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open Casual stroll

Blitz Boom

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Flamestreak burst from the clouds, cutting through the tepid wind as he rocketed down in the direction of Ponyville at an breakneck pace. Just as Flame was about crash into the earth below him, The Pegasus decelerated and swiftly went to an complete halt. The Stallion landed like a cat on the surface, his heart was still pounding heavily from the exhilarating flight when he landed, Flame took a split second to let the adrenaline run off before continuing. Once he was fully decompressed, he glanced up into the sky. Celestia's sun shone brilliantly throughout the skyline of Ponyville, The glorious light gleamed over the white, puffy clouds and peeked through the small cracks and holes riddled in the clouds foundation, including the large hole which flame had just ripped through. Flame smiled at the site and started trotting, The dirt road of which he was trotting on was all too familiar to him


"Ah Ponville, What shall I do today?" He pondered straightening out his wings a little. There was plenty to do in Ponyville, He could have trotted to the town's Theater and see the latest and greatest school play the town had to offer, Or he could try to visit the town's library and check out an interesting book to read while strolling throughout the city. Ultimately, though, his mind (and his stomach) decided on Sugarcube corner, He hadn't eaten much in the past couple of days, and just the mere thought of biting into one of Mr. and Ms Cakes tantalizing confections was making his mouth water. He flapped his wings twice and hurriedly flew to Sugarcube corner  


The Flight didn't take long at all and he found himself staring at the entrance in no time flat, Flamestreak open the doors. the smell of the batter and frosting danced through the air and pleasantly hit The crimson Stallion on top of his nose as entered the bakery. As Flame proceeded to the end of the line he noticed the two stallions in front him, One was an Earth pony stallion who had an all light blue coats with a dark blue mane and tail. His mane was altitudinous and looked like it was ripped straight out a video game.


Other stallion was a tall, muscular fellow who towered over all of the other ponies in the store, He was bat pony with a pitch black coat and just as dark tail. His wings were even more voluminous than other pony's hair the latter of which, was getting in Flame's face. He tapped the blue pony on the back




"Um your tail is....getting in my mouth." He explained shifting nervous, not wanting to upset or offend the stallion.

Edited by LittlePip1990

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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@@Blitz Boom,

@@Seamore Sandwich,  


Syo's ears drooped as she slowly started to walk with Briar and Brittle back. She was not saying much else as she walked along with the both of them. Syo felt from strain from her hind legs then she dissipated her staff and got on all fours and started to walk.


"You know, Briar, I never wanted to make anyone cry or upset. I may be an immature and easily excited kid but I never want to put anyone in danger... again." Syo said as she walked. "I think Seamore is about done with the collection, I will go on ahead first."


Syo dashed forward and moved gracefully ahead and soon disappearing behind the corner and then back to the room where Seamore is.


"Are you done already?" Syo asked as she went close to the sack to take a look inside.

Edited by Melke

My RP OCs: Melke the catSyo the feline explorer, Saber the feral pony

Check out my art stuff at deviantart or request something from my request shop.


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@@Blitz Boom, @@Frosty Frost, @@Damonater,

summer listened to the others, they where tired to and a nap couldn't do any harm indeed 'I don't have enough rooms for all of us upstairs, so I hope you don't mind sharing a room' summer said to damon and frosty 'I think you two should take the large room. and since damon is the biggest of us he can sleep in the double bed. and frosty can maybe sleep on the couch' and summer smiled to frosty. then she looked at blitz 'you can sleep in my room if you want to. i have a big, old, fluffy arm chair' summer said to the little filly.

summer walked upstairs and got some clean blankets from the closet and put them on the couch in the boys room and the arm chair in her own room. then she walked back to the others 'follow me to your room, pleas' she said with a smile


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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Sole was taken off guard by Dyr's 'favor', and was quickly hooked and pulled inside like a fish. Before he could think of a witty remark, like "ouch" for example, a disembodied voice and the shiny new threat interrupted his train of thought. Looking up at the bird-like monster, his first action wasn't taking up a fighting stance, as he normally would. Instead he laughed right in it's face "Your name's Jeeves? Seriously?" He said between fits of laughter.


After another moment or two, he sighed "Damn, I needed to hear that. It's been a while since I've fought something with such a stupid name" he mocked, before cracking his knuckles and preparing for a fight. "Hey, is 'Jeeves' here immune to my magic as well?" He asked Dyr, using the beasts name sarcastically. He all but ignored the voice. They'd have to take care of the present threat first anyways.

