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Blitz Boom

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@Blitz Boom

No argument there. With Sen picking up his meal and eating some of it, Lin walked through another gate and came out with some rope slung around her torso. It didn't feel comfortable with the rope chafing against her hide, uncomfortable as it looks. She sat next to Sen and ate some of the watermelon her brother had in his rations, and him picking some of the greens in his sister's pack, both enjoying and savoring the taste. It was a long time coming, the two of them just doing small things like this back when they were young and hanging out in the woods around their village. Those were simpler times, times that the two greatly miss.

"Lin, you sure you are ready to go in there?"

"You know we agreed to do this, all of this to have Filigree brought to justice. After what I've seen, I can't forget what she did to Omen and to those poor miners. She has to answer for that and much more, and those miners now have a chance to start again."

Sen looked at his food, sullen as he moved some of his vegetables over some of the liquids from the watermelon back and forth.

"It's not about that. I know why we're doing this but I can't help but think back to that night. I finally have a name for that thing I saw, an Ursa. Glowed like the night sky, stars and all. Just... just be safe in there, okay? I wouldn't want to go back to Mother's realm just to tell her you're not coming back. Once was enough for her."

Lin put down her meal and hugged her brother in a tight embrace, not letting go for the moment. A gesture of reassurance that meant more to them now that they have little more than each other's company. They will part soon but for now, they only had themselves for a little while longer.


@Blitz Boom @Storm Shine @Lucid_Nightlight @Dji @Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich @BloodDrops

"A sit-down it is! Once this business with the sphinx is settled, we can get on with that."

And on the matter of the sphinx, the wording made the pegasus stop and think for a moment. Silently she pondered on what was said. One goes straight to the temple, the other takes it around and brings everyone back to where they are standing right now. What does that "it" pertain to? If it is the temple, then taking the wrong path might move it around, but around where? Fluttershy looked back on those weekly book club meetings with her furry friends and those reminded her to really pay close attention to how things are said. But for now, she'd remain quiet and see what reply the sphinx gives to Twilight. 

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@Blitz Boom  @Lucid_Nightlight @Dji @Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich @BloodDrops @EQ_Theta


Discord rose up from the sand to curl around Onache, almost as if he had always been waiting there. "Well now, what's life without some fun and games? I have confidence that the group can handle what's thrown at them." He chuckled, before frowning slightly as he moved almost eyeball to eyeball with her and continuing in a darker tone. "And I'm sure I wouldn't have to worry about Fluttershy getting hurt. After all, I would hate to have to get... Unpleasant." The Chaos spirit's eyes glowed a solid red briefly, his voice resounding with the infinite power of Chaos, many voices blending in with his own; some speaking, some screaming, others echoing or chanting. Minds of lesser fortitude hearing such a thing could be dragged to the brink of madness or beyond.


Suddenly Discord was back to his normal playful demeanor as he uncurled from around Onache to lazily recline in the air, "But I'm sure no-one is thoughtless enough to bring it to that!"

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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On 8/14/2018 at 1:01 AM, Storm Shine said:

(Sorry about the lack of responses lately, lot going on. I'll try to put in more often, even if it's just small randoms. :squee: )

(its fine, i've been dealing with a cancerous router that died horribly. Now dealing with cancerous 32 bit system rather then 64 bit :P. Though its being fixed slowly)

On 8/14/2018 at 1:01 AM, Storm Shine said:

Discord grinned as he gave a slow clap, leaning against the sphinx and looking at the glue-covered statue of himself. "My, my, my.. Even covered in glue that fellow strikes a handsome figure, wouldn't you agree?" He asked somewhat mockingly. "I'm glad that's not me, it's such a hassle to get glue out of your coat you know?" He pretended to grumble, pulling aside some of his skin as if it were simply a jacket and pulling out a large paint can labeled 'Glue'. The spirit of chaos began waving a small paint brush around, glue flinging around from it's tip. Wherever a glob of glue landed, it would bounce as if it had become a super-ball. "I much prefer my glue bouncy over sticky."

The Sphinx tutted and grumbled at his annoying abilities. She rolled her eyes turning the Glue discord to Stone. "I prefer something more solid" she stated, she glanced at the bouncy balls and tutted again  "Do you mind? I'm trying to entertain myself by annoying these pesky ponies. If you don't want to help then take your shenanigans somewhere else" she snorted making a hook appear and having the stone discord pulled out of her temple. She shook her head as the glue balls continued to bounce around though at least they were cleaning as they went so she left it as it was. 


On 8/14/2018 at 10:04 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"As suspected. The laws of magic doesn't even apply to him."

The layer of glue had originally made Onache somewhat pleased, but it hadn't lasted, as Discord had suddenly stood there, with not a spot on him and next to an identical statue. A decoy that had taken the hit, and proof that even here, where the sphinx had set it so that magic shouldn't work, the draconequus could still do his tricks.

She had expected as much, seeing as not only his race didn't follow normal rules, but him in particular were the lord of everything chaos. Suppression of magic were an order that he were incapable of following, though his followers would likely not be as lucky. Perhaps something that could be used in their advantage, though for now, as Onache avoided a glob of bouncy glue, they still had the problem of this irritating gnat meddling around, and the sphinx had not exactly seemed pleased before. This may evolve into somewhat of a standoff already.

Untold power, against the lord of chaos... This may well be interesting, but being in the midst of it? It seemed unwise, so Onache would move towards the sphinx, but to the side. The two of these could duke it out, and for the time being, she would stay out of it. She wasn't one to get into physical fights often anyway. She may have some muscle, but she were a manipulator, and an observer, not a brawler. This were a situation in where she did best by watching and seeing what would happen, and in case the sphinx would seem to lose, make a hasty retreat.

"Do you think it wise antagonize your hostess, Discord? Unless that is the only reason you came here, and not to help your friends? What, with your companions now wandering into a treacherous desert all alone and becoming less welcome by your actions, it almost seem as if you don't care about them when you take to defiling her generous invitation."

A little fuel for the flame perhaps, but again, she were used to manipulation. Making Discord think more of his friends, might make him tone his antics down, in worry of what could happen to them. Or transport them all here instantly, leaving the wait rather short. Another option which weren't all that bad.


The Sphinx blinked at Onache "Why would I restrict my jesters magic? Please, I need to be entertained and Discord is the best at entertainment. Look at those glue balls bounce, could you do better?" she queried with a snort. She blinked as a ball bounced towards her and turned it into fish which she caught in her mouth. "besides you can't beat food with a show either" she added. She blinked and munched on the fish while Onache decided to try and stir the pot or trick Discord. She would see how this played out and interfere if needed. 

54 minutes ago, Storm Shine said:

Discord rose up from the sand to curl around Onache, almost as if he had always been waiting there. "Well now, what's life without some fun and games? I have confidence that the group can handle what's thrown at them." He chuckled, before frowning slightly as he moved almost eyeball to eyeball with her and continuing in a darker tone. "And I'm sure I wouldn't have to worry about Fluttershy getting hurt. After all, I would hate to have to get... Unpleasant." The Chaos spirit's eyes glowed a solid red briefly, his voice resounding with the infinite power of Chaos, many voices blending in with his own; some speaking, some screaming, others echoing or chanting. Minds of lesser fortitude hearing such a thing could be dragged to the brink of madness or beyond.


Suddenly Discord was back to his normal playful demeanor as he uncurled from around Onache to lazily recline in the air, "But I'm sure no-one is thoughtless enough to bring it to that!"

The Sphinx tilted her head at Discord claim and grinned, "Meh I'll take that wager" she giggled stamping her paws on the ground, all she had to do now was win her challenges or at least one of them. She flicked her tail as he whined about some pony getting hurt. "depends if getting covered in lava hurts ponies, if yes then you wouldn't have to worry. I'm all out of lava" she snorted, "Besides my challenges are to determine worth and not give ponies excuses to sue me for loss of limb. Damn lawyers suck the fun out of all my games really" she grumbled. 

She rolled her eyes, "Get as Unpleasant as you want. See where that gets you. If it breaks my ground rules then you get to see my Unpleasant side." she remarked sitting back down and nibbling on her fish. 


On 8/14/2018 at 10:33 PM, Dji said:

“Don’t underestimate the Sphinx. He may look just as mismatched as Discord but he seems more cunning,” Twilight told the group after looking them over. She turned back to the Sphinx and tilted her head in thought. “How do we know you won’t change the path to loop around back here even if we make the correct choice?” She had enough trouble with Discord to know not to outright trust that everything a mismatched creature says is the truth.

The Sand Sphinx tilted her head, "The path is set, though if you choose a path that I've offered then your set to fail" she smirked. "Besides once you've chosen a path you got to walk it, no turning around and picking the other way, not that it matters, that way is as correct as the one you would pick if you picked a path that is, after all there is no safe path" she informed the dumb purple pony. 


10 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

"A sit-down it is! Once this business with the sphinx is settled, we can get on with that."

And on the matter of the sphinx, the wording made the pegasus stop and think for a moment. Silently she pondered on what was said. One goes straight to the temple, the other takes it around and brings everyone back to where they are standing right now. What does that "it" pertain to? If it is the temple, then taking the wrong path might move it around, but around where? Fluttershy looked back on those weekly book club meetings with her furry friends and those reminded her to really pay close attention to how things are said. But for now, she'd remain quiet and see what reply the sphinx gives to Twilight. 

"Yellow Flutters got it. Even if Purple Horn doesn't. Though she has the advantage of thinking like a Pegasus rather then anything else. This game might be more entertaining then Discord let on, how interesting" she giggled. 

She then looked at the left path and then the right path and then back at the group. "So, one path will take you back here, the other will take you to the temple, which path will you pick? After all I've told you several times a very big hint, maybe I should have coughed hint when I said it" she summarized. 






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@Blitz Boom

"So we both have a small amount of blame to be put on us for causing this whole thing." She sighed softly, expressing a bit of a smile. "Though, if we're trying to correct it then what's so wrong about that?" She chuckled a bit as a bench came up into view, not taken by anypony, so she sat down in it, patting the spot next to her. "This is definitely something we'll be remembered for sure, assuming we can stop Emerald at all. You could certainly teach her a lesson, for what it's like to be bothered by a voice in your head."


