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Why do some Bronies hate the intro?


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What's the deal with the intro to MLP ?

Some Bronies say it's too "girly" for them.


Isn't that what we said about MLP in the first place?

My personal opinion about the intro is that it's catchy and it send out a possitive message about friendship.


Honestly, Im more just used to the theme. if anything, what I don't really like is the "My Little Pony! My Little Pony! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh!" Part mainly because it's a cruel reminder of the old MLP commercials that used to come on during commercial break (and I always seemed to be really annoyed with them).


However, past that, the theme is catchy. not my most favorite theme, but it's catchy. (and, to some degree any EP before S4, the theme seems to add a sense of nostalgia to it....possibly a reminder of first watching the show).

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In my opinion, the US Intro sucks when compared to the (I know this has been said a lot) Italian or Japanese Intros.


The Italian or Japanese Intros are just more energetic and show a lot from the actual show, as opposed to the US intro which just shows six ponies that are friends.


To quote TheMysteriousMrEnter's Top 20 Animated Intros video.


"Why does Europe get all the good stuff?"

  • Brohoof 1
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I love it :D 

Its catchy and I find it amusingly deceptive of the show's true self. :lol:

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I personally enjoy the intro/theme as the opening cinimatic often shows the changes between seasons, and the development of the world (ie the train being in the opening now after being used in an episode). However I could see how people would come to find it annoying as constant viewing of the episodes also means constant viewing of the opening, something that does not often change and thus can become grating.

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I personally love the intro and hope they keep the same song but change the intro animation to adapt to changes that occur each new season.


We all have different preferences, and while I think it's perfectly fine not to like the intro, I disagree that it should be changed in tone or nature. If there was a new intro song, I would hope that it keeps the same theme and properly introduces the concept of the show just like the current one does.

This is basically exactly how I feel about it :) I love the intro and how the lyrics actually reflect what the show is about, unlike the Japanese intro (although I am a fan of the Japanese intro song). I think the intro is cute, sweet overview of exactly what FiM is about and I support it 100%!

  • Brohoof 1
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When I first started watching the show, it kinda made me cringe. Especially the very start when it blares out "My Little Pony! My Little Pony!". But it grew on me after a while, and now I can't help but hum along to it whenever I hear it :lol:

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I like it, but it is the most blatantly "girly" part of the show. What I mean is, if you showed someone who wasn't familiar with the show just the intro, they wouldn't have much reason to believe it's for more than just children. 

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I think it's fun and upbeat. My boyfriend, who is a brony, doesn't like it. He always wants to skip it. I think it's good that people, especially children, hear the intro. It's super positive and catchy. Of course, it's not exactly the type of music I love to listen to. But it's part of what the show is about and I think it represents it well. 

Of course it's 'girly' and probably a bit 'childish'. That's what the show was originally meant for. I see no problem with it. But I also see no problem in not liking it, as well. To each their own. :)

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I think it's fun and upbeat. My boyfriend, who is a brony, doesn't like it. He always wants to skip it. 

Now, now now, hold on a second here. I like the intro, in fact I love it. What I don't really like is the intro to the intro. It's not that bad, I just don't really care for it, I guess. 

  • Brohoof 1
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The japanese intro blows the english one out of the water without a doubt, but that doesn't mean the english intro isn't good in it's own way.

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The words "My Little Pony" are always what people find hard to say when they're trying to tell someone they like the show or have watched it. It sounds girlish and for some it grinds their gears a bit to hear the words and so when they come up loud and clear on the theme song in their super girly and even obnoxious fashion it gets people a bit edgy.


I find the words "Friendship Is Magic" to be easier to say than "My Little Pony" for some bronies. This years Comicon had John De Lancie make a visit and while he was their doing his panel of course some brony was going to come up and ask him about MLP as soon as the talk host said questions could now be answered. When they asked the question they practically said the words "My Little.." and then "...pony" like Fluttershy, the word "pony" specifically being quietly murmured.


To sum it up it's just rather embarrassing and unnerving to hear or say the words "My Little Pony." I myself still can't help but turn down the volume when the theme song comes on specifically while our back door is open because I feel a bit awkward knowing the houses next to me (houses that contain neighbors I am familiar with) could potentially hear what it is I'm watching.

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Tradition  Tradition  Tradition  Tradition  Tradition!!!


KEEP the intro!


I love it!


It's mandatory for me to hear/watch it when I watch an episode.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nothing special. I don't find it charming or very catchy. Just a normal tune, that gets more annoying the more you hear it. I used to like the intros of the previous gens. G4 opening made me hate the song SO MUCH.

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