Edited by ~Sole~


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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@@Seamore Sandwich,


Allure took in a deep breath and closed her eyes. "Everything I've just been through. Everything I've had to go back and face. Everything..."  Her children being in danger. The annihilation of her race by pony kind. Her failures as a changeling. Her defeat and submission at the hooves of Chrysalis. All the anguish she went though. All the determination she had to proceed. All that she wished to do to protect her loved ones. The images flashed by, before the began to twist, darkening further and further with each twist, before the split off into the links of chain. 


She exhaled. "So- *pant* you mentioned something about a lock?"

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"Okay, now that the chain is wrapped around the door, focus on a cherished memory or a loved one. Use the strength that that thought gives you to bind the chain to itself in the form of a lock, like so." Charlie demonstrated by focusing his thoughts on his memory of Vivid agreeing to make a body for him. The memory had a warm glow that radiated happiness. He then shaped the memory into a quite strong looking padlock, binding his chain with it.

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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"Don't worry about it. And there's need to think of me as royalty in any way. I'm a guard, not a Prince, and wandering in her majesty's castle doesn't mean I have grown to think I need to be addressed like she should.


And I apologise if it seems like I was expecting you to speak in another way before. I was just a bit surprised considering how I've heard everypony else talk around here so far, though it isn't my place to judge."


Stargazer gave Copper a small smile as he lowered his hoof after the hoofshake, thinking a few new things about the pony.


It was nothing bad, and he wasn't judging how he knew guards as it wasn't like they were a closely-knit circle of ponies that didn't interact with others, and even if it did turn out to be bad, he wasn't in a position to judge considering he had started off training for guard duty as an alternative to prison.


No, it was just a few minor things about how he seemed to interact, and a few thoughts about what kinds of guards he had run into that expected him to speak to them like he would the royals, along with a few, assorted things here and there. He had the inkling to think it was Princess Celestia's guards that Copper might refer to though, but the Night guard was not without their fair share of stuck up ponies, so it was anyponys guess right now really.




It was about that point that he took notice of the pony behind them that spoke of getting a tail in his mouth. It seemed like a regular Pegasus stallion from the looks of things - if he went by Ponyville standards anyway - standing behind them near the entrance to the bakery, though he wasn't sure why he was standing this close.


It took a few seconds before he registered the other things around them, and it started to fall into place. Amidst his somewhat tired state and speaking with Copper, he hadn't noticed that they had become the de facto end of a line leading towards the counter of the establishment until this one had shown up and instead made them a part of the chain. Now that he did take it all in though, he figured he might as well just follow through with it. He had been debating whatever or not to get a minor treat and a cup of coffee before anyway, and as it stood now, it seemed a sign that he should just go through with it.


Besides, he was curious as to how Copper would react to the comment about his tail being in somepony's mouth. Guess they'd see soon enough.






@@Seamore Sandwich,


"is the task done already? Dearest me, you are faster than I had thought Seamore."


Briar was there shortly after Syo, smiling towards her and Seamore with the bunny'fied Brittle still sitting on his back, sdeending nervous glances to the both of them. If Seamore took notice of the eyes, he should be able to tell that this were Brittle, as they were the same colour amongst other other things, but that was less important right now. What wasn't however, were the task at hoof that - according to Syo - might have gotten through the first stage already.


"If it is done, shall we then proceed to the next part, or is there in fact still some seeds left that could be acquired?"


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom & @


"Don't worry about it. And there's need to think of me as royalty in any way. I'm a guard, not a Prince, and wandering in her majesty's castle doesn't mean I have grown to think I need to be addressed like she should.


And I apologise if it seems like I was expecting you to speak in another way before. I was just a bit surprised considering how I've heard everypony else talk around here so far, though it isn't my place to judge."


Copper smiled at Stargazer, nodding at his statement.


"It's all right.  I just thought that you'd be more comfortable in your own tongue."


Copper then heard a voice right behind him and felt a hoof touch him.


"Um your tail is....getting in my mouth." 


Copper turned around, seeing a Pegasus shifting uncomfortably after having his tail on him.


"Oh, sorry.  I didn't mean it to get in your mouth.  But, uh, last I checked, my tail was pretty short."

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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@@Blitz Boom



"Well, I'm not done yet. This isn't the kind of work that can be rushed. There may be a few seeds left if you wouldn't mind helping me," Charlie responded, not even looking up from the seed he was carefully moving around to separate it from the tree. He was too focused on his work to even notice that Brittle was now a bunny.

