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Blitz Boom

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@Blitz Boom

Berry lost Nada at the thousands of years, everything else went past her ears as she tried to comprehend what she had just heard, "Thou...thou....you're saying It has been over a  millennia." her head raised above the water as she shook her head with terrified look on her face "It can't be....you have to be lying..." though that would explain some things, like for example how much the forest had thickened during her time there, but it didn't make it any less terrifying of a thought, "It can't be true..." she looked right at Berry, looking simply horrified about it "But you're telling the truth, aren't you?"


"Few hours here and there." Ruby declared "When the talk is about profit, time is insignificant, until of course you're talking about decades or longer." More like centuries she continued in her head, decade was nothing in her life, but she knew for ponies it was a big slice of their lives. She followed next to Spicy, still keeping a small distance between them, she didn't like to be too close to other creatures. Ruby wasn't worried about the forest at all, because unlike ponies and griffons, the wild creatures in there could sense what Ruby really was, they would be able to sense the anger and fire burning inside her, and though they were most likely confused when they saw a pony who felt like a dragon, they were usually smart enough to not risk getting flamed. "So, do you have any plans for the creatures in the forest?" "Not that I'm scared or anything, I'm just wondering if you can handle yourself." she put emphasis on you to indicate that she knew she would be fine herself.  


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@EQ_Theta @Blitz Boom @Storm Shine @Dji @BloodDrops @Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich

Lucid looked at Onache, maybe he could find out what she was thinking and find any plans she was hiding.

"Well, let's see what your true intentions are."

He took a look deep into her mind, of course it just looked like Lucid was just standing there, but to Lucid, he saw a lot more.

No friends? That explains it. There was a point in his life when Lucid would shrug this off, but after the incident... he had to fix this. It was obvious that Lucid's attitude changed.

"Not a single friend? I guess this changes everything then. It'd be against everything I stand for to allow this. No one deserves to live without friends."

He looked to Twilight and Fluttershy, he had plent of reason to believe that they could help.

"I now see the problem. She has lived her life without a single friend. We really need to help her, no one deserves to live without any friends."

He looked to Anomaly, who seemed to be excited.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure you get your powers back. Just be sure to stay in the cage until this is over, I have a feeling this won't take too long."


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On 9/12/2018 at 10:39 PM, Lucid_Nightlight said:

The Sphinx's deal sounded surprisingly fair, but he decided to be careful.

"It sounds fair, but I'll have to see what others in my group think first. I need to make sure everyone is on the same page."

Now for the thing about Thorax.

"We're getting somewhere, but we need to discuss Thorax. First, you have to remain neutral whenever this war happens. Thorax's hive can attack Onache's hive, but not you or the temple. Equestria is allowed to help Thorax defend his hive. Equestria can also supply and train Thorax's hive to invade Onache's hive."

"I can assure you, that you and your temple will be left alone as long as you leave everyone alone too since Equestria and Thorax's hive have no intention to attack you anyway."

He looked to his group.

"What do you guys think? Got anything to say? Any terms you don't like? Maybe something you wish to add?"

The Sphinx flicked her tail, "Fine, have your debate" she smirked watching them amused. She was very easy to amuse.


On 9/13/2018 at 7:30 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"Nonono, I don't want you to make the desert lively, I wanna do it myself. making nature flourish is so fun, and deserts are so boring without an oasis and stuff here and there. I can make all sorts of cool creatures too, like giant sand worms. They were a huuuge hit the last time I made them. Well, until they ate all the crops. And they did scare everypony away because they were like, insanely aggressive... But that batch was a prototype! That doesn't count."

The promise of being able to flourish this barren, boring place up a little put a little step back in Anomaly's steps, even with the stupid cheater necklace she had on that still stopped her from casting magic. Seriously, it was so unfair that she were more of a nature magician than a draconequus, so this stuff actually worked on her. Some kind of side effect from being reborn she bet, but usually not an issue. Perhaps she should carry a good saw or something for just this sort of thing another time? Decisions, decisions.

Not that she got the time to think on that, as the booooring talk kept on with them. Conditions, laws, rules... *yawn* How could they even stay awake going through all that nonsense? At least there was a little fun watching that... Onache-thingie respond to things though. Especially when she sneered at Lucid and with a very cold voice told him that Thorax and his ilk would get what was coming to them, when everything were in place, but that she wouldn't go after them before that. A deal she didn't seem to like to make.

The rest of things took her a little longer. Anomaly wasn't exactly sure what the terms were anymore from the sphinx and Lucid's side as she had kinda tuned them out after a while, and tried to focus on something pleasant instead, like how an army of living cacti would look, scurrying through the dunes. She did hear that the changeling appeared to say a few things about a little number of the points though.

What was it...

Rule 3 and 4 would depend on what *attacking* defined, since changelings needed to eat, and *convincing* ponies to work for her until they got turned wasn't technically attacking, as much as misleading, and the turned changelings would then also need to be fed love regardless of whatever she gave them to the sphinx or not, which would be a food source needed to be covered one way or another. The part about a food source were a pretty big point when the sphinx amended point 5 to ensure that nopony could be tricked, which essentially meant that Onache couldn't procure a single pony, griffon, dragon or the like, which basically meant she had to keep the weaker changelings from her eggs around for the menial work this time, and needed to know how to feed her kind.

A snarky comment about rule 7 basically being pointless for her to talk about since she wouldn't have any non-changeling slaves under her control were added, but it sounded more bitter than anything. As did a question regarding whatever or not the loophole of slaves being procured from outside Equestria was also forbidden then. Seemed like she didn't like being in rules and chains like this, but boo to her. She was a big ol' meaniepants.

"Hey wait a second. It's not fair that you put a rule that bug lady is not allowed to have help if a war comes, but bug man can."

Rule 2 technically said that anypony who did try to attack Onache's hive would have forfeited their protection via these rules, and that meant that if Thorax and anypony with him made the first strike, anything could happen to him and anypony who helped him. But Anomaly hadn't listened in enough, so she didn't hear rule 2 properly. Not even when the sphinx repeated it, though if she had, she might've asked then whatever or not Onache would be allowed to leave to attack, as that sounded kinds contradicting with everything said.

Discord sounded like he was making good headway too with his arguments, but him she listened too anyway. That part would become interesting.

The Sphinx let out a yawn, and frowned at her. "Fine do what you want, I take that as agreement at any rate" she said with a tail flick breaking the magical collar on her neck, the cage also disappeared as well. She flicked her tail and blinked at her and tilted her head.

"If Onache starts a war, she can do so on her own. If war comes here, then being as it my territory and having its own rules. My own rules would apply in this instant and it would probably result in any trespassers wanting war would be enslaved or trapped somewhere. Maybe Texas" she remarked thinking about it.

"that or i simply kill them all, but i do despise genocide" she said distastefully, it was messy and hard to clean up.


On 9/13/2018 at 8:27 PM, Lucid_Nightlight said:

"If someone wanted to help Onache, they could, but do you honestly think anyone of any significance would help the stupid cheese bug? Trust me, once the war begins, Onache will be a challange, but Thorax will have a fighting chance. Besides, although we cannot attack Onache before the war, there are things such as reformation, which Twilight and her friends can attempt eventually."

"I would if I got something out of it, or I was forced to" she remarked with a small yawn. 


On 9/14/2018 at 2:24 PM, Dji said:


"Deals are always finicky. They're more or less the same as contracts that are verbal rather than put to paper. We can't trust what this Sphinx says if she takes one of our deals. If we do, we could potentially doom ourselves to a much longer sentence than what's happening at the moment," Twilight said calmly once she had processed everything that had gone on. "With that being said, I don't think that the Temple would like it if we do any thing out of its rules. Have you told us of the Temple rules, Sphinx?"

The Sphinx blinked at the purple pony. "how long you got?" she asked tilting her head, "Temple has many rules, some are bendable, some are breakable, some break you if broken" she remarked with a smile. "Generally my rules are based upon the Temples ground rules, and I can't set you rules which would break the Temples rules" she said with a smirk.

"But if you want to read the rules, here you are" she said with a giggle. Dropping a large pile of books around Twilight turning her cage of steel into a cage of learning. 


On 9/14/2018 at 3:37 PM, EQ_Theta said:

"I see where you're coming from, Lucid, and I really hope things would come to the worst possible situation, but you do realize that Twilight and I would likely be stuck in our cages if things don't go well. And even if we somehow manage to get out, it would take time for us to recover the Elements of Harmony, let alone round up the rest of our friends. We wouldn't know how fast things could go wrong and if the temple's magic does something catastrophic, you'd likely have to buy us some time." 


"oh, you can't leave here without a deal. Quite literally, you try and walk though the desert, fly though it and you just go in big circles. Or smash into a window, either or" she added with a small smirk. "You could try to teleport out but could just land in a pile of quicksand, oh and opening portals to other universes also makes portals appear but mainly from different spider dimensions and the like, interesting" she said with a smile.  


On 9/14/2018 at 5:10 PM, Lucid_Nightlight said:

He turned his attention to the Sphinx and threw a giant bag of gummy bears at her.

The Sphinx tutted, he still hadn't learned from his dropping scale routine, she ate all the gummy bears but one and tossed it back to him, the gummy bear grew and grew till it was as big as the Sphinx, it then turned towards Lucid and pointed a accusing finger towards him. "YOU ATE MY FRIENDS"

The Gummy bear then proceeded to try to grab Lucid. While the Sphinx watched mildly interested. 

As the Gummy bear came into contact with Lucid it turned into a pile of super strength glue which was very amusing to say the least, the Sphinx was amused as she ate some popcorn.

