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Extraho Vinco

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Everything posted by Extraho Vinco

  1. haven't been on in forever! Hello Everyone!

  2. I was messing around last night and made this: DL Link I was wondering what you all thought. That zip contains the full sample, the stubs, and the midi file. Edit: Oh and it loops nicely.
  3. Lol you dont want it, no gui, and only picks a number 1-52 xD Maybe ill work a fully working program some time later though...
  4. milesban I'm really excited to help and will try to be on tomorrow.
  5. Everyone I have met knows that I am a brony, so I guess you could say I have no fear but its more like I just dont care what they think.
  6. Naw Im jelly, jelly pone. Might make a list to save others the pain later ^-^
  7. Wait we dont have a group or something? I have to add you all... by hand.. 0.o aww man this is gana take forever xD
  8. Drums on the desk

  9. Guess i should have put up my skype name xD milesban or if that doesn't work try my username: Extraho Vinco
  10. Well i wrote this up and then went and reread what was posted xD have it anyways To be honest a decent program will take a while to learn; SAI, photoshop, and gimp are all powerful tools but in terms of learning curve they are about the same. It all comes down to how much time you put into each program. Though personally I would say photoshop has the lowest learning curve to two reasons, one its a product released by a corporation so you will have less "runtime" problems and two it is more prominent so you will see more tutorials out for it. Inkscape also happens to be a vectoring app and i can confirm that the Mac port of SAI is horrible. EDIT: Grammer
  11. Lol! Caught in the act?! all the time my laptop is covered in pony and since I take it to school and use it in class there is no hiding any of it and you know what! No one cared!
  12. If your trying to find vector art just use DA: http://mlp-vectorclub.deviantart.com/ Most vector artists wont give you the actual path data but will provide a raster image that is of ridiculous quality.
  13. I would like to help! I can sing(well i was in the Massive smile chorus if that counts), make art, edit video and work with after effects relatively effectively (no flash experience though), I have also worked a little bit with FL Studio.... Can I help? Pwz! Edit: Spelling Edit2: added a little
  14. Nightfall: Age: 18 Current location: Lovettsville, VA (Middle of nowhere ) What I want to be when I "grow up": Computer networking (security) Favorite:: Car: dont have a fave Color: red Band/Artist: FC Kahuna (at the moment) Letter: M Number: 5 Sport: Airsoft Soccer team: no preferance Day: Friday Animal: Cat
  15. Do not want wii style gaming, don't eff with my controller! Ditto m8
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUIzq-HcNPA&feature=related
  17. Actually I think this is right on the money, season two released in the second week of september. Though season one did premere in october...
  18. Ambidextrous and my writing sucks how did that work...
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