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What is the perfect ending to this show?


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I was walking thought town today thinking about the Brony Collab I've been working on, when a thought dawned on me. This show, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, is going to end one day.


And it's going to come sooner then we think, I honesty think we've got 2 or 3 season left and then that's it.

So a second thought dawned on me, What would make the perfect ending to this Show? what combines the Comedy, Drama, Action and Spirit that this show has created.

Also Note: Your Perfect Ending doesn't have to be able to make it pass Hasbro's censers/raters.


Personally I would like something where instead of a giant beast for the bad guy, some sort of abstract entente that consumes everyone's sense of harmony (Kinda like 'the nothing' in the never ending story). And also Twilight replaces Celestia, because she is consumed by it and it destroys her (physically atleast). Plus we see Twilight 1000's of years later, discovering the new air to her, the same may Celestia discovered her.

Okay so I know that didn't make much sense, but this is just kinda creative brain-storming.


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I'd rather not see a series finale. Just let the final season end as any other season has ended. A special series finale just seems like it would have too much forced emotional drama, and would not be the way I'd like it to end. I'd rather just have an episode like any other; maybe tie up a couple of loose ends on the side. Anyone else agree?

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I'd rather not see a series finale. Just let the final season end as any other season has ended. A special series finale just seems like it would have too much forced emotional drama, and would not be the way I'd like it to end. I'd rather just have an episode like any other; maybe tie up a couple of loose ends on the side. Anyone else agree?

I can see where you're coming from; If the show doesn't feel like it's ending, it's like it never ended at all. But shows need to have a conclusion it how story telling works. And besides other shows that have also spawned huge unexpected fandoms, and have had great ending to them. Take for example Avatar: The Last Airbender. It had great comedy, great action, great drama and tide up a most of loose ends; Including all the characters that only ever had one episode, and Aang's Spiritual and Philosophical Journey.

Edited by DYLZAL
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Okay I got this


So it's time for the gala again, and Celestia has unearthed a large fancy bell that she would love to have as a decoration.


Unfortunately it is cracked, so she has somepony repair it so that she can place it in the palace before the big night.


Once the bell is repair, the poor pony discovers that it is the same bell that was once used to seal away Grogar, who was transported to another reality after it was damaged.


So Grogar comes back, interrupting the Gala and announcing his plans to exterminate the ponies and reclaim Equestria as part of his empire.


He hides the bell deep in the Everfree forest to prevent it from being used against him, since he knows ponies are too scared to go there (maybe in the castle of the two sisters or something)


The Mane 6 have to use their rainbow power to confront Grogar and ultimately find a way to ring the bell once again to seal Grogar away.


The city of Ponyville is almost completely destroyed in the battle, and the shows closes off with a musical number about moving forward and the hope for the future as the ponies rebuild their home.


Also the CMC get their respective cutie marks, Spike unearths some of his family history, and Twilight reshapes Ponyville to be a kingdom fit for the Princess of Friendship.

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I think having the CMC getting their cutie marks in the series finale would be a good thing, since we're probably never going to see any of these characters again after MlP FiM.

But, if we are going to see them again, then I'd rather them not get their cutie marks until we know they are never going to appear again outside of Fan Works.

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Okay I got this


So it's time for the gala again, and Celestia has unearthed a large fancy bell that she would love to have as a decoration.


Unfortunately it is cracked, so she has somepony repair it so that she can place it in the palace before the big night.


Once the bell is repair, the poor pony discovers that it is the same bell that was once used to seal away Grogar, who was transported to another reality after it was damaged.


So Grogar comes back, interrupting the Gala and announcing his plans to exterminate the ponies and reclaim Equestria as part of his empire.


He hides the bell deep in the Everfree forest to prevent it from being used against him, since he knows ponies are too scared to go there (maybe in the castle of the two sisters or something)


The Mane 6 have to use their rainbow power to confront Grogar and ultimately find a way to ring the bell once again to seal Grogar away.


The city of Ponyville is almost completely destroyed in the battle, and the shows closes off with a musical number about moving forward and the hope for the future as the ponies rebuild their home.


Also the CMC get their respective cutie marks, Spike unearths some of his family history, and Twilight reshapes Ponyville to be a kingdom fit for the Princess of Friendship.

My...God. This man has it. He's cracked the Code!


Get M.A Larson on this at once! We must bring this man's genius story telling to life!!

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Discord betrays the Mane 6 again after another season of testing the grounds of the Mane 6's loyalty. Twilight and the crew learn what it really means to be stabbed in the back by one whom you trusted. During the exhausting battle, Celestia is swept up in the chaos by Discord and is permanently turned to stone. This sets off the Mane 6 to unleash all of their being to defeat the menacing one, once and for all. But what gives them the edge is Celestia's voice, speaking in spirit. She tells Twilight that her time has run out, and that it's all up to Twilight and her friends now. Discord is destroyed and blasted to nonexistion with the power of friendship and magic.


