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Rainbow Rocks


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If it involves some music talent competition, there should be a twist ending where Twilight and co. loses to some other non-villain band. Like the CMC beat them and win the competition with Sweetie Bell being the natural talented better singer.

No, no, no. If they win, it's because everyone was laughing out loud and decided to troll vote for them.


Signature by JellyBean.

I'm derping your computer as we speak...

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I will be ok with this.. I hope they add some death/black metal and that they growl and headbang on stage..


on a more serious note im not critical when i watch something and doesnt notice plotholes that easily so i will probably enjoy it. I liked the first one




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It has the same voice cast and writers, and a whole ton of new Daniel Inghram music. You  will all enjoy the movie, despite any protests you may currently claim to have.

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To be honest I'm more worried about how the fandom will react then the actual movie (I'm neutal towards it) hopefully since some people liked Equestria girls, the freak out won't be as big as the last one. 


While I can't speak for any of the other bronies, I can tell you that, yes, I am freaking out as much as I did with the last one. In fact this one looks even worse. We are meant to assume that these characters are nearly identical to their pony counterparts, which means they are already secure in their talents and interests, and none of them have ever shown any interest in becoming musicians (Pinkie Pie is the closest to doing so, but they've already made it clear she has can break physics to make a friend more comfortable, so I'm not quite sure where to count that). In fact Fluttershy can barely handle one on one interactions with new people, standing confidently on a stage is very out of character for her. In the episode Hearth's Warming Eve they could barely get her on stage. She was hiding in a box because she was thinking about the crowd, and this Fluttershy is likely even worse because of how used she is to just being by herself. Show Stoppers is the closest we've ever come to any MLP character being in a band, and the lesson at the end of that episode was that you should focus on what you love rather than what sounds cool. And seeing as this band thing seems to be the main plot of this story, and the very idea of them in a band ignores who these characters are, then that's already a very big problem that is well worth freaking out over. I'm trying to keep in mind that it could be good (or at least entertaining) as well, but with just the "they're in a band" think to go on, I'm feeling kind of cynical.


I really do want to give this movie a fair chance, but I kind of feel like the characters in Bridle Gossip where I don't know what's going on, but I'm assuming the worse. I know I shouldn't, and I know that attitude didn't work out for anyone in Bridle Gossip. I'll still give the movie a fair chance when I watch it, but until then, I'll be listing off all the ways it could go wrong.


To help put my mind at ease, I try thinking of reasons why they would be in a band and why they transform. It's just my little theories about what's going on and I'm probably way off, but for some reason it makes me feel better about the movie because even if it may not be the right answer, is an answer I feel comfortable with, and with an answer I stop guessing at how bad it's going to be.



After seeing what they could do at the end of the first movie, the mane 5 become fascinated with the magic. However, with our Twilight gone and the portal closed for 30 moons, they need to find a different way to access these powers. They track down their universe's version of Twilight, but because she never had to make friends, she's very much like our Twilight in the first episode, bookish, studious, awkward, and sees these over friendly characters as crazy (especially since they are out of the blue showing up and trying to be her friend, and she believes this even more so when she finds out the reason they are trying to be her friend). They try many different ways to recreate what they had with our Twilight, but nothing seems to be working. After failing with the song and dance thing, one of them begins to play with an guitar(or drums) and the notice a bit of the magic. They all take an instrument (except Twilight who's still weirded out by what's going on), and begin to transform. They then decide the best way to find out about the magic of friendship is to form a band. With the help of Flash Sentry (because he's already a musician, and I'm pretty sure they will all need music lessons), they learn more about each other, and the power of music. However, part of the evil magic Sunset Shimmer created in the first movie is still lingering around, infecting many of the students and the only way to save the school is to join the battle of the bands so that their music and friendship can reach everyone and clear out the last traces of Sunset's magic.