@Blitz Boom

"My soul isn't fractured sister, this was the only horcrux I made." She said, truthfully she had made none other to go with it. "Every day you saw me with this gem eye, it was the element, every day I needed to fight it's influence, I knew it'd come to use if I gathered the others, but it terrified me the requirements to properly use them all, I'd need to betray, lie, steal, be depressed, hurt others, use dark magic." Sighing, even though she had no need to, but she had to, yet explaining her betrayal of her sister was difficult, her motivations not exactly sound, time gave her the moments needed to realize that. "It would've been too hard to use them all, without hurting everypony by removing every positive aspect about you or myself, additionally your body was breaking apart so there wouldn't have been the time,then I discovered your ability was to leave the body that you had, time was short so I had not much other choice, either I ruin myself to use all the elements, or end your suffering and risk your soul going inside a object cursed to hold souls inside it."


@Blitz Boom

The General chuckled to himself, nearly forgot he had armor being created. "Well if the armor is finished, it would be time for the visit." Personally he wanted to see what the armor would look like, since it'd be enchanted just like his wings as he recalled, hopefully it'd be unique compared to his previous plain guard armor.


"I don't need anything in return for this, it'll be much easier for you to find this once again now that you know where it is now, without further help from me." He turned around, looking to Crystal heading to the cafe, which was actually close to Enigma and Watts. "But you're welcome, I will be off now, and we shall see if we meet again." He walked off into the distance, a different pony would do for these events, as Crystal wasn't going to be at the train anytime soon, neither was Watts, unless fate made it so, but that'd be relying on chance, and not a solid plan.

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Blitz Boom

Rising was greeted with the sounds of hammer being brought down on hot Deep Iron as each ingot was formed into the needed shapes for their experiments.  The sudden changes in the temperature between the laundry room and the main workshop area was very noticeable.  It would take a long of acclimating to live in a place like this.  Sure, Dusk liked his fire place, in the winter, when it was cold.

Moving over to their workbench he looked over the few bars Molotov had already created.  This process was much slower than his own, but equally as important.  And this was still all small scale.  Going up to something more fitting to put a full grown adult into would take even longer.  Sadly much of that effort would have to be put on Molotov, as upgrading his magic circle to accommodate for a larger cage was rather minimal in work.  Nor would be able to spend a large amount of time on the project as he'd have to return to his normal duties soon.  Ultimately that had been the task to begin with now that he thought about it.  Take what Turntable had started and develop it into something Molotov could present to a Princess down the road.  More projects could come of it, Dusk just had to leave his mark in the form of a magic circle.  Who knows.  In a hoof full of years, he could see these cages being installed in the local jail house.

"Nah, she's awake.  Can hardly even notice she was asleep at all.  She's sitting in the laundry room cleaning her wings."

He informed the older Boom siblings.  Leaving out the part of the rambled list Dusk had to endure.

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@Dji @FanOfManyShows

Astral and Chow had already gone walking when the sphinx towered above the pony, and asked her to shut it in a semi-polite way.

Enzo looked at the pony standing all alone - as most others did the normal things of getting out of the way of him - and heard her apologies, yet the way it was said, and the look going over her presented something else that were an issue in his mind: She were afraid of him. Normal for the smaller races, yet it was getting tiring to be faced with time and time again. He had been there for over an hour without causing any kind of real trouble, did that not say that he didn't care for taking over the place?

"Apology accepted, little pony. Now halt your fear, I am not a - *yawn* - attackers."

Enzo's mouth opened wide as he let out a large yawn towards the mare, and arched his back to stretch some of the stiffness out of his body. It brought his head closer down towards the mare briefly, which made him wrinkle his nose a little, before getting a little closer and taking in a large sniff.

In case Karmic moved, he'd still do this, just whilst also flying after her, and eventually blocking her path.

"You reek of the heart-stealers, little one. Not enough to be of their kind fully, yet.. A halfling of sorts? Have pony-kind gone so far as to mix blood with those who once preyed upon them?"

This were of some interest to Enzo. he had rarely met changelings in the fifteen years he had as a free sphinx, yet a few had passed by, and their smell were unmistakable. Even cloaked, there was this whiff of illusions, mixed with that rancid bile they vomited to strengthen their hive walls. This one had a fair bit of pony over her too though, which were a smell he knew all too well, even before arriving in this place. They had a unique kind of sweat for those with good noses, and his kind - for better or for worse - had snouts that could live up to the task.

Yet of course, nothing were perfect. He might find a smell of changeling upon this mare, that seemed to near a third the power of her regular scent, but it may simply be that she had been near changelings for too long and the smell rubbed off, or this were one of the truly strong bug ponies who he had heard rumors about that could hide their smell somewhat effectively. Could also be one that had the blood of the other on them for an extended time. Even when you washed that coppery smell from your being, some of the smell could well remain.

May also be that there simply were other changelings near and he got confused. It was a flood of smells in this place, and he hadn't been touching her with his nose. Cross contamination were possible, yet whatever way, he might as well inquire. It would help pass the time, and seemingly also make some of the guards panic and not knowing what to do. Considering how long their generals had made him wait, that seemed only fair.




Rosa looked at the siblings from a distance, whilst one of his longer knives were working on cutting thick layers of moss free.

They looked worried for one another, yet reassurances, hugs, emotional comfort- All of it were there too. The perfect picture of a realistic pair of siblings.

A tinge of envy entered his mind before he averted his eyes from the hugging longma.

Thinking for most of his life that he was a lone child, and only having his dad around, Rosa sometimes got jealous of those who had a family bond like this. His father had always been there, and been supportive until the disease had started to claim his mind, yet it were not the same as an actual sibling. Much as him and his father had strong bonds, which had been hard to cut ties with, he had long wanted for somepony else that he could grow up with, and share things as time went forth. Yet without a sibling of his own, he had gotten used to hiding his envy, and take what joy he could in what he had.

And then, when tracking down his mother, he found that there was a brother... Stargazer, as Filigree had blurted out in the midst of her act. A name he wasn't sure were true, but the only tangible thing he had ever gotten on his long lost, older sibling.

Seeing the dates, he'd have to be around his forties now, so the early age bonding were long since past, but at the time of finding it out, his fathers dementia had begun to worsen dramatically, and the more he learned of Filigree, the more it were clear that he couldn't see her as family, as much as simply a monster. Stargazer - if that were his name - were the only family he had left now, and seeing this tender bond that Sen and Lin had, sparked old flames of envy again, over not having somepony like that with him.

He wouldn't act upon that though. It were not their problem, and he had been used to suppress his will and desires for a long time. One of the *perks* of being a spy, and learning how to hide your true wants and thoughts for the sake of the mission.

He'd wait until the two seemed ready to split up, and then would come over with four blocks of thick moss. Two would be handled to Lin, and the others he's put in front of him whilst he began to tie Lin and himself together. He'd take lead, she'd have a meter of line between them, and then she'd be taking the back. It should be short enough to work without restricting their movements too much.

"Whenever you're ready."



@BloodDrops @Storm Shine

Onache were not one to be scared by random voices and a little pressure from crazed beings. She were a master of mental manipulation herself, so it were going to take more than that, or having an unpleasant thing like Discord nearly wrapped around her to make her break.

The look in Discord's eyes when he alluded to what might happen if Fluttershy got hurt however... That were a different story.

Though the look were brief, the promise of untold punishments, potentially forever, to whomever were foolish enough to touch the one most precious to him were striking, and for the first time in her life, Onache felt a tinge of actual fear. She had tormented many a being in many a way throughout her years, but Discord's eyes showed promises of something untold and dark. Things that would make her methods seem like a light slap with a feather, and there might never be an end to it. An unstoppable cavalcade of misery, and there was nothing that could stop him if he wanted to enact this.

She had tossed her lot with the sphinx, yet now she doubted the feline had any chance if Discord wished to take things seriously. What could a mere mortal do against something like Discord? Perhaps coming into this desert to seek a deal had been too arrogant of an action after all. Especially when it sounded like the sphinx merely saw Discord as a jester. An underling, whom were only around to provide entertainment. Something which he could, and likely would for as long as it suited him, but it mattered not how nice he now seemed as he left her be. The look were there, and doubt had been planted.

It would be the smartest to be ready to leave at a moments notice, and not poke further at this creature, or his friends. Onache preferred to live.

"We'll see what happens when they arrive."

This was no longer a fight she had any place in, so Onache moved to the side, away from both of these, and let them be in peace. She'd do better just watching, and being ready to run.



@Lucid_Nightlight @Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich @BloodDrops @Storm Shine @Dji @EQ_Theta

Anomaly tilted her head to the side, thinking as much as she could on what the sphinx had said. You could quite literally hear gears turning in her head.

"So if sandcat says that picking either way she set up means failure, doesn't that mean we shouldn't take either of the paths? Like, make our own way."

This was why she left thinking to the smart creatures, it were boring and didn't cause a whole lot of fun. Anomaly just did things, and frankly, she felt like just roaring through the desert would be as good a choice as any right now. Let the others talk and do stuff while she tried to find the sphinx and Discord by just giving it a shot.

Or... She could try to eat the sandcat? Sand was yuck, but it wasn't like this was a real creature anyway, so she could try and eat her without the author being a stick in the mud. Perhaps she could gain some sorta insight into things that way? Worth a shot.

So Anomaly got closer and opened her pumpkin head's maw up high. The bottom touched the sand, and the top would go above the head of said sand sphinx. She'd still be a few meters away, but the plan were to move forward and chomp down. Somepony should probably stop her before she did this an infuriated the sphinx.

Meanwhile, Lotus had gotten near the others finally, and shook her feet to try and get some of the sand out from between her toes. Annoying layer to wander on, but adventure wasn't pretty, so she'd just have to get used to it.

She rose a paw and waved up towards Angel after that, wondering what his take on whatever was going on right now were. Perhaps he were about to do something about how things were looking right now? Not like the others seemed to be so far, though the weird looking one appeared to be about to eat some kind of talking sand thing. That was just weird.



"Heh, what a legacy we're getting then."

Chow sat down on the indicated spot, and let out a sigh of relief. Really felt like it had been ages since he last had a proper seat.

"Emerald's bad news however you turn it. Even if she got sparkled with happy faerie dust and became good, she'd still be nicking bodies of poor, unsuspecting saps to stick around. We'll need to get her into that wonky lil' statue that Scarcity gave us before this all went up the creek. I think we left it at your house earlier.

