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Everything posted by mycarhasaMoustache

  1. No my cat is a massive pain and would move just before the camera was in the right place or she would just stare directly at it
  2. 6 alarms go off then I eventually get up at around 5:45am I dive out of bed quickly shove my uniform on, skip breakfast and go to work.
  3. It was probably put there by previous owners to keep children out of the room or somthing
  4. That is your opinion but most of the other people in this thread would beg to differ. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Different people are attracted to different things.
  5. you beat me too it haha I think it would be amazing if there was a second movie where we see human Twilights adventure being stuck in Equestria haha
  6. For the sake of it being convenient for the plot Im pretty sure that Twilight will not have duplicate but I dont know it may be explained in the movie we will have to wait and see.
  7. Im huge fan of old school 8bit and 16bit games Iv still got my sega Master system and Sega Mega drive. The reason people prefer newer games its because over all they are better, I still play on the Sega every now and then but for the most part its not as fun as a modern game because old games are alot more difficult No regenerating health, When you run out of lives you have to start the entire game from the beginning and most of the older games have no save function. I love old games but modern games are just better (mostly)
  8. Sunset shimmer is going to be the villain in the upcoming Equestria girls movie as far as I know. I dont think she will ever be in the normal show.
  9. If I wasn't going to watch it I wouldn't be posting this, Tbh I really dont understand why anyone would stop watching because of some pathetic trivial reason. I love the show and choose not to let pathetic drama effect my opinion of it.
  10. Now I have actually seen some animation from the advert the character design is actually pretty good. and lets face it it could have been worse and regardless Iam not bothered by anything as long as its a good movie but for that we will have to wait and see.
  11. Driving a modern car is easy in fact driving in general is easy. Its when you add other people to the road that it gets more complicated but just like everything else it takes practice and time to become good at it.
  12. Because she was off screen and like I said it was convenient for the plot more then anything. In reality she would have been in danger but the writers didnt have time or chose for her not to be.
  13. I dont think Apple Jack was in any real danger at the time and it can be justified by being convenient for the plot I dont think there is much more too it then that really.
  14. Apple bloom put apple jack on the branch because she wanted to keep going and Apple jack was telling her to turn around so Apple Bloom decided to leave tiny Apple Jack there because she knew there was nothing tiny Apple Jack could do about it.
  15. Im not really loosing interest but I am less active then ever because of the stupid unessasery Equestria girls drama. Im tired of people overreacting to every little thing.
  16. I cant say I have ever had that happen Most people that dont know the gender of a cat just avoid mentioning gender. I personally dont take it as an insult since unless you have a well trained eye and know alot about cats it is very difficult to tell a male from a female.
  17. Because Animated movies usually have a much smaller budget then Live action movies and take a very long time to animate and edit and sync up audio.
  18. How do people seem to find so much negativity from a 1 minuet advert. We dont know the reasons that Twilight is going to earth alone mabey the portal only lets powerful unicorns/Alicorns through? Tbh with you no little girl is even going to see it that way because children dont nit pick every single little thing. Why cant people just stop pointing out how rubbish EQG is going to be untill we have actually seen it. You cant know its going to be bad from the 1 minuet trailer and everything you said in your post was based on clips that are less then 5 seconds long. Also she isnt replacing her friends with the humans since she will return to Equestria at the end of the movie and we will probably never hear from the humans ever again!
  19. The new layout is terrible its hard to navigate mess, It makes playlists difficult to find and doesn't seem to benefit anyone. I really dont understand why youtube likes to fix things that aren't broken.
  20. For now Im saying its fake it has reviews but they all contradict eatch other and there is no mention of this on any other website is it not just Equestria girls and the R rating is a mistake? EDIT: Just found this on another website and this links to that amazon page it appears to be season 2 on blu-ray??? http://www.reviewsdollsaccessories.co.uk/post/My-Little-Pony-Fall-Blu-ray-B00CPTUNBK-Prices-Reviews-Coupon.html EDIT AGAIN: A quote from the mlp wiki My Little Pony Equestria Girls is scheduled for an August 6, 2013 release on DVD and Blu-ray. so yea it seems to just be Equestria girls but amazon have given it the wrong rating
  21. Huh you might actually be onto something there. Since the advert starts with twilight saying shes "a little nervous" witch is more like the reaction to an upcoming test as aposed to an upcoming search and retrive mission and surely if the crown had been stolen then all the mane 6 would have gone to help retrieve it and not just Twilight.
  22. I chose my user name because I couldnt think of anything else at the time and for some reason I just decided to pick a random fact about my self.
  23. That is amazing I had never heard of it untill now at first I thought you had miss-spelled "breeding" but cat bearding is potently my new favorite thing I will attempt this once my cat eventually wakes up.
  24. See quote that is pretty much exactly what I would like to see. I think out of all of the possible spin offs a spin off about the royal past would answer the most questions about the show. (also it would break the most fan fictions comics and head cannons)
  25. I dont like the Rainbow dash is a lesbian and must be shipped with everything fannon for several reasons, 1.People assume shes gay because she is tomboyish witch isnt fair. 2. Because cannon Rainbow dash has never mentioned even having feelings for anypony. 3. Out of the mane 6 Rainbow dash is probably the least likely to have a relationship with anypony since she is way to focused on her job, Flying, The wonder bolts. etc. I also dont like the fannon that Equestria is on this planet but in the future or the past. Last but not least the fannon that Discord was friends with Celestia and Luna in the past even though it is cannon that Discord was evil and committing chaos when Celestia and luna first arrived.
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