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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by NekromantiaFox

  1. YAY a muffin! In retrospect it really didn't take me all that long, I was rushing when it came to the details, so a lot of the highlighting and stuff is uber simple. I said It took a couple weeks because I spaced the work out for when I wasn't busy (sketch, lining, and color). So It really only took a day or two, possibly even less. I'm glad you like it so much though
  2. Oh wow, thank you I can't believe this post is even getting views anymore, but I'm glad to see people still like it. I've improved a lot since then :3
  3. I actually only used the rules I generally see with fan-created species, such as Zenyus and Fire Ponies. See, requiring people to use the group before making one helps me moderate how people are using them, preventing people from claiming the species as theirs and whatnot. And, actually, you should re-read the deviantart terms of service real quick, because they do have a quick excerpt on copyright material, most people don't take the time to read all of that though ^^" so I completely understand why that came up for you. Anyways, yeah, you really shouldn't call people childish. The rules are placed there for a reason. Most species people create aren't even open to the general public at all, but I wanted to be lenient with the Marines, which is why I took this route. Not to mention a lot of my adoptables are free ~
  4. HAHA XD Thank you for the kind words. Uhm, I use most of the same skills I use for other work really ^^" I did this in promarker using artist pens for lining.
  5. Well I used to reference a lot, just looking and observing really helps. Not to mention that studying the art of others also helps, and knowing basic anatomy is important too. I'm heavily influenced by Kattvalk, personally.
  6. You all flatter me so much ^^" I guess I should post my work more often then, eh? This piece is incredibly old, the post itself was made before I stopped using the forums for a while...which was a few months ago.
  7. No no XD I don't take requests, hun, I charge for my work. I was just showing off my new species...when I said I would need a complete description, I was actually saying that, if you want one, you need to apply. As far as the group goes...well...it's my first deviantart group ^^" I just fixed that, btw, so you can go ahead and join if you like. I might just be confused though.. Thank you for your compliments, they really mean quite a lot :3 Oh wow, thank you ^^" I'm glad to see people like my work, I don't just do ponies though, of course, but I did take quite a while fully developing my pony styles.
  8. Unicorn~ Unicorn Ponies~ Unicorn Marines, like average ponies, have one magic-wielding horn. However, webbing from this horn connects it to many fins that make it's way up along the pony's back from it's hip to it's forehead directly up the middle. When in use, the magic is more concentrated and visible, resulting in an almost fire-like appearance. When using their abilities, the eyes of unicorn Marines also release magic, which generally flows off of the corners of their eyes. Unicorn Marines only specialize in one element (ice, water, fire, lightning, shadow, etc..), becoming a master of the subject. Unicorn Marines pose a unique adaption, because their hair is unable to sprout the way it does with average ponies. Instead, their hair tends to develop in more interesting manners and forms around their fins. Pegasus Ponies~ Pegasus Marines don't actually have wings. Instead, they have somewhat dragon-like webbed fins that extend from their shoulder blades and mimic the appearance of traditional wings. They're generally the fastest swimmers around, using their "wings" to propel themselves through the water. When on land, they are unable to fly, but are capable of gliding and hovering above ground if desired. Their legs, while still more muscular and longer than that of average ponies, are somewhat weak, but still stronger than that of the general pegasi ponies because their bones aren't completely hollow. Rather than folding their wings, the fins just overlap over one another, and the webbing corresponds. Earth Ponies~ Earth pony Marines often have the strongest legs. They generally keep to the depths of the ocean or lakes, and take up most of the duties concerning agriculture and much of the duties involving animals. In retrospect, they are very similar to average earth ponies, aside from the the addition of webbed fins and their obvious multi-colored coats. When on