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And who decides what's "bad" or not? You? Who made you the supreme ruler of music?




So they are conceited for having an opinion that's different from yours? Seems legit.





I don't think so. Everyone has different opinions on music. Just look at this metal thread here. We all disagree about a lot of bands that we personally like.

Because a lot of popular bands are either lame or overshadow other bands that are much better. It's not that I hate anything that's popular, I like Pantera and Slayer but sometimes I feel like listening to stuff that is in the same genre but not as popular.

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So do you guys like base how superior your music tastes are by how underground what you listen to is? 


Yes, that's exactly how I do it.  I bet you don't even listen to Pseudo-Blackened-Deathened-New Wave of British Power Metal-Core.


For real though, you say some version of this once a month or so.  Good on you for liking more mainstream stuff.  Some of us don't.



On 8/23/2012 at 1:54 AM, Djenty said:


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*Glances up at all that shit up there*


Okay then... Amon Amarth's new album sounds about exactly as I'd expect it to, which is exactly the same as all of their other work. But with these guys, that's exactly what you want.


Why is there no other songs from it on Youtube than the title track?


once this wraps up, moving on to SCALE THE SUMMIT as recommended by TREEBOY.

  • Brohoof 1



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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Because a lot of popular bands are either lame or overshadow other bands that are much better. It's not that I hate anything that's popular, I like Pantera and Slayer but sometimes I feel like listening to stuff that is in the same genre but not as popular.


Pantera and Slayer are two of the most popular bands on the planet what are you on about


Anyway, in further defense of "Sunbather," the lyrics are what sold me.


I held my breath and drove through a maze of wealthy homes. I watched how green the trees were. I watched the steep walkways and the white fences. I gripped the wheel. I sweated against the leather. I watched the dogs twist through the wealthy garden. I watched you lay on a towel in grass that exceeded the height of your legs. I gazed into reflective eyes. I cried against an ocean of light.


Crippled by the cushion, I sank into sheets frozen by rose pedal toes. My back shivered for your pressed granite nails. Dishonest and ugly through the space in my teeth. Break bones down to yellow and crush gums into blood. The hardest part for the weak was stroking your fingers with rings full of teeth..


It's 5 A.M...and my heart flourishes at each passing moment.


Always and forever.


I damn near cried.



I've got a story that money just can't buy.


ALBUM OF THE WEEK: The Knife - Shaking the Habitual

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They're conceited for thinking popularity equals talent.



By the way, you're basically saying "unpopularity equals talent" so you are therefore doing exactly what those people who say "popularity equals talent" are doing, but just the opposite. Which also makes you conceited by your logic. Unless I misunderstood you. Although it seems like you are saying anything popular is automatically inferior to anything unpopular, therefore anyone who listens to unpopular music is automatically superior to anyone who listens to more popular music.



Yes, that's exactly how I do it.  I bet you don't even listen to Pseudo-Blackened-Deathened-New Wave of British Power Metal-Core.


For real though, you say some version of this once a month or so.  Good on you for liking more mainstream stuff.  Some of us don't.



I wasn't quite referring to you Crispy.


And no, I actually don't believe I ever brought this topic up before. All I said before was that I don't listen to extreme metal genres, which I usually don't.



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They're conceited for thinking popularity equals talent.



Anyway, did I mention I listened to Morbid Angel for the first time recently?



Pretty solid early death metal.

Solid death metal it is. Would you like some more?


Pantera and Slayer are two of the most popular bands on the planet what are you on about.

Yes, I know. I said I don't hate EVERYTHING that's popular, and I mentioned a couple of popular bands that I do like. Does that clear things up a bit?

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And who decides what's "bad" or not? You? Who made you the supreme ruler of music?

I often like to think that music is objective. There's a clear difference between what is good and bad.





It is an objective fact that this music is shit. It's shit production, shit lyrics, shit aesthetic, shit everything. There's no way to spin this in a different light.

