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Blitz Boom

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@Blitz Boom

Sun Fire blinked, surprised to hear the timid changeling speak. "Thank you." She said softly before turning back to Briar. "Thanks. I doubt I would have been able to continue if my brother hadn't been there for me when I woke up. It's been hard, but I think I'm beginning to find my will to live again." She said, smiling slightly at her brother.

Zephyr gave Sun Fire a quick hug. "Nothing bad is going to happen to her while I'm around." He said, releasing his sister. "I hope this isn't rude of me to ask, but you're not from Equestria, are you Briar?" He asked. "I don't mean to be boorish, but I can't help my curiosity." 

Rainbow Dash Fanatic

"You stroll down memories of younger, brighter times 'cause you never realize what you've got till you leave it all behind." ~ dBPony

"So we’re here at the end, did we teach you well, my friend? Don’t look so sad to see us go, after the rain comes rainbows." ~ Princewhateverer

"Darlin' you'll be okay." ~ Vic Fuentes

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@Blitz Boom

Rising Dusk let out a sigh as her next string of monologue and boasting was quickly cut off as the Eversleep Blanket fell on the witch.  Gone were the days he lived the most simple life of solving crimes and dispelling harmful magics.  Okay, so maybe those weren't so simple, but this was easily a peak in what he'd done thus far.  His mind worked the conversation and everything he'd learned over the past two days like a puzzle to see what would fit.  Likely it was an artifact from yesterday that started this whole encounter.  The dispelling of one of them caused them to use a scry spell to see what was going on.  Images of the spell work from the scry spell along with every artifact he did in the last two days flashed in his mind.  What stood out the most was that cursed teddy bear, containing the most familiar in the signature.  Not her's, but perhaps from the one that taught her.

He was snapped back to the now when Scarlet fluttered above the now sleeping witch, checking her.  Her legs straightened out as she exclaimed, "Sidekick!?  Can you believe she called me a sidekick!?  I'm a Junior Officer of the O.M.I.!"  The fuming pegasus growled and stared down angrily at the other mare.  Slipping from his stool he got onto his hoofs, "Calm yourself Scarlet.  They win when they get to you," the detective explained and approached the sleeping witch.  Using his magic to wrap Lily up in the blanket so that it wouldn't come undone so easily while moving her.  "Secure Ms. Monkshade, Scarlet.  Her part in this play isn't concluded," he instructed.  "What do you mean, Sir?" the rookie asked, a puzzled look crossing her features.  There were many ways this Master could have delivered his threatening message to Rising Dusk.  A letter and even magical means were likely at his disposal.  To send her directly here meant there was more she was to do.  "You don't send a pony like her as a messenger without a second motive.  She is likely a distraction," came his reply.  Scarlet mulled over this idea for a moment.  "And the cursed item she released before coming here?," she asked.  "Likely also a distraction," he surmised.  Extinguishing his magic he started his way to the stairs of the basement while Scarlet flew down and picked up the blanket wrapped Lily.  Remove the tie of her sailor's collar to tie the blanket shut for extra security.  Beating her wings hard to get the sleeping witch off the ground and follow the detective.

"Once you've secured her in a cell.  I want you to go to the East side of town.  There is a workshop owned by a Molotov Boom.  Tell him I sent you for the prototype cage.  He'll know what you mean.  Put her in the new cage upon your return," came the detective's next set of instructions.  That should help remove the witch as a player or at least dampen the affects.  Making his way upstairs and into the office area, he made a straight shot to another O.M.I. agent's desk.  There sat a yellow coated and teal maned unicorn mare wearing an orange jacket as she scribbled away with a quill on a piece of parchment.  Feeling a new presence, she turned to see the approaching stallion and greeted him with a smile.  "Hey Dusk!  How's it going?" she greeted.  "Tussle, we have a Code 1.  I need you to see letters to the Princesses, royal guards, local PD and The Captain.  Possible 64," he informed her professionally.  At first, she looked at him like he was crazy, but seeing as this wasn't the kind of jokes Rising told, her disbelieve quickly faded and turned serious.  Wasting no time she went right to work addressing letters to the places he told her.

Scarlet returned from her task in putting Lily in their cells, "You do have a plan, right, Sir?" she asked while preparing to leave for the East Side of the city.  "Yes," he replied simply as he walked past Tussle's desk.  "Is it a good plan?" she added while following him.  Approaching his desk he reached into his bottom desk draw and removed a bundle of leather wrappings.  Stuffing them into his hoodie pouch.  Moving to the left side of his desk he picked up five gold disks the size of a bit and put them in his pouch.  On second thought, he grabbed a sixth.  "No," again came his simple reply.  A panicked expression crossed her face as she looked over at Tussle who had paused in her writing to listen.  She shared the same expression.  Rising Dusk didn't need to see them to know what they were thinking.  "The Captain will have a plan," he added.  This remark at least got Tussle back to writing her letters.  "Anything else we can do?" she pressed, pleading for more information.  "Molotov Boom," was all that she got out of him in the regard.  With that, he walked through the swinging doors and into the lobby.

"Bash, I need a seed," he addressed the desk guarding stallion.  The predictable Earth Pony had taken his usual station of reading the newspaper.  This time though, he actually lowered the paper down completely to look at the detective.  "That seed?" his gruff tone asked.  "That seed," Rising Dusk nodded.  "You know that seed takes many moons to harvest," he snorted.  "That seed," the detective stood firm.  Bash grunted his disapproval, but reached into the pouch around his waste and removed a large brown nut and hoofed it over to the detective.  The midnight blue stallion nodded his thank you and put the seed in his pouch, "There is likely a cursed object set loose on the city.  Gather any pony you can and hunt it down until The Captain returns."  Bash nodded slowly and came out from behind the desk, going off to get any remaining O.M.I. agents.

Rising Dusk returned to the office area and went into the back corner where a map of world laid out.  Removing the nut he'd just collected from Bash, he smashed it between his hoofs.  Holding it over the map, purple sap oozed out of the broken nut and dripped onto the parchment.  The sap would move around the map and highlight the highest concentrations of dark magic.  Best of all, for a unicorn that can see more in the world of magic than anypony he knew, he could scan these highlighted areas for a particular signature. 

A signature that Rising Dusk learned from a friendly bear.  

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@Rising Dusk

The sap would find high signatures of the dark magic that Rising were thinking of several places around Manehattan. Twelve distinct locations to be exact. No wait, 15. 18. 26-

The numbers kept rising up with the twelve original spots remaining stationary, whilst the rest moved and seemed to spread some kind of magical infection. At this rate, they'd end up with an epidemic, and considering what the bear had done, who could tell what the ones infected might end up doing?

(the infection is dormant right now in the targets, and won't do much else than spread before it's activated. They won't even know they're spreading or containing it)

Seems like they were right. Whoever Lily's master were, he wouldn't wait to make a move. However, from what Lily had said, there was a singular entity which should be a highly concentrated evil, and though the concentrations in the twelve stationary targets were noticeable, they weren't overtly strong. Either the cursed creation were not of the same signature, it were cloaked, or it weren't here yet. None of those options were very comforting though.

If the map were one that covered more than just this town, he there would be a weak signature left to work with about a mile outside of Manehattan. Potentially the entry point for Lily.

Meanwhile, at Molotov's workshop, he'd hear the alarm system go off for a brief moment before it got shut down again. Looking over at the control panel, he'd be able to find Felicia had input the right code to do so, even though he had changed it just this morning. Clever girl, though she didn't care so much for that as simply telling him that there were a female out there, approaching the door, and that she had shut off the alarms because she found it a miracle that a mare would be the one to seek Him out, and wanted to see what would happen, just in more clinical terms. She'd gone awfully cheeky the last few days honestly, and he weren't sure if he cared for it. Though on the other hoof, a mare looking for him... Well, he'd be rude if he just left her out at the door now, wouldn't he? Couldn't have that.

Washing the worst grime off his hooves after working on the cage for the last hour or so, he went over to the door, where the mare had likely knocked a few times by now, with little more response than some very muted sounds behind the door. Finally Molotov would open it, cast a glance on the lass who had swung by through his constantly adjusting work glass, and ended up with a big ol' smile on his face, and a short whistle to follow.

"Well ain't you a sight for sore eyes. What can I do for you, sugar?"

She could hit him if she wanted to. He got that a lot, and quite frankly it were well deserved.



@Zephyr / Karou

"You needn't worry about seeming rude. I would rather answer questions of my origins, than have others wonder and get suspicious. Openness tends to work far better in the long run after all.

As for your question, you are correct. I come from a jungle far to the south, beyond Equestria's border, where no pony should thread for varied reasons, mostly between treacherous wildlife, fauna, and my kind being less than accepting of outsiders.

And before I continue, perhaps I shopuld say what I am actually. My kind are known as Evergrown. To baseline it somewhat, think of us as sentient mixtures of fauna and nature spirits, who live within most countries of this world. You are unlikely to have seen us though, because of our unfortunate history with equines, but this is a story which perhaps I can answer afterwards.

To get back on track with the current discussion though, we have several sub-types, depending on the area we grow from, and the nature of the great trees that spawns us. I myself are a mutation among the jungle variety, called a Snaproot. I hold some characteristics like the vinemasters - that being the vines that grow from my back - but also the telltale traits of the mutation. That being sharp teeth, no eyes, and a need for meat. You needn't worry though, I would never eat a pony. My diet are covered well by bugs, fish, and in times of desperation, birds.

Snaproots such as myself are taken away from others of the younglings, and thrown in a pit where food occasionally is thrown down, and we then have to fight to get both some of that, as well as precious light, which even if we can't see, are essential for our growth.

At times one of us if pulled out of there from one of our regular brethren, and put to work as a... Well, I usually wish to put a nicer spin on things, but in favor of accuracy here, I shall call us what we are: Slaves. Given no name, spoken down to, and used as mere tools for menial work they care not to make themselves. Yet we're so happy being out and into the light, that our already broken minds happily sees it as a great thing. And so the system goes on and on, for several generations after the grand matron forbade us to be simply burned to our core on sight.