land, their leg strength makes them exemplary runners. Alicorn Ponies~ Alicorn Marines are incredibly rare, and sport features from all 3 of the different Marine types. They are incredibly tall, and are known to be somewhat more expressive than the average Marine, due to the fact that, over time, alicorn Marines can develop facial fins as well, which typically close and open based upon their mood. Marines as a whole~ All Marines sport webbed, immobile fins. Generally, these fins only sprout from the hind hooves, but on occasion can be seen on the front hooves and even the ears or flank. Marines have incredibly thin fur, and tend to be more colorful than average ponies as a result because their skin can be seen through their coats where the fluff is shortest. Their skin tones can range from the normal pink or grey, to more exotic colors such as orange or blue. On rare occasions, they can have up to three body colors, if the skin underneath is spotted in any way. Marines are normally somewhat taller and sleeker than average ponies, but come in a wide range of shapes and sizes, on rare occasions, they have even been known to be shorter than their earthly counterparts. Female marines are known to be somewhat taller than males, and have designs that generally sprout from their bottom eyelash (swirls, teardrops, anything really). Males, on the other hand, have a bulkier build and wider bodies, as well as somewhat broader faces and the addition of naturally colored hooves. Marines do not have hair. What appears to be hair is actually just thin external gill fragments that allows them to breath under water with ease, Marines that do not have large amounts of "hair" (or have no "hair" at all) tend to have gills to either side of their throats (male) or beneath the rib cage (female). Marines are unable to stay out of water for long amounts of time, because their skin is incredibly delicate and will dry out after a while. The webbing of their fins is incredibly thick and is not see-through, it can be basically any color. During rituals, such as weddings or traditional events, the Marines generally paint their fur and fins with the colors and patterns of native fish. There are both fresh water and sea water Marines. Marines are capable of interacting in different biomes, but can become sick if kept in the wrong water type for too long. Fins can come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and are two-toned. Marines towards other species~ Marines and Ponies can generally get along fairly well, but tend to clash with other species such as griffins due to rivalries over hunting grounds. Marines are entirely omnivorous, and generally tend to prefer fish over seaweed (they have fangs that are visible when the mouth is opened). Since Ponies are herbivores, this has never really been a problem. Marines and Ponies can, in fact, breed, and their offspring have a 50% chance of being a Marine or a Pony. This is the same with any other species that is capable of breeding with others. Getting your own Marine OC~ You must apply for your OC with a full-detail explanation of your character. Rules~ * You can only CREATE 1 Marine OC, all other OCs must be adopted. * Only Admins are allowed to create designs for adoption or create multiple OCs. * If you would like to breed your Marine, please contact an admin. * You may NOT create or own an alicorn Marine. * You MUST credit me for the creation of the species. * You MUST join the group before creating or adopting a Marine. * You MUST link back to the group whenever you create artwork of any form including a Marine. * DO NOT STEAL Group~ Link~ aqua-marines.deviantart.com/ PLEASE REMEMBER TO JOIN BEFORE CREATING OR ADOPTING A MARINE Marine Ponies © NEKROMANTIAFOX NOTE: My scanner like...really hates me guts...so some of the colors might be dulled and the transitions might be messed up.
  9. The hair wasn't really supposed to be exceptionally clean, and the color difference was intentional. :3 Other than that, I'm glad you like it...yeah...it's pretty old now ^^"
  10. Yeah ^^" That's not normally my issue, I just happen to like...get really busy....and then leave for long periods of time. Yeah....no...I actually left for like a couple months. And I don't take requests anymore...I'm uber sorry about that.
  11. I really only came back to the site because I was feeling pretty bumbed out. I mean, how are you SUPPOSED to react when you learn that the guy you've been with for more than 2 years now has been cheating? I feel frustrated and angry, but hurt beyond words. I love him..why would he do this to me? I mean...

