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London just got suffocated by dense fog. It actually didn't let up all day, normally it's gone by noon. Here's an interesting aerial shot from /r/London. (Those are the O2 antennae.)



  • Brohoof 4
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Clouds, more clouds, and even more clouds. Did I mention clouds yet because I'm mentioning them again. It's very cloudy today. The sun has not shined and the area has dimmed down a bit. I'm very okay with this since I love it when the sun doesn't shine. Now, if only it would rain.

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SNOW!!! :angry:


So yes, poor driving conditions, all drivers spontaneously lost their driving abilities and it was really cold. Other than that though, can't complain. It looks nice when you look at it out the window too.

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Quite fine... the only thing is that since last week there had been ice pond outside. It as been a low of about 22F over here.  


EDIT: Also the hoses were frozen on the inside with ice sticking out of it...

Edited by zombie king24
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The sun just went down here, and there is still some snow on the ground and its about 25 F outside, supposed to get up into the fifties tomorrow into the weekend, and just to think it was about -18F with windchill about a week ago, that's just Colorado for ya.  

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It got above freezing today and yesterday, but that was after five or so straight days of below freezing temperatures... Which is very rare for the (pathetic) winters of my state.


Of course, the snow started melting rabidly the instant it hit 32, but it was nice to have snow on the ground for more than a couple of hours.

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