2 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

Onache nearly chuckled at the thought that Thorax would be anything resembling a challenge.

"Thorax is nothing more than a mutated drone, and he will be brought to submission before a true queen. And don't think your foolish tricks will work on me. Just because you have managed to bring... Certain individuals to your side, does not mean that I will join your games and play nice. Ponies are a resource to be used, not friends, or even pets."

Onache did not actually have any friends, as she had never seen it needed. Ever since she first established her own hive, it had all been about being the one in command, and for companionship, having the adoring gaze of her subjects gaze upon her majestic form. Frivolous things such as friends were not needed in that world look.

If they wanted her to be reformed, they'd have to first find a way to truly humble her - for example by a pony resisting her usual dominating powers over minds, and defeating her in a fight - and change her outlook on what life actually should require. Not an easy task, to go against somepony as stubborn as she, yet were reforming somepony ever? Now she personally, didn't give this a single seconds worth of thought, as she found the idea preposterous, but these other beings may.

Anomaly didn't seem to, as she were just bouncing in place, hoping that the bribe of gummy bears would loosen the bonds bestowed upon her. What a simpleton... A waste of potential and great power, that could have benefited somepony like Onache that actually had vision, instead of a nymph who only wished to play.

"As for this *agreement* we will see what the sphinx says first. You may never escape this desert in your natural lifetime, if you don't treat your hostess with some degree of respect."

She glanced at the large bag as she said this. A big offering to be sure, but essentially worthless. She doubted it would sway the sphinx.


The Sphinx was getting bored of Onache and her threats. "Now now, you can't just go around invading everywhere, just because I said you could doesn't mean that im happy that you will eventually invade others" she said with a snort.

"Well not alive anyway, unless one of them bribes me to leave at the expense of everyone else. Though i'm not all bad, need some comic relief from time to time and Lucid plays sucha good fool" she giggled.

"Sure you don't want him for your hive, he would be a rather amusing comic, if only he wasn't just so random" she added with a frown.






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@BloodDrops @Blitz Boom @EQ_Theta @Storm Shine @Dji @Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich

"Yea, if you help Onache in a war, I'd probably just kill you or something. I really don't want to, but I will if I have to."

Lucid's ears perked up when he heard the sphinx mention Texas.

"Hey, I got a friend who lives there! His name is Lone Star. If he was here right now, he would probably just wrap you up in an American flag and just start kicking you while the American national anthem played in the background!"

Despite being covered in this glue, Lucid was laughing, and he was laughing hard!

"Bwhahahahahah! You just ate sugar free gummy bears! Those things are like the ultimate laxatives!"

Lucid looked at the bag and realized that they were the ones WITH sugar and that he gave her the good ones he was gonna eat later. This was a little embarrassing for Lucid, and as for the sphinx... she got lucky this time.

"Aw... now what am I gonna do with the sugar-free ones?"

Now as for the glue. He looked at it as if he were excited.

"I love this stuff! Novia puts this stuff in tacos every Tuesday! Occasionally she puts it on nachos! Oh I love nachos!"

Lucid to a bite out of Anomaly's collar while nacho chips and taco shells appeared everywhere.

"C'mon Anomaly, it's time for some nachos and tacos!"

"Also, don't expect me to be your personal comedian unless you wanna end up dead. You got that, sphinxyboo?"

He looked to Onache again, seemingly being a lot more kind to her.

"I cannot allow you to continue to not have any friends. Friends are very important, trust me..." His ears went down a bit. "...I would know."

Edited by Lucid_Nightlight


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@Blitz Boom

Seeing Omen set the fire made Sen smile. Despite taking a while and a few dozen attempts, there was success and that was what mattered to him. Even he couldn't get the spark going off in few tries on some days, some more so than others if weather were taken into account. This was a step forward, just seeing Omen capable of doing this makes him feel like she could do anything. Sen sat close to the fire and threw in a little more kindling and blew into the fire pit, only ever so slightly to get the fire to spread to other pieces of combustible material. This was the part he hated more than getting a spark to ignite the first few pieces. 

"Nice work, Omen! This next part is delicate. You want the fire to spread to other pieces of kindling by blowing some air and directing the flames to touch other pieces. The fire is still small but the kindling will act as fuel to keep the fire going. We don't want to use too much since we'll need to keep the fire going into the evening. Don't blow too hard, though, or you'll put out the fire and we'll have to start over." 

Meanwhile, Lin was just about finished setting up the tent, though there was a hint of concern about what happened earlier in the swamp. She paused for a moment after fixing up the tent and went inside. There she sat for a moment and remained silent, processing what she had seen. If all of that was meant to just lure her into letting her guard down, then the will-o-wisps got her good. But how did they know exactly what could get her to remain still and see what she didn't want to see? Just seeing those hallucinations, all so clear and vivid... what were those things capable of? Admittedly, she was intrigued with how they worked if not for what they made her see. And just seeing Omen here with them, it was comforting but it raised some fears that would resonate with Sen now that she understood his own worries. 

Lin left the tent shortly after and walked up to Sen and Omen, a little more livelier than earlier. "Hey, the fire's coming along nicely. You want a drink, Omen? Or maybe something to eat?"


@Blitz Boom @Storm Shine @Lucid_Nightlight @BloodDrops @Dji @Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich

"Well that's not a very nice thing to say about us or Thorax and the reformed changelings."

Fluttershy looked to Onache, despite her sour disposition. From one perspective, this all seemed like the case with Discord being reformed. He scoffed at the idea and made things difficult for both her and her friends. Even they thought this was a bad idea and had all but given up on it. Still, with the way things worked out, Discord is now one of the good guys and she's all too happy to accommodate him for afternoon tea and sandwiches. The draconequus even found some new friends and shared some hobbies. The pegasus once walked into one of their games of Ogres and Oubliettes and he certainly was having a good time. 

'All I can say is to give it a chance. Just stop all of this and listen to Lucid. Harboring that kind of view on friendship isn't going to make things better. The changelings once did and they were starving because they didn't share friendship amongst themselves. Now look at them! They're doing much better now that they've changed."

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@Blitz Boom

Now this was a bit of a sticky situation.  The midnight blue stallion couldn't fault the guard bot for doing what she was originally programmed to do, even if she had achieved a level of intelligence to make her own decisions.  The reactions from the two ponies were probably confusing to process to the large spider bot, but Rusty was indeed shocked by the spider's behavior.  Even if it was to protect the two, watching the kind of destructive power of the spider could be taken as a terrifying view.  Dusk knew her a bit longer, so he could recover from this action quite easily, Rusty on the other hoof looked like she was re-weighing her opinion of Felicia.  He'd have to figure his way around this.  Moving his ears back up and turning to address the still shocked mare.

"She calculated that the bucket could have hurt us, she was trying to protect us."

Rusty glanced at the detective, then at the bucket and back at the large spider bot, she didn't seem all too convinced.  Turning to Felicia, he spoke to her.

"You're not a guard anymore Felicia.  We're out here to learn.  Is there perhaps a way you can, I dunno, dial back the range of treats you want to stop?  Like, to more major ones?"

He inquired, not completely sure how much control she had over such things, but he was putting a bit of faith in her AI at the point to see what he could work with.  He'd need that kind of answer though before he could work again at Rusty.  She would probably give her the benefit of the doubt, but what if the spider had mistaken another small threat and acted as such, hurting somepony else.

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@Rising Dusk

It seemed like her actions had spooked the ponies then. Enough for them to say that she should lower her threshold for what were considered a threat even, which were a strange request in her opinion. Why would they want to get hurt and bruised, when she were around and could prevent it? Ponies were stranger than she had anticipated.

Yet, this were their world and not hers, and though she would disagree on her not being a guard, she would comply with the rule set before her.

"ℝ𝕖𝕢𝕦𝕖𝕤𝕥 𝕒𝕔𝕔𝕖𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕕."

Felicia stood still for a half minute, running through her programming, and changing some parameters and pre-installed settings that Molotov had likely not intended for her to be able to fiddle with.

"...𝕋𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕥 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕞𝕖𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕒𝕦𝕥𝕠𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕡𝕠𝕟𝕤𝕖 𝕕𝕖𝕔𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕖𝕕 𝕥𝕠 𝕤𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕞. ℝ𝕖𝕢𝕦𝕚𝕣𝕖 𝕚𝕟𝕡𝕦𝕥 𝕠𝕟 𝕖𝕩𝕔𝕖𝕡𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤."

There were no rule without an exception, and in this case, she assumed that it would have to do with the general state of the pony or other being in question, before she should intervene in smaller cases. Foals and the elderly were likely less sturdy, and would require a fluent threshold she assumed, though of those, she had so far only set one for foals. The elderly and other frail individuals had not yet been seen by her, so Felicia's parameters could only be based on her what she knew of. As a precaution though, she had set the parameters as the same in general for an automated response, yet kept her awareness protocol on the occasion of smaller ponies, like foals. Being prepared did not seem excessive.

They would see though, if this would please Rusty enough. Dusky had gotten past it, in parts because he knew more of the spiderbot than the scrap yard owner, but the mare in question did not, and her parameters for forgiveness may lie higher because of it. Other actions may have to be taken by Felicia if things became less pleasant between them now.




It was strange being taught like this.

Omen had been set upon Equestria with the intent of not only following her masters words, but also learn and evolve from the experiences she were taught. But this wasn't like it were supposed to be. Her master should have done so, but all his knowledge were basically meaningless in this orderly, stable world, so the few times Omen had learned since his departure, it were mostly through just observing and emulating what others had done as best she could.