To avoid more grizzly story, let me conclude this part by saying that I gained some degree of self worth eventually under one master who were not kind, but did at times hand me a good comment when I worked hard enough, and even applied to me a name. When he returned tot he earth and I were taken over by a new one who had no kindness in her heart, I struck her with my vine, so she were sent spiraling towards the ground. I regret many things in my life, yet this actions, which got me marked a traitor by these rings and banished, I do not.

An elderly pony found me as I stumbled out of the jungle, and after hearing my tale, decided to help me prepare for the outside world. It is for example from him that I have my way of speaking, as he believed it important to speak with some degree of formality and grace when approaching others.

After he passed, I buried him as per his wishes, and then wandered out to explore the world, where I have now wandered for over a decade. The last year or so being here in Equestria, which I must say, is a fascinating country, though your larger cities can be terribly loud sometimes. It holds not a candle to Neighpon, but such can be said of several things, be they good or bad.

Heh, but I believe I'm rambling again. I do apologize for that, yet it is a certain weakness of mine, I must admit. Please, do ask other things if you so wish to know more, such as details of our combined history, or of my kind in particular. I would be honored to share with those who wishes to listen.

If I may ask a small thing of you though? Are more in your family as musically inclined as you? I know ponies hold many varied talents, yet a brother and sister who both possess a wondrous gift so close to one another? Makes me wonder if there is a certain family trait that comes into play in your situation. Of course, if you wish not to answer it, feel free not to, and accept my apologies for digging into something which I should not have."




Scarcity slowed down when they were out of hearing range of anypony, and turned towards her sudden guests.

"You must have been somewhat confused by that before, but I needed to cover for your untimely and disastrous entrance. I have a business to run here after all, and it does not bode well for me if seemingly extra-dimensional beings just pops in for no reason. it begins questions which are better not asked.

Worry not though, I will not require you to make a show of any kind. The only scene I care to cause, is the one where I reveal the collection I have gathered at the museum. I only need the center piece now, and considering you're here, I take it that you have found it, though your transport methods seems to have changed somewhat. Considering the peculiarity of your companion, am I to take it that she is the one to have handled your current transport?"

"You use many big words."

Scarcity laughed a little as she heard the confused voice of Omen whispering through her mind. What a peculiar pair this were, yet to have two who could make portals? How delightfully resourceful. She would have to remember them.

"So I do. I simply asked if perhaps you made the gate this time."


"Delightful. This would also explain why your location were off, as I trust that Lin knew what room to enter, which of course, I am leading you to now, so that we may complete this on more secure terms. If I may ask though, I heard several voices who seemed to plead me for attention before. Would you know where they came from?"

"Unformed siblings, seeking masters to serve."

"And they thought me a candidate worth serving? I'm flattered."

"Those with magic can make us whole, then we serve and learn from them. Mother says that's how it should be."

Scarcity got a small smirk over her face as she heard this, but didn't comment further on this for now. Truly fascinating stuff though, that much were certain.

"Regardless of that, Lin, mind you being a dear and tell me of your progress, what have happened with your other companions, and who this may be? I feel as if there are things I have missed the last few days that may be of some importance. Oh, and do try to keep your refraction close. I prefer not to have my sapphires half-eaten by their voracious appetites."




"The Earth Mother is the goddess upon whose ground we thread. Deep within the earth she resides, blessing the world with the nature we all rely on.

My valley at least were not raised by her will, yet we still cherished her name, and fulfilled her bidding of bringing balance and life to the world around us. Though my brethren have forgotten her words and can no longer hear her pleading for them to see the light, I yet remain loyal, and her voice fills me with calm which I could not bear to lose.

The dragons called her Gaea, and I know that she does not look upon this name unfavorably, yet as a daughter of nature, I feel as if I should call her what I do.

You needn't worry though. All she wishes for, is to nourish the world, and speak with those who worships her name. Though not all treats her gifts with the respect one could hope, I feel that she is still more happy than saddened, as most only take what they need, and otherwise respect her creations. Such as Fluttershy does, which can be seen in how well she both treats her animal friends and the nature they reside in. I know in my heart that if Fluttershy could hear her voice, she would find gratitude, yet it is not something that can ever reach her ears. The Earth Mother speaks through the trees and in the wind blowing through the leaves, in whispering tongues known only to the children of the forest."

Truth be told, the Earth Mother were more akin to a primal force that were imprisoned in the planet, but Lyriel didn't know that, and long as Gaea had worshipers to praise her name and speak with her, she were content with her part in the grand picture, and remained dormant. Nothing good would come if she ever ended forgotten and bitter.

"As for the plants, they do not talk, no. But they feel, and I can connect with them and take part in their primitive senses. Infections in their roots or bad ground causes them discomfort, while good treatment makes for a soothing sensation. If they are damaged, I can usually also repair them, though currently, my magic runs low, and as such I can't say for certain if it will work right now.

Regardless, if you feared that plants were highly sentient and eating them were causing pain, you need not worry of that. They do not feel as you or I do, and when eaten, they simply become part of the great cycle. From what I have seen of your kind, it is more akin to having your hair cut. As in something is missing, but it causes no pain. I hope that makes sense.

How about you? Do you, or these little sisters of the water, have a deity they pray to? Are either of you in tune with what lies beneath the tides?"



@Catpone Cerberus @Moonlit

"So they get mangoes and they shriek? I uhm... Don't want to be rude, but that sounds a little strange."

Cherish looked at the seemingly embarrassed guards, after Princess Luna had given them a glare that seemed to indicate that she didn't approve of that behavior. She felt kinda bad for them, even though they had shocked the hide off Nada and her before.

""D-Don't be too hard on them though. I'm sure they just got uhm... Excited, or something."



@Catpone Cerberus

"You needn't worry yourself about such a thing happening Ruby. I cherish your company, but my heart only beats for the ladies of feather and claw, like myself. I do wish to be able to raise a family in the long run after all. Why else would I focus so much on keeping my devilish good looks up? Have to draw the eyes of the ladies, though my luck have been... Less than stellar. I do not say this to many, but I have had four griffon ladies whom I have pursued by taking the first steps and enticed them, and each of them turned out to be changelings. Even in Ponyville, this curse did not elude me."

Marley let out a little sigh, then a chuckle before heading to one of the houses that seemed to have some space within. Were it dusty? Undoubtedly, but that were not an issue. Covered in cobwebs on the other hand were, so he would not be too pleased if that turned out to be the case. Disgusting stuff stuck too well to his feathers.

"Better not risk a traveler falling upon you, your excellency. Shall your humble servant wander first and make sure nothing is there to hurt you?"

He'd have a smirk on his face as he wandered forth to the house. Such a delight it were to have these little backs and forth.




"Hey, I think pain can be all sorts of funny, but silver and pure iron takes my powers and bashes me with them, then leaves me all kinds of weak. It's no fun, and hurts in a bad way.You wouldn't like going through that either, and be all... Feeble and pony-like, yuck."

Anomaly didn't mind ponies, but she didn't want to be one. They were way too weak, static, and had a lifespan that seemed like they just passed by in the blink of an eye. They were kinda cute, like pets, but again, she much better liked being what she were. Novia surely did too, right? Lucid did for sure, but he were weird too, so it wasn't like he didn't fit right into their ranks anyway, hehe.

And speaking of him, he had just given them an offer that she couldn't refuse: A bakery.

"Cake and chaos? I'm game!"


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

"We have the statue but there were some complications along the way. I can open a gate to it and I was wondering if I could ask for some help moving it here. I would've done it myself but the encounter at the temple left me drained and Rosa recovering elsewhere. Sen likely won't be joining us for the meantime as he decided to remain with Rosa for now. So, I've brought along Omen to help me out. I suppose we'll need someone stronger to help us move the statue here. Could we ask Brick for help?"

A matter-of-fact and concise breakdown of events as much as they would go, but Lin neglected to mention where Sen and Rosa are. It was simply out of respect for the kitsune who, given their already shaky relationship with the ponies living closer to them, would rather not have any more complicated visits from others further away. But onto the current matter, Lin opened a static gate to the desolate mountain and showed the statue safe and sound though it didn't remain open for long. It was about a good minute or two before the gate sputtered and collapsed, closing before anyone decided to step through.

"The statue itself is fine, maybe wet but there weren't too many issues with moving it out of the temple. Omen, can you open a gate back to the statue? Let's finish this delivery."

But before doing anything else, the longma picked up the refraction and talked to it in a hushed and calming tone. "Shrimp, we're in a place with a lot of jewels and gemstones. They're not for you to eat though so be on your best behavior. Please?"


@Blitz Boom

"That sounds fascinating! If only I had some deeper connection to the sea life... Maybe that's the way it has to be and honestly, you might find the seaponies a lot more interesting than me. I'm very much an aquatic being but them? They can transform into their hippogriff forms and take to the skies! Or probably stay underwater and keep their fish-like characteristics. It  doesn't matter to them; they enjoy both and they've seem to have reclaimed their surface home. If you have a chance, ask about Mount Aris and the Harmonizing Heights. I hear that's a wide expanse of trees that, when the wind blows by, make music."

Fluttershy heard of the heights, though never had a chance to experience it for herself. Most of that information came from Twilight and the crusaders, who were fortunate enough to be sent there by the map. It would've been a nice place to spend a vacation. Besides, the tourism industry is booming at Mount Aris after it was reclaimed after the Storm King's defeat. The seaponies wasted no time brining it back up to shape and soon, even Queen Novo thought about establishing a viable industry that could utilize the very surroundings as prime retreats. It certainly helps bridging relations between ponies and hippogriffs after a prolonged period of absence.

"Back to your question, I don't think we have uh... deities? Not familiar with the concept behind it. I look after the sprites and their well-being but for as long as I can remember, it's just us and whoever we come across in the sea. Kelpies usually stay together for some time before leaving on their own to find their purpose and learn about their own abilities. I found these water sprites abandoned once and decided to take them in until they can continue on their own."

"It sounds like the way animal rescues and shelters work here. Nurse and look after the injured and lost until they are free to return to the wild."

"Exactly! Except these sprites seem to have grown rather attached to me. Not exactly how I thought things would go but I look after them now. Which is why I'm here."