And for most albums, there is a general consensus on how good it is. Sometimes you have to step away from personal connections to music (nostalgia mainly) and judge it through the eyes who has never heard the music before, so you can actually judge it with out getting your feelings in the way.

don't worry ily rd92-kun :>


Because a lot of popular bands are either lame or overshadow other bands that are much better. It's not that I hate anything that's popular, I like Pantera and Slayer but sometimes I feel like listening to stuff that is in the same genre but not as popular.

i don't even understand what point you're making


Yes, that's exactly how I do it.  I bet you don't even listen to Pseudo-Blackened-Deathened-New Wave of British Power Metal-Core.

tfw jammin out to some onkyo-kei


  • Brohoof 1


On 4/28/2013 at 8:13 PM, gooM said:
Djenty...man you are crazy, but an awesome sort of crazy
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I often like to think that music is objective. There's a clear difference between what is good and bad.


It is an objective fact that this music is shit. It's shit production, shit lyrics, shit aesthetic, shit everything. There's no way to spin this in a different light.

And for most albums, there is a general consensus on how good it is. Sometimes you have to step away from personal connections to music (nostalgia mainly) and judge it through the eyes who has never heard the music before, so you can actually judge it with out getting your feelings in the way.

don't worry ily rd92-kun :>



Yeah of course there is music that is objectively very bad. Like, for example, I could name several valid reasons why Nickelback is absolutely terrible, and it has nothing to do with my subjective opinion on their music.


But back to what I was saying...I feel like there are popular bands that get bashed unfairly just because they are popular, and I feel that they objectively have a pretty decent amount of talent.

Edited by Champion RD92



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*Glances up at all that shit up there*


Okay then... Amon Amarth's new album sounds about exactly as I'd expect it to, which is exactly the same as all of their other work. But with these guys, that's exactly what you want.


Why is there no other songs from it on Youtube than the title track?


once this wraps up, moving on to SCALE THE SUMMIT as recommended by TREEBOY.

Holy dickbags I completely forgot about their new album, just like last time you mentioned them. And have you heard some of their older stuff? Because honestly, I've only heard stuff from Versus the World and after.


Kinda feel like all I've been listening to lately is metal. But in a bad way. Gotta take a break.

  • Brohoof 2
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i don't even understand what point you're making

Not the greatest example was it? Let's just leave it as popularity doesn't equal good (or bad.)



All I said before was that I don't listen to extreme metal genres, which I usually don't.

I thought you liked Death's last album? 

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Also, while I'm ranting, I want to bring up another point. 


Just because someone likes popular bands doesn't automatically make them an ignorant fuck who doesn't know what talent is. Between the Buried and Me might not be one of my absolute favorite bands, but I know for a fact they are a lot more musically talented than a lot of bands I like a lot, I mean I'm not stupid. I may enjoy a7x and metallica more than btbam, but btbam is clearly more musically talented, at least as far as I can tell. Although that doesn't mean a7x and Metallica don't both have talent, which they do, in my opinion.


I thought you liked Death's last album? 


That's why I said "usually" you derp derp.


I like BTBAM and I think they would constitute as extreme metal, correct me if I'm wrong.


Really, it's mainly just the vocals that turn me off from genres such as death/black metal. I usually don't mind the instrumental stuff at all, and sometimes I really like it actually.



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Really, it's mainly just the vocals that turn me off from genres such as death/black metal. I usually don't mind the instrumental stuff at all, and sometimes I really like it actually.

I kind of used to think that way, but then I began looking at the vocals as an instrument rather than normal singing. That's still how I view it now, and look at where's it's gotten me in terms of all the harsh vocals.


I guarantee you stuff like this banshee wailing would NOT have appealed to me before I started thinking like that.


(I need to stop posting the same shit :V)

  • Brohoof 1



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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lel im just gonna post some of my gay em0 p0ser f4gg0t metul nao k guyz???????????????????????????????????????????????




And can motherbucking youtube stop playing the fucking ad for Super Collider?!?!? I mean it's starting to get annoying. and that album is boring, i couldnt even get past the third song. rust in peace 4 lyfe bitches


  • Brohoof 1



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I delayed listening to this for six months and I have absolutely no goddamn clue why I didn't just put it on immediately after I found out about it.

  • Brohoof 1



I've got a story that money just can't buy.