Yet now, she had somepony actually teaching her things directly. A useful skill nonetheless, that she were being shown and asked to repeat throughout the entire process to make sure that she had understood it. Sen and Lin had taught her a few other things too, but this were the first practical one she could recollect. There may have been something at the time they were in the Longma village, but her memories of that place were few, after she had to focus her thoughts on the orb to save her friends. Something which cost her the memories she hadn't yet processed right, as she didn't know how to go through such things normally.

She hardly knew how to do anything normally. Her only teacher prior to meeting Sen and Lin, had been Discord, and the things he taught her were mainly about the morality of things, and that nopony were as tough as they seemed on the outside. Pranks, talking and delivering had been most of her education with him, and of those, the pranks didn't work anymore because the world had gone sane.

This world were one she had been forced to accept, as it were the only one she had to live in, since Mother would not let her simply sit in the shadowy realm she came from indefinitely. Yet most of the time, it felt wrong to walk here, and she kept feeling a longing for the chaotic world that were unlikely to ever leave her, even if she became educated and somewhat normal.

But at least it were easier to accept it when she had more of a foothold in the stable reality, and could function within it. Lessons like this were going to help on that, though she had to focus on the last part Sen said to make anything really happen, since she didn't breathe. She could draw in small breaths, but by Discords design she hadn't really been given lungs, so to draw in breath and actually blow air out, she had to focus on it, instead of standing still and looking at the fire with nothing happening. A situation she found herself in for at least a half minute before she slowly began to blow some air on the fire towards the other parts that Sen had told her needed to burn too.

"Like this?"

Meanwhile, Rosa had gotten a good deal further setting his traps, and found himself glancing frequently towards the tent where Lin had wandered. To think that it would be so easy to simply wander in there and barrage her with questions about Stargazer, and yet, so foolish to do so right now at the same time... It had been a long time since he had to struggle with so many emotions as he had today, though he wasn't sure anymore if that wasn't the most turbulent. The swamp had been one thing, but then Omen, Sen and Lin may have actually met his lost half brother? It were hard to keep hold of himself and think logically in the midst of all of this.

While these things went on, and he neared completion of his task, he saw in wander out from the tent, and approach the rest of the group. Shrimp seemed to have gotten bored wandering at that point, and slithered up her leg to sit on her head and have a height point to look at all of them from, so the group minus Rosa, were gathered and talking now, about food and drinks. It was probably for the best, though Rosa still needed to finish the traps, so he were out of that equation for a while. A shame, as he might have found some interest in being near enough to hear it when Omen responded to Lin's inquiry with "Does the rocks taste good?"

Sen would likely get it, as Omen had said to him before they found Lin that she basically just ate whatever she felt like, whenever she were curious, which were mostly twigs, rocks and the like. She couldn't remember if she ever said that to Lin though.



@Catpone Cerberus

"What's the point in lying about it? I's telling you, it's been at least a millennia since the big sirens got themselves booted from Equestria.

Have you really been hiding around here since then? Jeez, poor you. There's so much that have just passed you by in that time."

The horrified expression of the siren were met with a sympathetic look from Berry, who felt pretty sad for the siren for actually having just been in here, and not knowing jack about what went on out there. It just wasn't right, no matter how much ponies felt iffy about sirens historically.

"Ever considered leaving? I mean, it's been ages since the three biggies were tossed, and you're hardly a threat by the looks of things. Might be the princesses would be less old school about things this time around, or the ones who weren't there back then, could be less of a bunch of sticks in the mud. They have a say in things too, with their fancy titles."



@Catpone Cerberus

"I'm plenty able to defend myself if something likes to come around and take a sniff, but with moving this here wagon, that can be a real bother sometimes. That's where this overpaid cleanliness freak comes in."

Spicy grinned and nodded towards the large, bulky griffon who had just removed a leaf that had blown into his head-feathers. Somepony who looked like he could dole out some punches, but considering his neatness attitude, not one that everypony thought would get his talons dirty if push came to show. A big mistake that most didn't make twice.

"What this cheapskate means is that I'm hired on as her bodyguard, Ruby. If something comes around, I deal with it. Be it beast, pony, or in places like this, fauna. Don't worry yourself if something comes for you though. I'll help, and prove to our *dear leader* once again, that I am worth every single bit I'm paid."

Spicy were a big believer in the phrase *You get what you pay for* so Marley wasn't wrong. He wouldn't be getting the pay he got now unless he were effective at his job, and with thew stuff they sometimes got through, he had proven his worth several times over. He just got a pay cut sometimes in case he got too out of line, as the mare wasn't the only one of the two that were greedy and wanted as much cash as could be obtained.

"Yeah, and most of those bits goes to your spa treatments."

"Just because you like to look like an unwashed street urchin, doesn't mean that I have to. I have to stay sharp-looking for the ladies."

"You mean actual griffon ladies, or the changelings you keep hitting on instead?"

Marley cringed at that comment

"That was a low blow."

"Don't I know it? But anyway, what about you Ruby? What're your plans if something comes around? Hiding behind us, giving whatever comes around a good bashing, or just hoping that the two of us bicker so much that we'll work as a distraction?"



@Lucid_Nightlight @Dji @Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich @Storm Shine @EQ_Theta @Lucid_Nightlight

Onache's eyes fell upon Lucid with hatred sparking within them, as he talked about things which should not have been known by anypony.

"Be thankful that we're bound to non-aggression right now, or I would have destroyed your mind for that transgression. What roams in my head is for me alone, and not some mutant pet of the draconequui.

And your *friendships* have no place is my life. Everything that matters is control, and subservience. Foolish pony ideals like friendship is something the weak need to feel stronger and more safe against their superiors, and nothing else."

Discord may be here, and were friends with these creatures, but Onache found a great distaste in thinking that she should lower herself to that level. Stronger beings like Discord, the Sphinx, or perhaps even this mutated pony, may be able to best her in a fight, but that only meant she would be forced to accept defeat by a being higher up the food chain, just like ponies were, when she made them kneel before her. That was all it were. Just strength by something further up the ladder, and then making the lesser obedient. What point where there in seeking friendship by those lower than you, when they were simply weak, and meant to be used?

Just like now, when the sphinx asked her to tone down her attitude. That were not between friends. That were a superior being, telling it's underling to follow suit.

"If it's in the deal that I can't invade them, I'm not going to, no matter how much I wish to do so.

And I will never allow this... Creature, within my hive. I have no want for a clown to distract my warriors, and I doubt this one would even follow suit if he were converted, and had to face the hivemind. If you can find amusement in his words, then by all means, keep him. I just have no interest in him."

Meanwhile, Anomaly let out a huge sigh of relief as the bonds on her were removed, and she could pour herself a glass of pumpkin juice from her head again. The desert were pretty warm, and she needed a drink after the huge downer before. And the huge downer now, as the chattering kept on between the different parties and Onache kept being rude.

"I dunno if you can convince this one, Flutterpony. I bet she even finds starving okay for some sorta weird reason."

"The only reason my changelings may starve, is because of these foolish deals leaving me with no option to take in ponies to feast upon. I have always made sure to keep my worthy underlings fed otherwise.

As for Thorax and his ilk, let me enlighten you about something: They are a small part of a larger race, Fluttershy, and not many of us true changelings like the idea of him and his sect sending out words to the other hives embrace his new ways, and take on that abhorrent form he now carries. If I don't attack him and his mutated drones, eventually, somepony else from the other hives will. We will not allow him to amass his numbers and force us to be something we're not, just because the nymph king thinks that he knows better."

It was a common fear among the hives that didn't just find Thorax's new variant disgusting mutations actually, as Thorax had stolen the largest of the hives, which gave him the greatest number of changelings under his command. With enough time - and perhaps support from the ponies - he may feel comfortable going from sending envoys telling the other hives of the new way of life he had embraced, to going out and indoctrinate them all, whatever they wanted it or not. His way may represent a way out for some of the hives who had an issue getting enough love to feed their hive, but he also represented an invader, who may well destroy everything they were just because he thought his way was better than how it had always been, and wouldn't take no for an answer.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom @EQ_Theta @Storm Shine @BloodDrops @Dji @Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich

Lucid looked back, unlike her, he was showing no hatred.

"Friendship is weak? How could it be weak if it's the same thing that turned Nightmare Moon back into Luna, Discord into stone, and placed Tirek into Tartarus? That doesn't sound very weak to me. I'd be nothing without friendship."

He continued speaking to Onache, he looked a bit more serious. with 

"When I was a young colt, I lived in an orphanage. I had nothing, my life was dark. One day another pony showed up, he was just so happy about everything, nothing ever bothered him. He saw how sad I was and he started telling all these jokes and I laughed for the first time in my life. The orphanage would put on these small talent shows, our comedy acts were a hit. He set me on the path to being the comedian that I am now. Unfortunately, he's no longer living, but I wouldn't be such a happy poquus if he never existed."

"That sort of friend is exactly what you need. Sure, you may rule over some changelings, but even with them all around you, you still remain alone and taking orders from that sphinx, the same one that lost to some blindfolded lady. Is that really the life you want to live?"


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@Blitz Boom

"That's it, just a little more and we'd be set. You're doing well!"

Just seeing the fire come along nicely was a welcome change, with things eventually winding down as evening approaches. The flames were just big enough to sustain for a few hours, though Sen could just as easily replenish its fuel with all the kindling he could find. In the meantime, Lin opened a gate to grab some of their rations, grabbing an extra one from Sen's supplies to give to Omen, including one apple. She had to pause for a moment to let Shrimp on her head, an unexpected arrival; once she got the rations, she opened a second gate back home to grab some extra gemstones she wouldn't need and returned to give these to the Refraction. She wasn't sure if he ate anything else and reptilian creatures like Shrimp didn't look like the vegetarian type. 

