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request shop Free OC Request (OPEN)


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Yes sure, It will take a little bit more than other requests, Maybe for Wednesday. Or Thrusday.


Sure!! It will be done between Wednesday, and Thrusday.

Take your time. Thank you so much!

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Okay, Im sorry, Ive been debating... could the cutie mark be a cute boo ghost?? Her talent is scaring ponies.lol  Fits her better.


Magnifying glass goes to my other oc. XP


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Hugging , colored please.



Could you please draw my OC, Skater?





And could put her in this pose?





Here you go!!! Hope you like it


Edited by PinkieAlliPie


Thanks to the amazing Kyoshi

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I can see you have a lot of work, but I'd like to throw out my two OC's if that is okay :)


Its a brother duo. Sunmane (A Druid-like friendly pony.) and Shadowknight (A loner, a dark knight. A protector that generally stays in the shadows)


The background, could it be divided. On Sunmane's side it would be surrounded in greenery and/or animals. Ya know a life scene. Hes probably taking care of an animal or examining some sort of plant.


Shadowknight's side could be a dark forested area. Hes probably standing as a protector. Probably keeping an eye out to make sure no evil monsters come from the darkness. You know, a Knightly kind of pose, but for a stallion lol. He is a little bit taller than Sunmane too. Sunmane supposedly has a bunch of different flowers decorating his mane and tail that change with the seasons (I know it sounds girly, but it ties into his nature-affinity)





You can probably tell the difference between the two. I hope the attached files show up lol.


P.S. for cutie marks, Sunmane's is a leaf with a small pawprint on the leaf. Shadowknight's cutie mark is a Silver or grey Kite shield with a black silhoutte of a rearing male alicorn on it.



Edited by The Shadow Stallion
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Hello there i was wondering if you could do a picture for me?


I have attached an image that shows the character and the cutie mark and as for a pose i was thinking that he would be sitting at a desk with a mic and the background be some basic talk show stage.


I hope its not to much work and oh if possible could you add vinyl scratch as a like guest that my character is interviewing.


If this is to much i can change just let me know cause i have lots of ideas heh :)


I am now running my own tumblr page: http://swifthooves.tumblr.com/


it's a simple ask blog and I shall be uploading audio shows where I will talk about different topics such as:

MLP:FiM, video games, news, etc. Episode 0 is currently up, the episode is mainly an introduction and boy do i sound nervous in it.

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  • 6 months later...

my oc is named shuriken she is mid brown only her eyes are bright blue she has a ninja mask on that is dark grey and it covers her whole head not her ears all the way to her neck her cutie mark is a shuriken she doesn't ever smile or seem happy can you put her in a picture with a cloudy day background and colored sorry if I didn't explain well enough she can be doing whatever you see fit in the background I love you XD :lol:B) also forgot to say her hair oops XD its hard to explain its like japanese or Chinese ppl do it like its ponytailed with a ball at the end she has three of those on her head then three on her neck and her tail is the same except its just one only and the I love you is a joke don't take it to seriously XD :EDIT: she is now my avatar

Edited by RainFoxMLP
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Could you draw Congy please? :3 No specific pose or background at all, just a smile with his accessories: 

His mane and tail are more.. proper in:

He's a blank flank also.
Thankies if considered, I'd hate to be a burden. ^^

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Could you draw mine Rave Darkmane? Could you make him cast some dark magic? You can click my signature to view my character (the picture that is to say). You can choose the background ^^

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  • 1 month later...

Hey, Wondering if you could do my Persona, Serenity the Griffon! 




Ignore the Eye-Shadow, and the eyes need to be a deeper shade of Blue, the Beak and Talons were meant to be more orange!





 Music Blog - Pastebin (Under Construction)

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