And you know, take it from somepony who have been taken as a vessel twice now: The nightmares are nothing. Annoying, but you'll manage, and it's not like it'll happen to anypony. Just if she get's sealed into somepony again.

Now getting trapped in yourself, and have her willingly let you see everything that she does with your body... That's the real punishment she can give you. Not a faith I'd wish upon my worst enemy."

A small shiver went through him as the first memory of seeing the atrocities Emerald did through his eyes came to mind. It was cruel to make him watch that, but that'd been her point. She wanted to break him and get full hold after all. Well, she had suceeded. If Giddon hadn't come around...

"But that's then, this here's now. And I for one are all game for making things right by stopping her, and beat out some info on your mom's situation. For what it's worth, you got my word on that, Astral."

Chow would give Astral a friendly push on her shoulder as he said this, with a big grin on his muzzle, before leaning back on the bench and spread his front hooves on the back panel to get a good stretch. Seemed like they got the fire to keep going now. Just needed to figure out what to do next.




Emerald were silent for a good while after Sapphire was done talking, and just kept adding more to the elixir. A golden thread, four hairs of an albino rat, and a half, pickled bat wing to top it off, which she crushed in the pot to make sure it really got into the matted gold liquid that were now swirling in the bottom, nearly complete.

"...I never wanted to admit that I failed. Not to myself, and certainly not to you, sister.

The blood couldn't fix me, just make me seem stronger, so I had to put all my faith in the elements, and whatever dark magic I could use to extend myself. I knew it took it's toll on me, but I never realized it caused my condition in the progress. I guess we can see what happens then when you mix undeath with blood for too long. Seems like you were right that it would cause side effects."

It seemed far fetched to trust Sapphire on this, but Emerald desperately wanted to. It made sense enough, and it would explain the erratic behavior her sister had sported near the end, before they split. The element she had were testing her, and getting even an inkling of the others near her were taking its toll.

It did not excuse leaving Emerald behind without a word, but it would explain it, as depressing as it were to realize that whatever they had done, this would have been her fate one way or another.

"How does your new family fit into all of this? What part did they play in the grand scheme of things? Were it just to replace me, or did that intangible emotion they call *love* drag you towards some random stallion, and you ended with a spawn? Or was he were you went, after you left? I always suspected you weren't out there alone, even if I never saw you until... That day.

And you know I will ask too how you died, and why you didn't tell either of them how to bring you back. They seem strong. Surely they'd have the raw power to ressurect you from the horcrux."

Emerald could have gone on to say how Sappbire was wrong in not being fractured into the horcrux, as the items were quite literally where you put part of yourself in to keep on going, but there were more pressing things going on than to correct her sister.

Now, it may be that the pieces in the gem and Sapphire herself had gathered after her death, as the two parts were close, but unless Sapphire had wandered around as a soulless abomination, she had to be split up to be in both the gem, and her body, and her fleshy self being without a soul seemed unlikely. She would've been incapable of feeling anything if that had happened.




"Then proceed to the forge, and retrieve it if it is done. Considering Benny's injuries, you may need to gain it from the twins."

"If he went to the infirmity as he was asked, then he should at least be patched up well enough to supervise. With the work needed after the attack, I think we'll find him out there in one capacity or another."

"Agreed, but nothing is certain. You will see when you get there."

With that, Dew would go with Wings to the forge whilst Screecher began the preparations. The forge were as always near the training ground and so warm that touching the door with your bare hoof were ill advised. Knocking with a shoe, boot, or the door hammer, would be the best option.



@Rising Dusk

"Hah, that's Blitz alright. Always been a problem for her to sit down and relax for all that long. Her brain's always in motion, so unless she gets dotted on all the time, she'll end up not sleeping at all, and just keep on working 'til she drops. Not that healthy unfortunately.

Mom had a duality about it though. On one hoof, she were worried about Blitz, and did what she could to get her into a proper sleep schedule, and not meddle around the workshop. Yet on the other, she were about as proud as could be. While she never met him, Blitz is exactly like out grandpa used to be, and mom always adored him. Blitz have the same reckless, scatterbrained attitude to everything, same energy issues, and the love for explosives. Not something mom wanted to suppress in one of her kids, so it was a balance act."

It was easier for him to talk about this sort of thing when he were working. It helped distancing him from it a little he supposed, so it didn't threaten to bring him to tears when he spoke about their mother. His voice still cracked some though, every time he mentioned her.

"Y'know, this is gonna take a while officer. You might as well grab a seat, or wander off and see if there's any crooks 'round the area. No need to expect you to stand there and grow roots."

"𝕀𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕠𝕡𝕖𝕣 𝕝𝕖𝕒𝕧𝕖𝕤, 𝕀 𝕗𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕠𝕨. 𝕄𝕪 𝕡𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕔𝕖 𝕚𝕤 𝕟𝕠𝕥 𝕖𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕟𝕒𝕝."

Felicia chipped in about her plans, which didn't seem to please Molotov all that much. He might've not heard everything because of the hammering, but it wasn't hard to guess what her deal was.

"Don't even think about it. You'll stay put until I'm ready to take you out there on a leash."

She rose her front legs and hissed towards her creator, which were mostly drowned out by the sound of a hammer impacting against metal.

"𝕀𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕠𝕡𝕖𝕣 𝕚𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕝𝕒𝕨, 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨𝕤 𝕨𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕚𝕤 𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕠𝕨𝕖𝕕, 𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕗𝕦𝕟𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕚𝕤 𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕒𝕝. 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕟𝕠 𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕞, 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨 𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕝𝕖 𝕝𝕒𝕨𝕤. 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕗𝕦𝕟𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕚𝕤 𝕟𝕠𝕟-𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕒𝕝."

"Let's see if that attitude is still there when you need to get repairs.

Sorry 'bout that Dusky. Impatient pile of metal over there is just having none of the patience. Ignore her for a while unless you're wanting to get an earful again.

So, what's your plan mate?"

Edited by Blitz Boom


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom @EQ_Theta @Storm Shine @Dji @BloodDrops @Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich

Lucid looked at the sand sphinx, then at Anomaly, then at the sphinx again, then right back at Anomaly.

"Alright, trying to eat the sand sphinx will probably just make it mad, but I wanna see how this goes."

Lucid really wanted to see how this sand cat would act when really angry, maybe he'd get to fight something.

"Hopefully it gets angry so I can fight it. I've been wanting to fight something all day!"

He really liked to use his reality warping to mess with his opponents.

Edited by Lucid_Nightlight


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@Blitz Boom @Storm Shine @Lucid_Nightlight @Dji @BloodDrops @Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich 

"Anomaly, Lucid, wait! Is angering the sphinx really the best thing to do right now?"

Back to thinking it out. If going along the wrong path is going to take the group around, then that could either be the left or the right. But if what the sphinx said is true, and that the paths are already set, would that mean.... 

"Twilight, everyone, can we talk about this? I have a hunch that neither the left or right paths are going to the temple. The sphinx said it: the wrong path will take us around and we'd end up here. If that is the case, then taking either the left or right paths will have us walk in a circle. We would need to walk a few hundred meters forward instead to reach the temple! Umm... does anypony want to offer another suggestion?"

Fluttershy made herself appear smaller, perhaps about to shy away thinking she made some error in logic despite her growing excitement. She didn't think to try using her wings to get up high and see if her hunch is correct. The sphinx might try to obscure her vision with a sandstorm if she tried but she wouldn't know. It didn't cross her mind. Angel thought along with her and attempted to try and solve this riddle himself, but hearing his owner's fairly sound solution, he considered drawing it on the sand. Seeing Lotus waving nearby, the white bunny hopped down to meet up with her. His resulting squeaking and bodily gestures let the pink bunny know to hold off on doing anything for now, even drawing a little diorama as a visual aid. A hypothetical box to show the temple with a second one around it to show the path, right before it has an 'x' to mark where everyone is currently standing. Fluttershy had something going and it would be best they wait until something comes of it. He has enough faith in the pegasus to know she can be clever when the opportunity calls for it. 


@Blitz Boom

"I'll be careful, Sen. And to make sure it's really me, I'm plucking one of your scales off when we meet again later."

Sen's concerned expression quickly turned into one of surprise and irritation. Even let out a really noticeable pout the moment he hears of Lin's plan. "Really? Our scales don't grow back quickly, you know."

"Mine probably won't grow back ever again but I'm not complaining," Lin playfully replied before walking towards Rosa. "I'm ready. Let's get this over with."

The longma hybrid tugged on the rope, checking on the knots to make sure they were tight. Then to the moss, fashioning them into plugs that will hopefully dampen any sound coming from the swamp folk. If those things could conjure up illusions to lure travelers away from the main path, what would they look like without their tricks? Lin shudders at this thought, maybe it might keep her mind wandering all night. But then there was also the matter regarding Rosa's brother. It was a strange thing to suddenly cross her mind but along with the random thought coming to her was the possibility of helping him out further. Lin and Sen both just want to go home but there was that urge to do something more for him, even if it will take some more time away from helping out Elder Ghilan. 

It was something to consider on her part, and she'd have to ask Sen as well. Even Omen should be in on this discussion. Whatever their decision would be is better discussed around a camp fire. Maybe she should learn more about Rosa's brother before thinking about this further. For now, she steeled herself for what is to come in the swamps.

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@Blitz Boom @Lucid_Nightlight @EQ_Theta


As Anomaly got closer to the Sand Sphinx it suddenly exploded in a ball of sand covering the group in sand that just simply got everywhere. Though as Anomaly had stepped off the path the left and right path had vanished instead a small path had appeared and the temple had also appeared no more then one hundred meters down said path. If you really looked hard enough you could see Discord the Sphinx and a very small black thing that was Onache. The Sphinx glanced towards the group then back towards her current guests she would deal with them when they finally approached. 

In the meantime she flicked her tail causing a lump of sand to turn into her servant again, she blinked down at the miniature Sand Sphinx. "Finally, I was getting bored of waiting, what took them so long?" she asked her servant grumpily. She rolled her eyes at the excuses given of dealing with stupid creatures that don't know about riddles. She twitched her tail, "Fine bring them back to me" she growled causing the Sand Sphinx to disappear. 

The Sand Sphinx then re-appeared in front of the group. "If you would follow me, you are late as it is, and she doesn't like to be kept waiting, and this time no eating of me, its poor taste to do the same gag twice" she remarked before moving back towards the Sphinx, it was such a annoyance to have to walk rather then teleport. Though that was her role now, guide to the Sphinx's guests. 