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@@Seamore Sandwich,


"Oh now we get to think happy thoughts." Allure muttered out loud. Allure closed her eyes in focus. A window began to phase into existence. She and Priestess were together on a wide bed. Priestess looked tired & disheveled, sprawled out sideways on the mattress. But she also looked content.  Between the two them, three little nymphs & three tiny kits, all whimpering, squeaking & chirping, aimlessly crawling & squirming on the bed. 

Allure saw one of the lings start to blindly shuffle it's way toward her. She shifted around so that she could face the little nymph. It shuffled right up to her muzzle. She gasped a little at the touch. She then sort of wrapped her hooves around behind it, and then nuzzled the little ling. It began making making what could be described as short, high pitched, hisses. She looked upon the nymph, and over to the rest of her & Priestess's litter. She pushed the nymph back towards the others. She let out a shuddering breath she did not know she was holding. "Y'know, I think a few of them have your eyes." Priestess said in a tired raspy voice.

Allure let out a light chuckle. "Don't sell yourself short. A few managed to get some of your good looks too." "Aw, is that right?..." She began to shift a ltitle, beofre stopping.  "Right about now is when I'd do that adorable thing, where I'd nuzzle the bed and turn my head upside down real quick, like kittens tend to do, y'know?...But, I'm not exactly feeling it right now." She said, not having really moved. "Heh, it's alright. We can save that for later. I'm.. I'm pretty good right now..." Allure said as her voice shifted to a whisper. She set her head down onto her hooves, just smiling at her six children beofre her, tears forming at the corners of her eyes. Just taking it all in...

Allure was now warmly smiling at the thought, tilting her head back and embracing the warmth it brought. The image began to glow bright, it spiraled and shrank into a solid form, dimming like a cooling diamond. Before her now stood a flawless padlock. She floated it and the last chain she made over to her door. She tightened the length around her door, shrinking it further, she lay the new link on top of the chain, and then slipped the lock through that and the one that would bind her door shut to the outside.


The waking world

"No! Stop licking the purifying salt off the ground! That's disgusting!"

Edited by Denim&Venom

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@@Seamore Sandwich, @@Blitz Boom, Cresent looked at the two dream walkers feeling bad for them. "so let me get this straight, you need help on your way out and the best way to keep you guys in this...place" he gestured with his wing "is for me to keep sleeping? I think I can do that. Its daytime now and its hard to wake up a nocturne. when they sleep" He stood up from the bar seeing the lights flicker again. "I'll help out as much as I can but I can guarantee"


before he could finish that the doors blew open with two ponys equipped with bladed weapons scanning the place. seeing cresent and the dream walkers the one pony in front a unicorn stood there and said "get them!" Cresent dove by the bar shoving the other two over with him. His gauntlet blade activated. "buddy's of yours?" he asked the two

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@@Blitz Boom



"This is just a part of your dream. We have no control over it," Nemo said, not even seeming surprised about Crescent shoving him. The bartender continued about his business as though nothing were wrong, as did some of the ponies in the place, who were also duller versions of themselves, just like the bartender. It was at an extent that Last and Crescent might notice what was going on.




"Think of a closely guarded secret, one that only you and those who are welcome in your dreams will know. Shape it into a key within the lock and turn it, securing the lock," Charlie instructed as an old fashioned, rusty looking key appeared in his lock, turned, then was levitated out and disappeared. "If you wish to hide this secret from me, just don't visualize it too strongly."

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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@@Blitz Boom, @@Seamore Sandwich, Cresent blinked at a bit at Nemos statement, "well it isn't that simple" The lights went completely out then turned back on as the three of them found themselves in a long hallway that would remind one of a hospital hallway with doors to different patients. Cresent stepped forward looking around,


"either this is me or something else is up" Cresent was right on the last part as the three of them trotted down the halls to find no other pony in the building...it gave an errie feeling to the setting.

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@@Seamore Sandwich,


Allure blew some air out the side of her mouth. "Well, a secret. Something only Priestess and I would know? Uhhh....Hmmm...." She held a hoof to her chin in thought.  "What would be something that only the two of us would know? How we met? That's a good sta- ooohh, where we met, how we met... and what 'service' she asked of me when she got there. Oh nopony, no one, will ever be able to guess that. She is damn creative. If I didn't know any better, I would've thought she were a changeling herself with how 'busy' she keeps herself, and all the lewd & kinky things that cross the threshold of her mind every 2-3 seconds."  