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@Blitz Boom

Zephyr blinked a few times, absorbing the small mountain of information that was presented. Learning about a new race in the span of just a few minutes was a lot to take in. He scratched his head for a second. While it didn't sound like Briar had an easy past, he at least seemed to be happy with the life he had created for himself.

Sun Fire cast Zephyr a quick glance, and he nodded. Satou's story was closely linked to their childhood, so they might as well tell the whole story.

"Karou and I grew up near Seaward Shoals with our brother Borea, our mother, and her close friend named Satou. Our father died in an accident when we were young, so Satou moved in to help raise the three of us. She was the one who taught us almost everything we know about music. While our mother does enjoy singing, it's not her passion, and she's told us our father had the singing ability of a dying duck." Sun Fire said with a small laugh. "I guess Borea inherited our father's singing abilities, which is why he never enjoyed Satou's lessons."

"It's because of her we became so involved with music. She made it so much fun, and she was like a mother to us." Zephyr said fondly. "She's the one who gave me and Nuri our nicknames."

"Our real mother had to work constantly to support the three of us by herself, so she was rarely home while we were awake. Even working that much, she didn't earn enough to support Satou. Satou had to find a job as a night guard at a museum. She rarely slept, and she only ate enough to survive. This lead to her passing away from exhaustion after a number of years. Our mother became abusive, which caused Borea to run away from home. We were able to reform our mother, but she was almost out of money at that point. So, we said goodbye and left home to ease her financial burden."

"We were able to visit home and pay our respects to the graves of Satou and our father before moving here. It was a calming experience after what Nuri went through." Zephyr said.

"I am curious about how the Evergrown and Ponies are connected. What happened in our history?" Sun Fire asked, tilting her head a little.

Rainbow Dash Fanatic

"You stroll down memories of younger, brighter times 'cause you never realize what you've got till you leave it all behind." ~ dBPony

"So we’re here at the end, did we teach you well, my friend? Don’t look so sad to see us go, after the rain comes rainbows." ~ Princewhateverer

"Darlin' you'll be okay." ~ Vic Fuentes

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@Blitz Boom@Moonlit
Nada just tilted her head, she could understand liking something a lot, but she still didn't understand why they had let out such a sound, if this was something that happened frequently among ponies, it would take some time before she would get used to it. She agreed with Cherish's comment about it being weird, but disagreed with her later comment, in her opinion scaring others like that would need some strong words.


@Blitz Boom

Ruby just let out an amused exhale as a reply to Marley's longer comment, she found it to be bit weird that changeling would choose a the form of a griffon instead of a pony, but other than that she didn't have anything to comment.
She exhaled again when Marley made his second comment, "Finally someone talks to me like one should." she smirked as she followed him "It's awfully dusty here, are you sure you dare to be here, wouldn't want to get dust particles on your exquisite feathers."

(Having a bit of a writers block so sorry about that)


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Blitz Boom

Rising Dusk wiped the remaining sap and crushed seed shell on his beige hoodie, it needed a wash anyways at this point.  And he had a pretty good feeling it wasn't going to be in the most clean of states by the end of this.  With the last of the dark magic in the city traced out, all the detective needed was a blink to memorize what needed to know.  They sure were going through great lengths for this attack on Equestria with what seemed at first glance to be a rather minor transgression.  A couple of dispelled curses hardly would be something to call all out war against the nation in such a short amount of time.  Hardly much of a message either and if it were one, they would have brought it up much earlier than waiting for a unicorn to dispel one of their items.  He knew they wanted the sisters, but to be honest, they aren't that hard to find.  Enough rumor traveled quickly and they's already proven they have the skill necessary to scry.

Everything kept coming back to that bear.  Something about the bear was special.  Something about it and its dispel scared them enough to jump to such extreme measures.  Of course they'd never admit it, anger is always padded by fear, usually when something is being taken from them.  At this point he didn't have enough data to go on.  If he ends up meeting this Master, he'll just have to ask.  One step at a time though.

Moving back through the office he found Tussle had gone off to deliver some letters.  Many of the remaining agents had been rounded up by Bash and had already taken to the streets.  A few remaining behind to guard the office and be available should a citizen be in need of assistance until The Captain returned.  Making his way over to Scarlet's desk to collect one more item.  An old pocket watch that hung off a small hook on the back of her desk.  A useful artifact for our resident courier.  Clicking open the face, he wasn't interested in the time though.  Reaching up, he twisted the watch winding to the right and left as if to the combination to a safe.  Satisfied with the input, he pressed the top.  Time to do what he does best.  The hands on the watch spun wildly while sparks flew out for a moment.  Holding his breath, a flash of light the detective would find himself at the first of the twelve origin points.

Across town at Workshop 05, Scarlet would find herself face to face with... Well what she wasn't expecting.  A whistled cat call?  Ponies still used those in this age?  Her expression held a strange point between disgust and confusion.  Was she in the right place?  This didn't seem like the type of pony her mentor would want her to meet.  Fluttering a bit off the ground, still quite in a hurry, "Uh... I'm Officer Scarlet Sprite with the O.M.I." she introduced herself, producing a badge like the detective's.  "Detective Rising Dusk sent me for a Prototype Cage you two were working on.  We have a bit of an emergency," she explained, her mood shifting to one of urgency rather than the mare that was just getting cat called.

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@Blitz Boom @Catpone Cerberus Luna looks at Cherish, "The Thestrals in the Night Guard are...unique." Serenade puts a hoof over her mouth to stop from laughing, "You can say that again, your Captain of the Guard is still ticked off at me." Luna rolls her eyes, "He is. He still wishes to know how you sneaked into the barracks, and replaced their armor with those of the Dawn Guard." Serenade snickers, then shrugs, "Learned from the best." The two Thestrals chuckle and give Serenade mock glares. "Oh," Serenade walks over to her fridge, "My mom wanted me to give you and your sister this" She opens the fridge and removes a box, "Said, and I quote 'I hope LuLu enjoys this." Luna blushes, "I'm certain I will" She takes the box in her magic, "We must be off" and in a burst of magic her and her Guards disappear. Serenade waits for a heartbeat, then collapses on the floor, giggling and laughing. 

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@Rising Dusk

Arriving at the origin point, he'd find himself in the middle of a bustling street, with nothing seemingly out of the ordinary as ponies kept wandering between booths to look at the local wares - which in this area seemed to be mostly food - along with a few dragons here and there, eyeing the vegetables with mostly disinterest as they sought out their own kinds of food vendors, which in comparison were few and far in between, yet those who sought would find what they looked for.

To everypony here, things were just going around as normal, besides the sudden appearance of a pony nearby, but most weren't taking notice of it, or what else were happening to and around them. Rising however, as he could see the threads of magic, would be able to hone in an a specific item: A small, red flower that stood among others in a flower display between two booths selling coffee and varied unusual fruits like oranges and bananas. For all intents and purposes, it looked like it were just a part of the already made decorations around a sign that promoted *Never-withering flowers at Rosebush Gardens*. For Rising though, it would be filled to the brim with dark magic that carried the trace of being from the same who made the bear, but had other, more malicious intends, as it were constantly giving off nearly invisible puffs of magical pollen, which would cling to the air and get breathed in by whoever went near enough, and cling to their clothes. If all twelve were like this, the clear fashion were to infect a large section of the population, though the intends of the spell wouldn't be clear. It were dark magic, but it seemed to lack a trigger to unfold something that was tightly locked away in both the flower, and whoever had gotten infected. Could be anything from a disease to mind control, but without the trigger, it were potentially impossible to say. Whatever it were, the intent seemed to include infecting the entire town, and potentially beyond that, if the infected left.

Meanwhile, Molotov's smile fainted a bit as the mare kept on talking. Here he were starting to think for a sec that perhaps these two had a bit of chemistry going, as she hadn't decked him, but when she started talking it took a bad turn he hadn't expected.

"Dusky sent you? Well ain't that a twisted turn of events. Come on in, I'll try to get the cage ready for transport, but I have been busy attempting to fix the mistakes from the last few rounds."

He'd move away from the door and towards the almost assembled cage in the middle of the room, leaving Scarlet a clear way forth into the workshop to follow, or just stand in the door and soak things in if she so pleased. Either way, Molotov wouldn't stop talking.

"The designs just kept crumbling under pressure however I looked on it, but been reinforcing the bars with something I scoured up from some old friends notes, and it looks like it could last, but I dunno how it'll fare once he starts enchanting it to deal with magic. Been repeating the process he did the last time, and it seems to yield some results, but they aren't permanent. I'm doing something wrong, but darned if I know what.

If it weren't because I know that Dusky wouldn't send anypony else unless it really were urgent, I wouldn't let you touch it, since it ain't been fully tested. But desperate measures and all that. Just gimme like, five minutes to wield the last bars shut and I'll help you get it to where it is. And you up there stay outta this. This here's one of Dusky's mates, so you ain't gonna go rattle her."

The last parts were said to Felicia, who were looking down on them with interest, but didn't respond. Whatever she'd end up doing here were anypony's guess. Depended on what were presented as going on likely.

"And you know, sorry for the whistling and stuff before. Were thinking that I were having a pretty visitor for a change, and got excited. My bad."

The excuse were pretty rushed in it, as he got back to welding the bars together that seemed to have some kinda green ooze bubbling near the surface, but it still counted, right? He had to believe that at least, or Dusky was gonna give him a lot of smack for hitting on his mate more than likely, and he didn't want friction with his new partner in anti-crime.



@Zephyr / Karou

"You have my sincerest condolences, for the tragic loss of your family members. I cannot imagine what pain that must have caused you."

Much as Briar had been through many kinds of pains, losing somepony close to him were not something he could currently truly fathom. The pony that had taught him had been the closest to a personal connection he ever had with another being, but while it saddened him to bury the old stallion, he had been prepared that there would not be much time from the get go. The stallion had been sick, and known his days to be short, so he had done what he could to prepare for the inevitable with his student, who then in turn had sworn to give him a proper burial after his passing.

