Seiously, it's fuckin annoying, I don't see why the game is so appealing. I'm guessing it's because it's SOOOOO easy a monkey can do it.
I played on the PS3 at my uncle's house not too long ago, JUST learning the controls and the game was still too easy...also the community is annoooying.
There are 4 types of COD players:
The Clans (Seriously quick-scoping or "trick-shotting" was ok, but it was annoying most of the time when people would ALWAYS make sniping or "trickshot" clans)
The Kids: Yeah, those 10 year olds you see at your local gamestop begging their moms to buy them the game, just to go online and be annoying.
The "Try-Hard": Yeah, that guy that will rage so hard if he dies, tries to jump off of buildings and "no-scope" or talks shit about other players.
The Casual Player:The guy that's jut there, doesn't say a word unless he's just playing with friends and having a conversation.
Do I play it? Yeah, but only when I'm bored and need something to do, my little brother only plays it, and he literally cried when he couldn't get something called a bloodthirsty medal and couldn't get gold camo for a weapon.
I'm done. XD