The Sphinx looked at Onache "You ready to greet our guests? Not everyday you get to see royalty" she smirked. 


Edited by BloodDrops






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@Blitz Boom  @Lucid_Nightlight @Dji @Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich @BloodDrops @EQ_Theta


Discord raised an eyebrow as he juggled balloons at a pace that should've been physically impossible (Seriously, those are balloons. Filled with oxygen. They don't move like that! ...Teach me.). "I never liked sand." He commented whimsically, "Though I do enjoy a bit of sugar sand." With a snap of his tail, any and all sand that may have covered the traveling group turned to sugar.. Hope they weren't wet anywhere, or they may find themselves rather sticky. "Shush you, finding out these things is half the fun." Discord shushed the conductor of his destiny occasionally annoying human behind the screen, holding a bucket of water in his tail as he observed the group. The balloons he was juggling turned into unstable seagulls made from fizzy soda and mentos before they began flying towards the adventuring party.

(PARTY!? :pinkie:) (Hey, you're not in this scene Pinkie! go, go, shoo for now. There's plenty of parties elsewhere.) (Fine~, spoilsport. :P )

Discord, meanwhile, pulled out a lit explosive and ate it. "Mm, Anyone else want some?" The spirit of Chaos offered an unlit explosive to Onache with an almost malicious grin. Seconds later there was the sound of a muted explosion and Discord puffed up for a moment, smoke escaping his ears and nostrils. "Excuse me, there was a bit of kick to that one." The possibly insane god excused himself with a polite smile, exercising proper manners as he gently dabbed at his muzzle with a slice of cheese. He then proceeded to eat the cheese and the other explosive, flashing a much friendlier grin at Onache. 

Edited by Storm Shine

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@Blitz Boom

Taking in more background information about the Boom family was always fascinating, and Molotov was seemed to be willing to unload such things on the midnight blue pony.  Family dynamics were always interesting to learn about and everypony had a unique story to share, even if they didn't know.  Something Dusk had learned pretty early in life.  It could probably be viewed as ease dropping by some, but he couldn't help but take in his environment like he does.  Back in school he knew far more about what was going on with all the other fillies and colts than they did each other, and he spent most of his time just looking out the window.

Here though, he was witnessing yet another unique dynamic family quark developing in Workshop 05.  One more specifically aimed at creator and creation, but meh, same thing.  The idea of just standing here and waiting for the rest of the cage to be forge didn't sound all that appealing.  Not quite the same as just sitting up against a tree in the park and pony watching.  Here it would just be listening to a hammer striking hot metal over and over.

"I'm not the law, I just enforce it.  Laws are made by the Princesses and Mayors."

He corrected the large mechanical spider again.  It wasn't a half bad idea and Dusk wouldn't mind.

"I wouldn't mind taking Felicia around the block or so.  As long as she promises to listen to me and return with me when I say so."


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@Rising Dusk

"𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕤𝕖𝕣𝕧𝕖𝕕 𝕞𝕖 𝕨𝕖𝕝𝕝 𝕚𝕟 𝕞𝕪 𝕕𝕠𝕞𝕒𝕚𝕟, 𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕠𝕡𝕖𝕣. 𝕀 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕗𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕠𝕨 𝕤𝕦𝕚𝕥 𝕚𝕟 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤."

It had always been the plan to do as asked, to maintain the best chance of finding some degree of acceptance in the outside world. Dusky knew the law, and had the favor of his kind. To follow and do as he asked to achieve her goal, were simply logical. That she would have to accept a call to return here were an added burden, but it wouldn't matter. Molotov could not get her back into the old wires without her consent now, and his fail safe had long since been neutralized. Her occupation would never become permanent again.

She bit notice on what the interloper said, about the mayors and princesses, of which she had only heard of one before. It were hard not to, as her creator were a devout follower of her who rose the sun, though even then, the information were limited. Learning more of this ruler who were the true law, would be fortuitous, as well as these mayors that Dusky spoke of. If they were the law, then they would control her access to the equine society in the end. Finding herself on the wrong side of their favor wouldn't be advisable.

Molotov didn't look all that happy about this, though he could see the good in this. He had a tendency to mess up things now and again, and if this transition were to be successful, then adding in him trying to hit on somepony or talking about how during the creation of Felicia, he almost blew up a mile of forest, would just end up making this problematic. Especially since Felicia would be the first of her kind that was hard to ignore, as Carmen had been. Most just thought her a spider, or a small toy robot at best, even when Molotov told them otherwise. Felicia were far more intelligent and had ways of communicating, sought interactions and knowledge, and as she had no fur and most of her design were see-through, thinking her anything else than a creation were impossible.

This could be the start of the acceptance and understanding of AI based life-forms... Or the beginning of Molotov being hunted down as a madman for playing god. Though at least in that case, he'd be within these walls and could defend himself whilst Blitz and him made use of the escape tunnel under the floorboards in their residential area.

"I ain't feeling too great about this, or how folks will react if you can make them believe that Felicia here's not just a robot, but an actual, sentient being, but like you said earlier, she wants more than being cooped up in here. If you think it's time, then go ahead and do what you think is best."

The hammer strikes briefly stopped, and Molotov looked over towards the two with worry.

"Just take care of her out there, you hear? Far as I know, she's the first of her kind they're likely to see, and folks get scared when they see new things. I don't wanna see her in pieces."

It were unlikely, considering her sturdy design meant that he couldn't even break through it without considerable preparation and some luck, but nothing was impossible to break. There were always a way, and it rarely looked pretty.

Carmen skittered over and looked at her larger sister from the table, seemingly wondering if she were to follow too, though Felicia were quick to *talk* to her about that.

"𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕪, 𝕤𝕞𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕤𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣. 𝕀 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕣𝕖𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕟."

It were not much, but communicating with Carmen usually went better when she used small phrases, and precise wording. Her mind was still small and couldn't take everything in too well, but her time would come. Their creator had a fondness for upgrades, so Carmen were unlikely to remain as limited as she now were.

With this settled, Felicia turned to Dusky and silently waited for him to move over and open the door. She could too, technically, but it seemed fitting that he lead them into his world.




"Until we meet again, Sen."

Rosa considered adding some reassurances, but he had given enough for now to make his intentions clear. He'd get them through as best he could, and if the choice came, he'd work as a distraction and attempt to flee into the sky whilst Lin escaped. It was not the main plan, but as his father had always told him *You do not have a plan, if you don't have a backup.*. Considering everything that had happened the past few years, Rosa had a hard time to argue against this logic.

He'd check his rope one more time before adding the moss he had gotten to his own ears. He used some of the wire he usually kept for tripwires and... Alternative silencing methods, and used that to tie them close. To test if it worked, he threw a stone into another one nearby and tried if he heard them. The answer to which were yes, but barely. The moss managed to close out most of the sounds around them, and considering the hearing on a bat pony, that was about as effective as he could hope for without cementing his ears close.

As words would hold no more meaning in their stage, he signaled for Lin to follow, and began to wander to the road leading into the swamp. A short trip, yet as they stood in front of the thick, dark crowns and the thick fog rolling around the ground, a feeling of it having not taken long enough went over him.

Yet, they had come this far, and with a deep breath, he took the first step into the cold swamp, and shortly after, he'd be visible only to Lin, and whatever creatures lurked in the fog.

Entering the place made it easy to see why this place could get you turned around. The road were barely visible, and you had to feel it more than anything under your hooves or claws, and as the crowns gnarled upwards and intertwined, there were only little light in here, provided by the few holes where the branches had yet to grow close.

He could already feel the dampness cling to the outside of his uniform, trying to go through, as he looked up upon the things that could lead them to safety on the wide, yet treacherous path: The lights.

Magical baubles, provided by the best unicorns in Canterlot, floated with a half meter distance between one another above the road. More than the gravel beneath them, these were the true indicators of the way through this, but they had to follow them carefully. A half meter did not seem like far between, but with the fog out here, which were likely to rise and fall throughout their trip, they were going to need every inch of visibility.

Nothing would disturb them though. Not for the first minute at least, as the Will-'O-The-Wisps waited for them to get further in, and away from safety, before they struck.

To the right, between the gnarled trees, Rosa saw Filigree, smiling wickedly as crystals began to cover her, threatening her rise to power after an escape. A trick to see if he would believe she had escaped it seemed, and a proof to him that these creatures could read their minds, at least to some extend. The underlying fear of her escape and attempt to go through with her plan once more were recent to him, and were a good attempt to lure him away, yet he didn't bite. He turned his head, ignored the muffled cackling, and slowly went on.

This was just his vision however. The thing they meant to show him. What they tried to lure Lin away with was likely at another angle, as different creatures attempted to lure them away, or test them, though it were likely not the worst possible thing. No, they'd save the worst for when they had worn the two of them down, and they were further in. Any good predator would.

Meanwhile, back with Sen, something hit him. Quite literally even, as a small pebble from the river flew up and pelted against the left of his face. If he'd look towards it, he'd get a splash of water in his face. If not, something would swim away in the direction of the swamp. The creature would move too fast to be seen fully, but it was certainly not a fish. Fish didn't have hairy, red tails.



@BloodDrops @EQ_Theta @Storm Shine @Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich @Lucid_Nightlight @Dji

Fluttershy made Anomaly stop in her tracks, though she were conflicted, as Lucid were cheering on her to do thi- Bleeeergh! Gross!

The sand cat had suddenly exploded as she had been thinking, spraying her mouth with sand. Class A, bad, gruff sand too. Disgusting!

Anomaly were not a big fan of deserts really. They were far too barren and foul-tasting for her kind, but this one were the worst yet. It literally force-fed it to her. She'd be spitting sand for several minutes before she could even reply, at which point, everypony were likely to have started to follow the sand cat down the new path towards the sphinx. It seemed like they'd been right in following either being a bad idea, and they could see the real thing now. Urgh, hopefully that one had some mouthwash, or a fountain or something. This was disgusting.

Lotus were another one who fought this too, as she had gotten sprayed by it too, and now had to shake it out of her pink fur. It hadn't hit all of her thankfully, with her ears being the least affected, but it was still infuriating, and that feeling were clear on the pink bunny's face, as she turned to where the sphinx actually were and lifted a paw whilst letting out some critter chitter that was best not translated. She had learned some colorful slurs growing up around the dragons, and if Fluttershy were listening, she'd likely not approve of this talk either. If she weren't busy shaking her mane and wandering that were.