To have somepony who had been with you for your entire life, and who you cherished with all your heart, and then see them slowly wither away and perish far before their time though? He could not connect to that, nor fathom the immense pain that must have brought the two ponies. It must have been unbearable for a time, and likely still hard, yet the best he could offer were his sympathy for their great misfortune. Earth Mother be praised that they at least had managed to soothe the mind of their mother, so they did not need to count another tragedy in their lives.

"I wish that I could offer a kind tale to lift the mood now, yet sadly, the story between my species and yours is not a kind one.

The stories goes that when we first began growing around 600 years ago, we initially worked with your kind and helped cultivate your fields in exchange for knowledge and support, as we were a new race with limited resources and idea of our place.

Unfortunately, my kind is gifted with something that runs through our veins, which proved too enticing for certain ponies. This were when the trouble began.

It is a kind of fertilizer that works as a highly concentrated plant nutrient, and a mere drop can make a bush flourish in seconds and bear fruits, as if months have passed in fertile grounds. This were something we at first were willing to trade in small amounts, yet some got too greedy in the varied countries and began harvesting us, as if we were mere plants. Eventually, as a siege was laid on one of the great trees we need for our survival, lead to it's destruction, the varied leaders of the tribes decided to spread further and seclude themselves from the ponies they could no longer see as allies.

I have heard from many pony stories of this that their leaders - including Princess Celestia - mostly condemned this action, and set punishments tot hose who had hurt our kind, yet at that point it were too late, and we faded into obscurity. We still remain though, in many, many tribes, but we hide ourselves and our homes with powerful magic, and rarely wander among others, out of fear of what once were. It is one of the reasons why exile is seen as a harsh punishment.

There were one tribe I met though, that had slowly begun communicating with a small town up north, and traded basics tools for small vials of our essence. Potentially this can be the start of our resurgence in your eyes, yet for the time being, the stories of our coexistence are not one that have gone well."




On 1/24/2019 at 4:43 AM, EQ_Theta said:

"We have the statue but there were some complications along the way. I can open a gate to it and I was wondering if I could ask for some help moving it here. I would've done it myself but the encounter at the temple left me drained and Rosa recovering elsewhere. Sen likely won't be joining us for the meantime as he decided to remain with Rosa for now. So, I've brought along Omen to help me out. I suppose we'll need someone stronger to help us move the statue here. Could we ask Brick for help?"

"Worry not dear, Brick will do the best he can. Is that not so?"

Brick grunted and wandered away from them, towards the office.

"He will acquire something which should ease the burden some for you. I had prepared it just in case there were some complications. I had also prepared for damages, but if you insist that you have adequate help for the dear spy, I will take your word for it, and wish him a swift recovery. He should be brought back soon however, as a little bird have sung about his mother's trial tomorrow at 9 AM, and I get the feeling that he wishes to be there for her incarceration. If not, you could always bring her other son. He is unlikely to have kind words to say of her either, considering his backstory."

She had not been informed of Rosa's brother, but Scarcity liked to throw in something to the mix, to tease what knowledge she had acquired on her business partners. There had been quite the drought in regards to Lin, and hardly anything to work with when it came to Sen, so poking into Rosa's family story and ties had proven far more informative, and a rather intriguing read. If she didn't know better, she would have considered it a rather interesting novel, rather than truth.

But let that be as it were. As she saw the gate open and the statue in front of her, Scarcity got a greater smile on her lips, which did not diminish much as the gate collapsed, and Omen opened a more permanent one. However, one who again had those peculiar, whispering voices.

She cast a glance towards Shrimp, who had playfully nibbled on Lin's claw when she pointed at him, and responded to her inquiry by chirping. It were uncertain if he understood the question, or if so, he were willing to abide it, but he seemed more playful than hungry, so there were that. With some degree of luck, Scarcity would not lose something valuable during this visit.

"Brick will be here in a moment and secure the transport of the statue, after which I will set in motion to have everything ready for the exhibition tomorrow. In the meantime however, I feel as if this curiosity of a portal merits a personal touch."

Scarcity would wander over, and have a good look from a few angles into the darkened landscape beyond, yet she weren't stepping in. It were a risky thing that she weren't going to even attempt before she knew it were safe, which Brick would find out when he eventually stepped through. Still, it hurt not to see what to expect before that. Not everyday you had a chance to gaze into another world.




On 1/24/2019 at 4:43 AM, EQ_Theta said:

"That sounds fascinating! If only I had some deeper connection to the sea life... Maybe that's the way it has to be and honestly, you might find the seaponies a lot more interesting than me. I'm very much an aquatic being but them? They can transform into their hippogriff forms and take to the skies! Or probably stay underwater and keep their fish-like characteristics. It  doesn't matter to them; they enjoy both and they've seem to have reclaimed their surface home. If you have a chance, ask about Mount Aris and the Harmonizing Heights. I hear that's a wide expanse of trees that, when the wind blows by, make music."

"Beings of water, who transcends to the skies? The world is a stranger place than I had imagined."

It sounded somewhat like with butterflies, yet those were mere insects with complicated ways of going through the development. Something from the sea, who were higher in the chain like say, ponies perhaps, who could transform to beings of the sky? She had never thought such a thing possible, yet this world were one of many, strange sights. Were it truly impossible? She could not with good will say yes to that, though it still appeared on the far side of improbable. Perhaps one day she would see for herself and be amazed.

"Perhaps one day I will gaze upon them, as well as that field you speak of, and I will witness greatness firsthand. Thank you for the suggestion."

On 1/24/2019 at 4:43 AM, EQ_Theta said:

"Back to your question, I don't think we have uh... deities? Not familiar with the concept behind it. I look after the sprites and their well-being but for as long as I can remember, it's just us and whoever we come across in the sea. Kelpies usually stay together for some time before leaving on their own to find their purpose and learn about their own abilities. I found these water sprites abandoned once and decided to take them in until they can continue on their own."

"It sounds like the way animal rescues and shelters work here. Nurse and look after the injured and lost until they are free to return to the wild."

"Exactly! Except these sprites seem to have grown rather attached to me. Not exactly how I thought things would go but I look after them now. Which is why I'm here."

"Deities are hard to define. I think mostly it goes down to something ever-living, which you worship, and gaze upon as the guiding light of your kind. Something akin to your Princess Celestia perhaps? I have been told that she have guided pony kind for many a century, and yet holds the appearance of youth. Perhaps she is the deity of ponies? If she is or not, I suppose it matters little to the creatures of the water, though I hope that no being holds the title of deity of the seas. It sounds lonely to not have a higher power to place your faith in.

As to your role guiding these small creatures of the ocean, your role sounds much similar to that of Fluttershy or myself. Offering guidance and protection for those who needs us is a great responsibility, yet a duty that holds even greater joy, when you see them thrive. I cannot imagine a higher calling for us mortals, than that of a protector of those in need of it, though I wonder what dangers your wards face normally, as they seem so frightened of new faces. What hardships befall their kind? Are they placed low on the food chain in your environment?"



@Catpone Cerberus @Moonlit

Dawn Guards? Had they renamed the Solar Guards recently? Cherish could've sworn she heard that name in the streets... Then again, it could just be the name of an elite group within the ranks? And of the thestrals, she had seen one earlier. A muscular looking guy with a long beard, but he hadn't acted like these. More focused and actually pretty tired looking. Was he the weird one then? *sigh* She really needed to be caught up to current events. It felt like she didn't just understand much of the past, and somehow even less of the current way things went.

Oh well, the princess left before much time were made for Nada or her to make a reply, after taking what Cherish assumed were some kind of cooked meal with her - which were a situation on a whole other level of weird - and then on her way, along with her guards.

She glanced confused and worried at Serenade on the floor, laughing away for some reason. There must have been some sort of inside joke going on here that she just wasn't getting. Either that or the siren were easily amused.

"So... I think that went well? It sounded like... Uhm, re you okay?"



@Catpone Cerberus

"Dust is easy to shake off. Cobwebs on the other hand, can get tedious to remove, and I would rather not partake in the experience unless it is in the line of duty. Say, in case I need to grab hold of my employer and tar her away from the grip of some stone monstrosity. You would be surprised how often that have been a recurring issue for us."

Opening the door and stepping in, Marley wrinkled his nose at the sight of some cobweb, but at least it wasn't overwhelming. Mostly just dust and the little at the entrance. Nothing a quick slash with a talon couldn't handle.

"It appears overall okay in this establishment. Isolated and quiet too, which in Canterlot in a luxury one does not often find. Shall I clean a spot for you, oh glorious light of our lives?"

They seemed to have a little thing going with addressing one another in sarcastic ways, so Ruby would likely be okay with this. Or she'd try to burn him now that nopony could see him. It were potentially unlikely, but Marley would lie if he didn't say the thought made him tense a little, just in case the position he had put himself in were going to cause issues.




"I've tried a buncha times, but I think it''s one of those boring *core parts* that you can't change. Sooooo lame, right?"

Seriously, it was kind of cheating that she needed glaring weaknesses like that, just because of... Whatever reasons. Something with the forest fire that made her, faerie connections, bla. bla. Whatever the case, it were still annoying.

At least the next part of what they were doing weren't gonna get on her nerves, but just that of everypony else. Much better, plus it involved cake. What wasn't there to like?

She plunged into the tank head first and bounced off the floor, landing on her hooves and looked excitingly at Lucid.

"Let's get to the cake ward! Step on it!."


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

Novia climbed into the tank and Lucid drove it through the bakery wall and climbed out of the tank.

"It is I! The king of the cafeteria!"

"And I am the queen of the... what an I the queen of again? Lucid, can I read your mind and find out?"

"Don't read my mind! My body is a temple!"

"Hey Anomaly, do you remember what I'm the queen of?"

Edited by Lucid_Nightlight


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@Blitz Boom

That was a lot to take in: the trial was happening soon, Scarcity knows of Stargazer... All of this might go away in a blur but right now, it felt like things are moving in the right direction. Perhaps Rosa would be relieved to know how things are progressing and if possible, it might be a good opportunity to bring in his supposed brother to at least get their investigation going. 

"We're not sure Rosa would be able to make it tomorrow but we'll let him know of our progress here when he awakens. I do have some questions, though. Where would this trial happen? And how did you know of Filigree's other son?"