"Alright, I've got dinner here! I'm not sure rocks would taste good, Omen, but I'm sure these are better. Assorted vegetables and an apple for whoever wants it! Oh, it's probably more succulent and juicy. And we have some assorted gemstones for little Shrimp here! Eat up!"

Sen turned to Rosa as night was beginning to fall, the sun fading into the horizon. It looked like he was just about done and they were all probably hungry. A shame he had to use up the watermelon ration to keep those squirrel-like creatures at bay but Sen didn't want to take chances. Better to placate them and get on their good side than probably be their next meal. 

"Rosa! Come join us by the fire!" Sen waved to the bat pony, inviting him over and generally having a more welcoming and calming tone. Compared to their... less than stellar introduction to each other, he appears to have gotten over that.


@Blitz Boom @Storm Shine @Lucid_Nightlight @Dji @BloodDrops @Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich

"If I could also add, the changelings who remain unchanged would still go hungry. You may not like the idea of friendships but would you really let the changelings under you or any other hive starve instead?"

Anomaly's concern echoed the same concern she had with Discord. Even Discord's sentiments were somewhat similar with Onache's right now. But if it was anything to go by, the rather pragmatic viewpoint Fluttershy presented still bordered on the concern that even one ruling changeling's pride would cause the rest of the hive to suffer the consequences. They probably heard about Thorax's hive is prospering, never having to worry about being starved of love or other positive emotions. Would they still want to follow Onache if they could simply come over to Thorax's way. Sentiments aside, the fact that they wouldn't need to worry about going hungry was still a very big reason to reconsider. 

"Thorax knows better because he's lived it. He doesn't want to go hungry like he was when Chrysalis ruled his hive. And what would the changelings accomplish after conquering us ponies? If you need to feed by draining your meals of emotion, then how long would you continue to survive after you've conquered everything?"

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@Blitz Boom

"I...have." Nada answered to both questions, though she only continued about the latter, because she was still processing the fact that she had wasted millennia of her life, and that everyone she had known were not only gone, but most likely forgotten too by everyone else, "I considered leaving few times but I didn't know where else to go, I was..." am "....too scared to risk it going back to ponies, and I don't know any other place better than this." her tone changed to almost filly-like careful worry "Do you really think they could forgive my kind?" she trusted this pony, not because she trusted ponies again, oh no, this one just seemed insane enough to not lie and also she wanted to trust her, she liked the ponies, even if she was scared what they may do to her, so it was her biggest hope that she would be able to make peace with them. 

Ruby exhaled slightly amused at the short back and forth between the pony and the bird, she had started to warm up towards Marlin and Spicy just a bit because of their bicker habit, she appreciated creatures who weren't scared of little insults, mostly because she herself didn't fear to use them. "Although the idea of using you as distraction sounds almost delightful, I have my own ways to get rid of annoying creatures, I have picked up few trick how to make them think you're more dangerous than you actually are." By being able to turn them into ash. she added in her mind, the ability to breath fire was very useful as a threatening tool, because even creatures like Timberwolfs who appeared unkillable were afraid of burning, after all, you can't rebuild yourself if there's nothing to build with.  


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Blitz Boom

While he was rather pleased that such a thing was possible, the other part of that equation wasn't something he was expecting. Ponies didn't work on such detailed calculations or in the confines of parameters. Probably if one was to really break it down though, there basic instincts could be viewed as parameters they are born with or taught throughout there lives. Felicia here though was asking him what she should be in the look out for instead. 

The detective had to sit down for this one, which probably looked a little odd for the pony to do right in the middle of a scrap yard. What parameters counted for what a pony would do just out of gut reaction and instinct? To him it seemed almost obvious when to kick into guard mode to protect himself or others. While he wouldn't have jumped to the aid of a pony from a bucket tumbling down a pile of scrap. Well, he'd probably just have caught it with magic instead of stabbing it. The hard hats were there for a reason too. Crossing his hooves in thought he looked over to Rusty. 

"If Glitter Step were in danger, what would you do?" he asked, looking to get a mother's point of view. 

This seemed to pull the mare a bit from her shocked state, enough to answer the question at least. 

"Anything and everything I could. But sometimes they need that bump or scrap. To learn and grow up."

A sensible answer the thought. Pain was a learning experience. Turning his attention to Felicia now. Let's take this as a detective. 

"It's difficult to explain parameters to such things, as we often react on instinct. But in a broad sense, we look out most for lethal dangers or ones that cause permanent harm. Everypony is bound to receive minor injuries day to day, but when endure and learn from it.  And maybe instead of eliminating the threat, we contain it. Maybe catch the bucket or swat it to the side instead of stabbing it. Now if the threat is a living thing, we detain. Not wanting to cause harm to the threat or victim alike."

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@Lucid_Nightlight @Dji @Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich @Storm Shine @EQ_Theta @Lucid_Nightlight

Onache stood silent for the first time, glancing between Lucid and Fluttershy with a look in her eyes that were still full of disdain, and a want to retaliate against their words, but she found herself for once needing a few seconds to think. With the deals as they were, she could not attack these and yell at them for their insolence, so logical arguments had to come against what they said, yet especially what the yellow one said stung, and required thought. Doubly so since this accursed place also put in motion that she could not lie, and simply claim that there were never any shortage of food for her kind.

When she had been in Chrysalis's hive, she had felt that hunger daily, because the fool queen had amassed a larger hive than their kind was supposed to have, and the only thing the former queen had to dangle in front of the masses were that Canterlot would fall the second time around, and that all of Equestria would be their buffet. Something which not everypony had trusted enough to stay after the first, failed attempt, but Onache had stayed, as she had lost her hive to Chrysalis, and had yet to think things impossible to salvage. After Thorax had won and the changelings - including Chrysalis - had either converted or run away, things had changed. Without the hive, Chrysalis were powerless, and as such, were unworthy to lead.

Onache had stayed and seen some of what happened with Thorax and his ilks from the side, and her view on them were very dark from the start, because of the inclusion of ponies. Seeing him and them working so closely together, lowering their kind to the prey that had already caused so many problems over the years, infuriated her, and she refused to even play with the thought of joining his kind because of it. It meant giving away too much power, and lowering on the food chain. As a queen to whom strength were everything, this were inconceivable.

"...Don't you think we know the benefit those things have above us? Every queen sees it, and the easy way it would allow us to feed our hives, without having to cull scores of eggs from our batches every time to ensure our hives are small enough to keep fed. Why do you think we did not descend upon him immediately upon his ascension? Did not destroy every courier he sent to appeal to the other hives? Because as much as we hate him, and what his mutation have caused, there is hesitation because of this boon that his mutation could grant us. Even I, who control you puny creatures like livestock to keep my ranks fed, can see that.

...And so could you, couldn't you?"

Onache had been talking towards Fluttershy mostly for a time, until her words made her realize something halfway through her retaliation speech, which were aimed to demean the points of friendship, and insult how the others had needed it to survive. Instead she now turned slowly towards the *clown* with narrowed eyes.

"You devious, disgusting little creature. What have you done?"

Anomaly raised a clawed hoof and shook around in the air at the cue.

"Oh, me, me! I know this. He tricked you and your boss into agreeing that you can't get love from anywhere to feed your hive, so that you can't fulfill your deal without changing into a color bug. Gold star please?"

The draconequus hadn't seen this coming, and neither had Onache, unfortunately, yet this were how things would be. Either the sphinx would provide ample amounts of love - which meant she'd have to conjure living, high-sentience beings out of thin air or break her deals - or the changeling queen would be forced to change into the same as what Thorax were, to be able to get even a single of her eggs hatched. The sphinx had already said her want for Onache to change how she looked, so there was no chance of the sphinx helping her gain love to keep things as they were, and Onache had signed a deal that meant that she could not leave. She were trapped into one way forward by the combined efforts of a flying cat and a jester.

Anomaly just figured it out now, but she were still pretty proud of herself, whilst Onache looked as if the arrangements set upon this place where the only thing stopping her from charging forward and beating Lucid into a liquid state. It appeared that he were not as stupid as she had given him credit for after all, and she had been too slow to realize it.



@Catpone Cerberus

Berry glanced at the worried siren and shrugged her shoulders.

"I dunno, but you're never gonna find out by sitting in a lake like this, right?"

Perhaps not the most reassuring thing she had ever said, but gosh darn it, what else were she gonna say? Lie and tell the siren that everything would be perfect right away? What sorta cruel pony would do something like that. One working for The Conspiracy, that's who! And she weren't with them.

"Wanna have a trip with me 'round the forest? There's a few crazy ponies that live out here you could try to interact with as a tester, and if that's not your want, then you could at least find a new lake and grab a few fish. Can't be good with fur in your teeth constantly.

I know, I know, gotta sound a bit scary to leave your safe zone, but what's the alternative? Sit here until you grow moss? Come on, that ain't a life. You gotta have to face your fear and be able to live regardless of it, not cover from it. It's like with The Conspiracy. I know they're there, and some of their sinister plans, but if I start covering in fear from their all-encompassing influence and power, they win. Same if you keep hiding away from ponies until you pass on from old age. What'd be the difference between getting banished and that, really?"

Beyond the potential horrors in the other dimension that were, but that didn't seem like a point to bring up here. The poor gal didn't need her first company in like, forever, to start making her afraid of monsters and pain. She'd never get her hooves dry then.



@Catpone Cerberus

"Little trickster are ya, eh? Almost hoping something attacks us now so we can see your mojo."

"That could be arranged. Want me to find a bear?"

The smug tone in Marley's voice fitted the look he gave Spicy as he said that, and repaid her for the low blow she had dealt him before.

"You try that, and I'll pluck you and roast you over open flames."