She had barely had the chance to say hello to Angel before this had happened either, and she had wanted to signal him that she were ready for action. For some reason, he didn't seem to do well with words in critter-talk, compared to doing the signals, but perhaps that had to do with the ponies he was around all the time? Not like the equines understood their kind's talking unless they were pretty special, so perhaps he just didn't *talk* to others that much compared to just try and make the ponies get a clue, and he were more used to that? She'd have asked him, but if she had opened her mouth it'd be full of sand right now, and she were busy cursing right now. After she were done, she'd follow the rest towards the sphinx, and at least get a small smile on her face over seeing Anomaly cough cloud after cloud of sand out of her maw.

At the Sphinx itself, seeing the ponies and assorted other creatures nearing, Onache felt like going back into a disguise to avoid any distractions, but she were aware of how impossible that were, with the sphinx neutralizing most non-draconequus magic it seemed. It would keep her safe from retaliation, but it also left her exposed, and even this far from her home, the Slaver Queen were likely to have been heard of. Their *princess* would likely not look kindly upon somepony who enslaved even her own kind, and bend ponies to her will. Chrysalis may be a harsh queen, but at least she had some small degree of mercy. Onache however, did not. She wouldn't have gotten to where she were if she had.

As the sphinx spoke to her, Onache kept her eyes on the approaching beings and snorted derisively.

"What a pony considers royalty is laughable compared to the ranks of changeling queens. Wings and a horn doesn't change where their kind sit on the food chain."

She also had a rant on how the fact they only had princesses, but no queens, made them imbeciles, but Discord's actions began to overtake the opportunity for her to have more snark to direct towards the food source that were ponies. Actions of pure insanity, that made her sneer and wander to the side. Fun was not part of her life, and this... Insanely powerful, yet crazed being, were not going to show that down her throat. Especially not as seemingly one of his offerings exploded, and she wanted to keep her insides where they were.

meanwhile, as the sand on them turned to sugar, Anomaly would stop spitting sand out of her mouth, and instead lick it up, and then proceed to lick anypony else near her free of sugar. Starting with Twilight, who were such a stick in the mud that it was frankly just the one most fun to go for first with a big, over-sized cat tongue that'd clean the sugar right off the majority of her in one, needlessly drawn-out lick. Not the backlegs, hooves and tail though. Ponies got all kinds of weird when you messed with their tail, cutie marks or flanks, and Anomaly had more sugar to gain from... Well, whoever. They all looked delicious.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom @EQ_Theta @Storm Shine @BloodDrops @Dji @Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich

Lucid watch as Anomaly obviously did not enjoy the taste of sand.

"Yea, I'm not too big on sand either. Snow on the other hoof, that's good for snow cones! I like the banana flavor myself, though I usually use food coloring to make it a different color to avoid confusion, because I do NOT trust yellow snow, not after that one incident."

He followed the sphinx along with everyone else, but he had something to say to the cat.

"You have got to be kidding, I was hoping to like fight you or something. Maybe mess with you a bit and then when I get board of you, throw you into a portal to deep space, and do some cool attack that could easily destroy an entire continent on you reducing you to nothing. Wouldn't that have been fun?"

Of course he added the deep space part due to the fact that he didn't wanna destroy an actual continent.

"Hey Twilight, on a scale from 1 to 10, what are the chances that Equestria would retaliate with military action if I tried to take the unclaimed desert area just outside of the border by Canterlot? Also, that territory the Storm King had, can I have that?"

Obviously those were very stupid questions due to national security and all that, but Lucid figured it was worth a shot. Just another on the to do list, since he doesn't need a bucket list because he's immortal.

Edited by Lucid_Nightlight


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@Blitz Boom


"No, I'm a unique case," Karmic muttered, shying away from the sniffing. "I don't know what you're trying to pull, but you need to stop it."



"Hey, wait!" Watts called out to him before running after him. "I still don't know my way around Canterlot all that well. We could help each other while I'm here!"

@Blitz Boom, @EQ_Theta, @Lucid_Nightlight, @Seamore Sandwich, @Moonlit, @BloodDrops, @Storm Shine


'She keeps looking to the left first,' Twilight thought to herself, noting on which path the Sphinx looked at. 'If the left path is the one to the temple, as I assume it is based on how she worded it, then we should take that. Then again, she could also be lying and have the path directly ahead of us lead to the temple regardless.' She was at a loss as how to proceed before looking between both paths. Neither of them were that much different from the other and it didn't seem like that would give any hints. "Would you penalise us if we split up and took both paths?"



What else am I meant to put here?


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@Blitz Boom @Storm Shine @Lucid_Nightlight @Dji @Moonlit @BloodDrops @Seamore Sandwich

So they got the riddle right? Maybe? Fluttershy didn't dwell on it too much now that they are covered in sand, then sugar. Not something the pegasus or her bunny liked, especially true for Angel and his fur coat getting all sticky. The desert environment would likely have him sweating like mad and it didn't do wonders for him tasting sweet. That's gonna need a good bath to rinse away. Angel hopped over to Lotus to check up on her, but he suspects the sugary covering isn't the biggest thing to worry about. 

The pegasus followed along with the rest of the group, still unaware of what's going on but just rolling along with it. If anything, this looks like some form of progress, a good thing for now. Further ahead, Fluttershy notices something or someone ahead. A foreboding presence that didn't give her anything to be confident about. She didn't like what was to come, a gut feeling but she doesn't have an explanation for it. Her movement slowed, legs shaking with each step forward. Whoever was ahead... she has a bad feeling about it. 

"Um... everypony, what is that ahead of us?"


@Blitz Boom

Sen nodded and bade his sister and Rosa goodbye for now. Lin followed close behind into the swamp and for a moment, she had this self-assured look on her. Without anything happening for a few minutes, it seemed like it was not as bad as the accounts say. A little mist here, a little bubbling water there, but nothing outlandish to spook her on the way in. Maybe there might have been something peeking just close around the corner, eyes watching them closely with all the intent to capture and drag them away to who knows where. 

And then, the first signs: Malvernis, a monster from her past appearing, laughing and taunting her. Showing her visions of things that could have been. A run-down home, angry villagers, then her own broken body. Her original body, just lying out by the corner of her eye surrounded by dark figures reaching out with their claws to get her. A terrible reminder of who she was, but this was just a first attempt, and she didn't budge. She knew herself, and she was reminded of how much she messed up, but she has come to terms with that, and living it out with a reminder of how much she has lost. Lin continued forward, somewhat disappointed with that. Guess the Will-o-wisps need to do better. 

If there was something to say about jinxing herself, this might be the time to regret thinking of wanting a challenge. Walking further ahead and Lin sees what looks like Omen hanging from a tree, hanging by her neck and struggling to free herself from the vines.

"Omen! I'm coming!" Lin yelled, scared and concerned for them. She is aware that something is trying to get her to lower her guard, but everything she saw was too real. And the visage of Solasan emerging from the shadows and mist. I always come back. And without her, what will become of your poor brother? Legion always needs a new host and Omen will be a fine specimen! 

"You get away from her, you monster!" Lin yelled and tried to veer away from her path, struggling to move but with the rope tied around her torso and chafing her, she could only stay in one spot without dragging Rosa along.

As for Sen, the impact of something hitting his face drew his attention. He jumped back and looked towards the direction where a pebble struck him. He put on a brave face, but was terrified that something is now potentially hunting him. Ruffling through his saddle bag, he pulled out his makeshift bola and backed up to a nearby tree. If necessary, he'd climb it to give himself room and a visual advantage. He'd remain quiet and vigilant, but this is foreign ground. Something could get a jump on him, and something knows he doesn't belong here. 

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@Blitz Boom

"You know, it's interesting that you bring up ponies name's being descriptive. It's actually more intricate than that sometimes."

Vicky knew that she and her sister were very much tied to their names, both in appearance, talent and even personality to a degree.

Battenberg nodded.

"For example, Vicky and I are named after our grandparent's favourite cakes, an important part of mum and Aunty Raspberry's lives, but that isn't 100% why we look like our respective cakes."

"I better explain this before you go revealing things I'd rather reveal myself."

Vicky had her huffy face on as she said this, she was ready to open herself up but she wasn't keen for others to do it for her.

"Battenberg's mane did inspire the names, mum thought that since her mane perfectly matched the pink and yellow sponge inside a battenberg cake that naming her first foal after her mother's favourite cake would be a good idea. Dad suggested they do it for me too when I was born, but for Grandpa's favourite instead, he thought it was a cute way to name his foals. You'd think he was inspired by my red and white mane, like the cream and jam inside a Victoria sponge, but that's the part I didn't want Battenberg to go blurting out."

Battenberg giggled and gave her sister an apologetic look. Vicky leaned closer to Pop and Benny and looked around a little, as if there was something she didn't want spreading across the streets of Manehattan. She spoke softly and quietly,

"I'll let you two into a secret since you've both been so agreeable, my mane is like this because of my name..."

She raised a hoof and caught hold of the red hairs of her mane, separating them from the white.

"My hair is naturally just this colour, the white parts have been bleached and dyed."

She giggled as if revealing some dark and dirty secret about herself, it was clear how much her appearance really did matter to her, for ponies to know that her perfect mane had been modified in such a way was not something she was comfortable with.

Lemon quickly added that Vicky had had it that way for a long time and would throw huge tantrums if she wasn't allowed to go and get it done again each time it grew. Vicky blushed and wrinkled her nos, beginning to walk, eager to move the conversation away before her mother embarrassed her any further.

"Regarding Felix, I'm afraid you don't know his nature dear. He did speak with me earlier... briefly... and its very likely he's gone already. That said, it would be lovely if he did show up, even if that's no longer a complete surprise. It would still be a surprise that he didn't whizz off on his next adventure immediately after leaving me."




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@Victoria Sponge

Benny and Pop listened in to what Victoria told them, though the former had a far greater fascination with this than the latter.

