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Coolius rpi

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Everything posted by Coolius rpi

  1. you forgot her tail hairband. she looks hot without her hat. we should come together and be gay. aj is hot./ she dosent look naked. But she does look quite attractive without her hat. Hey AppleJack, I like your.... mane.
  2. or maybe youre just a sick fuck, or you dont care. or maybe you use the internet, but you dont go to 4chan. your statementsa re very flawed, sir.
  3. I don give a damn. some like us, some hate us, doesnt matter. teens react is stupid, anyway. Bronies should stop getting their jimmies rustled over hate. If any fanbase knows hate, its MLP. I would think we would be used to dealing with hate by now. But, we still get gutless pansy bronies whining about how 'people dont get us.' fuck 'em. Bronies need to stop getting their panties in a bundle over howard stern and anti-bronies and stuff.
  4. Hey, I say sorry too much, too! something that could be considered as minor criticism or a simple tease I could take very seriously. Have you ever been to a psycologist? I have. DIdnt do much good at all, though. I win?! You dont win anything! Many bronies are depressed, and reading clopfics isnt a good thing! It isnt a bad thing either, but saying that 'you win' is implying that you did something good. And you havent.
  5. I wasnt expecting this turn-out! I love it whne my threads get tones of replies! Since thsi got so many replies, I will elaborate more on my certain problems: I am very paranoid on many things. I think that something is always going to happen terribly bad. I used to think that it had to do something eith my OCD. Like, if I didnt rearrange the bookshelf many times in a certain pattern, the house would burn down. Thats what I used to think. Avoidant personality disorder means that you take things too personally, and you sometimes take things as insults. Basically, you're Fluttershy. When I say I have autism, I dont mean I have assperpergs, I have regular autism. not aspergers, just autism. I dont have as severe tourettes as I used to. ALso, I have anxiety disorder, and I hate being around groups of people. Lastly, I cant stand loud noises! I just hate loud sound!
  6. sadomasochism? MARRY ME! but seriously, sadomasochism isnt a problem, and its nothing to be ashamerd of, I personally like it when women dominate and hurt me. Its hard to find a woman who will offer to tie you to a chair and whip you in this pc town.
  7. We live for many years before we die (or at least most of us do.) I recently noticed that Im leading a dead-end life and I wondered how I got there. I made this timeline of my life in years to try to make sense of how I got into this desperate existence. Maybe this could help you, too. If not, it’s cool to see how your life may be similar to others. I’m just trying to sum up my main feelings and important stuff that happened each year of my life. 1995: Born. Pretty Confused. 1996: Brother is born. We didn’t get along much. 1997: start destroying my dads CD collection. A lot. Don’t really know good from evil. 1998: begin attending preschool. Didn’t really like it. Had trouble focusing 1999: Begin to get scared of a lot of things around me. I didn’t get most of the world that was opening up before me. 2000: Start to realize happiness. I took life in small chunks instead of worrying about the future or what could happen. 2001: Actually start to meet some friends. Although I am nervous most of the time, and I don’t know how to accept things, I try to maintain inner security. 2002: Get bullied more and more. Pressure comes from all sides of me: My parents, my teachers, and my peers. Normal stuff, though. Normal for my life, anyway. 2003: pressure raises and I think it may start to take over my life. I might spend all my time in a high-strung state because of everyone around me! People pressure me into things I’m not comfortable with, but it’s mostly okay. life is mediocre, but noting TOO bad. 2004: Get more friends, and start to understand life more. This could possibly come from just growing up and realizing things about the world that I never knew before! 2005: Friends start to stray from me. Start to get the feeling that the world is working against me. Like I was a mistake and humanity is trying to get rid of me. My new understanding about the world isn’t really helping me. 2006: I learn what sex is. Still a lot of pressure from all ends, and i start to become very confused about sex and social structure and stuff. so much that I cant communicate properly with anyone. Terribly uneventful year. 2007: Starting to figure out how life works. Still cant put my finger on it. I often stay up late just wondering; 'what is life?' still very unhappy. 2008: everyone starts to become resentful of me. I can’t realize why some people do the things they do? Is it because someone told them o? Is it because they think it is right? I start to lose interest in everything, and nothing makes me joyful anymore. I’m too wrapped up. 2009: Not any bullies in high school. Start to take out the pressure by becoming a spazzy class clown. Like a human Pinkie Pie, except with less sense making and coherent thought. I realize that thought has driven me into a state of depression because of thinking about life, so I almost give up all coherent thought altogether. 2010: Become crazier, and my parents start to become annoyed with me. I make more 'friends' at high school, but still waning for a place to fit. My social craziness doesn’t make me happy, however. 2011: I give up on being a spastic pinkie pie and become mellower. I realize that I’ve been kind of a loser all my life and I don’t think things are going to get any better. I think of what I have in my head, and I have food and shelter, but not much else. not any friends. not anything that makes me happy. I realize that my life has been a comedy of errors and I might as well just die. I start cutting. 2012: Discovered MLP. Didn’t change much. I start to figure out about life more and I live more simply. I used to be a sad pessimist who thought life was pointless. Now I’m a sad mislead misfit who doesn’t know what to do with him. I didn’t mean for this to be bitching, I just thought that If I wrote it down, I could make sense of how this happened. Maybe I’m dealing with things that everyone deals with, but I don’t know that because I don’t delve into other peoples lives too often. I’m fine with my own, thank you. I don’t want to share to many imitate details. This is merely how I’ve felt throughout my life. Maybe if I summarize how i felt throughout most of my life, and what happened to me, I can find how I got into this dead end life. If I know how i got here, maybe I can get out? History repeats itself, as they say. Maybe you can share yours, too?