"Did I strike a nerve? I'm sorry, I'll make sure it doesn't happen again."

The sarcasm in his voice were about thick enough to stick a knife in, as the two of them locked eyes in a silent, narrowed starring contest. No words were spoken, but it wasn't really needed between them either. They knew what the other would think, and sling at them, so this were little more than just a prolonged test of wills. One which neither of them won, as they ended up blinking at the same time.

"So, anything you can tell us about yourself, Ruby? We still have a way to go, so we might as well get acquainted. You can tell us a little, then ask back, and we can have a little thing here going. No need to share something you don't though. We all have our little secrets."

Spicy's *little* secret were her connection to the black and grey market, whilst Marley had more to do with an... Incident that could have put him in jail for a long, long time. Neither of them wished to speak about either with somepony they barely knew, and it were fair to assume that Ruby had something of the same. Though Marley were pretty curious about what may rummage around the head of this mare. She seemed so strange for a pony at times.




Omen looked at the fire, then the food she had been offered for a while, before putting the food down and wandering off. As she had been successful in starting a fire - with a massive and patient amount of help and encouragement from Sen - she wanted to try something that she had seen others do around a campfire like this before. Nothing she had ever been allowed to participate in, as she normally caused screaming or questions of leaving, so she wanted to see if she could do this now.

Whilst she rummaged around the edge of the forest, the Refraction sniffed the gems, and then happily grabbed hold of the one brightest in color, and wrapped himself around it, chirping with glee. As per usual, he then sunk his teeth in and began to slowly drain the color from said gem, as if he were drinking it. A strange eating habit, but Shrimp cared little for it, as he *drank* along whilst small sparks of energy popped off his back now and again.

"I wonder if he even needs those gems for nourishment, or if it's all energy."

Rosa approached the group after being called over by Sen. A strange turn of events, considering their first interactions, but he supposed that the group had been through enough by now to warrant them acting somewhat more calm to one another. Something he found even weirder, as he had looked forward to getting away from these beings originally, but things changed. For the better in this case, as he were welcomed over to the open fire, and the prepared packages of food.

Hmm... He could've sworn there should have been some watermelon in these... Oh well, after they day they had, he'd be happy getting anything right now frankly. And this one still had a peach slice tucked in, so all hope were not lost.

Taking his mask half-way off to take a chunk out of an apple for now though, he glanced over at the others around the fire. Beings he supposed he could call friends, and one of said friends wandering over near the trees for some reason, though when it came to Omen, reason didn't seem to always matter. It may well be for instinctual reasons, or because she could. Her mind were hard to grasp.

"...Is now the time to talk then, about what we saw?"

A poor segue, but Rosa had no idea how to ease into this. It was either to take the jump and start it while he still had some nerve to grasp around it, and felt calm enough to tackle the memories, or keep silent and just let it stew in his own head, just like he had for the majority of this day of their trip.

"You can start if you want. We both saw everything anyway, so what difference does it make?"

Well, he had not looked behind him at his fathers begging words, whilst the inquisitor attempted to beat answers out of the old, confused stallion, but the rest of his punishment he had seen, as well as what they assaulted Lin with. The only parts of which he truly understood, being Omen getting impaled and crystallized again, and Shrimp broken into a small heap. The bound longma, and the one who spoke to Lin, he had no idea about who were, just as Lin wouldn't know most of who had been in the illusions directed primarily at Rosa. She could venture guesses of course, but it were likely that she had been more focused on her own demons, even after they exited. Princesses knew that Rosa had at least. It were hard to focus on everything that went on to others when so much were thrown in your own face.

Meanwhile, as the talk were about to begin, Omen returned, carrying a stick in her mouth. She would then use said stick to slowly pierce her apple, and hold it over the fire, oblivious to the heavy subject that were hanging in the air currently.



@Rising Dusk

"𝕌𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕠𝕕. 𝔸𝕦𝕥𝕠𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕕𝕖𝕗𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕖 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕟𝕠𝕥 𝕠𝕔𝕔𝕦𝕣 𝕠𝕦𝕥𝕤𝕚𝕕𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕣𝕚𝕤𝕜 𝕠𝕗 𝕤𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕠𝕦𝕤 𝕚𝕟𝕛𝕦𝕣𝕪, 𝕣𝕖𝕘𝕒𝕣𝕕𝕝𝕖𝕤𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕡𝕠𝕟𝕪."

It was a strange thing to hear, that ponies needed some bumps and bruises here, but what did she know? What she understood of ponies were what were in her database, which mainly came from watching Molotov and the few ponies that got within view from her hatch now and again. It did not provide adequate views into the level of disrepair a pony could be allowed to hit, and still be considered *just a scratch*, nor the notion that it was good for said ponies to get beaten up a little. Sounded some like it may be part of their learning patterns though. She would have to read up on that at some point.

"𝕄𝕪 𝕔𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕗𝕦𝕟𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕨𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕡𝕣𝕠𝕥𝕖𝕔𝕥, 𝕓𝕦𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕝𝕚𝕞𝕚𝕥𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤. 𝕃𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕝 𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕡𝕠𝕟𝕤𝕖 𝕚𝕤 𝕠𝕟𝕝𝕪 𝕥𝕠 𝕓𝕖 𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕝𝕚𝕖𝕕 𝕥𝕠 𝕠𝕓𝕛𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕤. 𝕃𝕚𝕧𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕔𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕓𝕖 𝕕𝕖𝕥𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕕 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕚𝕟𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟."

Felicia spat a string of web from her abdomen at the bucket to prove her point, and wrapped it up in the gooey silk.

"ℝ𝕖𝕡𝕣𝕠𝕘𝕣𝕒𝕞𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕚𝕟𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕤𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕤𝕗𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕪 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕠𝕡𝕖𝕣 𝕒𝕟𝕕 ℝ𝕦𝕤𝕥? 𝔽𝕦𝕣𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕚𝕟𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕔𝕒𝕟 𝕓𝕖 𝕠𝕓𝕥𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕕 𝕗𝕣𝕠𝕞 𝕔𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕠𝕣."

Felicia looked at Rusty, hoping that the mare would not toss her aside just because of a minor misunderstanding. The spiderbot was new in this world, and had things to get used to, in regards to threat levels, responses, and so on, but she wasn't as dangerous to living creatures as she looked. She were specifically programmed in her core to not cause unnecessary damage to invaders, and instead focus on detaining them for questioning, and whilst she muddled around with many of her programs now and again, to keep them prepared for the life she wanted, rather than the one she had been given, she saw no reason to change her *stance* on hurting fleshy beings if it were avoidable.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom @EQ_Theta @Storm Shine @BloodDrops @Dji @Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich

"Don't feel too bad, I'm a comedian, being clever is part of the job. This is the best way to get you to reform. Although the original intention was to stop you, I now realize that this is for your own good. Now you'll need to change and be a good little bug pony. Think about it, you can make friends, be the good guy, and your hive can't starve. Sure, you won't be able to hurt anyone without consequences, but seriously, it's not like there was really any point to that invasion against Thorax aside from your own pride anyway."

He looked over to Anomaly and gave her a gold star.

"So, still want any rusted barbed wire and cotton balls?"


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@Blitz Boom


A crash and some tumbling could be heard as Mike slid out of the doorway.

”These floors are kinda really smooth.” He said, shaking off the book that was laying on his head. It landed with its cover up, which said ‘Great Heros of ancient Equestria VOL II’.

“The library is huge! You could spend days in there and not even find what you’re looking for!” He said, excited. He looked up at the Dragoness. “I’d bet you could even find something about that desert thing you mentioned earlier, Miss... uh... Dragon?”

My original character page!  -Critique Wanted!-

Click Me!

Jennifer has a page too!

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@Blitz Boom

"I wouldn't know where to start with Shrimp, if he needs these gems for nutrition or energy. I don't know anything about them, but I suppose that's not the main point. You're welcome to talk about what happened earlier if you are comfortable with sharing. I guess you probably overheard me and Sen earlier, and what I saw."

Lin sighed and paused for a moment, feeling a little uneasy with what she wanted to divulge. Truth be told, she suspected Rosa might be able to infer a thing or two from what he saw in the swamp along with what he might have heard leaving Lin's mouth. Either what she will say is already apparent and obvious, or it might be giving away too much information. Despite this, she was a lot more comfortable with saying a little more. 

"There were figures hanging from the trees, back in the swamp. One shriveled and emaciated, malnourished and thirsty. The other was hurt, beaten and scarred. Those were my parents... or what likely happened to them. Sen and I never got a chance to give them a proper farewell, so I suppose that was what I saw when I tried to piece together what must have happened during my period of exile. We never got the chance to say goodbye." 

"Then there was that figure taunting me with Omen's and Shrimp's broken bodies. That was Solasan, or something that took his appearance, the one who hurt them. It wasn't enough that he tore my family apart. He was dealt with a while back but some part of me feels like I could never escape him, that he'd come back one day and keep hurting me and Sen. I didn't want Sen going into that swamp with us because that was what he would see, and we'd never be able to leave. That guilt... that he could've done more to save our family, he's lived with it for years and I don't think he'd be able to get over it any time soon." 

Just as she mentioned it, Sen put down his food and stared at the fire, unable to say anything. It was a moment of quiet reflection, but one that still fills him with shame. It was clear, bright as day, that Lin could easily sum it up like that. He always believe he was strong, that he had to be, and that everything he trained for would be worth it if it made him ready to face any challenge head on. But to see that illusion shatter, he didn't know it could break his resolve. Even Lin had to pick up the pieces after holding on for so long, and now she was showing the same signs that she might not be as strong as the two of them had hoped. 