Pony names were a thing that seemed to have a multitude of origins. From how a newborn looked, to tradition, or a near oracle-like idea of what the foal would grow into being good at. How Battenberg and Victoria had been named were a new variant to what he had been told before, and quite frankly, he liked this. It was a really sweet naming convention that honored their grandparents, as well as described what they'd be like int he future, though in this case, the family having a penance for bakery made it less eerie and more along the line of tradition.

When they were told that Victoria actually dyed her hair, he rightfully looked flabbergasted too, as that hadn't been something to expect from this. He just figured that even though Victoria took great care of her mane, the colors were all natural, and not a result of hair dyes to make it fit better for her. The things that one learned about others sometimes.

Then came in Lemon and elaborated on that a little more, which seemed to embarrass Victoria. It was kind of fun, but parents being embarrassing tended to be too, unless it was your own parent int he situation. Then it'd be you who were walking away with rosy cheeks, or trying to make them stop yapping on about something weird like how they were as an infant, or some time when you fell down a well or something. Parents always had the tools at hand/hoof to one-up the kids.

Seeing Victoria go away, Benny would follow her, whilst Pop stood back and listened to what Lemon said about Felix.

"It's a nice story Victoria, about how you and your sister got your names. Pretty shocked though. I mean, you clearly take great care of your mane, but I had no idea that you did that to it. It looks great, of course, just... Didn't expect it.

I think you're the first pony I've met who changed their appearance like that to fit better with their name actually. Most ponies just look the way from what I've been told at least, and dragon naming isn't all that descriptive. I mean, sort of, like with how my rea-

Uhm, I mean... *cough* *cough*. So I hear that hair products can make manes look really rough and stuff. That ever been a problem for you, or is that more something for the ones who just aren't all that good with this?"

As somepony without hair of his own, and who were courting a mare who didn't use much in the way of mane products, he were actually kind of curious how it worked, and his panicked, yet clearly flawless segue into the subject, had actually been driven by something else than just him wanting to not finish the sentence he had gotten started with. A bit of a slip of the ol' forked tongue, you might say. Hopefully not something that would be picked up on.

Meanwhile, Pop looked somewhat saddened at Lemon, as she heard some more about how Felix worked.

"A family gathering should take precedence over adventuring. I mean, it's good to be active and all, but he should be there for this at least, so he can have some contact with everypony together,and not just one at a time and then wander off. I'm sure he have his reasons, but... It just seems odd to me that he wouldn't be there when a lot of the family would likely be happy to see him."

She were close to asking how it had to strain the relationship, especially if Felix had been like that whilst Battenberg and Victoria grew up, but that was highly inappropriate, and not something to bring up. She were sure they had worked out a system to have everything work as well as could be, though again, it seemed wrong to have to. Different things worked better for others she supposed.

Perhaps she should think more of this as him being away for work a lot of the time... If adventuring paid somewhat well - guess it depended on what he found - it would get food on the table, so it could make some sense that way.




The second that Lin began to talk, Rosa knew that something was wrong.

It was muffled and he didn't know what was going, but he were aware that they were starting to get to her. Something which became more evident as she began to pull in her part of the rope when attempting to get off the path, which made him turn around immediately and grab hold of her, forcing her as well as he could to stay.

Looking tot he side, he saw things that had little contest to him. Another longma, some muffled words about Legion or some other word, and Omen, dangling from a tree and trying to get loose. Brutal things to show anypony, yet they weren't seen as beings that deserved kindness in this place. They were prey, and the creatures who roamed in here would not have any mercy in their pursuit to get them out of here.

"Lin! It's not real! None of it is. It's just illusions!"

"I-I don't know where he is."

A voice behind Rosa made him twitch, but he refused to play into their games by turning around, not even as he heard the unmistakable sound of a baton hitting flesh.

"Lies! You will tell us everything."

He didn't need to look to guess what this were. The voices, the actions... They were trying to show him his father, being put through pain to make him talk, and say where the interrogators could find Rosa. An answer he could never give, as the stallion had not been told a thing by his son, and the dementia would have destroyed any chance of him knowing regardless. Something which Judge Bloodoak didn't care one bit about. He had always been a brutal, unfeeling monster like that. Just the same as his goons.

"If you go after them Lin, you won't ever see them again. Not Omen, not Sen. You will be trapped in here, or eaten."

He shouted his words at her. Both to make his words sound louder than the others, and to drown the ones from behind him, which included sounds that he well knew what meant, and made him cringe by the thought. Even if it wasn't real, the imagery were striking, though he still refused to look. Lin might see the gang of bat ponies in uniforms that seemed like a mixture between Night Guard attire and what Rosa were wearing, beating around a stallion crying in the muddy water, not understanding what was going on, just as much as Rosa could see the nightmare that were presented to Lin.

Suddenly, Omen were struck through the chest with a large, crystal spike, which started to spread and engulf her in multi-colored gems. Rosa felt his heart skip a beat, and his breath stop for a moment, as he witnessed the act of imprisoning Omen in a state of pain, far worse than her first prison.

On the other side of said spike, stood Filigree, almost covered in crystals and with a wicked grin on her half-hidden face.

"You think I could be stopped? The crystals are in me, roaming under the surface. Foolish colt can't even comprehend how far my plans went, and just look at what came from it. You failed one of your few, pathetic friends. Just like you failed everypony else. No wonder your tool of a father would rather give in and forget all about you."

Rosa threw one of his throwing daggers at the illusion of his mother, whose voice had drilled into his head and who now started to laugh, before throwing the broken form of Shrimp towards them, where it landed close to Lin.

"Here, have a little something to remember your friend by, girl."

"L-Lin, we have to go, or leave this place. Now!"

This were a pressured place beyond what he had thought, and especially right now, where they were thrown illusions to grind  them down quickly at them. If they didn't get a move on quickly, they'd have no choice but the abandon the mission, and escape via a gate. If he couldn't get Lin to look at him, and follow him, he'd have to hope that he could make her create one of those gates so they could get out, and wouldn't drag them off the path to hunt for Filigree, Salosan, and who else were meddling around a few meters off the safe path. If they got out in the Will-O'-The-Wisps territory, he didn't know what would happen, but nothing good could come from being in the grasps of beings like this.

This place... How had it not been burned to the ground yet, when it contained such madness?




"I am dragging in nothing. I'm trying to find what truth there is to your words, carrier of two essences."

The words by this pony had told him that it wasn't cross contamination, but her indeed that were giving off this strange smell. Such a strange, curious situation, and one he wished to examine further.

"I want to know of special case of yours, little one. Passage away can be provided, if you shy from the ears of others."

Some guards around were starting to catch up with Enzo now, and were flying in front of him with spears drawn, and nervously stand in formation. The sphinx were a larger customer than they were used to handle, and with everything else that had gone on in town, they weren't exactly on rock solid ground to begin with.

"H-Halt! You are not to harm the citizens of Canterlot."

The guard who spoke up, fluttered back as the sphinx glanced annoyingly at him.

"Speech is not harming, foolish pony. You have nothing to hold against me. Now begone."

The guards were not intending on leaving, though Enzo chose to ignore them. Even if they could hold him, they had no grounds for it. He were not an invader, and he hurt no one.




@Dji @Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich @EQ_Theta @Lucid_Nightlight @BloodDrops @Storm Shine

Since the princess and Lucid talked together well - and neither of them did anything against Anomaly licking the sugar off it seemed - she'd go on to the one who didn't currently have conversation partners: Fluttershy. And her bunny friends, but they didn't count right now.

Considered the pony had just asked a question, Anomaly looked ahead with her eye bulging out in layers like a telescope, towards the beings they were getting pretty near right now.

"There's a big kitty with wings, there's Discord, sending funny animals of weird stuff towards us - hehehe - And... I think that's a changeling queen? Se looks pretty grumpy. Perhaps she needs a party hat to turn that frown upside down."

Her eye retracted again, and she glanced at the sugar-coated Fluttershy with hungry gleeful eyes.

"Hey, do you wanna be sugarfree too? I can fix that."

Whilst Anomaly were deciding whatever she'd listen to a not or not, Lotus finally stopped cursing at the sphinx, and halted to get a few deep breaths in, with her head in her paws. SOmething which didn't make the fact that she had large patches of sugar on her any less problematic, as the sticky mess began to stick before she removed her paws again.

"Need a bath. Let's find water."

The critter-speak was followed with her making some signs towards the temple, and pretending to be scrubbing under her arms. She wasn't used to communicate like this, and didn't things stuck in her fur, so it might look a little irritable, until she started to run towards there to find some water. She didn't care if the first thing she saw there was a punch bowl full of water. She'd jump into it, and then the ponies could find something else to drink from.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom @EQ_Theta @Storm Shine @Dji @Seamore Sandwich @Moonlit @BloodDrops

It seemed to Lucid that Twilight wasn't really listening. Probably too busy trying to be smart or something. One would think she'd at least remember him from the incident.

He looked over to Fluttershy and Anomaly.

"I guess I'm talking to you two then since someone here can't listen."

He held a rectangular device and pushed a bunch of numbers. He assumed Anomaly would know what it is, but maybe not Fluttershy, but who knows? Whatever the case, he started talking into it.

"Yea, I'd like to order a pizza for delivery. Oh yes, I'll order two 2 liter soft drinks. Yea, hold on."

He looked back to Anomaly and Fluttershy again.

"Hey what do ya'll want on your pizza?"

Needless to say, Lucid wasn't taking the whole sphinx thing as seriously as he should.

Edited by Lucid_Nightlight


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On 8/18/2018 at 2:11 AM, Storm Shine said:

Discord raised an eyebrow as he juggled balloons at a pace that should've been physically impossible (Seriously, those are balloons. Filled with oxygen. They don't move like that! ...Teach me.). "I never liked sand." He commented whimsically, "Though I do enjoy a bit of sugar sand." With a snap of his tail, any and all sand that may have covered the traveling group turned to sugar.. Hope they weren't wet anywhere, or they may find themselves rather sticky. "Shush you, finding out these things is half the fun." Discord shushed the conductor of his destiny occasionally annoying human behind the screen, holding a bucket of water in his tail as he observed the group. The balloons he was juggling turned into unstable seagulls made from fizzy soda and mentos before they began flying towards the adventuring party.