With things going well with Lin's end, she couldn't help but think of Sen and Rosa at the moment. Hopefully he's be awake by the time she and Omen returned, but that felt more like wishful thinking now. He was badly injured and the longma was hoping this could be the right moment to maybe introduce him to Stargazer. Even if the two turned out to not be related, the likelihood of this being somewhat low, at least he might be able to get some closure.


@Blitz Boom

"More like a case of being too accident-prone and a lot of times, not even by their own fault. See, they look almost invisible to the naked eye. They could easily be eaten and no one would know, they could be swept up in waterspouts and end up on dry land. Not to mention, they were mostly looking after themselves until I came along. They were a little too trusting for my liking but I couldn't just leave them be. They are very much scared of creatures unfamiliar to them, but give them enough time and they will warm up to you."

"Lyriel, I don't think Celestia is like a deity as you described." Fluttershy interjected, being the one most knowledgeable about this matter. That really isn't saying much though, as that might be more of Twilight's thing. "She's long-lived but we ponies don't worship her. Celestia doesn't like that and would prefer more casual relationships with her subjects."

"Sounds like someone you'd want to have looking after you. More motherly than what I'd expect from a ruler but if Equestria has gone over hundreds of years with her in charge, she's doing something right. Anyways, my time here is running short. I only came to visit after all and I should be bringing the little sprites back to the sea before their bodies begin to wear down from being away from saltwater for too long."

Cassie floated the bubble close to Fluttershy and Lyriel before making a small opening to let the sprites get close. The little ones then gathered around and gave little kisses to both the pony and the dryad before they were floated back to the water, the bubble dissipating slowly. Fluttershy seemed to like it, a feeling of several little suction cups touching her skin and a tickling or nibbling sensation radiated on her skin before the sprites went on their way with the kelpie in tow. 

"It was nice seeing you again, Fluttershy, and a pleasure to meet you, Lyriel. I wish you both well and my fortune smile on you both!"

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@Blitz Boom

Sun Fire thought about that for a moment. Being hunted because of some other pony's greed is an awful thing, and even though it forced an entire race into seclusion, she was glad that they were at least safe where they were. It would be great if they could coexist with ponies, but it would be unlikely to end well without another supporting nation.

"That's a tough history. While many ponies are kind, the ones who will do anything for greed are an ugly stain on the rest of us." Sun Fire said.

Zephyr scratched underneath his chin. "I wish the world wasn't such an unjust place. Bad things happen to good ponies, and good things happen to bad ponies."

Sun Fire nodded. It seemed like all the best ponies have been through terrible experiences, which gave them the strength to carry on and the heart to help others.

Rainbow Dash Fanatic

"You stroll down memories of younger, brighter times 'cause you never realize what you've got till you leave it all behind." ~ dBPony

"So we’re here at the end, did we teach you well, my friend? Don’t look so sad to see us go, after the rain comes rainbows." ~ Princewhateverer

"Darlin' you'll be okay." ~ Vic Fuentes

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@Catpone Cerberus

 Silently and without effect, (Mostly due in part to the author's reluctance) a patch of air begins to shimmer some few yards behind Cerberus, far away enough to be out of his realm of awareness. The nearby cats may well enough be able to notice something amiss, as household pets often to have a knack for noticing awry magical effects.

 Quietly coalescing into a vertical portal shape, it bobs once before something begins to pass through. A dull gray mass flops outward before sliding further out into a snoot-like shape. Slowly emanating further out it reveals itself to be the shaggy head of a llama, ponylike but elongated like a cartoonish exaggeration. An unnoticed moment passes like that, head poking through a portal where once was empty air, its indeterminately glowing eyes blinking to take in its change in surroundings in what could be conceived as surprise. After another quick beat, the head of Widdershins focuses, as it rarely does, on the figure some few paces suddenly in front of it.





 "Fine then! If you won't get off me, I'll get you off myself!"

With a shrug & a slight roll to his right from his prior stance of fluttering in midair, Kaltrop bucks Dawn Streak off himself into open air. This leaving her some several yards up, over & away from the nearest rooftop, enough of a distance away that a healthy pegasus would perhaps be adroit enough to leap to, given enough awareness of their surroundings. "Healthy" however, being the variable term given the entities in this instance.

  • Brohoof 1

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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@Moonlit@Blitz Boom
Nada just watched as the conversation went on and ultimately ended with Serenade collapsing from laughter, and she wasn't sure which thing she was more surprised by, the princess being lot more chatty than she remembered, or the fact that the things were so relaxed nowadays that she allows her subjects to call her by a nickname like that. She didn't really pay attention to what Cherish said, and instead she scratched her head and muttered to herself, loud enough for the others to hear "Times really have changed." 

@Blitz Boom
Ruby wasn't really surprised about stone creatures being a recurring problem to Marley and Spicy, not because she had seen one before, she hadn't, but because she had quickly after moving to Equestria learned that weird magical threats were pretty common and thus at this point nothing really surprised her. "Oh, there's no need, I don't fear a bit of dust." she replied to Marley's sarcastic comment before choosing a spot and after taking the box off her back sitting down, purposely sending a cloud of dust into the air.

Being a predator, Ruby could sense Marley getting a bit tense, and decided to point it out "My little bird isn't getting scared about being alone with greater predator now is he?" she asked, but quickly added "Don't bother lying, I can sense it." "But don't worry, I have no plans to harm you, that wouldn't be worth the potential negatives, I won't even bless you with the view of my magnificent true form, because these pieces of meat we got are way too tiny to be enjoyed in that form."


At first Cerberus didn't notice anything unusual going on but he then started noticing his cat friends noticing something, but since there was yet to be any sensate effect, he just looked around confused, trying to catch what the cat seemed to be so interested about. He didn't notice the shape of portal appearing, as he was looking to another direction, but hearing a hiss of a cat, he looked what it was that was hissed at, and saw the gray mass that looked like some kind of animal head had appeared from somewhere few yards away from him.
Cats around him started scatter, only the bravest ones staying with him to stare at the weird thing that looked like it was alive, considering that it blinked.

Cerberus's fur rose as a reaction when the creature looked at him, but his fur being rather short, it was only noticeable on his rather fluffy tail, he tilted his head when the creature spoke. "Yes, I'm a cat, who are you?" 

  • Brohoof 1


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Blitz Boom @Catpone Cerberus Serenade stands up, getting her giggling under control, "Sorry about that" She rubs the front of her coat, "And yes, it went well." Serenade walks over to her fridge, "So Nada, your welcome to stay as long as you want, my plan is to take Ziggy and go visit my parents. It's been ages, and Fah'lina needs a good pampering by my mom. And Cherish, where ever you want to go, just let me know and I'll take you there."

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@Blitz Boom

Rising Dusk took in his surroundings for a moment upon reentry of the teleportation.  Letting out his held breath now that he was sure the location wasn't underwater.  Can never be too careful will teleportation of any kind, might end up in a fountain or lake.  Looking around this looked like a pretty average part of the city with a few vendors about.  It was a pity at times though that he couldn't see the beauty of just a normal part of the city when his extra sense got in the way.  And while normally many weaves of magic were beautiful in their own right, the air around here was fouled with dark inky magics.  Not taking all that long for the detective to pinpoint the source of the magic coming from a small red flower bundled in on a display.  He could also detect the foul pollen that had infected the ponies in the area.  The spread of dark magic on the map made a lot more sense now as each pony was turned into a carrier of the infection.

His eyes moves over the spell work, and the much smaller weave that touched the pollen stuck to a nearby pony's scarf.  Memorizing it with a blink of his yes.  A little overboard, he thought, compare to the bear.  The bear was long term, taking a soul here or there, but if this Master had this kind of ability from the start... Why wait so long?  Desperation perhaps?  Wouldn't be too far fetched.  While he couldn't pinpoint the true purpose of the spores yet, base on his initial inspection, the overall result likely wouldn't be too far from that of the bear.  A memory flash of his nightmare last night and the inky pony bubbles whispering to him went through his mind.

Returning to the task at hoof, he needed to remain focused.  Simply dispelling this flower wasn't the answer, the damage was already done.  Nothing in the spell work of the flower told him these themselves were the trigger.  Not that he could leave them alone to to keep pumping out these cursed spores either though.  What to do?  The only thing he could really do... it might work.  The orange glow of his magic wrapped his horn and the black wisps quickly joined in a torrent storm.  The wisps lept to work and made danced around the inky weave of the floor.  But this wasn't a dance of battle.  No, the wisps behaved more like sowing needles and mending scissors.  With a calm mind, he unraveled the magic weave in certain areas and stitched them back together in others.  Performing a controlled spell rewrite, as it were, instead of letting the run away magics run rampant that occurred from a regular dispelling.  What he wanted to do, was let the flower keep pumping out spores, but spores with a new weave.  The trickiest part of the re-purposing of the already existing spell was getting it just right... there, a few more taps and touches from the wisps to make the new spell.  A little dirty, crude and ugly, by his standards, but the rigged weave of the spores were set to spread just like the ones before.  With a nice little twist, if he did say so himself, as the new spores would seek out the already existing spores and rewrite them to match.  Like when a supervisor comes out with new instructions on how to bake a muffin.  When these new little guys might be triggered, they'd be in for a fun little surprise. 

Now just like how they spread before, he'd have to let it do it's work.  With the change the spell, while still black, wasn't oozing anymore with Rising Dusk's own signature mixed with that of the original caster's.  Already he could be too work being done. New spores puffed out from the flower and clung to an already infected pony. The new spore quickly rewrote the weave of the first to match it. Then it spread to the next pony and the next, even to him. Removing the pocket watch from his hoodie pouch, he dialed in new coordinates from memory.  "One down," he told himself before holding his breath again and pressing the top to teleport to the next location.