  12. Yes, I AM prochoice. And I have plenty of damn good reasons why, too!

  13. That is.........somewhat intentional. See, I've had problems with abusive men in the past. This was the best way I could put it into artwork. She even has my scar....
  14. The letters P, A, and T in their name. Along with the letter combination "rick" following afterwards. <3 What more do I need to say?
  15. Oh O/////O Such a nice thing to say. Heh, I haven't gotten the prints made quite yet (having some difficulties finding a printer in my area), but I'll post it to my Etsy shop when I can. I'm afraid I can't really tell you my Etsy shop name at the moment though, because I don't want to get in trouble for advertising on the forums ^^" Although, this print, along with many others, will be up soon. And I'll start taking Commissions soon as well. It really isn't all that amazing, there are so many problems everywhere >.< Plus my hair texturing sucks really bad. I'm glad you like it though.
  16. When working on this piece, I wanted people to get a fairly strong sense of unreality. In order to do this, I decided to go with a style similar to that of anime, leaning towards cartoon. I gave them four fingers, rather than five and I made sure the proportions of the "demon" didn't match the proportions of the girl. I also wanted to frame her fairly well, so it's a good thing I can draw circles. I plan on putting this image up for sale as a print after editing the image (so that I know for sure that the small problems won't show up). I hope you all like it. ^^" (Because I think it sucks terribly, and I have no possible chance at succeeding at an artist.) Poor girl, she's having a nightmare. I'd have to apologize for the image quality though, because the scanner seems to have picked up things that aren't actually visible in real life and this was the first time I've ever used my promarkers, so I was a bit unaware of how it would lay on the paper.... It also did some weird things to the line-work, which is actually incredibly smooth in reality. PS: The fire isn't meant to look realistic. PSS: I've also finished my NM print (this time the right way, because I got the last shipments of markers, and I actually know how to use them now) and I will post it up soon. Consider this a color test XD Not quite sure what to call this so uhm....fantasy? Or would that be abstract? I'm getting better, right? There's also a hidden meaning behind this picture, but you wouldn't notice it unless you knew me well. PLEASE COMMENT!!!! I NEED TO KNOW IF PEOPLE WILL/WOULD BE WILLING TO BUY THIS PIECE, SO PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK!!! - Description posted off of DeviantART. This picture sucks so bad >.< Here's the link to the page: http://nekromantiafox.deviantart.com/art/Demons-Of-My-Own-Creation-378004240?q=gallery%3Anekromantiafox&qo=1 The stuff I've been working on lately is much better.
  17. So this is the Nightmare Moon print I've been working on for the last couple weeks or so. I'm afraid to say, I'm not entirely happy with some of the details, especially the hair (I'm still working on proper shading and texturing for hair) and the drawing is incredibly large, so I was unable to scan it (the image was taken with my low-grade camera). Once I've signed it and added a date, I'll be off to get prints made, which will be available on Etsy. I have to apologize for the image quality. As I've said, the image had to be taken with a low-quality camera and it looks much nicer in real life. Hopefully, the prints turn out alright, and it doesn't wind up being a complete waste of time. I also have another picture in the works, but I won't be able to post that until I finish fine-lining it (haven't decided if it'll be in color), and I need my artistry pens to do that (I can't seem to find them anywhere D: ). Somewhat inspired by the song "Lullaby For A Princess" Yes, I did alter her color scheme somewhat. I like it better this way. ^^" Not my best color work, but it'll have to do I suppose. PS: THE IMAGE YOU SEE IS NOT THE ENTIRE IMAGE!!!! - Description re-posted from DeviantART I'm not particularly happy with it. ^^"
  18. I know I really shouldn't message you like this, I just haven't talked to you in so long.

  19. Hey look at that, I'm online. Perhaps I'll even be back for good.

    1. Scootalove


      Oh good. :) If your back for good, how wonderful. :3

  20. I'm gonna have to get to this later. I'm filled to the brink with prints and commissions of the like. I hope you don't mind too terribly much.
  21. I woah....i just....you would do that O,O WOOOAAAHHHHH I would LOVE that so much <3 Thank you a TON, it means a lot to me. Thank you, Cannon :3 XD
  22. Been gone for a few weeks, but I'm back

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. NekromantiaFox


      Must I slap thee royally?


    3. Sir.Flutter Hooves

      Sir.Flutter Hooves

      You may slap thee royally, only if thee says please.

    4. SparkBrony
  23. These are very impressive. I, myself, can only draw traditional. I particularly like your Nightmare Moon piece, and not only because Nightmare Moon is my favorite villain. I've been working on a NM print for a while actually.
  24. I'm not accepting all of these requests, so don't take it off XD I just completely forgot about it (that's why it's taking so long). A new shipment of gel pens should be coming in soon, so I'll be able to finish it sometime soon-ish.
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