Lin had said her piece, but she just remained silent for a while. It was alright if Rosa didn't say anything if he thought it appropriate, maybe it wasn't her place to get him to open up if he didn't want to. Their offer still stood, however, that they were there to listen to whatever he had to say, and to share his burden as well. They already were miserable once, what's one more terrible tale to add to their growing pains? Still, just seeing Omen trying to cook her food over the fire was a nice distraction and she couldn't help but smile as she watched. 

"I guess that's my sob story. Well, the short version at least." 


@Blitz Boom @Storm Shine @Lucid_Nightlight @BloodDrops @Dji @Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich

Clever, clever approach... Fluttershy wouldn't have thought to try something like it. Though she is more into being genuine, being real and truthful even if it meant being put in the losing spot. It might have worked once with Discord but this isn't Discord she is dealing with. Onache was proving to be a very stubborn one, and even if the pegasus were to try something like her attempt to reform Discord, it wouldn't work the second time around. Complicating things further were these deals and agreements going around, hence admitting to the fact that she couldn't have done something through a deal. 

"Think it over," Fluttershy calmly said to Onache. She then filled up a cup with some tea and extended it towards the changeling. "Would you like some tea? It can help you clear your mind." 

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@Blitz Boom
The pony's point about her hiding not being too different from a banishment hit Nada, of course the part of ending up in unknown world that could be pretty much anything was missing from from the hiding choice, but she had been in a way forced out of her home against her will regardless, and she would be lying if she said she enjoyed being here hiding. "You're right, it isn't that different....you could say I got banished here." "I have wasted millennium of my life lying to myself that I'm happier here." her voice told all about how she felt about that realization, "I don't even remember what the world outside the forest looks like." she kept a short pause, after which she continued with mixture of fear and carefulness "I could use a new lake,and..." "....would you be able to get this Princess Twilight to meet me?" she visibly shook from the thought, princesses were usually alicorns, and she had heard enough about them before her exile to know that they could mostly likely banish her by themselves, but she sounded like somepony who would at least listen what Nada had to say, "It terrifies me....but with title like 'Princess of Friendship', I'm ready to believe that she isn't like that bearded unicorn and his friends"


Ruby had followed Spicy's and Marlin's yet another back and forth quietly again, she had found this one to be even more enjoyable than the last one, because the thought of roasted griffon had made her mouth water, causing her to even lick her lips once out of reflex, though hearing that Spicy didn't like bears was interesting too, it was always good to know something you could use against someone. That reminded her that she would most likely end up needing to hunt something while they were in the forest, thus she needed to come up with an excuse to get some alone time when the moment would arrive. 

"Tell about myself?" "Well, I guess I can mention that I have lived here only for few months, though where I come form doesn't matter." "What about you, something you haven't shown or said already?" she could have asked about Spicy's talent or something like that what ponies usually were curious about, but she didn't care enough to even act like she cared about that, because regardless of being rather boastful herself, she hated hearing ponies boasting about themselves, and it made her want to burst out of her pony-form and show them how insignificant they really were. And Ruby was fully aware about being like that, but she didn't really care.


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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On 9/16/2018 at 11:54 PM, Lucid_Nightlight said:

Yea, if you help Onache in a war, I'd probably just kill you or something. I really don't want to, but I will if I have to."

The Sphinx yawned, "Sure, sure, and you would take my job as a result. Being in charge of the temple guarding thing, if ya didn't then it would explode killing everything." she said with a small smirk, "but then you didn't think of that" she finished.


On 9/16/2018 at 11:54 PM, Lucid_Nightlight said:

"Also, don't expect me to be your personal comedian unless you wanna end up dead. You got that, sphinxyboo?"

"Yes, crack your jokes. Clown. I can always find a proper jester who would actually be good at there job" she snorted. She then ignored him since he started sprouting nonsence, "So we going to do this deal or not?" she asked with a frown.

On 9/18/2018 at 10:18 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"Be thankful that we're bound to non-aggression right now, or I would have destroyed your mind for that transgression. What roams in my head is for me alone, and not some mutant pet of the draconequui.

And your *friendships* have no place is my life. Everything that matters is control, and subservience. Foolish pony ideals like friendship is something the weak need to feel stronger and more safe against their superiors, and nothing else."

The Sphinx was getting grumpy by the arguing going on, it was like babysitting children not that she had ever had any of them. She blinked and yawned getting bored of there stupidity. "hmmmmm, no mind destroying, killing or threatening. I won't tolerate that here" she said with a frown staring hard at Onache.  

On 9/18/2018 at 10:18 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"If it's in the deal that I can't invade them, I'm not going to, no matter how much I wish to do so.

And I will never allow this... Creature, within my hive. I have no want for a clown to distract my warriors, and I doubt this one would even follow suit if he were converted, and had to face the hivemind. If you can find amusement in his words, then by all means, keep him. I just have no interest in him."

The Sphinx flicked her tail and nodded, "fine no Lucid in your hive as well. I will add that to the list" she growled, "I will add no clowns as well, including Lucid. Just have a Lucid free zone it seems to be" she hissed lashing her tail. She was a very grumpy kitty it seemed.

On 9/18/2018 at 10:18 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"The only reason my changelings may starve, is because of these 'foolish deals' leaving me with no option to take in ponies to feast upon. I have always made sure to keep my worthy underlings fed otherwise.

"You should choose your words more carefully"

Onache suddenly found herself upside down and floating in front of the Sphinx's nose. A very bad place to be indeed. The Sphinx wasn't very impressed at being called foolish, "Correct me, but it seemed like you resented being offered a deal to reside within my territory, protected from outside influence. The only cost to yourself was that you wasn't allowed to feed off ponies but you would have been able to feed off other creatures. It seems that you've also forgottern that I could have changed ponies into other things that would have allowed yourself to feed on them" she said with a frown.

"Though it seems, since you're so hard done by. You no longer want my deal, and if thats the case. Then you no longer to be here, and if that is also correct, you can take your band of fools and leave me in peace? Hmmmm?" she said with a growl. "This isn't the first time you've offended me with your poor choice of words. The next time you do will be your last" she growled dropping the changeling onto the floor.

On 9/18/2018 at 11:34 PM, Lucid_Nightlight said:

"That sort of friend is exactly what you need. Sure, you may rule over some changelings, but even with them all around you, you still remain alone and taking orders from that sphinx, the same one that lost to some blindfolded lady. Is that really the life you want to live?"

The Sphinx narrowed her eyes and it was now Lucids turn to levitate up to her nose. As The Sphinx breathed out it was almost like she was a dragon, the air filled with static as she stared silently at him. She was still sore over that even though it had been such a long time ago. "You will never, ever, mention or hint at Somnambula. That thief died a long time ago, and has since turned into dust. More then she deserved flying off with my magical blindfold and stealing my temple from me" she hissed. 

At this point she didn't know who to be more angry at, after all she had two creatures from opposite sides causing her annoyance.

17 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

"Would you like some tea? It can help you clear your mind." 

The Sphinx snorted, "I would like some tea as well" she grumbled. 






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@BloodDrops @Blitz Boom @EQ_Theta @Storm Shine @Dji @Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich

"Of course I can do my job properly, I'm the bestest comedian ever!"

Lucid laughed when the sphinx got all angry at him when he mentioned Somnambula. He laughed harder when the sphinx thought she was actually dead!

"Silly sphinx, Somnambula is very much alive along with the other pillars of Equestria! Seriously, are you not caught up on the current events?"

He looked over to Discord and Fluttershy.

"You'd think she'd read a newspaper."


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@Blitz Boom
"I am made of illusion magic sister, we can go wherever we need to, seeing as I can make it so they never see us." the smile on her face was mischievous, She watched her sister change the runes, sighing as she looked to the door. "We'd be risking getting caught for any of the things we need." Lifting her hoof, she pressed it against the door, wanting to be sure of her sisters opinion this time. "So we should just be quick. They may not notice any things missing if it goes well."


@Blitz Boom

There was a bulb that light up inside him, his expression more curious than the excitement of the concept of wielding an axe, through the immediate question arose. "Most weapons have to be held in the mouth, so as nice as that'd be, it may not work for me unless there's a work around for that, then I would like an axe."


@Blitz Boom

"Their home, a place they may suspect us going when they leave." He looked to Misty and Astral. "Going there would put us at risk too, if they return there's plenty of items in there to use against us that even I wouldn't know how to use."

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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2 minutes ago, Lucid_Nightlight said:

Lucid laughed when the sphinx got all angry at him when he mentioned Somnambula. He laughed harder when the sphinx thought she was actually dead!

"Silly sphinx, Somnambula is very much alive along with the other pillars of Equestria! Seriously, are you not caught up on the current events?"

He looked over to Discord and Fluttershy.

"You'd think she'd read a newspaper."

The Sphinx snorted, "Thats impossible. She would be hundreds of years old and ponies DO NOT LIVE THAT LONG" she growled flicking her tail. She cared not about the other pillars of Equestria they didn't cause her any problems. Apart from the Somnambula. She definitely did not like him, though she paused and thought, he didn't seem to be lying to her.

"Explain yourself, How is Somnambula still alive? Next you be telling me that Prince Hisan lives too" she hissed lashing her tail. She stared hard at him glaring at him. 






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@Blitz Boom

Rising Dusk could breath a sigh of relief as his explanation seemed to register with the large spider.  Well, at least in what he figured would pass as a good way to explain safety parameters in place of the way ponies grow up learning or derive from basic instinct.  Seeing as it wasn't likely that Molotov would program something like this to serve as instinct, it was going to have to be the learning route.  Not that he expected her to continue her duty as a guard, so having her think more on the types of threats she needs to intervene with could be rather beneficial.  And would help greatly in keeping those imaginary pitch forks the Boom family are scared of from appearing if Felicia had more restraint when interacting with ponies.  It was a good start from there, the rest will need to be filled in with experience.

