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Who Is Your LEAST Favorite Of The Main Ponies?  

182 users have voted

  1. 1. Least Favorite Pony Mane Six + Spike

    • RainbowDash
    • Twilight Sparkle
    • AppleJack
    • FlutterShy
    • Rarity
    • PinkiePie
    • Spike
  2. 2. Least favorite Secondary Character

    • Apple Bloom
    • Sweetie Belle
    • Scootaloo
    • Princess Celestia
    • Princess Luna
    • Princess Cadance
    • Shining Armor
    • Prince Blueblood
    • Granny Smith
    • Big McIntosh
    • Hayseed
    • Mr. Cake
    • Mrs. Cake
    • Diamond Tiara
    • Silver Spoon
    • Snips
    • Snails
    • Sunset Shimmer
    • Derpy
    • Trixie
    • Suri Polomare
    • Lightning Dust
    • Gilda
    • Daring Do
    • Spitfire
    • Soarin
    • Fleetfoot
    • Cheerilee
    • Bulk Biceps
    • Coco Pommel
    • Cheese Sandwich
    • Maud Pie
    • Other - Because So Many Ponies O.O

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Diamond Tiara followed by Prince Blueblood -- Both are very annoying characters with little redeeming value (at the moment). All of the other characters have more hope for redemption or at least more interest.

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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Why isn't Fluttershy up here? Fluttershy is the most FAKE, most DISGUSTING, most HORRIBLY HYPOCRITICAL character of the entire bunch. Nightmare Moon and Trixie are the best ponies, by far.


I entirely agree (except for the end part, nightmare's cool, but I like luna more :P)


I absalutely dispise Fluttershy, she's just so horribly and completely whishy-washy with everything she does. In fact, she hardly ever even contributes to the team except on very rare occasions. I don't understand her fandom at all because she's just SO ANNOYING.





Edited by Lady Saphira
  • Brohoof 1
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Trixie! God! She was annoying, mean, cruel, and everyone loves her and won't shut up about her. I'm so sick of her. GRAAAH! I wish she was never apart of the show.

"Judge not, and you shall not be judged. Condemn not, and you shall not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven." Luke 6:37


"In the beginning, God created the heavens, the Earth, and Octavia, who is best pony." Genesis 1:1

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adding on to Fluttershy



-Queen of the changelings

-Sliver spoon

-Diamond Tiara

I'm not to fond of Cherrilee or Granny smith


Fluttershy is the most annoying,Fake,Mary-sue of the mane six

Trixie- She's just an ego maniac,begging for attention

Blueblood-Just a spoiled Brat

Changling queen- The character itself is fine,Her voice throws me off

Sliver spoon-What a b*tch and is a bystander I HATE bystander

Diamond tiara- Just a spoiled,Self-Centered B*tch

Edited by SweetenedDarkness
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Fluttershy is not a Mary Sue. That is not up for discussion and I will not debate anyone on that. She does not meet the criteria to be one, period. You could say, perhaps, that she's too moe and therefore a bad character. I would certainly disagree with that assertion, but it would still be more valid than resorting to the term "Mary Sue."

  • Brohoof 2
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Fluttershy is not a Mary Sue. That is not up for discussion and I will not debate anyone on that. She does not meet the criteria to be one, period. You could say, perhaps, that she's too moe and therefore a bad character. I would certainly disagree with that assertion, but it would still be more valid than resorting to the term "Mary Sue."


Ill be the first to admit the term "Mary Sue" is vague and has little to no meaning, but to say that a person cant hate Fluttershy isnt really fair to those who dont liker her. Also not fair that you only use half of the mane 6 when others may not like them and want to vote to them.
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Ill be the first to admit the term "Mary Sue" is vague and has little to no meaning, but to say that a person cant hate Fluttershy isnt really fair to those who dont liker her. Also not fair that you only use half of the mane 6 when others may not like them and want to vote to them.


I never said he/she isn't allowed to hate Fluttershy. I said that "Mary Sue" is not a valid reason because it doesn't apply. Fluttershy is moe, not a mary sue, and there IS a difference between the two. Seeing people misuse the term is a pet peeve of mine.


And this is the last time I'm going to explain this: I'm not going to add new poll options unless I see a reasonable amount of distaste for a specific character within this thread. So far I've seen little to no hate for the remaining members of the mane 6. I need more than one person to justify making this poll bigger than it already is. Frankly, I'm thinking about removing everyone with less than five votes and just putting "other."

Edited by Mister Jack
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I chose Gilda. She literally reminds me of that typical friend everyone has at least once in their lifetime that is a judgemental, fake friend. I like the idea there are Gryphons though! Just really disliked her character.


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Trixie - She's just so obnoxious, annoying and fake. Her character is just BLEEEEEHHHH


Others would be

Gilda - Because she was mean to all the ponies.