  8. that was awesome. Although im an atheist, i can someties appreciate religious ramblings and rants. as long as theyre not about gays being evil or something.
  9. first off. COME OUT OF THE BRONY CLOSET. CLOSET BRONIES ARE THE CANCER THAT IS DESTROYING MLP! now that i got that out of my system, welcome! We have a variety of unique boards and surely one of them will fit your interests. so, what do you want to talk about?
  10. Sure. DO whatever you want here. Just try REALLy hard not to be an asshole. What do you mean by asset, though? were a forum! anypony who isnt a big jerk is welcome.
  11. Just remember, it doesnt matter how you became a brony, what matters is that own it. WHat matters is where you are and sometimes where youre going.
  12. In this topic we will post what is wrong with us. I have OCD, Tourrettes, Scoliosis, Avoidant Personality Disorder, and severe autism. DO you have anything wrong with your body or mind?
  13. I guess it all just comes down to your personal preference. I beleive that all the main six are something that make up a dream girl for different guys. FOr example, my dream girl is a mixture between applejack and fluttershy. It makes sense sense. would be one of the mane six. You can find qualties of the perfect woman in each of the main six. Kindness, intelligence, loyalty (o she doesnt cheat), honesty generosity and laughter! maybe Lauren Faust made them that way. As a way of expressing the perfect relationship. OMG HE IS HARRY POTTER!get it?because of the scar?
  14. yeah, I know a lot of people like that. People that believe that there i some sort of all-powerful force, or omnipotnent element that can govern all the world. My Mom believes in that, and so do many people I know. There should be a name for that. A belief in a vague stream of life. Like Lifeism or something. Lifeism. That sounds good, doesnt it?
  15. oh, thats gotta be bad. Im in Massachusetts. So many atheists here! were really tolerant over any religion!
  16. What religion are you? I personally am an atheist, as well as my brother. My dad is an agnostic, and most of my friends are atheists. Religion makes a lot of people happy, and brings meaning to many peoples lives, but also kills people and discriminates people. religion is somewhat a mixed bag. what do you think?
  17. Really? Twilight Sparkle? She doesnt seem like very good girlfriend material to me. rainbow dash seems like she would be overbearing. Rainbow would be to intense for me. Im more a laid-back kind of guy. FLuttershy all the way! but not just because shes cute, but because isnt afraid to be bold, like when she made a dragon cry and terrozed the woodland creatures!
  18. first off, we shouldnt be thinking about the shows downfall, we should be thinkin about the present. But, id like fir the show to run nfor 0 seasons!
  19. To be honest, My Little Dashie didnt make me cry. I didnt even find it sad at all. no fics have made me cry. I dont even know how to do that!
  20. im scared of feeling fear. also, college, and extrmemly angry dangerous people. goddammit just need t
  21. Wow, umm I dont really know. Id probably kiss her feet and tell that i would be her loyal slave for as long as she like.
  22. I dont really give a shit that im gonna die one day! if theres nothing you can do about it, than you dont have to think about it! its not a big deal. Sometimes death is a good thing. also, there are many things worse than death. death to me, is sometimes good, sometimes bad, sometimes just whatever.
  23. my favorite game is seriously COD: MW3. now go shoot someone. or were you just bluffing? no really, what do you have against call of duty? its just a game, it never hurt anybody.
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