly fell out during the Ruby/Sapphire games and Battle Frontier. After seeing the Diamond and Pearl anime and games, I was back into the series and never looked back. I've got a bundle of plushies ranging from Pokemon to ponies. Not as many Pokemon as I thought so I can relate to what you mean. For me, I would still go with Mareep as it's adorable and it reminds me of another video game I once played X3. Although, I can't deny that Mareep is pretty cool. Along with Amphoros and it's mega evolution. 

    4. Oblivion
  20. a little stressed out but should draw
  21. A blue butterfly - quite spirit like
  22. Bts & other kpop groups (both music video aswell as funny video) talking with friends gaming shopping animals > most important one. Been a animal rescuer for 5/6 years then stopped due to work
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