Scarlet fluttered in the doorway, still a bit confused about the actions of the unicorn she just met.  Following the pony into his work shop, but not letting her hoofs touch the ground.  He was having problems with the cage in regards to what the detective left him?  "Problems?  That doesn't sound good," she idly remarked while looking around the work shop.  Strange place, she had no idea a place like this existed in the city.  The stallion sure liked to take a lot too, very unlike her mentor.  As she continued to follow him to where he was going to work, she looked up at the ceiling when he remarked about 'you up there', but couldn't see anything.  Shrugging, she followed behind, noticing a place on the work bench nearby where a magic circle had been drawn.  Upon closer inspection, she recognized the detective's horn writing.  "Did Detective Rising Dusk draw this?" she inquired, but it was rhetorical.  Fluttering above it, it looked a little off.  Almost like a mix of batter had exploded and rubbed it a bit, could easily make casting the spell seem off.  Take a piece of paper and a fluttering around for a pencil, she retraced the magic circle.  Knowing the detective's horn writing quite well, it was easy to figure out what it should have been originally.  "Here, this might help," she commented to presented to him a much clearer spell circle to use. 


Edited by Rising Dusk
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@Blitz Boom

"Woo, at least there won't be anything intense here. Right?"

Astral looked to Misty, chuckling a bit. "Come on don't jinx it just yet." She looked out the window to Canterlot. "Though, I doubt it'll be calm like this for much longer." She looked to Chow, sighing to herself. "But I hope my dad is dealing with them."

Misty looked to Chow. "I'm sure he's fine, Sapphire isn't that powerful, I'm sure."

"You don't know her like I did. She was, really powerful. Claimed she was a match for Celestia herself." She looked down, sighing. "But whatever that, thing is. I'm sure he can handle it."


Iron looked to her, lowering his head. "Not all of those types are even in use, the texts are written in a language that is not in use anymore" He looked to the shelves around his library, raising his hoof as a lot of guide books glowed, as he took them off the shelves and brought them in front of him. "There is only one missing." The books formed a stack on the floor. "I have no book that has anything about crystallizing dark magic. But you do say crystal form, so the element of dark magic might suffice."

"Possibly, I wasn't the one who read the book though." Sapphire walked over and lifted the stack, reading over the book about soul magic. "Nopony would know where it is though."

"Didn't Astral have it once?"

"She was, mistaken." Glancing to Emerald, she looked back to Iron.
"I wanted to throw ponies off. It was one of the disguises I used, around Warlock mostly, since he can sense the elements."


The general listened closely, nodding. "I've been as ready as I could be since I learned of it." He looked ahead.
"Just not entirely prepared for how to accept it. beyond a thank you. I'll figure out something though."



Zealous looked to Watts, smirking a bit as he had figured she'd follow him. But it quickly faded as he realized he needed to explain himself.

"It's useless, so why acknowledge it?"

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Blitz Boom


"So no answers, alrighty then," Karmic muttered to herself but proceeded to follow Enzo out of the temple. She didn't get any visions on her way back and it kinda concerned her a bit. Maybe Atzy was siphoning off her magic? She didn't think it was possible but maybe it was. Who knows what could happen with a changeling symbiote inside her.

@Blitz Boom


Aurora grinned nervously at Onache and offered a quick bow before chasing Happy out of the temple, as fast as her hooves could carry her.

@Blitz Boom


"If we look at both images ... it would certainly seem that this could be the first record of the Alicorn formation process," Twilight told Nerzhei, peering closely at the images of the mare with the stones and the mare with the wings and curved horn. "If this is true, and this is the first ever recorded Alicorn, this book could hold secrets to both how Alicorns formed and why the dragons and ponies are always at war!" she added excitedly, being sure to step away from the book to jump and down in excitement. "But of course, this is all speculation until we can decipher the book!"



"No no no no! AAAaaaahh!" Dawn screamed as she was bucked off, her screams fading the higher she got away from Kaltrops. She got high up into the air, high enough to see all of Ponyville beneath her, before suddenly plummeting to the ground. She quickly tried to flap her wings but all they could do was provide a weak draft to cushion her fall with, which didn't amount to anything really. "aaaaaAAAH!" in reverse, her screams faded back into the normal range of hearing as she flailed her limbs back down towards the teen dragon.



"I acknowledge it because it gives us something to talk about. Why do you have a stump for your horn?" Watts asked in the best curious tone she could muster, doing her absolute best to not come off as offensive or insincere.

  • Brohoof 1



What else am I meant to put here?


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@Rising Dusk

Some distance away, a stallion were taking notice of one of his *pollinators* being altered, and used to work against the spell he had initially set upon it. A clever opponent with potent resources it seemed, as whoever it were had done well in both seeking out some of the darkness set upon the town, and then moved quickly between. Not speak of the alteration that would use it to basically work against itself. It were not often that he were impressed, but this dispeller were certainly getting his attention, and had there been darkness within the pony's heart, he might have made for an excellent pupil.

Yet the ponies of Equestria were weak, and didn't see the power that embracing the darkness could grant you. A likely mixture of the softness of their country and their leaders, along with the limited dark magic that actually ran through the ground there, which just didn't fester the right kind of attitude and envy for immense power that were needed to succeed as a follower like him.

Certainly didn't help either that even the most potent of their threats had often seemed lackluster in his mind. Tirek had the right idea, and his recent ascension had been one that were followed with interest, yet his emotions got the better of him in the end, and cost him everything. With all that magic, you would think that he could have mustered a simple spell to just pulverize everything in a given direction where his enemies were. A waste of potential that were.

But there were no point in lingering in the past right now. He had a new subject of interest to, if not teach, then at least battle wits and magic against. A battle that the Equestrian had done well in taking up so far. However, everything he did were reactive, and towards some of the smaller, though effective threats that had been planted in the town. Distractions more than anything honestly, though the infected were effective in tracking down the sisters, as a large area where they got dispelled were noticeable by him, and would undoubtedly lead to them. Big difference between a spell being cut through professionally, and for it to merely vanish into thin air. Not something just any caster would know, but he made some links between himself and his creations to be able to track things in situations where scrying spells were either not worth his time, or would expose him, and this Equestrian would certainly notice one of those. He weren't a complete beginner after all, by all accounts.

Of course, he also protected those links back so that nothing nefarious could be sent his way, but that were another matter entirely. Right now though, were more the matter of buying himself some more time, and testing the Equestrian a little further. perhaps he'd enjoy a little adjustment of his own? And... Yes, a little present perhaps, for his relentless meddling.

When Rising came to the next object who again, would turn out to be the same flower, he'd find that while the spell were the same, there were a small addition hidden within this flower. A message, containing a kind of magic best described as a *direct call line*. An invitation for him to hear from the pony in charge of this meddling business, if he cared to take the invitation, and begin the magical link. It mattered not to the master, who had another little surprise in mind at the same time, as he sent a local of his to the front door of the O.M.I. The only visible sign that something happened were a brief second of a green rift in the air, then it were gone without a trace, leaving only a 600 pound wicker bear in its place, which would barge through the door and charge at whatever nearby creature it could sense in there.

Wicker bears would carry some semblance to timberwolves, but could be more ferocious, and made of harder kinds of wood, which made them challenging to deal with. In Harrowmark, they were either avoided, or if they were of the more aggressive kinds (like this specimen) cut down and burned when they got too close to villages. They weren't magic in nature, so the wards and counter magic shouldn't be able to deal with it like his other tricks, but if they were able to fend it off for a time, or had some more physical wards to work with, they could try and dispel the rage spell that were getting it into the state it were now, and potentially manage to calm it down from there, even though it were still a highly dangerous, mistrustful being that hated ponies. Weren't as if their adversary had wanted to make it easy for them.

Meanwhile, at Molotov's place, the stallion in question would look over on the lines that Scarlet had meddled with while he were finishing the cage up, and hit himself on the forehead.

"Of course, the lines got disrupted after the explosion. Molotov ya big dingus, get a grip on yourself.

Alright, let's try dragging this over and then pray that it works. If it doesn't, and any of the D5-11 mixture gets on you, get in a shower or burn it off quickly. It gets foul if it's allowed to fester."

It was an experimental thing he were doing right now, but it at least wouldn't kill anypony. Just make it seem as if they had rolled around in a field of angry skunks, and then eaten rotten fish. It also wouldn't go away for like, three weeks or so. Effective stuff to apply to metals in the scientists own words, but they just hadn't been able to deal with that side effect before the incident took them away, along with everypony else. Still seemed like it was worth a shot in Molotov's mind.

So now that the cage were floated on the point, he started to go through the motions like he'd seen Dusky do, started to get the spell nice and in motion, yet this time, it weren't just fizzling out, but actually taking effect! he could kiss Scarlet if it weren't because he didn't want a restraining order. Oh, and he wasn't done yet.

The cage creaked and the pressure it got under were apparent, but as the spell finished, he could actually look at the mess they had gotten together, and flutter up into the air triumphantly.

"Eureka! The first, functional prototype, and years before expected. This is fantastic!"

Sure it were still gaining too much pressure for his liking, and the design could be better, and with the ability to make it smaller when not in use, but this would do for now. And perhaps a few weeks more. It was nothing major, but he miiight have to mention at some point that were was a larger increase in rust forming from this process, and there hadn't been time to galvanize anything to try and give it a chance, so it would eat through in a few weeks at most, and then likely implode. Still, this were a prototype, not the finished product. Things wouldn't be perfect.

"Okay okay, this is perhaps not the right time, but it's still a major breakthrough. I can't wait until he sees this, though... *sigh* Felicia? Mind transporting the cage to Dusky?"

Felicia silently descended, and landed near the cage, where she'd effortlessly lift the heavy thing unto her back, where it would remain stable for transport. An important thing when it came to an experimental prototype were to not shake it around too much in Molotov's opinion, and considering everything, Felicia were the best carrier for it. Sure he might be able to do so herself, but if there were trouble in town, Molotov had to stay here and make sure Blitz were safe before anything else. He liked this town and all, but he were not losing his sister again because he were absent at a crucial time.

"𝕊𝕙𝕠𝕨 𝕦𝕤 𝕥𝕠 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕠𝕡𝕖𝕣."

The whirs would mean nothing to Scarlet, but Molotov were starting to talk about things here before she even completely landed, just to make sure the copper weren't gonna freak and think this were some sort of trap.