PLOT TWIST: While searching through the wreckage, Rainbow Dash notices something buried underneath all of the rubble...IT'S DISCORD! How could this be? It begins to crack, and what emerges is a tearful Discord, begging for the mare's to listen to his story. He explains that his long-lost twin brother had emerged, stronger and more clever than Discord, named Drocsid, bent even more on chaos than even the Lord of Chaos himself. His brother had turned him to stone and copied his appearance in a plan to finish the job his brother had never completed - A world of absolute chaos.


In the aftermath, Twilight is named the princess of all of Equestria to succeed Celestia, Discord becomes the second in command, and the ReManeing 5 head off on their own journeys. In one of the final scenes, Twilight is shown giving a speech to all of Ponyville, and while she starts to slip up, the spirit of Celestia is shown beside her. Twilight smiles, and finishes her speech with ease. She then meets with Luna who she shares a cider with while remembering the past.


While the Mane 6 now live apart, at the end of the episode they all plan a get-together to relive the old days, a party thrown by Pinkie. Laughs are had, memories are reminisced, and all is good.


The End, roll credits.


edit: added a plot twist

Edited by Mutant X
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My...God. This man has it. He's cracked the Code!


Get M.A Larson on this at once! We must bring this man's genius story telling to life!!

XD It wasn't that good, but I appreciate it.


If they do any of the ideas in my post, it should be that the series finale involves the Gala. It would be like a full circle since the S1 finale took place during the Gala. But they could make it more epic (like the Tirek fight) to really prove how much the show and the characters have evolved since FiM became a thing.  B)  Just my too since

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XD It wasn't that good, but I appreciate it.


If they do any of the ideas in my post, it should be that the series finale involves the Gala. It would be like a full circle since the S1 finale took place during the Gala. But they could make it more epic (like the Tirek fight) to really prove how much the show and the characters have evolved since FiM became a thing.  B)  Just my too since

I just had a thought, and I know this will NEVER happen. But, what if it was an episode to what happen before 'Smile HD', and at the end of the episode they just play the whole video.


ATTENTION FAN FICTIONER...if that's a thing. Somebody write this ^ or don't, actually don't...please don't.

Edited by DYLZAL
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I just had a thought, and I know this will NEVER happen. But, what if it was an episode to what happen before 'Smile HD', and at the end of the episode they just play the whole video.


ATTENTION FAN FICTIONER...if that's a thing. Somebody write this ^ or don't, actually don't...please don't.

Now THIS is something. Troll all the bronies at once.


Then at the end ship Celestia and Applejack's corpse because trololololol

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Now THIS is something. Troll all the bronies at once.


Then at the end ship Celestia and Applejack's corpse because trololololol

YES! Because then "Molestia" will be Cannon.



Edited by DYLZAL
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YES! Because then "Molestia" will be Cannon.



They could really troll everybody very easily. Mostly with ships.


Spike and Luna

Discord and Rarity

Twilight and Braeburn


and the list goes on...


End the show with the CMC getting these cutie marks


Applebloom - Baking

Sweetie Belle - Construction

Scootaloo - Drama


or just anything that makes literally no sense. But I don't think the writers hate us quite that much. The finale will be good, I'm certain

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how about all the mane 6 become Alicorns (and also possibly Discord) the cutimark crusaders finaly get their cutiemarks and explain to their huge cutiemark crusader club that they were wrong and that you should do things you are good at to find your cutiemark. 


they them hop on the forums and tell all their fans here about it. them everyone in equestria writes letters to princess Celestia and you see the castle bulging with scrolls. princess Celestia finds Twilight and looks kind of mad but then gives her a hug and says i'm so proud of you, but somebody is going to have to clean up this mess. end with spike cleaning the mess up. Cue Equestria girls 3.

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Well, if I was in charge I would make an ending that was intelligent and mature. Twilight and her friends would face the inevitable possibility that they would go their separate ways one day. This is realistic. Each one of them has different goals they must accomplish and when it happens they won't be together anymore like they always assumed.


But I think very early into the story Celestia would be given a proper send off. Since Twilight was unprepared for the leadership of Equestria she's suddenly overtaken by an abstract entity (like DYLZAL suggests). The possessed Twilight starts making Equestria an unwelcoming place with laws and decrees that ruin her friends. But as soon as they discover something wrong with their friend The Mane 6 band together and use the magic of friendship to drive the demon from their friend. 


When Twilight awakens she's suddenly met with scorn from her subjects. Being forced to flee from the growing rebellion she breaks down in despair but her friends don't abandon her. As they comfort their friend, however, the abstract entity departs with a piece of Twilight's soul, giving it just enough power to grow and destroy Equestria forever. But while it's biding its time Twilight discovers some secret of how to destroy it. During the final showdown when all of Equestria is watching Twilight's friends become possessed, making the conflict even more epic. 


But Twilight doesn't loose herself and defeats the entity but nearly destroys herself in the process. When she awakens she at first believes she's dead until her friends enter and reveal their greatest enemy is defeated. Then from there, the ending will be like Lord of the Rings. After witnessing how Twilight saved Equestria, her subjects return her to the throne with a newfound sense of confidence. But inevitably, Twilight's friends must leave to pursue their own lives, but something about the entity's possession creates the lingering feeling that they will never truly be apart.