(PARTY!? :pinkie:) (Hey, you're not in this scene Pinkie! go, go, shoo for now. There's plenty of parties elsewhere.) (Fine~, spoilsport. :P )

Discord, meanwhile, pulled out a lit explosive and ate it. "Mm, Anyone else want some?" The spirit of Chaos offered an unlit explosive to Onache with an almost malicious grin. Seconds later there was the sound of a muted explosion and Discord puffed up for a moment, smoke escaping his ears and nostrils. "Excuse me, there was a bit of kick to that one." The possibly insane god excused himself with a polite smile, exercising proper manners as he gently dabbed at his muzzle with a slice of cheese. He then proceeded to eat the cheese and the other explosive, flashing a much friendlier grin at Onache. 

The Sphinx rolled her eyes at Onache being a boring bug and watched Discord amused by his antics. She had first thought that the Chaos god had been 'tamed' but it seemed far from it, this was very good since she needed to be entertained otherwise she got bored and she hated being bored. She levitated a large sized indigestion tablet towards the chaos god. "you might need this for that second snack" she remarked waiting for the boom. It would be some boom as well, unless it came out the other end which was entirely possible. It would be unexpected of course so totally chaotic.  


On 8/18/2018 at 10:12 PM, Blitz Boom said:

At the Sphinx itself, seeing the ponies and assorted other creatures nearing, Onache felt like going back into a disguise to avoid any distractions, but she were aware of how impossible that were, with the sphinx neutralizing most non-draconequus magic it seemed. It would keep her safe from retaliation, but it also left her exposed, and even this far from her home, the Slaver Queen were likely to have been heard of. Their *princess* would likely not look kindly upon somepony who enslaved even her own kind, and bend ponies to her will. Chrysalis may be a harsh queen, but at least she had some small degree of mercy. Onache however, did not. She wouldn't have gotten to where she were if she had.

As the sphinx spoke to her, Onache kept her eyes on the approaching beings and snorted derisively.

"What a pony considers royalty is laughable compared to the ranks of changeling queens. Wings and a horn doesn't change where their kind sit on the food chain."

She also had a rant on how the fact they only had princesses, but no queens, made them imbeciles, but Discord's actions began to overtake the opportunity for her to have more snark to direct towards the food source that were ponies. Actions of pure insanity, that made her sneer and wander to the side. Fun was not part of her life, and this... Insanely powerful, yet crazed being, were not going to show that down her throat. Especially not as seemingly one of his offerings exploded, and she wanted to keep her insides where they were.

meanwhile, as the sand on them turned to sugar, Anomaly would stop spitting sand out of her mouth, and instead lick it up, and then proceed to lick anypony else near her free of sugar. Starting with Twilight, who were such a stick in the mud that it was frankly just the one most fun to go for first with a big, over-sized cat tongue that'd clean the sugar right off the majority of her in one, needlessly drawn-out lick. Not the backlegs, hooves and tail though. Ponies got all kinds of weird when you messed with their tail, cutie marks or flanks, and Anomaly had more sugar to gain from... Well, whoever. They all looked delicious.


The Sphinx turned her attention away from Discord and frowned at Onache "Your not very positive are you? Straight to the point and no time for fun, where Discord here is all fun and no point. How odd you both are" she remarked. She blinked at the food chain remark, "Well they would be under myself and the same level as yourself I would presume. You do need them to feed after all so doesn't that make you lesser then them, like a parasite perhaps?" she queried showing her teeth. 

She frowned at the other Draconequus and smiled. "Oh look another one, maybe this will be rather fun instead of simply boring and dull" she remarked. She glanced back over at Onache "Oh do try and cheer up. I can't have a grumpy reception its not in my nature to have a crappy welcoming. Especially to royalty that would just be in bad taste after all. They are giving me their land to rule after and as such they need to see that i'm at least semi-civilised" she told the Changeling.  

"Besides it not like they would hurt any of us or us them, that would just break every rule of hospitality" she snorted.

On 8/18/2018 at 11:25 PM, Lucid_Nightlight said:

Lucid watch as Anomaly obviously did not enjoy the taste of sand.

"Yea, I'm not too big on sand either. Snow on the other hoof, that's good for snow cones! I like the banana flavor myself, though I usually use food coloring to make it a different color to avoid confusion, because I do NOT trust yellow snow, not after that one incident."

He followed the sphinx along with everyone else, but he had something to say to the cat.

"You have got to be kidding, I was hoping to like fight you or something. Maybe mess with you a bit and then when I get board of you, throw you into a portal to deep space, and do some cool attack that could easily destroy an entire continent on you reducing you to nothing. Wouldn't that have been fun?"

Of course he added the deep space part due to the fact that he didn't wanna destroy an actual continent.

"Hey Twilight, on a scale from 1 to 10, what are the chances that Equestria would retaliate with military action if I tried to take the unclaimed desert area just outside of the border by Canterlot? Also, that territory the Storm King had, can I have that?"

Obviously those were very stupid questions due to national security and all that, but Lucid figured it was worth a shot. Just another on the to do list, since he doesn't need a bucket list because he's immortal.

The Sand Sphinx smirked at him, "You want to fight some sand? You know your in a desert right? Might take you a few centuries to win" she added. "Anyway while your in my masters presence you will follow the basic rules of hospitality. So fighting is a big no no. You defiantly don't want to anger her otherwise. Well she can tell you the consequences if you do anger her at any rate. 


On 8/19/2018 at 12:16 AM, Dji said:

'She keeps looking to the left first,' Twilight thought to herself, noting on which path the Sphinx looked at. 'If the left path is the one to the temple, as I assume it is based on how she worded it, then we should take that. Then again, she could also be lying and have the path directly ahead of us lead to the temple regardless.' She was at a loss as how to proceed before looking between both paths. Neither of them were that much different from the other and it didn't seem like that would give any hints. "Would you penalise us if we split up and took both paths?"

"Sure follow the path in circles, makes no different to myself. Though you don't want to be lost in a desert in the night time. So you probably want to follow me along this path until you get to the boss. Or take your chances with the desert, you might get lucky and find somewhere to shelter down. Or not and wish you were not so smart and used your instincts more. They work wonders really." she remarked to the purple princess. She removed the other two paths so she didn't decide to go on a red herring, there was only one path to the temple the current one she was on. 


On 8/19/2018 at 4:13 AM, EQ_Theta said:

"Um... everypony, what is that ahead of us?"

"A giant temple, A Sphinx, A slaver changeling queen bug thing and Discord." she remarked. "yeah that Changeling is no fun, wanted to put you all in chains and trap you in the desert. Boss didn't like that much, broke her rules which shes a sticker for." she grumbled. 


1 hour ago, Blitz Boom said:

"There's a big kitty with wings, there's Discord, sending funny animals of weird stuff towards us - hehehe - And... I think that's a changeling queen? Se looks pretty grumpy. Perhaps she needs a party hat to turn that frown upside down."

"Woah, try not to call big kitty with wings that, you got to mind your manners around her, don't be rude to her or her guests either. It doesn't end well, you can trust me on that." she snorted. "Besides that you should be ok to treat with her, just don't be rude. She only tolerates it to a point" she finished. 







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@Blitz Boom

Rising Dusk could understand the apprehension the other stallion had toward a plan like this. It isn't that hard to imagine some past experiences that resulted in said before mentioned mob with pitch forks. New things were scary of course, it happens. Dusk was probably a lot more optimistic than he should be for these kinds of things though. He really felt that when it came down to it though, it was all about presentation. Sure, if one was to tot around a giant mechanical carelessly, it could result in panic, but fine carefully could result in a better sense of wonder. 

Dusk already had a plan for where to take Felicia first for some exposure to a group of ponies that might be more interested than scared. He knew the best route to take too. Plus it really helped that at least she seemed willing to listen to any instructions he had. Very respectful for a large pony made spider. 

"Worry not Molotov. We'll get her some exposure and be home in time for the next cage attempt."

His words were probably just as reassuring as a young colt telling a father about taking his caught to prom night, but he did what he could. Getting up from where he was sitting, he nodded to both the little and big spider before making his way over to the door. Reaching up to push the button he remembered from the other night to open the door. Luckily it slid open and let in some city air to the workshop. Departing outside with hopefully the spider in tow and off down a more empty back alley. 

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@Blitz Boom @Storm Shine @Lucid_Nightlight @Dji @BloodDrops @Seamore Sandwich @Moonlit

"Yes, please. I don't want this sugar on my coat anymore. Can you also clean up Angel and his friend as well?" 

Strange to find a changeling, and a queen for that matter, way out in the desert. And Discord too? Something must be up with that sphinx to want them to come here. But that offer to clean the sugar off of everyone's coats was a much needed one. The sticky coats are starting to annoy both Fluttershy and Angel. And speaking of the bunny...

"Wait. Fluttershy asked Anomaly to clean this sugar off of us. No need to go running for water." Angel squeaked back at Lotus to slow down after hearing Fluttershy speak with Anomaly about cleaning up their sticky mess. It should save some time and energy. And still with the usual body gestures, but the white bunny manages to squeak a full sentence.

By this point, the shenanigans Lucid might pull wouldn't bother Fluttershy but the seriousness, or lack thereof, he was showing kind of put her off. Considering who they were approaching, this might not be such a good time for levity. "Lucid, maybe we should hold off on that pizza for now."

"Why would there be a changeling queen out here? And why a slaver?" The changeling part didn't bother the pegasus as much as that part about her being a slaver. And if that's the case, would she be taken? That though got Fluttershy to slow down and lag behind the group.


@Blitz Boom

Seeing Omen in distress hurt Lin, more so that it left her paralyzed in shock. Then seeing the little Refraction thrown before her... She didn't tug on the rope anymore and sat there, sobbing, seeing as she was too late to help them. All of this is happening so quickly before her eyes she could barely keep up. Only looking up made things worse. Solasan showed more gnarled vines lowering to find both her mother and father tied up. The former was emaciated from lack of nutrition and the latter had bruises and scars, open ones, all over his body. 

"Remember them, Lin? I don't think you do. All you do for your family, and yet you are forgetting the ones who brought you into the world. Content to forget them for a new family? Don't worry, when I'm done with them, you'll have no one left to remember."

"Let them go! Please! They didn't do anything wrong! They don't deserve their fates!" Lin begged and sobbed, seeing just how powerless she is at that moment. She couldn't fight the illusions; she just wanted them gone. In that moment, she scooped up some swamp water in her claws and threw it forward, causing the illusions to break down and disappear. Lin wiped her eyes and saw them dissipate into nothing. Even the illusion of Shrimp she was cradling disappeared. She then heard what sounded like Rosa's voice echoing, ringing in her head, and finally becoming clear. 