Standing back up just in time to watch Felicia spray a quick web at the bucket that was their simulated 'threat'.  Vastly less terrifying to witness than for a sudden sharp foot to stab into a metal bucket like a hot knife through butter.  In fact, the rapid deployment of a net like that could indeed be rather useful in helping her detain threats rather than well, eliminate them.  Rusty had a slightly different concern though.  Pointing at the now webbed bucket.

"That washes off, right?"

Rising Dusk could only shrug.  Not going to pretend on knowing such things as the inner workings of web production.  Biological or mechanical.  At least Rusty seemed to have come around a bit, continuing the tour of the scrap yard, although a little more wiry for more possible falling objects that could dislodge from the piles of scrap.  This time she was taking the pair to the area by the main office, where the worker ponies gather for breaks and lunch.

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“I get the feeling that you don’t want me here. Why is that?” Watts wondered, looking at Enigma. She gauged his body reaction and his facial expressions and came to the conclusion that he didn’t seem to like her tagging along. “If you have plans, I could potentially help with them, whatever they are.”

@Blitz Boom


“Atzy isn’t responding to any of my questions about what she wants. Yes, I’m calling Atzy a she because that’s what her voice sounds like. She also gave herself the name Atzy so there’s that too,” Karmic spoke, closing her eyes to properly try and speak to Atzy. So far, it’s just been a forced upon voice but now that she actually wants to speak? No answer.

@Blitz Boom, @Moonlit, @Seamore Sandwich, @BloodDrops, @Lucid_Nightlight, @Storm Shine, @EQ_Theta


“As much as I would love to learn all about these books and what they contain, I kinda can’t be trapped here for all eternity, and neither can my friends,” Twiligjt told the Sphinx despite looking around at all the books around her. It was sorely tempting I crack a book open and start reading. If given a set limit, she old most likely get through maybe a quarter of the books within a weeek but even then she wouldn’t know what to do with all the knowledge. She managed to squeeze through a couple towers of the books and looked through the bars at Onache. “You’re getting flustered, Onache. Maybe now you realise being like Thorax isn’t a bad thing?”



What else am I meant to put here?


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@Blitz Boom @Storm Shine @Lucid_Nightlight @BloodDrops @Dji @Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich

"Somnambula is very much alive," Fluttershy added, pouring a cup of tea, still warm despite all of this time locked up and talking. 

"Twilight needed help to defeat the Pony of Shadows, and so she brought the Pillars of Equestria back from Limbo. Somnambula doesn't look like she's worse for wear and looks fairly young. I couldn't say the same about Prince Hisan though."

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@Lucid_Nightlight @Dji @Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich @Storm Shine @EQ_Theta @Lucid_Nightlight

Onache was too furious at the ponies to really get scared of the sphinx right now. The large feline were not the only of these beings who threatened to squish her, and there were only so much you could shake at a threat before you began to get somewhat jaded to a similar or lesser threat, such at the sphinx.

She were about to give a response to said sphinx, and explain what she had meant about the deals and who she were truly blaming, when the threats ended, and she were plunged towards the sand beneath. A situation magic could fix easily, yet right now, that were not possible, and the angle combined with the relative short height meant that she would end up with a face full of sand in just a moment now.

Just before she hit the ground though, something popped up from the sand and softened her fall. A large, leathery flower, sprung by the draconequus who had now finally figured out how to alter herself enough for the time being to be able to use her magic again, despite the large gem hovering in the air. Granted, Anomaly had also grown a bulbous green maw on the tip of her tail that tried to snap at different folks, and a swan wing on her left side, but that was side effects. Couldn't have everything all *perfect and easy*.

"Got you, grumpy bug lady. Want me to go find your friend too, so you can talk about how you're gonna be all colorful and happy now?"

"...Fine, fetch Happy Hour if you are able. At least I shall have a trusted being with me then."

"Yey, this is gonna be a real party! I'm gonna go find sneaky bug pony. But first-"

She streeetched over to Lucid's side and talked excitedly in his ear.

"This is gonna be real special, so special food. I want something fun, like a ball of nectar, dipped in pure honey, milk chocolate and anti freeze. It's so sweet it will melt through your stomach, but it's sooooo good! See ya."

Anomaly licked lucid on the side of his face with an over-sized tongue, grinned, and then dug herself into the ground and went away to see if she could find the drone in question. She were pretty sure she'd heard the name in Ponyville, so it was gonna be a piece of cake.

Uuuh, she should bring cake back with her. That would be great.

Onache rose from the flower, with the thoughts flowing through her head on what to do, and what it would mean to try and go against everything here, and run off to make her move elsewhere.

First off, there wouldn't be an escape. As had been obviously started by the sphinx, you could not leave the desert without a deal, and if Onache ran from her current one, she would have none. Either the desert would take her then, or she would just end back here, beaten and desperate enough to make a less favorable deal.

Then were the option that she could stay, and simply not take ponies as prisoners and food source, yet what were the odds of that working without issue? There were limited numbers of beings outside of ponies, with griffons being the main choice as dragons tended to be more trouble than worth, and the formerly mentioned avian species could be a big issue as well, with their innate violent tendencies, and general strong will. It would take a good deal more out of her to keep them down, and for what? Their love were not as easily accessible as what ponies could give, so she'd need a big flock just to break even. and changing ponies would go against several parts of the deal, for the sphinx as well as the changeling. She were being backed into a corner, and her options seemed dim with every step her mind took.

Urgh, she needed Happy here... His intelligence were not as high as hers, but she knew that she could trust him. He might put some perspective on things for her, and help guide her for once. About time too, considering how long she had led him for.

A fleeting smile vaguely showed on her face as her last drone's face got into her mind. The one she had the least control over, yet by far her most loyal subject to date. He followed her willingly and didn't question her orders, no matter what she had asked of the former human, and not once had she needed to exert force over him to make that happen.

As little joy as it may bring her to think of this little sliver of light in this gloomy setting, the weak smile didn't last long enough to likely even be seen. There were important decisions to make eventually here, yet before that, she had to mend a little scorched and salted ground. Especially with the sphinx, who seemed... More furious about something other than the changeling's attitude? A pony by the sound of it, who had taken her former temple from her. And one who were still alive, nonetheless? Interesting.

"I don't drink tea, but fine, I will partake in your... Gathering. And do not think that I am flustered, and suddenly swayed to think that Thorax is better, princess. I listen because I have lost, and humor the thought on what I may have to become because I may have starving subjects otherwise, but I have yet to be convinced that your passive ways are the right one, or even a possible one. Far as I know, your *reform* includes having to regret what you've done, yes? A hard sell to a changeling queen."

She held back the snarky tone and settled on a more *dignifying others opinions matters* attitude, in case her persona would cause more ire to the sphinx. For a large feline that were clearly not shy of holding herself above others, it was impressive how sensitive she were about others doing the same, honestly.

As for the excuse for the comment regarding the deals before... This seemed like a bad time. Perhaps later, when this strange pony they spoke off were no longer such a hot topic.

Over at the regular tables, the bunny and the dracolisk were currently munching on a few things. It helped Lotus relax a little, whilst the dracolisk honestly just wanted something to eat. He'd have a nap on a dry, hard surface as soon as he were done tasting a few things more. Lotus would instead keep hoping that they weren't all set on fire by the sphinx in some way.



@Catpone Cerberus

"Of course I'll help, silly. Come here."

Berry would attempt to quickly go forth and give the siren a hug, though if she missed, she'd go back to just smiling and trying to bring the positive vibes. Things were going pretty mixed right now with the siren looking like it hurt knowing that she had essentially banished herself, yet being a little willing to take a step out and try to see the world as it were now. Frankly the reason why Berry would try to hug the wet creature, as that were the pony way of comforting. She wasn't sure if sirens had the same thing, but it should be a clear enough message, right?

"We'll see if we can't get Twilight to have a chat with you, and ask her to keep Starswirl and his goons away. And if she starts trying something with you, I'll clock her out so you can get away. She doesn't look that tough really. Typical unicorns, you know? Well okay, alicorn now, but that's recent, and she still looks like she have the upper body strength of a fly.

So, wanna go look for some fish for you first? I know a few lakes and streams we can harvest some fish from. Just watch out for suspiciously nagging insects. They might be spy cams from Them."

So now she had a siren as a friend it seemed? Cool. It wasn't a massive revelation that would crush The Conspiracy, as she had hoped, but it was a pretty neat prize anyway, and perhaps this one wouldn't think Berry were crazy when she talked about all the things that were set out there to control everyday ponies. The siren had a whole new, fresh perspective on things, so she might not be as blinded to the truth as those poor, indoctrinated ponies everywhere.



@Catpone Cerberus

"There's a whole bunch we haven't shown or told yet, Ruby. We've just gotten to know one another, and a mare needs herself some secrets."

"So does a dashing griffon. But if you want to know a few smaller things, I'm sure that would be okay."

"That depends on what y-"

"I've worked for Spice for six years now, and that I come from a town outside of Equestria. The name isn't important."

"If you interrupt me one more time, I'm gonna tell her what it is, hotshot.

As for something more interesting than this featherweight, I come from Las Pegasus. Gambling capitol of Equestria. Don't live there anymore, but I come around to take a stab at the casino now and again, among other things.

And yeah, this dolt lives there too, but don't start thinking there's anything in it. It's just easier to have him in one of the guest rooms, and this cheapskate don't mind saving on rent."

"I pay my fair part, Mrs. Tax-evader."

