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Everything posted by NekromantiaFox

  1. What's her cutiemark? I can't see it too well Your OC has an increadibly interesting design, so I'll have to consider him for next week's pick :3
  2. The colors on the first one are too simmilar as is....it has very little interest. The second one is fine (still not my favorite, but it's okay). I actually do like the third one and the fourth one (though the third has the most color interest, the fourth one has that pink and purple mix you seemed to like and, even though the colors are rich, it works out okay). The last one is also pretty good, in a very simplistic manner. Overall, I think the third design is my favorite, simply because the hues are the most visably pleasing (plus I like green :3) and they don't hurt my eyes. Although, you could always fiddle around with some more ideas untill you find one you really like. If you like the fourth one more, I suggest adding a lighter hue to the hair to help balance the colors.
  3. http://www.foxprints.com/tracy/misc/tutorial/fig2.jpg His definition of what does and doesn't deserve to live makes me feel very bad about my own drawing abilities.
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Harmonic Revelations

      Harmonic Revelations

      I prefer no guidelines because the only purpose they serve is making you look like you know what you're doing.

    3. Friendship_Cannon


      guidelines, guidelines, what are guidelines?

    4. NekromantiaFox
  4. Yes, something along those lines, that sounds like it should work. Put up a few images and we'll see which color scheme looks best. I always thought weaboo had something to do with people who were like...obsessed with wolves to a retarded uneducated state....er something
  5. Weaboo? LOL Interesting... You don't have to go with Japanese, you know. Why not Latin, Greek, or even German? The possibilities are endless. Anywho, I wasn't really suggesting a purple-to-blue tone. I was suggesting you make the base coat a light pink and then add in a bit of purple hair of a darker hue (possibly adding a bit of pink highlight if desired), you can use gradients of both dark and light hue to balance the base coat. What I meant as far as the blue went was that light blues make for beautiful accessories and, if you make all of your colors very bright/light (rather than using very dark colors here-and-there), it can help balance the cool/warm tones. Using gradient on the cutiemark is a WONDERFUL idea.
  6. I've got a few suggestions, but I'm not entirely sure what you'll think about them. First off, if you keep the base coat a light pink, a darker purple/pink combo might be just the thing (sometimes this looks better with gradients, rather than blunt streaks). Then all you really need to do is mix some blues in there somewhere (like with an accessory) and you'd have a perfect cool-warm color balance. If you want to go with a darker pink for the base coat, I actually suggest using a white or a much lighter pink (or even an entirely different color) in the body (even though a lot of people feel as though this makes the character too "unique") to help neutralize the brighter, more dominant colors (you can also do this backwards with light pinks be accenting with darker colors). You should NEVER make the mane/tail and the base coat the same hue (whether it be a different color or not). Pink with blue hues and yellow hues also work well (but it's important not too overpower the cool colors if you choose to use yellow) REMEMBER THAT RED IS JUST A DARK SHADE OF PINK A few images to give you inspiration (Note how the white or light-hue accents add to the design) As for the name, I would actually suggest simply picking something foreign that fits her well (this makes the name seem unique, while still holding on to the basic MLP traditions). Pink ponies aren't really my forte, but I hope I've been of some assistance. And right now I'm quoting you so that you'll be notified of my post. Simple, eh? Annoying Filler is Annoying
  7. Do you KNOW what I would give just to SEE Amy Lee in person?!?!? A lot. I would give a lot.

  8. Making another main OC, but I need help choosing a talent (I'll have 4 main OCs by time I'm done :3).

  9. In a sense, I think it kinda depends on what type of facial hair the guy has and how often they "shape" it. Generally though, I like it.
  10. Well, I can certainly try, so long as you keep and don't cover my signature, I'd be happy to do it. Just give me some time and I'll see if I can get it up. Remember that I draw traditional, though.
  11. I tried to do a thread like this once, but it got aggressive very quickly (people don't like criticism). It didn't last long.
  12. Oh, uhm, thank you :3 Of course not, it's a reserved slot, so it's kinda like a side project. I'll be doing it on my own free time, so I doubt I'll have any reason not to draw her.
  13. Sure thing, I think I'll add her as a reserved slot. Uhm, thing I like to draw.....hmmmm Well, most anything fantasy works for me. I've drawn elves, dragons, ect. It all depends on what style you would like me to draw it in (realistic, cartoon-ish, anime, ext).
  14. Anything would be fine, really. I draw a lot, so the more practice the better. What did you have in mind? You've peeked my interest.
  15. I'd try to post, but I don't have any good images of me and I'l a little insecure about that XD Maybe if I get a better pic in time, oksie? Bescides, I've never considered myself particularly pretty......and there are a lot of much prettier girls on here....maybe it'd be a better idea not to post anything at all. >///<
  16. She's pretty, what's her cutiemark? I'm sorry, but if I draw a skeleton pony, it'll be on my own time and for my own theatrical purposes.
  17. Not as an OC, no. I'm sorry, but it's a bit of an overrun idea anyways. It'd be very difficult to make him stand out as an original character. No to mention, he isn't really your character.
  18. I normally don't so ponycreator characters, hun, but I'll think about it. http://browse.deviantart.com/art/Unicorn-Skeleton-282182552 Really? I see them all over the place. Please as the artist for permission next time.
  19. I'm thinking of getting my hair permed, but I'm afraid of how it might turn out. Is there anybody here who's gotten one before who can give me some tips? Like what size curls would be nice....

  20. MLP wings are weird....unless your drawing Celestia, you have to draw the tip of the wig shorter than the base when folded.

  21. I'm gonna go and screw with my hair until it decides to do what I want it to do.

  22. Like...a month It kind of depends on what I'm singing. I can sing deep very comfortably, but, if I tune a little bit before I sing, I can also sing very high soprano. I have a pretty wide range, but sometimes it's difficult to transition properly from the two.
  23. EMO stands for emo-core, which is a form of self-expressive punk music. I am an emo. Yes, I do have depression, but that is because I have manic depressive disorder. NOT BECAUSE I AM EMO.

  24. EMO stands for emo-core, which is a form of self-expressive punk music. I am an emo. Yes, I do have depression, but that is because I have manic depressive disorder. NOT BECAUSE I AM EMO.

  25. Actually, I'm learning to play the flute right now XD I used to know how to play the guitar, but I haven't in a pretty long while. I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to learn a new song though. I, too, normally just sing.
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