ALBUM OF THE WEEK: The Knife - Shaking the Habitual

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lel okay now that im just being ignored and everyone is probably fucking annoyed with me or something - forgive me for trying to have a legitimate discussion - I suppose I will just bid you all farewell

I'm going to be honest with you here, if you're just going to keep on coming back and pulling this repeatedly, you can just stop posting. I have nothing against you personally, but I think it's been pretty clear that you and the majority of the people in this thread have different tastes. And we've tried to recommend you stuff you might like, but all it seems you do is say "yeah I like it" and go back to an endless amount of reposts, and stuff that isn't even worth posting. Like seriously, you made one post that was just "Uh....... Idk what you'd like, this thread's really dead....... loolololo". And that's more original than your usual post, which is "I know I've already posted this but damn this is my favorite A7x song YEAH I KNOW YOU GUYS HATE THEM". So yeah, think about that, stay, don't stay, whatever.



I delayed listening to this for six months and I have absolutely no goddamn clue why I didn't just put it on immediately after I found out about it.

seriously fuccboi start listening to my reccs. ;D

  • Brohoof 4


On 4/28/2013 at 8:13 PM, gooM said:
Djenty...man you are crazy, but an awesome sort of crazy
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I'm going to be honest with you here, if you're just going to keep on coming back and pulling this repeatedly, you can just stop posting. I have nothing against you personally, but I think it's been pretty clear that you and the majority of the people in this thread have different tastes. And we've tried to recommend you stuff you might like, but all it seems you do is say "yeah I like it" and go back to an endless amount of reposts, and stuff that isn't even worth posting. Like seriously, you made one post that was just "Uh....... Idk what you'd like, this thread's really dead....... loolololo". And that's more original than your usual post, which is "I know I've already posted this but damn this is my favorite A7x song YEAH I KNOW YOU GUYS HATE THEM". So yeah, think about that, stay, don't stay, whatever.



I was gonna reply to some of the things you said, but there's really no point. You're right. I'm obviously not needed or even wanted in this thread. I apologize for being such an annoyance both now and in the past. Later guys, it's been fun. 



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Plugging one last band before bed. Their debut's listed as "name your price" on their Bandcamp...


Behold Maybe That's Why Humans Drink The Darkness That is Coffee. They're a super-experimental black/ambidjent band.




Also, how's that for a band logo?

Edited by Twiliscael



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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I just downloaded this album, so far I'm enjoying it quite a bit. I tip my hat off to these guys.



I was gonna reply to some of the things you said, but there's really no point. You're right. I'm obviously not needed or even wanted in this thread. I apologize for being such an annoyance both now and in the past. Later guys, it's been fun. 

It's not that you should leave this thread, it's just that maybe should post something different besides Metallica and Megadeth. 

Edited by France
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And now I'm going to post a little something from South of Heaven, which is my favorite Slayer album.


Yeah, I'm listening to Slayer at 10:30 in the evening

Sig by Sparklefan1234

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The last two pages have provided me with the toppest of lels. If RD92 actually stops posting in this thread cause of what djenty said I might cry laughing. Stop taking everything so fucking seriously, dude.


This is not metal. This is better than metal. Fans of Joy Division, Type O Negative and Sixx, check it out.

Eh? Nandatte?

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This is not metal. This is better than metal. Fans of Joy Division, Type O Negative and Sixx, check it out.

It sounds kinda like Joy Division with a watery guitar, It was pretty good.



The last two pages have provided me with the toppest of lels. If RD92 actually stops posting in this thread cause of what djenty said I might cry laughing. Stop taking everything so fucking seriously, dude.

Oh, he'll be back soon. A dog always returns to its vomit.

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Oh, he'll be back soon. A dog always returns to its vomit.


>A dog always returns to its vomit.

>A dog always returns to its vomit.

>A dog always returns to its vomit.


Holy shit, that was rough.

Eh? Nandatte?

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>A dog always returns to its vomit.

>A dog always returns to its vomit.

>A dog always returns to its vomit.


Holy shit, that was rough.

Lol Rough. Get it, rough? Ruf ruf haha. It's nothing harsh it's just a metaphor that my health teacher showed me. It just means, you say you're going to stop doing something but then you end up returning to you're old habits.


Gonna go a bit old school here. I swear Diamond Head could have been as successful as Iron Maiden or Judas Priest. Could have.


  • Brohoof 1
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