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mega thread Metal Thread


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Okay, Mr. Crispy I have my report, double spaced and on 3 holed paper.


To start off, I listen to the three or four most popular songs by each artist, and I (unfortunately) skipped 2 because they were not available on Spotify (the music program I use)


Anyway, my analysis: The Faceless: pretty fucking sweet. My favorite that I've heard is An Autopsy. The guitar work is what really got me about this band. Will definitely be checking these guys out s'more.


Circles was not available on Spotify, I'll check them out on Youtube at a later time.


Volumes was not bad but from the few songs I heard didn't seem like anything really special. It sounded like standard metal to me, but I have no problems with 'em and will look into them more.


Misery Signals was pretty good, the vocals were really well (is "growled" the term you metal-folks use?) Also, the guitar work seemed pretty good. I'll listen to more of them later.


The Red Chord, holy shit, it's like rhythmic hell. I like it alot. Also, everything (especially guitar) sounds like an angry buzz saw ripping through solid steel. Holy crap, I'm definitely gonna listen to more by them.


Municipal Waste was probably my favorite out of these recommendations. I liked the whole vibe of this band. The vocals are fast and aggressive, and the fact that they cram so much into relatively short songs makes it even better. Definitely looking up more by them.


MurderDeathKill was also unavailable on Spotify, I'll probably check 'em out on Youtube some other time.


Without trying to sound like a newfag, some of these artists really make me think of metal as a true form of musical art. Where else can you get something like this?


Also, I've already posted about them a few months ago, but I really like Sodom. So here's some music to (hopefully) make my treatment of TL;DR worth reading :3





EDIT: 2 things. 1, is it odd for me to want to use An Autopsy by The Faceless to help me got to sleep?

And 2, how does it feel knowing that you're corrupting an innocent teenager? :P

Edited by Twilie'Zorah (Twi Dog)
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Welp, since you did it as a paper, I'll review it as a paper.


Anyway, my analysis: The Faceless: pretty fucking sweet. My favorite that I've heard is An Autopsy. The guitar work is what really got me about this band. Will definitely be checking these guys out s'more.


Ah, so you found the first album. Good choice. They've evolved a bit since then, but they are still incredibly talented.


Volumes was not bad but from the few songs I heard didn't seem like anything really special. It sounded like standard metal to me, but I have no problems with 'em and will look into them more.


You probably have more of a taste for melodic. Volumes brings the heavy and some people toss the word "melodic" onto them because there are passages with chords and acoustics. That's not melodic. But yeah, that's Volumes, good at what they do, and what they do is simple.


Misery Signals was pretty good, the vocals were really well (is "growled" the term you metal-folks use?) Also, the guitar work seemed pretty good. I'll listen to more of them later.




*ahem* I'm glad you liked them. Also, you get a different experience depending on the album you choose. If it was off the EP/Of Malice and the Magnum Heart, you get the first vocalist. If it was off Mirrors/Controller, you get the new one. Both great, though I prefer the old.


The Red Chord, holy shit, it's like rhythmic hell. I like it alot. Also, everything (especially guitar) sounds like an angry buzz saw ripping through solid steel. Holy crap, I'm definitely gonna listen to more by them.


The Red Chord is pretty sweet. I recommend "Dreaming In Dog Years", "Antman", and "Love On The Concrete".


Municipal Waste was probably my favorite out of these recommendations. I liked the whole vibe of this band. The vocals are fast and aggressive, and the fact that they cram so much into relatively short songs makes it even better. Definitely looking up more by them.


Municipal Waste is a gateway to thrash. Be prepared.


And 2, how does it feel knowing that you're corrupting an innocent teenager? :P


Psh. This is less corruption and more proper teaching. Enjoy!

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I really can't get enough of these vocals.



And especially that scream at around 3:33, it's like it's trying to rip your ears off!


I now really really love this band, I can't believe I used to dislike their music, it's so good. That vocalist's accent is awesome.



