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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Wubsie

  1. Dat...avatar..hnng....

    1. Scootalove


      I know right, too cute. :)

  2. I thought that was a negative sign I was gunna flip sum shit.8/10
  3. :c You don't have to dislike me because you don't see me often. Also 15/10
  4. I'm more of a Jailbreak/Bhop/Deathrun person. TTT is also pretty fun though, especially with friends lol. I like to be the traitor, I suck at being the detective, and being innocent is kinda boring IMO.
  5. Yeah, they know. I don't think they could care less. XD Me: imma brone guiz Mom: Wuts that...hmmm....oooh, you like my little pony. Ok, you didn't have to rush to me like it was important. Dad: I guess the show must be ok if older men are watching it. O.o I think my dad likes the show but idk, I've caught him watching it a few times. .-. Lolwat. You act like they're going to scold you for watching a television show. xDThere's nothing wrong with the show. You don't have to tell them but you don't have to hide it. :3
  6. The colors are what make it unique. Although they could've had regular skin colors with colored shirts. Also notice the title. "THE PREVIEW" People need to give it a shot lol. (not talking about you but the people that complain about it. xP
  7. Would be cool if I found a rule 63 version of myself. x3

  8. Well it mainly depends on your pony's personality. If your pony is bright, optimistic, and happy, choose the white/blue cloud. If your pony is kind of like Raven from the Teen Titans, choose the grey cloud. Raven isn't really depressed or sad or anything just dark. So if your pony is like her I suggest going for the one of the left.
  9. Hey guys, I watched cartoons in the 90's. My childhood was awesome. Kids today aint got nothin'.

  10. Hey. :3 Huggles? o;

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Motion Spark
    3. Wubsie


      Well according to google that was spam. Mystery Solved :v

    4. Motion Spark
  11. Nothing. She's still there. Being a pony. Having four legs. Not harmed.. She is still highly generous, you only have about 2 little things that she did in your post. They're not too big. So they shouldn't change her entire personality. Rarity is still ans always will be a generous and beautiful pony. Helping people when she can.
  12. Ah, that's a pretty nice drawing! Not bad at all, smooth lines and a nice expression on the pony's face. Good thing that robber didn't get into your house. I'll be sure to call 999 when I'm in trouble.
  13. OH MY GOD CALL OF FUCKIN DUTY.. Seiously, it's fuckin annoying, I don't see why the game is so appealing. I'm guessing it's because it's SOOOOO easy a monkey can do it. I played on the PS3 at my uncle's house not too long ago, JUST learning the controls and the game was still too easy...also the community is annoooying. There are 4 types of COD players: The Clans (Seriously quick-scoping or "trick-shotting" was ok, but it was annoying most of the time when people would ALWAYS make sniping or "trickshot" clans) The Kids: Yeah, those 10 year olds you see at your local gamestop begging their moms to buy them the game, just to go online and be annoying. The "Try-Hard": Yeah, that guy that will rage so hard if he dies, tries to jump off of buildings and "no-scope" or talks shit about other players. The Casual Player:The guy that's jut there, doesn't say a word unless he's just playing with friends and having a conversation. Do I play it? Yeah, but only when I'm bored and need something to do, my little brother only plays it, and he literally cried when he couldn't get something called a bloodthirsty medal and couldn't get gold camo for a weapon. I'm done. XD
  14. wew i actuly funt sum1 tht noes rpgz r 4 fegits, u hella smrt bruh. in rpgz u cnt quiksc0p3 or b3 in faze clan. rpgz r 4 n00bs.
  15. *sees signature* Oh shet Celestia packin heat.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nobody Special

      Nobody Special

      What manufacturer? My first crush was a Remmington 7mm, simple, fires straight, hits hard.

    3. Harmonic Revelations

      Harmonic Revelations

      Smith and Wesson is the manufacturer, but the M29 Satan variant which I own is a custom variant.

    4. Nobody Special

      Nobody Special

      Sounds very... how do you put it... custom. What is custom about it if I may ask?

  16. Lui becuz waifu. Motion Spark for adorableness. (He'll give tigers diabetes zomfg) Feld0 becuz he's god tier. Dimitri Hammer becuz he's tough. Clarity and Lightning Fluttershy (Clari becuz d'aww/LF becuz he's a fuckin thug and he be packin heat) Chaotic Discord for Evil Happy Fun Tiems Pinkazoid & Urdnot for laughs. Chigens & Kay (yeah both of em, fuk duh limit they're a combo)
  17. You did a wonderful job as an admin, I bet Feld0 loves you to pieces for helping him with this forum. Hmm, I wonder what retirement home you and Zoop are going to... <_< *takes alicorn badge out of the trash and runs away*
  18. Dawn of the first day. -72 Hours Remain-

  19. Bleh. Pleasure too meet you too. :v Still a 9 lele
  20. 7/10 Random google image. But I do like me sum DBZ ponez. Also full HQ version of my avatar: http://i1173.photobucket.com/albums/r597/CleansThemWithWubs/Red_zps4031692b.png
  21. Fuk u mean? I'm mega active Also 9/10. Idk who u are but...you have a high post count.
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