"I know she might be a lil' scary-looking, but Felicia ain't gonna hurt you, or anypony else working with ya, I promise. Really didn't wanna have to resort to this either, but this heavy cage here is gonna need to be moved, and I don't wanna pressure it with wobbly movements or adding to things by using some sorta teleportation spell, seeing how tense it already is, so if this is an emergency, you're gonna need her for this. Just guide her along, and if you lead her down main streets and anypony asks, just say it's a new kind of transport robot. It's easier that way, and she'll find a more secluded route back home again."

Honestly, if Scarlet had better ideas, Molotov would be all ears, as this were too much exposure for his taste, but it were the lesser of several evils if this were an emergency situation, and could be explained away long as Felicia stayed in line, and didn't show any signs of intelligence. Folks might just be dumb enough to fall for it then.




"Her trial is in the central courthouse, room 2 I believe. As for your friends family ties. Hmhmhm."

Scarcity chuckled a little to herself, and halted speaking for a few seconds as she savored this moment. It weren't the most professional, but one shouldn't avoid all of life's small joys.

"Researching Filigree, I were bound to learn of him, Rosa, and one of the two stallions she have born foals with. She hid her tracks well for a beginner, I will give her some credit for that, yet like with most others, there is always something left behind to find. Some rather interesting stuff too, about her grand plan, the primal crystals, and the score of beings she have left behind to gain what she needed. Why, your poor friend were little more than a pawn himself, being only conceived to further her plans on his fathers work, then discarded like trash. Disgraceful way to treat ones own foal, wouldn't you agree?"

This one had managed to hit more closely to home than she cared to admit, as she had some... Issues with her parents and varied other relatives too during her younger years, but this were still business, and one could not get too close in matters such as that too often. Besides, she considered the information she found on his brother to be enough to satisfy her consciousness on the matter, as honestly, the spy could have spent years trying to gain what she had picked up in far less time, and who could tell what would happen between here and then? A guards duty were quite dangerous at times after all.

"I have included some birth certificated and various other information in with the proof I hold against Filigree. As fascinating as it is to read, I have little use for it, and it seems dreadfully wasteful to simply let it collect dust in a drawer somewhere. Now, I'm sure you wonder too what it is that I have on her, but I believe it best to cover this when the statue is secure in my possession. Let us simply say that a certain part of her plans did not go as smoothly as one would expect, and that will be a difficult one to escape judgement for."

Behind her, Brick would come around again with a long, dark rope, which he'd keep on him as he jumped through the two gates and headed straight for the statue, not caring about what else were going on in the dark dimension. He'd start his work on wrapping the stone up good from there.




On 1/26/2019 at 3:38 AM, EQ_Theta said:

"More like a case of being too accident-prone and a lot of times, not even by their own fault. See, they look almost invisible to the naked eye. They could easily be eaten and no one would know, they could be swept up in waterspouts and end up on dry land. Not to mention, they were mostly looking after themselves until I came along. They were a little too trusting for my liking but I couldn't just leave them be. They are very much scared of creatures unfamiliar to them, but give them enough time and they will warm up to you."

"Lyriel, I don't think Celestia is like a deity as you described." Fluttershy interjected, being the one most knowledgeable about this matter. That really isn't saying much though, as that might be more of Twilight's thing. "She's long-lived but we ponies don't worship her. Celestia doesn't like that and would prefer more casual relationships with her subjects."

"Sounds like someone you'd want to have looking after you. More motherly than what I'd expect from a ruler but if Equestria has gone over hundreds of years with her in charge, she's doing something right. Anyways, my time here is running short. I only came to visit after all and I should be bringing the little sprites back to the sea before their bodies begin to wear down from being away from saltwater for too long."

"I've known butterflies who have lives much similar to your wards, and I can certainly understand your want for keeping them safe. Much as the food chain must be upheld, certain creatures need protection to not end up extinct, and who better to deserve this than ones who have more things against them than others? I pray that you will be continuously successful in your endeavors, and that when you are returned to the lands beyond, their descendants will remember you fondly.

As for what you mention Fluttershy, perhaps your princess is not a deity then, though I still carry doubt in my heart. What being can move the sun, reject the effects of time, and not be of a higher power? Where I am from, we would look upon a creature like that with reverence."

Especially since Celestia could move the sun, which were as important to life as anything her own deity were responsible for. What could grow, if not blessed by the light after all? Well, certain things would, but it would not sustain nature, and the world would grow barren.

On 1/26/2019 at 3:38 AM, EQ_Theta said:

Cassie floated the bubble close to Fluttershy and Lyriel before making a small opening to let the sprites get close. The little ones then gathered around and gave little kisses to both the pony and the dryad before they were floated back to the water, the bubble dissipating slowly. Fluttershy seemed to like it, a feeling of several little suction cups touching her skin and a tickling or nibbling sensation radiated on her skin before the sprites went on their way with the kelpie in tow. 

"It was nice seeing you again, Fluttershy, and a pleasure to meet you, Lyriel. I wish you both well and my fortune smile on you both!"

The feeling of the small water spirits wandering up to her in their bubble, and pecking her cheeks like small fish made Lyriel blush and giggle. Such quiet creatures these small brethren of the water were, but one could not argue that they were adorable. May whatever power created them, bless their little hearts, along with the kelpie that watched over them. Hopefully they would all remain safe on their way to the ocean.

"Safe travels Cassie. May your days be many, and your nights peaceful."



@Zephyr / Karou

"The world can be cruel, but one must learn to look past that, and see the beauty around them. If one focuses too much on only the hardships, they can end up forgetting that most are good, kind creatures that does not condone evil, and then everything will begin to look bleak.

Besides, this history is in the past, and progress are slowly underway. With how many old enemies that Equestria have started to make connections with in recent years, I can imagine that the Equestrian evergrown will begin to trickling in slowly over the next dozen moons or so, to see if the eyes that now gaze upon them will consider them as living beings, or mere plant food. That some have started to try and reach out up north will likely be the catalyst for what is to come, and at what speed one can expect changes, if they are met well.

I like to think that when such a time comes, my travels and explanations of what my kind are to others, will have them educated enough to not immediately fear the worst, but we shall see as time comes.

Perhaps we should consider another talking point before this becomes stuck in the past... Ah, perhaps I can enlighten you of some things you may wonder of the town? I have heard many a tale in the weeks I have been here, and would be happy to share what I can, if you so wish."



@Catpone Cerberus @Moonlit

"Well uhm... A-Actually, could I stay here with Nada? I could help keep her safe and hidden, and if we could perhaps get a few history books, we could... Y'know, try to catch up with the world a little? I-I hope that's not asking too much, but like Nada said, times have really changed, and if we're supposed to join it again, we kind of need to learn a little of it. I can't remember if you said something about if you could or c-couldn't read or write Nada, but I could teach you too? Perhaps? It'd give me something to do, and uhm... W-Well, if the princess finds out how to get me away from the castle, wouldn't it be better if I were here, so she knows where to look? M-Maybe?"

In case she had to move around a little more, Nada could also take the castle piece and move it around, and as Cherish could cloak them, she could help giving them cover if Nada wished to leave and go outside for some reason. It made sense to her at least, but of course, if Serenade didn't want her to be here, she'd understand. There would be other places to haunt for her.



@Catpone Cerberus

"Only a fool wonders not who may stab him in the back when you are alone with another being. Much as I truly enjoy your company, I have yet to know if you could have interest in attempting something with my back turned. Be it an attack, or a prank of some sort. Quite frankly, I am currently amazed that you did not find it humorous to mess with me just to see what might happen."

Ruby were rather straight forward from what he could tell, but there were these little glimmers of something mischievous shining through now and again that made him uncertain of how much she merely liked to tease through talk, and how much could end up in action. There were of course still the nagging thought of her potentially thinking about trying to eat him too, but those would remain for a while. Trust took a good deal of time after all.

Finding a suitable place on the floor, Marley used his right wing to dust the worst of the layer from the floor, in a direction away from Ruby, before sitting down.

"It is good to know that were I ever to ask to see you in your true glory, I am to bring forth a mighty beast, slain and ready for consumption. I will have to keep that in mind in case you ever entertain the thought, though I must say, as big as you might be, I am not afraid of you. Concerned as to what you may be able to do, certainly, but you will not have me gaze upon you and beg for my life. Heh, or rather, you will not hear it in a serious manner.

I know that you wish for others to be intimidated by the glory that is your draconic might, yet I will say that I think it best that things are as simplistic as they now can be, where neither of us believes the other to be a threat. It keeps things interesting in a way. At least in my eyes.

In any case, I wish for you a delightful dinner m'lady. Shall I carve your steaks into smaller, easy to chew pieces for you?"




"Yeah, we likely aren't gonna have too much time without something going on, but Canterlot have their royal guards. Let 'em handle things for a bit so we can get our snooze on."

That was a downer of a thought right there, that they weren't gonna have much time before the next big thing went on and they had to deal with it. What were they all of a sudden, heroes? That was more the sort of business for Twilight and her gang. Them? They were dealing with this because they had personal stakes in the matter. Well, Chow did at least. He weren't 100% on the rest, though a lot centered around Warlock and Sapphire by the look of it.

"And you know, I'm sure Iron got his hooves full whooping their flanks. Not only didn't the gals seem at full power, but your dad knows one of 'em as closely as can be, so he should know how to beat 'em off. Plus it's his turf. There's likely some traps and stuff that gives him the advantage. He's probably just taking his time grilling 'em for questions."

Alright, truth be told, Chow wasn't sure on that, but sounded better than going *Your dad's probably alive*. That sort would earn him a beating, and quite honestly he couldn't blame 'em, when right now they needed some positive words and good vibes. The gloomy reality could wait until another time. Say, after they had rested, and seeing how they were only a few minutes from stopping in Canterlot at this point, that time would get here sooner rather than later. Here was hoping Iron got back to 'em before that.




What did that stare mean? Were Sapphire lying to Iron about the element for some reason, and Astral truly had it? Could be, though why would she make that lie up? Did she think that perhaps her daughter were better off with that item, as opposed to taking it away? No, that sounded illogical, even for Sapphire. Perhaps it had more to do with not tipping off Astral what they had planned, and how they were working with Iron? Yes, that sounded more like the deceitful creature that were her sister alright, and it made sense too, in a sentimental sort of way.