Another window formed out of the ether. In it appeared to be a rather nondescript lobby. And standing in it was a pony, one with a burgundy mane, cinnamon red coat & black gloved patterns on her hooves along with a rather bushy tail. She was looking around, taking in the scenes, up until mare, the same voluptuous one from one of the visions, walked up to her, decked in a school filly outfit. "Well, haven't seen you around here before. You lost?" "Well, aren't we all? But I'd like to think I'm more of a wanderer than a lost soul. The best part of that profession?" She spins around in place, looking around, beofre stopping right at the 'school filly.' "Finding something to stay for." "Oh, don't you have a way with words." Allure said walking by, stroking under the red mare's chin with her tail. "I'm liking you already. You have a name, foxy?" "Hmm, I'm good with that. Foxy it is then. Names are things ponies give ya anyways. I told you mine. Now what's yours?" "Oh, you may call me whatever you want beautiful. But if you want to address me by anything" Allure turned around, and whispered in 'Foxy's' ear. "You may address me as 'my queen."

"​Aaaand that's enough of that. Still not sure you're old enough to watch this. Heh heh..."  This image glowed just as bright as the first. It than spiraled and coalesced into a black iron key, shaped worked into the steel of what appeared to be tribal marks of a fox and a changeling.  "Ooh, that's cool looking. Might have to have a real one made." She inserted the key into the lock and turned it, the key vanishing into thin air afterwords.  

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"You can repeat the last two steps a few times if you'd like to add more security. But, first, would you mind letting me out? I'd like to explore a little more. All you have to do is think of that secret and shape it back into a key, then unlock it. The chains won't disappear as long as you don't make them disappear."

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@@Blitz Boom,

@@Summer Breeze



Frosty was relieved when he heard that he could nap for a while. He didn't care where he could sleep at this point. He'd even sleep on the floor, probably.

"You don't wanna know how tired I am right now," he said to Summer while he yawned.

He followed Summer upstairs, and entered his and Damon's room. It was quite nice, and he immediately slamdunked his head on the couch, and curled up a bit to make himself comfortable.

"Goodnight, everypo- I mean, everyone."


Awesome signature by FallenTrench

People think my soul is filled with grey, but it's actually filled with rainbows!

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@@Seamore Sandwich,


"...I don't think they are the ones we have to worry about."


Last had nearly hit the table when she was pulled backwards by Crescent, but either by some stroke of luck or the batpony aiming pretty well, she just missed it. When she had gotten up after that to look at the attackers, her eyes had at first been completely focused on the two of them and thinking on ways to attack them now that she couldn't touch her blade anymore until Nemo said that they were just part of Crescent's dream. At which point she started to notice something about said dream.


It hadn't been obvious at first glance, but looking over things a little more it started to look... Wrong. When they had gotten here, this place had been brimming with life and been how a place of this standards should be with the atmosphere and such. Now though, it looked like most of the ones here were walking in a daze that they weren't waking up from.


That something really were wrong just got cemented when the dream shifted over into instead an abandoned hallway a little after she had spoke, but at this point it also became painfully obvious that it was too late to do much about that. At least as far as she could tell. So she just followed Crescent, keeping her eye on things as they passed along the empty place.


"Word of advice Crescent. If you see something dark reaching for you, turn around and run, or try to wake up. I'm starting to think that something's here to add another pony to the lost ones."




@@Summer Breeze,


@@Frosty Frost,


"Hehe, okay. I can get my things later."


Blitz jumped a little in place before following Summer around, seeing where she put the blankets and such with big eyes and trying to help her on the way whilst putting down her bag of parts next to the armchair. It looked like a good place to have a rest, and Way more soft than the discarded bed she had salvaged a few weeks ago, so it might be a good nap. When everypony had gone off to sleep that were. She wanted to say goodnight to them all. or well, Goodmorning.


At the first stop on the road to get everypony settled in nicely - that being the couch waiting for Frosty - Blitz went over and gave the stallion a hug before he got settled in too snugly and responded with her own "Sleep well." when he told them goodnight.


She'd go back to Summer and Damon right after that, following them as they went on with their route.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Seamore Sandwich, @@Blitz Boom, Cresent herds Lasta comment behind him as they keept trotting there way down the hallway


"no, we'll work this out. if I wake up you guys might be stuck in my head for a while. not sure how that will go down for you but I don't think it'll be pretty...but thanks for the heads up"


As soon as he got done talking he paused hearing something holding his wing up, "that cant be..." he listened again. a familiar wing beat was herd behind them he turned to see what looked like a grey and orange blur rush towards them. Cresent unsheathed his gauntlet just in time to be hit by the grey thing. sending him down the hallway as Last and Nemo soon saw once they caught up to cresent...or actually two of him wrestling each other the 2nd one flew off getting in a kick boxing stance facing the one eon the ground.