Diamond Tiara - Because she's an obnoxious snob and makes fun of the CMC's just because they haven't got their cutie marks yet (not cute of her at all)

Flim & Flam - They're just lame... I hated watching them.

  • Brohoof 3
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First: I voted for Diamond Tiara. Mostly because I had nothing as a kid. My coolest toy was a stick I found on the ground. It really annoys me to see rich kids who have everything they want. Most parents don't understand that you may be able to spoil your kids yet you will never be able to buy a child's love or respect.


Secondly: Why is Fluttershy on this list, and who voted for her?? :'(

  • Brohoof 1

I refuse to let go until you're impressed.
I refuse to let go until I'm depressed.
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Diamond Tiara..

*Loads Shotgun* NO ONE messes with the CMC..

Diamond Tiara is worst character! She makes fun of the CMC. :[ (Applebloom and Scootaloo are best fillies!) She's a jerk to everyone, and she wears a DRESS! Put on some socks, Lady! >:[

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I don't hate any characters. The one I dislike the most is a different story :P I don't really like Spike at all.... he is just... I dunno what it is lol I just don't like him really... Sometimes he is okay... But yeah, he is just one of those characters lol

If not him my least favorite would be Gilda, Snips or Snails.

Edited by TheFabulousPony

 "We are all in the gutter, but some of are looking at the stars" ~ Oscar Wilide


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I hope to see Blueblood's blue blood used as dye for one of Rarity's beautiful dresses. That good for nothing chop clop can go buck himself in a corner...


-Rarity approves! :D

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This is difficult. I don't hate any of them. I can't stand Twilight's owl's name, but that has nothing to do with is actual personality. Heck, he's an animal and a pet!


I like Jet Set and Upper Crust the least. Those are weird names, too.

Edited by Dίsмαjo
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Hmm. Snails annoys me, but Snips' voice is WAY more irritating. I think it's that I keep wanting them to be actual characters instead of. Whatever they are now. I really like Snails' design, too, so it really bums me out. :c


I actually really like Diamond Tiara since the Ponyville Confidential episode, as it amused me how SRS she was about a silly school paper.

  • Brohoof 1



I'm also of the opinion that deliberate lies and innuendos should never be allowed to go unopposed. At what point does tolerating the intolerable make you part of the problem? - John DeLancie

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I dislike Prince Blueblood. Nuff said, all the signs are clear. He is arrogant, braggy, selfish, vain, and so many other things


I was going to vote for Snips, Snails, Jet Set, and Upper Crust but I discovered there was only one option so yeah...


They are all fairly hated characters in the fandom and but when I see Blueblood, I just want to scream in rage.

"People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but *actually* from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff. " - The Doctor  :comeatus:   


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I never said he/she isn't allowed to hate Fluttershy. I said that "Mary Sue" is not a valid reason because it doesn't apply. Fluttershy is moe, not a mary sue, and there IS a difference between the two. Seeing people misuse the term is a pet peeve of mine.


And this is the last time I'm going to explain this: I'm not going to add new poll options unless I see a reasonable amount of distaste for a specific character within this thread. So far I've seen little to no hate for the remaining members of the mane 6. I need more than one person to justify making this poll bigger than it already is. Frankly, I'm thinking about removing everyone with less than five votes and just putting "other."


Dude theres like over a hundred people on youtube alone that hate the FRICK out of Twilight Sparkle and Applejack. Im say at least put them up there even though there may only be one. Plenty of ponies up there have only been voted once.
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I wouldn't say I hate her, but I dislike Rarity. For one thing, and I know that this has most likely been said before, I don't see her as having any sort of generous attribute. Plus, I just can't stand the fashion-obsessed archetype. It really gets on my nerves. There have been some really great, Rarity-centric episodes, but she's the character I have the least appreciation for. =/

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I wouldn't say I hate her, but I dislike Rarity. For one thing, and I know that this has most likely been said before, I don't see her as having any sort of generous attribute. Plus, I just can't stand the fashion-obsessed archetype. It really gets on my nerves. There have been some really great, Rarity-centric episodes, but she's the character I have the least appreciation for. =/


Ive always felt the same way about Rarity, i like dont get me wrong, But how did whatever created the EoH really think that she was a spirit of Generosity? Something got f-ed up in translation.
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Ive always felt the same way about Rarity, i like dont get me wrong, But how did whatever created the EoH really think that she was a spirit of Generosity? Something got f-ed up in translation.


Exactly. As far as I've seen, the rest of the Mane 6 show far more generosity than Rarity does. Furthermore, Rarity's rather limited giving is constrained entirely to fashion. Why do we rarely, if ever, see her act generously outside her specialty?
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