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Everything posted by Gaines

  1. I believe in ghosts, and yet I don't believe in demons; I believe in aliens, and yet I don't believe in UFOs; I don't believe in any cryptids... except santa clause
  2. I figured that if he had a dark coat and light warm hair it would look too similar to Lightning Dust. But since that idea was scratched I didn't know what to do with the color palette. So I put various dark filters over his original design to get new ideas. I eventually inverted his original design's colors because I remembered that the opposite of orange is blue and so, using what a learned from the dark filters and stealing a couple colors from the inverted edit, the final palette for Nightmare Moonburst emerged
  3. I don't think anypony who isn't a villain wants to turn into a monster of the night
  4. New drawing new drawing :mlp_blink:


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Blackfire Blaze

      Blackfire Blaze

      Amazing job! :o And with an unexpected character too. I love the kinda Dracula vibe he gives off. :mlp_smug:

    3. Gaines



      Huh...It says I don't have permission to see it. 

      @Kyoshi That's weird :confused:

    4. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      I think it is some weird bug that is preventing me from seeing event threads. Going to look into this. 

  5. Created another one! Under the spoiler is Nightmare Sunburst I'm proud of how this one turned out as well
  6. What furry artists do you follow? A whole bunch! One of my furry friends is Shenanigan, who worked on a couple of cool cartoons. What furry series do you follow? Not much, strangely. What's your favorite type of furry? I love all anthropomorphic creatures, but especially canines and felines. Do you like when non-anthropomorphic characters are turned into furries? I think it's neat. Drawing an anthro design of a feral character is good concept/character design exercise. What is your opinion on the notion that bronies and furries are one and the same? It depends. Yes, there are some fans who find ponies cute, but there's a difference between a normal furry and someone who's into bestiality. What do you think of anthropomorphic versions of MLP characters? The same as my answer 2 questions ago.
  7. Lightning Dust and Sunshower Raindrops are some of my favorite ponies design-wise. Then I realized that they're both teal and yellow/orange, which immediately made me think they were sisters cuz my brain just loves making up headcanons. So why not draw them together? I hope y'all like it Yes I used that one hug base that everyone's seen at least once in their lifetimes before, but there were so many bases of said pose that I can't really credit anyone. However, I didn't trace anything, simply referenced, and made my own facial expressions, and leg and wing poses.
  8. Recent drawing is my first art contest entry :ithastolookpretty:


    1. Blackfire Blaze

      Blackfire Blaze

      You did an awesome job! I hope to see more! :ticking:

  9. Done with one! Tried a hand at Nightmare Lightning Dust Open the spoiler to be mystified~ I think this came out quite well! I'm definitely gonna try to nightmare-ify other ponies as well
  10. Inhale the memes Exhale the memes Inject the memes Into my bloodstream There are good memes And there are bad memes Why has god abandoned us
  11. If I didn't swear so much, I wouldn't necessarily be a bad mod but I'd rather be busy behind the scenes.
  12. A pegasus like Cloudchaser could have a parent, grandparent, sibling, pibling, or any other distant family member that was an Apple or married and/or had a foal with an Apple. Ergo, Cloudchaser is part of the Apple family despite standing out from the crowd. Or at least this is what I headcanon. It's like irl familial relationships.
  13. I live in the middle of Texas so, as big and weird as Texas may seem, I rarely ever see "extreme" weather. In the entirety of my life I've seen falling snow three times and light hail once. When Hurricane Harvey hit, all I experienced was a normal thunderstorm that slightly floods the area, cuz I suppose the hurricane didn't come too far into Texas land. I didn't experience any tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis or nothing, just some lightning and little floods.
  14. I don't actually have a lot of fears I don't think But what I am terrified of is very fast things, called Tachophobia or the fear of speed. My fear is so bad that I refuse to drive a car and I refuse to turn on my own ceiling fan
  15. Ack I forgot about this topic! Funny enough I took a break from Haikyuu and I'm currently watching Food Wars with my bro. But WHAT there's 5 seasons of Food Wars?? I don't think I'm even halfway into the show
  16. I either draw, watch funny vids or read a long book. So you can say I'm already on vacation huhu
  17. Gaines


    Welcome! Don't worry about joining, and take your time
  18. I love the Pinkie x Cheese Sandwich ship it's probably overrated but idc :toldya:
    Pinkie loves to see/make others smile, and Cheese can't smile without laughter, luckily Pinkie is the element of laughter, so it's like a cycle of fueling up their spirits! They are each others' sunshiiine :love: :love:
    Nothing makes me happier than these curly funny party ponies :oh_golly:

  19. Idk about non-anthro but Avatar the Last Airbender, Adventure Time, and Gravity Falls are somewhat similar. Or maybe underrated shows like Grojband or Xiaolin Showdown. If you wanna check out similar anime, maybe Food Wars or Anohana
  20. A round scar on my back from peeling off a large scab. A small scar on my knee from a car crash. Two different tiny gray scars from accidentally jumping onto a sharp pencil. A long scar behind my right ear from surgery to get a cochlear implant. Little scar under my lip from a difficult pimple. Lastly, a weird scar on my stomach I don't remember getting. Yucktastic
  21. Do I tag/@ anyone after I submit my drawing?
  22. Sometimes I forget I have Never Gonna Give You Up in my music playlist so I accidentally rick-roll myself :BornAgainBrony:

    1. Blackfire Blaze

      Blackfire Blaze

      Is there a ponified version of it? :oh_golly: There needs to be.

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