This 2nd cresent had the same features save the eyes were blood red and the vamp teeth were out "so you brought friends this time cres, this should be fun" it said in a higher voice then cresents

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@@Seamore Sandwich,


"And this friend is gonna make a sipping cup out of your hollowed out skull if you don't stand down."


Last's voice whilst speaking to this double-ganger was dripping with enough ice to nearly freeze over the area around her, and the look in her open eye as she glared at the red-eyed little thing held in them promises of untold, violent acts best left to the imagination.


This day were bad enough as it were, and she did not need whatever dark side thing this was to make it worse when they had to be prepared for a greater evil, so it would either listen, or she would make sure to make her threat a reality. She didn't care it might not work on what could just be a inner part or dream apparition- She were frustrated and angry enough right now to try and break a few rules of nature.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom, @@Seamore Sandwich,


The 2nd cresent laughed at Last it wasn't the most friendly one herd.(going to try to coler his words different from cresents for a bit just a heads up) "now dear where is the fun in that, actually I probably should intor duce myself. my names Mall and im better at everything dear Cresent hear isn't" Mall took a mock bow then went to his fours  


Cresent got back up not in a good mood "cut to the chase, what do you want?"


"well after our last dinner I began to miss you dear cres" Mall trotted up almost in a flirty way towards the regular cresent. The regular cresents gauntlet unsheathed bringing the blade close to the others chin before he could get any closer stopping itself


"no games, no dinner, get us out of here" said cresent to his Mall


"then wake up you have their lives in your head. or our head, to be more correct. don't and you might hurt them and find new things about yourself that's how you can help them" said Mall still smilling

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@@Seamore Sandwich,

"Oh sorry. Didn't mean to lock you in here with me." Allure closed her eyes in concentration, materializing the key back in it's lock. One turn later, and the chains came undone, the door swelling back to normal sized. "Well, I guess, thank you for teaching me this. See you whenever?"  

The waking world 

"No, you cannot get high off of incense. Believe me I've tried." Priestess said to the kit that was sniffing the jar of burning incense sticks. 

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Sisilia ran and ran. She had run out of the White tail woods, but the wisps were still chasing her, firing lightning at her the whole way. It seemed like she had been running all day and night when she finally came to the edge of the Everfree Forest. She kept running until she was sure she wasn't still being followed. What she saw before her was quite spectacular. It was a clearing with several Everwood saplings well distanced from the other trees each glowing quite brightly. The entire clearing was surrounded with just Everwood trees, as if they were holding the rest of the forest back. Sisily found a large tree at the edge of the clearing with a large enough hole under it that she could curl up there and rest, the energy from the glowing tree keeping her warm through the rest of the night.


@@Blitz Boom



"There's no point talking to him, he doesn't even exist. Remember this is only a dream," a new emotion, perturbed had barely shown itself this time when Nemo spoke, but at what none could be sure. Was it the sudden change in scenery? Or maybe it was the attitude that this 'Mall' character seemed to have. Perhaps it was the fact that Last seemed to be forgetting that this were a dream? While they spoke, the grey bartender from earlier watched through the window of one of the hospital room doors.




Charlie turned to face Queen Allure to say goodbye, but before he could, WHAM!! He was slammed to the ground and dragged screaming toward the door by an unseen force. He sprouted claws and tried to dig them into the ground but to no avail. He just kept getting dragged toward the door anyway, and he was tearing the dream itself just to stay in. Such damage to the dream would mean one thing, if it wasn't repaired, Queen Allure wouldn't remember any of this when she awoke. "Save yourself, seal the door!" were his last words before he was pulled through the door itself as though the revolving door weren't there.

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@@Seamore Sandwich,

"What? No! " Allure charged a blast from her horn and fired, aiming above the spot that was seemingly dragging Charlie. But her blast only continued on into the either. She then started running towards him. She jumped, hoping to pounce on him when he stopped at the door. She didn't count on him physically phasing though it. She landed just short, and watched as he dissipated. "Luna." She thought to the only pony powerful enough to do something like that in a dream. And with Charlie out of the way, she would be next. And then there would be no one to protect Priestess and their children. "No. You're not getting in here. You're not getting in here!" She wrapped the chain back around her door, shrinking it in the process, and then re-locking it together. 