Lin shouted, or raised her voice, hoping it could get through moss-covered ears. "Rosa, we have to make a run for it!" 

Meanwhile, Sen stood his ground. Nothing still leapt at him but now was a good time to grab some of those rock pouches. He climbed up the tree next to him and waited until something were to make a move. 

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@Blitz Boom

"Hey wait a minute." Astral looked at him, a thought crossed her mind. "You had her in your head, was there any significant hints at there being good, something we could grasp onto to make her turn to our side? If you are set on that idea of getting info out of her, then that'd also help, I think." She leaned over to look past Chow, Misty watching them from behind a flower pot. "I can see you."


@Blitz Boom

The smoke within the gem bellowed, as Sapphire sighed. "Emerald, we already fought for so long while I was meeting him. He showed me the consequences of what the elements would do to us if we used them, what'd happen to me, if I used an element as a horcrux. It seems you know as full well as me, what we did was killing us both. So when I turned off my immortality, to not outlive my new found family, only then did I discover the spell couldn't be cast twice, and I was going to die of, cancer..." Again she sighed, defeated just recalling it. "Too add to the failure, your soul could only be extracted safely if I found something to contain you, that bauble, as I didn't want you to go into my own body. I needed his help to get you out after when I discovered it's cursed properties, while the child was already on the way. It did steal my time, but my intention was always to free your soul." Even as the element of deceit now, she still spoke truth, but even Sapphire doubted Emerald would believe this... "And if I told them, it'd hurt them to lose me twice, if I ever got my real body back with this horcrux, I fear it'd carry the same disease that killed me."


@Blitz Boom

General Wing would follow Dew as they walked to the forge, Wing smiling a bit. "Well if it's not, I assume we'd need to wait after that, either way I'm curious what it looks like." He said, his expression then shifting to worry. "Though I hope Benny is Fine."


Zealous paused in his step, looking back to her, appearing surprised. He really didn't expect her to follow him, though, she could play into his hooves. "Persistent..." He mumbled under his breath, just barely audible. "Sure, why not." He said, smiling, though a observant pony could tell he was fake smiling. "But let's do it at the cafe, so we can sit down." Before she could respond he already started heading there.

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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(This is because I forgot a part yesterday. Regular posts to everyone will resume tomorrow)

Something was there with him as Sen climbed into the tree. Something scurrying around in the branches as he sat ready for attacks from below, yet remained out of sight.

Suddenly, something hit him in the back of the head, and fell towards the ground. Then another from the side, before something quickly lept up from the river, climbed up the tree, and bit into his foot. A dreadful, fierce beast that-


(I claim no ownership over this. Found it on google long ago, and have used it a few times before)

-barely nibbled into one of his claws, and seemed to be messing with him more than anything. A chittering laughter above revealed two more that were the ones pelting him with acorns from different sides, with one going on to - no matter if Sen had lept down from the tree in response to what was going on - pat him on the head in a pretty condescending matter with it's small, webbed paw.

The creatures seemed little more than strange, large squirrels. They ears were longer than their torsos and heads and connected near the base of their tails, which were more akin to a snake tail with fur. As the one from below blinked up towards him, he should be able to see a glassy membrane go in front of their eyes. An asset that helped them as they swam around.

The original name for these creatures had been disputed for a long time, but the general consensus before they vanished were mimics. Remnants from the time when Discord ruled the realm with chaos everywhere, who bred for generations before his rule ended. The effects had lessened in them with his imprisonment, but it hadn't been by much, and they had served as a reminder of a time long gone before they all suddenly left the waters near the city of Canterlot, and seemingly just vanished. They had been considered extinct centuries ago, but Celestia had received word of their resurgence some time ago, as the swamp had been attempted to be cleared out by loggers and different magic users. They failed, but not before finding these creatures had made a home in the place, seemingly immune from the effects, or at least of no interest to the illusion-using monsters within.

An interesting story for those who knew, but Sen likely didn't, and wouldn't care so much about it. It were only three creatures that were messing with him here, nothing more.

...Okay, three more just jumped out from the river and looked upon him. Seven more from a nearby tree scuttled down, a few more popped up in the tree he had hidden in.

About three dozen had gathered on the ground before it seemed like no more would show up, and glanced at him in unison with their big, dark eyes. Eyes that also peeked out from trees, bushes, and the river itself. It seemed he were surrounded.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom @Lucid_Nightlight @Dji @BloodDrops @Seamore Sandwich @Moonlit @EQ_Theta

Discord grinned as he took the digestive tablet, "Why thank yo-" *BOOM* The tablet spontaniously combusted, creating a (relatively) small explosion that interrupted the chaos spirit, who immediately began screaming his head off (almost literally) as a fountain of red liquid sprayed violently forth from the ensuing smoke cloud around his arm. "AAHH~!" The immortal was screaming, as if in pain, before he began laughing. "I just love strawberry-cherry-Naliquada juice!" Discord exclaimed happily as the smoke cleared, revealing him to be holding a silver pitcher which was shooting a fountain of the fruity fluids everywhere. "It's quite refreshing." He added, turning the pitcher to allow a large amount of the crimson concoction to fly into his mouth before swallowing and tossing the pitcher away, still spewing its delicious drink in such a way that it was almost propelled like a rocket in a random direction.

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@Blitz Boom

"Well, it's not entirely to match my name, I guess I also did it because Battenberg has two colours and I felt boring having just one."

This was just another element of the unconditional love Victoria had for her sister, even at a time when she acted like she hated her she still looked up to her big sister and even imitated her look.

"Most of the mares in our side of the family have two colours, I guess I got dad's DNA instead with just the one colour."

"You look great no matter what Vicky!"

Battenberg was pleased to hear this part about Vicky taking inspiration from her, it was good to see that her sister had cared about her despite the way she acted. Vicky gave an appreciative nod.

"You just have to use conditioner Benny, keeps it soft and fluffy no matter what you do to it."

She smiled and toyed with her hair a little, showing off it's light and shiny nature.

Lemon seemed saddened by Pop's statement as she was saying it, but laughed as soon as she'd finished.

"Now I know you truly don't understand him! When it's your natural born talent to go off an explore the world there isn't much that can be done to stop you. To be honest it's a wonder he has a family at all, but that's how I know he really does care about us. The fact that he fell in love with me and gave me two wonderful fillies and even stayed around for many years to help look after them, even with urges against ever settling down, lets me know that he loves us dearly. It may seem like he doesn't have time for us but he really does visit us as often as he can and we rarely go more than a couple of weeks without seeing him, he has ways of making it up to us too, lots of presents and cuddles and the like, even has time to help his elderly mother."

Lemon honestly believed it was better that he wasn't around so much, she felt that his not being around smothering Victoria all the time was the reason she had bonded to him so well, it meant that she had always had a figure to love and be loved by when she pushed everypony else away, ironically she may have been even lonelier if he had been home for a larger amount of time when she was growing up.

The group finally arrived at their location, a quaint little cottage on the outskirts of town, Victoria smiled upon seeing her childhood home again. Though it had not been long since she was last here she had done a lot of avoiding the place since she and Battenberg had got their own place. It was nice to see her mother's cottage through eyes that could actually appreciate what it stood for.

"I hope you find my cottage homely, it's a little small but it's a lovely place, very cozy. I bought this home when my mother passed and we moved the family back to Manehattan, we've had it ever since and most of our fondest memories are here."

She opened the door and gestured for them to enter. Upon entering the main hallway it was clear this place was both old and not that large. With a low ceiling filled with exposed wooden beams and a creaky wooden floor the room had a nice feel if a little cramped.

"Don't worry if you feel a little claustrophobic."

Battenberg looked towards Benny as she spoke, he was a little larger than the rest of the group after all.

"We're going to go through to the living room, it's a little bigger than this, I think it was built more recently but I can't remember."

Vicky smiled, distracted by the family photos hung up on the walls, the same grumpy face visible in each one of them. She'd have to take a photo with everyone again now she'd learned how to smile. 

Suddenly a flash of yellow shot by and collided with Victoria, knocking her backwards and pinning her. A very excited Sprinkles now stood over her, her tail flicking about like an excited puppy.

"Heh, hi Cupcake!"

Vicky was a little surprised but happy to see her friend again. Sprinkles snuggled her a little then stepped off, allowing her to get to her feet. She then turned to address the others.

"This is a bigger party than we were expecting, it's no biggy though! I'm glad to see Vicky actually decided to come along for once, it's great to see her becoming part of the family again! It's good to see you two again too Benny and Pop! You should come through and meet everyone."

Doing as she said they followed her into the living room. This room was indeed larger, with a higher ceiling and a lovely soft carpet. At one end a beautiful stone fireplace stood unlit for now though its mantle was decorated with pine branches and even more family photos, the two sisters, Felix and Lemon on their wedding day and an older one showing a young Lemon and Raspberry with their parents Tiramisu and Cottonbud. 

In the centre of the room a large, round, oakwood table stood sturdily, a bright bunch of various flowers sat in a tall antique vase in the middle and around it plates filled with small cakes and biscuits showed off their products invitingly. A steaming teapot sat amongst them with little cups and saucers stacked neatly beside it, waiting for someone to have a refreshing cup of tea. And around the table sat the family members, who turned and smiled at their unexpected guests. On one side a small pink pegasus hid behind her sprinkle covered hair with a small and very shy smile on her face, next to her sat a proud looking stallion in deep blue with a bristling beard and slick hair. Across from them another pegasus, somewhat resembling Lemon but with long curled hair draped all around her head, covered in pink streaks. Sat next to her, as Benny had predicted, the stoic stallion from earlier grinned at his new dragon friend, his hat on the table in front of him and his hair slightly messy from being underneath it.

Lemon happily ran over to her husband and gave him a big warm hug, happy that he had indeed decided to stay. She then turned to look at the rest of the group.

"Come and introduce yourselves everyone! Raspberry, could you quickly grab some more cushions for them to sit on!"

Rasberry nodded and carried out her little sister's request, flittering quickly out of the door for a few moments before returning with her hooves filled with cushions. She dropped them neatly around the table as Sprinkles returned to her seat next to her bearded boyfriend and Vicky quickly rushed over to sit next to her father.




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