"You call it evading, I say *bleeding a loophole dry*. Same thing.

Now you, Ruby, if you don't wanna share where you're from, then how about what got you into the hoarding business. Just like to imagine that you're a dragon, or are you trying to buy something?"




"It's never easy to lose a parent. You both have my deepest sympathy for your loss."

Rosa could see how it hurt Lin to speak about her parents, and Sen to even listen to it. It were good that he hadn't followed and been consumed by this either, but Lin had, and she had told him. It would tear into the wounds regardless of whatever or not he had been looking at it or not, and with the guilt Sen carried, it were bound to be even worse.

Whatever happened to that Salosan character he did not know, but he hoped that whatever it were, he had suffered. Continuously so, if he were still alive. Some things weren't possible to forgive, and even when he knew barely nothing of their stories, Rosa could see the damage it had left. The parents had been in full view of him, the effect it had on Lin in the moment, and Sen now... Nothing minor had been the cause of this.

He turned to stare into the fire after giving his sincere condolences to the siblings, chewing down slowly on the apple and felt the juices flow around his gums. He stood like that for a time, slowly chewing through the piece before gulping down.

Facing the group again, Rosa took off his mask, and looked directly at Lin, whilst the flames reflected in his dark eyes.

"My father was the only pony that ever really mattered to me. He rose me alone when Filigree left him with me as best he could, even with all the work he needed to do. No matter how dire his own life were getting, he did everything to keep me safe, and happy...

He got severe dementia a few years ago. I didn't take it all that well. A lot of drinking, pushing away any friends I once had, that kind of thing. I spent a year being absent from his life then, while he sat in the hospital and waited for the few visits I felt like I could muster. I'll always feel guilty for leaving him behind in that state to feel sorry for myself, instead of being there to comfort him in his hardest time.

He can't remember that anymore. A year weren't kind to his memories, and about a half year ago, I knew that he was gone. Lost in his own mind, with no easy way back. We lived isolated and the laws were insanely strict, so I could even try anything alternative, like zebra medication. They caught me every time I had tried, and I had nopony to call on.

So I planned to fall into my work, and just keep at it like a machine, to keep my mind away from this. It went well for a little while, but it was only a few weeks later when I accidentally found out what that work meant.

They had always told us that it was to protect our town, and gather important intel that was vital to our relations with other nations, and other garbage like that. Indoctrinated us to never question it, and I wouldn't have either, if I hadn't overheard them talk about the personal gains it gave them. The work that had consumed my life, and my fathers, had been for nothing more than lining their pockets. And when I looked into what the consequences were..."

Rosa threw the half-eaten apple to the ground, not feeling hungry anymore as the buildup were making him feel sick. "

"Businesses collapsing, causing hundreds or even thousands to end up without a job and sometimes home. Contracts that would have helped those in need, information swaying a corrupt judge, collapse of infrastructure, intense blackmail, and so on.

I ruined more lives than I could count, because I didn't ask questions. So I grabbed as many documents as I could from the innermost vault, and I flew off, as quickly as I could, until I found the only place that would harbor a fugitive of my crimes. King Thorax. A changeling with a bigger heart than should be possible, and a naivety that made him give me a chance to fix things. But there's no fixing what I've done.

I've helped him understand politics as best I can, whilst giving him the information I had and directing him on how to give them back to who mattered, and incriminating the ones ultimately responsible. It have done some damage, and mended a little, but it doesn't make up for the lives I ruined. No matter what I do, it doesn't.

That's what you saw in there. The scores of beings standing in huddles, shaking, crying, begging at graves, all starring at me and asking why... They're what I imagine when I think of my victims, especially now, when I have been given this strong visual..."

A tear fell from his eye, but he kept going. He either finished this now, or he'd shut up like a clam and forever stay silent.

"The one behind me, begging for me to help him, was my father. Thrown at the inquisitors, and tortured for information about where I was. Something he'd never be able to answer, but they would never listen if they had him. That's why I didn't turn around to look at them. If I had seen even a scratch on my father, it wouldn't matter if they were illusions, I would have rushed over to him without thinking..."

The smell of burnt apple reached his nostrils, as Omen took her apple off the fire and tried taking a bite from the scorched bottom half that had almost caught fire, but he didn't care about that, as much as wiping the tear that had rolled down from his left eye

"I thought that I had myself under control before we went in there, but I was wrong, and it could have ruined your lives too. One day, I hope that you can forgive me for this, but for now, all I can do is explain myself."



@Rising Dusk

"ℕ𝕠. ℝ𝕖𝕞𝕠𝕧𝕒𝕝 𝕒𝕦𝕥𝕠𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕."

This one was going to be tough to explain for the spiderbot, as she didn't have many words for numbers in her system, and decaying rate of spiderweb weren't something she had a lot of ideas how to put out as well.

So instead she wandered quickly in front of Dusky, then used her forelegs to crudely write an answer into the ground.

Web decay after 30 minutes. No bio hazards.

It were an effective substance, but it did put to question if Molotov really only used spiders for his robots because it were easier, or if some of the things he had read through the other researcher had influenced his thoughts. Say, perhaps a compound to make webbing, as biology clearly wasn't his specialty, so he had to learn it from somewhere else.

Regardless, it seemed like the air had been cleansed somewhat, as Rusty kept the tour going, so things were going well once more. Pleasing to her, though seeing them go towards the office made the spiderbot wonder whatever or not they would run into others now. They had kept clear so far, but it wouldn't hold forever, surely.

Hopefully this were just overthinking it, and things would go well, without her having to web anypony that would attempt to damage her.




Enzo leaned in close to the pony as he heard that there was no response from the parasite.

"If I held the power of the older sphinx, I could have torn her out and made her to speak. As I do not, I instead beseech her to talk, and state her demands, lest she prefers to find a cure for her presence instead."

He did not know what could be done, but he knew the strength of his better. There were always a way to get something done, as long as you were willing to pay the price.




"You may be made of that sister, but you need to not waste magic. We can't empower you forever.

But yes, let's go. The faster we get this done the better."

With that, Emerald opened the door, and walked through to the other side.

The place looked as gloomy and dark as ever. The earth around them were moist, the towering trees covering the place and likely keeping it hidden for most were thick and gnarled, and the skies above ever-cloudy. How things grew here were beyond her, but it were clear all around them. Apple trees hanging with golden variants, bushes filled with sickly berries, large vegetation spouting out of the ground, and so forth. Nothing normal grew here, but the potential of any of it were also exponentially greater, if you knew what to do.

A shadow passed by, and Emerald took a step back, covering under a large mushroom of some kind, as she glanced up towards the ghastly creature floating above them, draped in dark cloth. Not the owners of this place, but guards they needed to avoid regardless, if they wanted to succeed. They had a little way to sneak in, and it should be done undetected.




"Not true. General Screecher have some pretty nifty string-weapons she attach to her hooves as her main one. But I don't think I have enough time for that. I asked about the axe mainly because I have one ready that just never did anything, yet not in the muzzle? Oh boy, this one's tricky."

"Perhaps if you inscribe it with the same runes his feather haves, he could control it the same way? I admit to not understand much of how this works, but is this possible, General Wings?"

Dew figured he'd pop in and offer his opinion on this little dilemma, though he wasn't sure if it would lead to anything. May well be the magic wings only worked on the feathers, though at least they'd know for sure then,, so they could think of other options.




"Okay, that's a major pain in the flank. Though aren't there something we could grab and run off with quickly? A book or something that might give us some details, if nothing else."

Iron had brought up some fair points on that being their home, and them having the home advantage there, but dangit. They had to be able to use their position to something, right? And if not, could they at least finally go and get something to eat? He knew he kept thinking on this, but it had been a loooong day, and he could frankly go for something else than air and fear.

Knowing full well that Iron could read his thoughts - though not aware if he had to focus or something - Chow tried to make it a little weird by imagining he ate in his meat storage. Sure, not everypony were all that fickle with hanging slabs of meat, or ground beef/whatever he could get his hooves on, but he were sure this would be a neat little prank, with nothing bad coming from it. Witches had surely seen worse than a wild hog cut in pieces.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom
Nada didn't dodge out of the way of the hug, but it was mostly because she didn't realize anything before it was too late due her still trying to accept the truth about her situation. When the hug made contact, her muscles tensed up, but otherwise she didn't seem to react besides slight confusion rising on her face, she knew what hug was as a concept, but she had thought it was something ponies did only to each other. Again, she didn't interrupt the pony. 

"Thank you." Nada thanked as she finally came fully off the water and was now floating in the air above it "I'd like to get some fish first....it has been a while since I last ate one." she purposely ignored the part about the spy cams and didn't comment on it, she had no idea what they were, or what the pony was talking about in general most of the time...something then hit her Starswirl. "Wait..Starswirl or whatever, wasn't that the bearded pony?" "Are you saying he's still alive?" "And his friends too?" the fear was again apparent in her voice, "How?"


Ruby yet again listened the back and forth without interrupting, she had heard about Las Pegasus, but name was really the only thing she knew about it, though she had heard rumors that there was plenty of shiny things, but that stealing them was almost impossible.

"Well, you could say it's a bad habit, I have always liked me some fortune, in fact, I have a sixth sense for certain materials." her sixth sense was something that was unusual for even for a dragon, because though dragons did notice shiny things better than other creatures, her sense allowed to see them where they couldn't be seen, she could feel them even through walls, "And to prove my point...." she continued to explain the exact position, size, and shape of the area that the bits inside the wagon took, and also mentioned if there was any other pieces of precious metals or gems of any short in the wagon. After finishing, Ruby had smug smile on her face, she knew she would enjoy the reaction, no matter what it was. 


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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