"Okay, what else did he say. Add more locks? Yeah, that was it." She closed her eyes in thought, picking another happy memory. "The time I did something right as Queen for once. Yes, that will do! A secret to seal it. A secret. A secret. But what? What? Hmm. Maybe. That one time I pretended to be Shining Armor in order to lure away Princess Cadenza as part of Chrysalis's plan. But before I lead her away ,we ended up-- yes, yes, fine that will work!" 

Another stainless steel lock & an intricately designed key w/ etchings of herself & Cadence on it emerged from the shimmering memories. She locked it on other doubled up section of steel. "Now for a third. What else? When else did I have a good time. Hmm. Nightmare Night? Nightmare Night! Ironic, how I didn't wear a disguise on a night filled with costumes. No wait, that's not irony. Irony is when you intend to do something and the opposite happens. Like a pony trying to put out a fire, but causes an explosion. No this is coincidence. Whatever! Nightmare night. Where I was given candy for just being me. That was such a self affirming experience. Now, a secret! Nightmare Night costume party at the brothel! Oh so much went down that night. Whatever! It'll work!" Another flawless lock, another key with etchings of a changeling and a mask on it.  "These are really cool looking keys." Another lock was clamped into place on a doubled up section of chain. 

"Okay. I think, I hope, that's enough. Now what?" She looked about her dream, then noticed the tears in the fabric of reality. he walked towards them. Then shivered. " I do not like who these are making me feel. I should probably patch those up. And since they're tears in my dream, I can repair them my way."  She closed her eyes ion focus at again. A giant needle appeared, with thread that emerged, connected to the ether. She began stitching up the tears Charlie caused. "Hopefully this is only limited to the dream world."

The waking world 


"See? I told you that you weren't supposed to snort that." As she addressed a nymph that was now having a sneezing fit. Priestess ear twitched.  She turned to Allure. She saw her shift and groan a little bit. Priestess made her way back to the bed. "Bae?" he noticed Allure's features twitch a bit. "Don't tell em she's having a bad dream."


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@@Seamore Sandwich,


"I was also just in a dream before this whole thing started, and look what happened."


Last didn't break her glaring at Mall whilst he moved around, nor when she answered Nemo.


Whilst there were a time when she could think of dreams being somewhat safe if you ignored the theoretical mumbo jumbo she had heard when growing up about a state of limbo, where your consciousness would be trapped between dreams until your body died out, she was less trusting after her own dream had ended with something dark grabbing hold of her and make her part of this forgotten state. No place was safe or sacred anymore as far as she was concerned, and what could just be a part of a harmless dream or nightmare was gonna be met with the same hostility as she would any real threat accordingly.


In this case, that threat was a darker side of Crescent from the looks of things, and no amount of words saying that *it was just a dream and that he couldn't hurt them* would make her relax around him, or ignore the annoying red-eyed bat.


Yet, she wasn't gonna say anything to that one now. Crescent already had him at a point where he could do some actual damage, and this was his head. She wasn't taking her eyes off Mall, but at the same time, this was his problem to fix. At least for now.






@@Seamore Sandwich,


"Ah, very well then."


With that, Briar would wander over to where he had been before and begin to take further care of the seed extraction. Whilst he would be at this, Brittle would stay where she were and look down at what he was doing in silence.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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After she locked it, Queen Allure's door bargain to rattle. Something was trying to get in. The door shook violently, but still the chains held. Then, just as suddenly as this all started, the shaking stopped. There was an eerie stillness. Had it gone? Did it find someone else to go after? Well, Last Stand would know the answer to that soon enough...


(OOC: this leads into Last's Dream from earlier but not directly. I'm just reconnecting the timeline.)


The Waking World:


Doctor Xeno was waiting in the war room for Luna's return when he realized, tomorrow would be his day off. Since he was here, he might as well stay, just in case Priestess needed his care during the night, and after everything was taken care of, he could explore the Everfree a little. He'd always wanted to go to see the Everwoods' planting fields and this was the perfect opportunity to do just that. "On second thought, Please inform Priestess that I will be staying here for the night. If she needs anything, I'll be staying in the war room," he brodcast to the changeling that was guarding the door to Celestia's room. He then made a scroll and pen appear, wrote a note, then sent it to Luna using his magic. After the message was sent, he made a sleeping bag appear then climbed in. Ah, the advantages of living among unicorns.

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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