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Everything posted by Neikos

  1. Happy Pi day everyone!

  2. Neikos

    Sup ?

    Well hello there! I'm sure you will enjoy the third season Have fun around here!
  3. Have a good one :)

  4. My favorite song from the canon show has to be Winter Wrap Up. The text is just right, pointing out the flaws of Twilight, showing her where she has to improve. ( She kind of does it herself. ) And not to mention it's the first episode I watched, so that is definite bias from myself.
  5. Going finally to bed >.>

  6. I posted an awesome amount of 70 posts the last month! Woohoo

    1. Snowdream


      nice! im almost at 200, god i wish RP post counted, i would be WAYYYY up there then...

  7. Somebody interested in proofreading a really short fanfiction?

  8. While we both were part of the staff we haven't interacted much, but when we did I remember you being a pleasant individual to converse with. When I saw the beginning of the thread I feared that we had lost another great member. But my fears where soon squashed by the rest of your post. I thank you for helping making this forum what it is right now. Have a good rest. ( While you can! Hihi. )
  9. Who's on Twitter around here?

    1. Fanned


      I don't go to Twitter. :L

    2. Neikos
  10. What kind of bell doesn't make a sound when you hit it?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Princess Derpy

      Princess Derpy

      YAY! Wait, why would you hit sweetie belle?

    3. Neikos


      Yes, why would you!

    4. Princess Derpy

      Princess Derpy

      I wouldn't just a random guess. :P

  11. What about podcasts? They are technically audio, albeit not songs, but still can be pony related?
  12. Okay, time to get shopping! Original:
  13. @Sam, which Arduino are you using? They all have analog outputs afaik?
  14. Time for this pony to go to bed! See ya around everyone :)

  15. Shoop Shoop Shoop beeeedo!

  16. Well, since I seem to be the only person having voted 'Yes' I might just as well give my reasoning. To make it short, I prefer a non forced medium to a forced one anytime. So a comic which I can read when I want to, while listening to music I like is just more fun to me. Obviously the show is good. It has a strong and talented team behind it and does several things right. Story isn't one of them though. It's not really a specific episode that is standing out, but the fact that they try to make a fully contained story in 20 minutes just shows way too much. Too often it jumps from one thing to another, not giving you time to breath or appreciate what happens. In a comic you can just wait, re-read the page to make sure you didn't miss anything or look at all the details that are everywhere.
  17. http://puu.sh/2d1zW The official comic is just so much awesome
  18. Don't you worry, Don't you worry child!

    1. Rainbow Dash Loyalty

      Rainbow Dash Loyalty

      See heaven's got a plan for you

    2. Neikos


      Don't you worry, Don't you worry now!

  19. Uhm, why a contest? There is no intrinsic way of judging a piece of art, so any result isn't really interesting other than probably bringing up unwanted emotions.
  20. The song's uploader got hacked it seems x) ( Careful explicit description. )
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