I'm seeing them tonight. :D

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I really can't get enough of these vocals.




And especially that scream at around 3:33, it's like it's trying to rip your ears off!




I'm seeing them tonight. :D


Jelly. I am jelly. So jelly. I am peanut butter and jelly. That sounds awesome! Oh well.


Kreator I shall post, because Kreator is good.

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Kreator I shall post, because Kreator is good.



Good song, great album, less than average recording.



Posting Destruction to complete the Big Three of Teutonic thrash set.

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Trying to cram in as much Moonsorrow and Metsaille as I can for tonight. I know jack shit about both. ._.




Also, why did I miss the metal discussion? ;_; I'm usually there for big thread explosions.


Because you decided to be responsible for once and take care of coding that needed to be done.



Edited by NeverNeverland
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As a fan of both Whitechapel and Deftones, when I came across this song, I shat a boatload of bricks.




Chino's screams are brilliant. I honestly wished I had that dude's screaming as my alarm clock; I'd wake up and be ready to murder the day :D



That feel, bro. I know it well


Deftones are really an awesome band. (Yeah guys, I know I say this like, every other day. :lol: ) Not only do Chino's screams kick ass, but Stephen Carpenter's guitar can be such a good pair with Chino's vocals. And, the drummer is pretty good.


Edited by Djenty's Ghost
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OH GOD that concert was amazing - I can still feel the ringing in my right ear! Which means I won't get any sleep; thank god for collapsing from exaustion.


I tell you guys later about it. To sum it up, Metsoill was good, Tyr was fantastic, Moonsorrow was epic and Korpiklaani ruled.


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OH GOD that concert was amazing - I can still feel the ringing in my right ear! Which means I won't get any sleep; thank god for collapsing from exhaustion.


Post show fatigue is one of the best feelings on the planet. Especially when you know you threw the fuck down for the mosh.


I wanna post Bury Your Dead but I can't. ;___; That's what's on right now, I need some hate to keep me awake and functioning on my one hour of sleep.

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The new Ensiferum album is good. The only question is how good, and I'm still not sure about that. The one thing that I'm sure of is that this song is amazing.


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OH GOD that concert was amazing - I can still feel the ringing in my right ear! Which means I won't get any sleep; thank god for collapsing from exaustion.

Sounds like a good time!

The next concert I'll be attending is DEVIN TOWNSEND, but you'll probably be gone by then ;_; So you won't be able to read my long and detailed description of it.

Here, metal bread. More Cryptic Slaughter. Great Crossover thrash?

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As I slowly integrate into this metal society, I find it necessary to spread my music here too! Have some Dream Theater, notorious for their loooooong songs. One of them is 23 minutes and 58 seconds long :o





Little do they know that I observe every one of Crispy's posts to one day steal his account and live out his forum life.

Edited by Twilie'Zorah (Twi Dog)
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Little do they know that I observe every one of Crispy's posts to one day steal his account and live out his forum life.


You may take my life, but you'll never take... MY FREEDOM.


Posted Image


This not being able to post videos from work shit is KILLING me. Someone post some The Number 12 Looks Like You on this thing, because that's what's on now.

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This not being able to post videos from work shit is KILLING me. Someone post some The Number 12 Looks Like You on this thing, because that's what's on now.


I owe ya one. I hope this is acceptable, just the first one that caught my eye on Youtube.


Not much else to say, this IS Crispy's music...

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FEH. If I wanted inspiration, I'd go to Skyharbor, Vildhjarta, Ever Forthright, Returning We Hear the Larks, or even (band name withheld to prevent shitstorm).




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3wfZzPz1G8 + = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czrB4ilyHo0

It's a proven equation. Also, with FellSilent, I just ignore the vocals for the most part, and take in the guitar work. Very chuggy indeed.

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Tell me what you think, Djenty. I give it a 65% melodic, 35% Djent feel. These are the first two songs off the album.




My preorder for this CD FINALLY came. I feel nice and hipster about the fact that there's only 1000 physical copies of it.

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