Oh... and there must be a subplot where the Cutie Mark Crusaders get their cutie marks and afterwards become sorta the new Mane 6.

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They could really troll everybody very easily. Mostly with ships.


Spike and Luna

Discord and Rarity

Twilight and Braeburn


and the list goes on...


End the show with the CMC getting these cutie marks


Applebloom - Baking

Sweetie Belle - Construction

Scootaloo - Drama


or just anything that makes literally no sense. But I don't think the writers hate us quite that much. The finale will be good, I'm certain

They also tie up all the loose ends, but not in the way that people want.

  • Gilda the Griffion commit sucided after months and months of AA meets.
  • Discord isn't Star-Swill-The bearded, he was actually him fucked buddy.
  • Celestria and Luna aren't just sisters they are also mother and daughter.
  • Bon-Bon and Lyra weren't lesbians for each other.
  • And that thing I mentioned before about Celestria and Luna being mother and daughter, well King Sombra the father.


For bonus points, the comics aren't Cannon, but EG's is.



Okay, I think I'm just about finished with this joke.

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They also tie up all the loose ends, but not in the way that people want.

  • Celestria and Luna aren't just sisters they are also mother and daughter.
  • And that thing I mentioned before about Celestria and Luna being mother and daughter, well King Sombra the father.

The thing about Celestia and Luna being mother and daughter? Celestia has a little something extra. After a night of too much cider, she uses a time spell and really shows how much she loves herself. Luna is born.

Edited by cuteycindyhoney
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They also tie up all the loose ends, but not in the way that people want.

  • Gilda the Griffion commit sucided after months and months of AA meets.
  • Discord isn't Star-Swill-The bearded, he was actually him fucked buddy.
  • Celestria and Luna aren't just sisters they are also mother and daughter.
  • Bon-Bon and Lyra weren't lesbians for each other.
  • And that thing I mentioned before about Celestria and Luna being mother and daughter, well King Sombra the father.


For bonus points, the comics aren't Cannon, but EG's is.



Okay, I think I'm just about finished with this joke.



The thing about Celestia and Luna being mother and daughter? Celestia has a little something extra. After a night of too much cider, she uses a time spell and really shows how much she loves herself. Luna is born.


I can see it now... 


It would be like one of those so-bad-its-good pastas


Get GhastlyMacaroni on the script, and all will be good


Finale plot:







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I'd like complete closure, with all or most of the characters moving on to achieve their dreams, like Rainbow Dash finally making the Wonderbolts, Rarity getting a shop in Canterlot, and Twilight becoming a more confident and effective princess, as well as the Crusaders finally getting their cutie marks.


It really should end with a movie instead of a two-parter, and these all should be subplots within the movie.

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I wouldn't mind an ending where they have to separate, but one that makes it clear that they keep in touch.


But mostly I want an ending as far away as possible, while they are still on top of their game.

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The Twilight from the first EQG movie that was inexplicably missing, wakes up in class after having the weirdest dream about ponies and rainbows.


My potential reactions to that ending:


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I'd rather not see a series finale. Just let the final season end as any other season has ended. A special series finale just seems like it would have too much forced emotional drama, and would not be the way I'd like it to end. I'd rather just have an episode like any other; maybe tie up a couple of loose ends on the side. Anyone else agree?


I usually would disagree with this for most series, even silly kids' series and stuff; I crave the satisfaction and finality of having a real ending, having things wrap up, maybe even a look into 5-10 years and what the characters are up to, y'know, a real satisfying wrap-up. 


But int he case of FiM?  I'm not so sure.  Given the quality and 'emotional drama' of EVERY season finale ("Best Night Ever" not so much?  Tut tut, watch the"Return of Harmony" two-parter again and tell me that it wasn't intended to be the finale of Season 1, especially with it being the last episode Faust very directly worked on), and how in-tune the show's creators are with the fans now and how they'd want to at least TRY to satisfy them, I expect it'll be quite likely... But would it be the best course of action?  I actually kind of like the idea of it ending in a more casual way like you said; I expect there'll at least be a pretty big-deal season finale like there always is but it'd only feel like "the end of the show" as much as any other season finale would have fit as "the end of the show" (they all would quite a bit, but ESPECIALLY Season 3's...).  


But maybe we'll end on another "Best Night Ever", an episode that many feared at the time would be the end of the series indeed was many of my old, early-days pony friends' last as they moved on during that summer, away from their brief flirtation with something wonderful and magical that they just weren't meant to keep indulging in for long.  Even as I just pointed out that I don't exactly consider it the true ending of the first season, it's one of my absolute favorite episodes and the feeling it gave me at the end of the first, my favorite, wonderful, whimsical season was a dulled, but very deep satisfaction compared to the more bombastic endings we've gotten in seasons since.  "It's over?  Maybe for good?  ON such a... plain, simple note?  But... but what a great episode.  I might cry a lot if it's really the end already, but what a fun, well-done episode.. that really showed all the characters strongly and everything good about this show... *sniff*"


Yeah, I'd love for it to end that way.

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