"Perhaps we can make our own dark magic. We'll need a magic receptive crystal and our old book of curses, Sapphire. If we channel the magic needed for a curse through the crystal, while dispelling the curse itself, we might be able to trap some concentrated dark magic within it. Have you traversed in curses since we made our own, many moons ago?"

Curses were essentially pure dark magic, filled with corruption. If they could get the corruption away, it would take most of the dark magic, yes, but if they could gather enough up it should be workable. If not, they'd have to do it a few times, with a new crystal each time. Letting concentrated dark magic out rarely went well.




"Well, we should g-"


The generals turned their heads as they heard Benny call out, who came running as fast as his damaged hands allowed it, with a large, ornate chest on his back. He weren't stopping until he reached them, at which point he'd just stand there and gasp for air a few seconds, whilst also cringing over the pain in his palms. Annoying that his wings were too big for this hallway sometimes.

"You made it in time then?"

"Yeah. Just *wheeze* gimme a sec.

...Alright, sorry for the delay generals, and adviser. The box were misplaced, and I had to make sure the polishing was done right. I got his weapon ready to be presented as soon as you call for me to bring it in."

"Good. Stay here for a moment then everypony, and I will get the ceremony on track. I will call upon you all shortly."




The way out were the same as they entered, where the traps had already been sprung, so there were little to be concerned about, and they made it out safely.

Barely had they gotten out however, before Enzo wrapped some layers of cloth all over the door, sealing it well shut once more. You know, provided somepony didn't have a torch or something.

"If I had the power to destroy this place I would..."

Enzo grumbled bitterly, before looking down on Karmic with visible irritation still in his eyes. This place brought too many bad memories to make him joyful being near it.

"Are you ready to travel back to your capitol?"

If Karmic were, he'd get her up on his back again, though closer to the neck, considering the bag up there took up space, and would fly them up and away from this deserted dump of an island.




Happy had gotten some way when she got up to him. Usually he took some time since he had to strap into his cart, but that had been left in town after he were kidnapped by the strange draconequus earlier. Man that had been a weird half hour after that...

"Hey wadda ya know. One makeover, and the ladies comes running for me."

He'd laugh a bit and grin at Aurora. Much as he had done some pretty bad things in his time, Happy were a pretty easy-going, joking sort by nature, though comments like this had earned him a slap or sixty before. Along with kicks, beatings, the occasional jealous colt-friend chasing him, that sort of thing. How life went sometimes when you didn't know what to stop from flowing out your yap, right?




"I have a theory about the process involving draconic magic of some kind, and that is why an alicorn's lifespan can be as long, or potentially longer than ours. The possibility if that were the case, right? Our history, connected in ways that had not seemed possible before."

Nerzhei's voice were getting excited too. Finally there were someone here who not only were willing to listen to what she said about this book, but also took a great interest and excitement in the possibilities of what it could mean, and had theories that while unsubstantiated, were supposed to come when faced with a piece of potent history like this.

"I haven't seen the last 3/4'th of the book yet, as I don't want to simply see and guess what came to be, but the truths must lie within these pages, and they should be done properly. One page at a time, to ensure that the entire history are learned in the right order, or the lack of context are going to ruin everything.

In a few years, I've managed to translate around half a page, but the knowledge you hold in your library might finally be able to reveal a pattern, and cause translation of the combined languages to become easier.

I would like to share credit with a research partner, if it holds some interest to you? But, know that as a scholar, I need to stress that the entire history must be accessible to the public when the whole thing is translated. Perhaps not the details of an actual alicorn process, but the history itself cannot be suppressed, no matter what truths comes from it. I don't care what they once thought when they destroyed trace of their kingdom, but I will not have history removed just because it isn't comfortable for either side, or doesn't fit their new world image."

Though excited, Nerzhei's voice still carried gravity right now, as she stared unblinkingly on Twilight. She were well aware that what could come from this book could just as well reignite conflicts, as it could finally lay to rest what started a several millennia old feud, but the history still had to come to light. A true scholar wouldn't bury it and leave it forgotten just because it wasn't conforming to the common folks perception of how things were and should be.

Of course, any details on how certain things were done like horrid rituals, alicorn process, etc. were fair enough to just leave hints at, but no details. They weren't here to foster witches after all. But it should still be mentioned that those things happened in the story.




"It's medicine, ya big silly one. Hehe."

Anomaly slid out through the cannon itself, limbless like a snake, and hissing like a bagpipe.

"And your body is Her temple Lucid, Mr. Whipped."

She pulled her tongue at the pooqus before slithering over to the desk and spitting out some bits that gathered into the shape of a bat.

"You face the ruler of the nut house. Bring me your baked goods of mango, banana, or rusty nails. Brownie points for a glaze of under-the-fridge-dust or oven coal, yum."


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

When she was reminded of what she was the queen of, held up a pill bottle full of gummy bears and threw it at the head of a random pony.

"Oh, right! I diagnose all of you with stupid! The only cure is to be less stupid. Remember to get vaccinated for stupid disease!"

"Wait, she doesn't own m-"

"Yes I do."

"Fair enough."

The guy at the counter looked at Anomaly.

"We're all out of mangos."

"Mangos are stupid anyway. Ever had anything mango flavored? It tastes like mangos and I hate the taste of mangos!"

Edited by Lucid_Nightlight


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@Blitz Boom

"We'd love to hear more about the town." Sun Fire said. "We were thinking about exploring later to get a better feel for the layout, so anything you want to say would be great. It's not as overwhelming as Manehattan was when we first moved there, but it's hard going to a new place."

Zephyr nodded. "Especially the best places to eat. I performed at my close friend's restaurant regularly back in Manehattan, but I could never tell him I didn't like his food very much." He said, chuckling slightly.

Rainbow Dash Fanatic

"You stroll down memories of younger, brighter times 'cause you never realize what you've got till you leave it all behind." ~ dBPony

"So we’re here at the end, did we teach you well, my friend? Don’t look so sad to see us go, after the rain comes rainbows." ~ Princewhateverer

"Darlin' you'll be okay." ~ Vic Fuentes

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@Moonlit@Blitz Boom

Nada started by replying to Serenade "Thank you for your hospitality, I'll be staying in the river until I get my own place." she then turned towards Cherish "And to answer your question, it was writing, the tools ponies use aren't really fitting for my size, and I never really had a reason to learn it in the first place..." she then remembered something and turned back towards Serenade "Speaking of questions, Luna said you would know about the ways to stop us sirens from using magic, so what are they?"

@Blitz Boom
"It seems that you have misjudged me my dear birdy." Ruby simply stated as she opened the box after she had muttered at it again "I do not wish anyone to beg for their life, as such thing is meaningless, words and actions mean nothing, as I can sense what one really feels, and I assure you, everyone fears when they are face to face with greater being, some just hide it better than others, but I can see through a such facade, I can feel the muscles tensing, I smell the fear." "And what comes to messing with you, I don't care for getting reactions out of you, I may enjoy having little back and forth verbally, but meaningless messing around is just...well, meaningless, and like you, I prefer to keep our relationship intact for now." she didn't comment on the steak comment, instead she just bit into her meat ripping a piece of it off as a reply, because even though pony teeth weren't made for such diet, they did their job well enough with small pieces like those she had.



“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Catpone Cerberus @Blitz Boom "It doesn't stop our magic wholesale, but rather inhibits the mind-controlling aspects. We can still sing and use our magic to feed...somewhat" She puts hoof to her forehead, "The Unicorn at Canterlot tried explaining but he used alot of big magical words. Simply put" Serenade walks over to her end table, and moves a lamp clockwise. A blue crystal softly glows. "As long as one of these is nearby it seems to conteract the negative aspects of our songs, BUT....it's not foolproof"

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@Blitz Boom

"Filigree has done more than enough damage and after hearing about how he was used as a pawn, I hope this trial will give him some measure of closure. I just hope he'll be fine before the trial happens; I know he'd want to be there to see this through. You mentioned him being being used to further her work and that his father was also part of it... that really must have involved thinking several steps ahead. I don't know whether I should be impressed by that or disgusted."

It made sense and the pieces were falling into place. The information Lin learned corroborated with Rosa's accounts of his shady past, how it connects to his father, and their situation prior to them meeting. Even confirmed a brother, though his name may still be coincidentally Stargazer. That one might prove itself true in time, but the image this information paints is becoming clear and the details more vivid. Rosa will be relieved to know this trial is happening and he may get his answers sooner. 

"Maybe I should go and see if Brick needs help. Though the place I left the statue at is pretty much deserted; nothing lives or thrives there after all. Hmm... I do have one more question. Those documents might interest Rosa. If it is alright, could he get them once the trial is over?"


@Blitz Boom

"I can't help but feel she should've let Ponyville know she's changed... I shouldn't hold her back from her obligations but maybe at the very least let Twilight know she was around and doing well. And if you like, we can go to Twilight and ask her about alicorns. She knows more about them than most but it might not be much. Little is known about them and besides Celestia and Luna who control the sun and moon, there are very few others like them. Twilight, Princess Cadance, and her baby, Flurry Heart, are the only other known alicorns. Even the magic they specialize in can be considered vague."

Angel climbed up to Fluttershy and whispered something into her ear. Though it wasn't really anything important, it was enough to get the pegasus to listen and let out the occasional "Oh" and "Mm Hmm." Some time was spent meeting with Cassie that the bunny had to remind Fluttershy she still had to tour Lyriel in and around town. 

"Right, Angel, I guess there's that. You sure you can make it back home on your own?"

The bunny nodded though it wasn't impressed at his owner for thinking he couldn't manage on his own. Without further delays or squeaking, Angel ran off and made his way to their cottage. Likely for some important business or whatnot, Fluttershy let him be. 

"Angel said he has to attend to something back home. I suppose we should head back into town, too. You mentioned you've stayed in the Everfree Forest, right? I could show you some places where my friends live. If there is a problem and I'm not around to help, you could go to them. There's Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash, though maybe it might not be such a good idea to go to Rainbow. She lives on a cloud and unless you're a pegasus, you'll fall right off. If you don't mind me asking, where do you plan to settle in specifically?"

Edited by EQ_Theta
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