The reason this Twilight has wings despite the fact that because there's not enough magic or people to wield it for human Twilight to have ascended to alicorn state and even if there was, this Twilight wouldn't have learned about the magic of friendship, which is what helped our Twilight become a princess. However, I believe that the transformation of the human versions in the first movie was the result of our Twlight's image of her pony friends put on top of their human counterparts. It's not because the elements of harmony came from Equestria, but because Twilight did, and her expectation of what the elements of harmony should look like influenced the forms of the others when they accessed the magic. The reason they turn back into the pony hybrids is because that's what they think they should look like when they access this power; it's their expectation on what would happen. And if the form is influenced by the expectations of the group, then it makes sense why human universe Twilight would have wings because that's what everyone thinks she should look like when they access this magic. It's also why the pony mane 6 don't transform when they use the elements of harmony; they don't expect it to do so. They expected some powerful magic that would destroy all the bad guys, which is what they got.


As for the reason music unleashes this powerful magic that took nearly being killed to activate in the first movie and is rarely used in the show except in the most dire of circumstances, well, I can't really think of a good answer to that. If I were to shove some reason in there, I'd say something about how you put your soul into music (even though the music in the trailer is kind of a weak, souless pop song), and by playing together, they are able to connect on a deeper level and thus activate the transformations, or something like that.


In my version, yes, there will still be the romance between Twilight and Flash, but it will be even more awkward because this Twilight never developed a crush on him and since this Twilight will be like episode one Twilight, she might even see crushes as silly. Meanwhile Flash still has feelings for Twilight, but he's struggling with the knowledge that while this Twilight is very similar to the one he met, she's not the same person. It also doesn't help that he assumes this is the Twilight he knew when they first meet and it puts human Twilight even more on edge because everyone is talking to her like they've already met her when she's never seen these people before in her life. Granted, in the first episode all the characters acted extremely friendly to Twilight, but even then she wrote them off as weird and crazy.



  • Brohoof 1

Chip          Clover          Honey Seed   


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I've decided that the plot of this movie will be that parasprites went through the portal and turned into tribbles, and they must play music to attract them and get them out of Equestria High.  I have declared this plot to be true... even if it obviously isn't :D

I like this one. It is sufficiently strange for my tastes. Well done. :)


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That's what i said when I saw the trailer. Please. Not. Another. I mean, it might be good, but.. If it is as good as the last one, than it's not going to be good! I'm kinda excited to see it, if it really is good. But seriously, why another? Now? It's just been a season since the last!  :(


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Are they stupid enough to make an unneeded sequel because of all the money they made in the box office? Unfortunately so.

Ah heck, you could say that about almost any sequel...


This is going to become an annual thing like those Barbie CG movies and Bratz (and now Fairytale High) specials, isn't it? :eww:


Also: Notice the complete absence of Sunset Shimmer in the entire trailer.

Hey, it's less than a minute's worth of footage. From the look of it there won't be much antagony in this (as in most girls' specials).


Though I have to say this...



Edited by Jangobadass

"It's like I found a piece of myself I didn't even know was missing!"

How do you think WE feel?!

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My thoughts so far:


1. I agree with the fact that the music sounds like soulless pop. I hope the trailer doesn't complete reflect the final product, because I believe Daniel Ingram could do better than this. While I do think the battle of the bands idea sounds interesting, I hope that they put a twist on said cliche like they did with some of the high school and teen sitcom cliches.


2. I notice that Vinyl Scratch has been featured quite a bit in the material concerning Rainbow Rocks, being on the cover of the book, and it might be just me but a slight, but significant amount of focus seemed to be on her. I'm worried about her ascending background pony status because it might be seen as-dare I say it- pandering.


3. I'm also worried about the lack of Sunset Shimmer in the trailer. It would be disappointing if Sunset didn't appear or was show or mentioned very little because how could any of the characters just ignore for her previous actions. Plus, I think she has some potential to be an interesting reformed-villain type character. (While I'm on the topic of characterization, how's about the writer give Flash Sentry a an actual personality.)


To sum up, I'm excited to see the sequel because I really wanted the human universe to be expanded a little more, but a little voice in my head is nagging me to be cautious and not to get my hopes up too high. Either way I'm definitely watching this. Wait, when did they say Rainbow Rocks would be released?


Trailer: Fall 2014



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I notice that Vinyl Scratch has been featured quite a bit in the material concerning Rainbow Rocks, being on the cover of the book, and it might be just me but a slight, but significant amount of focus seemed to be on her. I'm worried about her ascending background pony status because it might be seen as-dare I say it- pandering.

Um... the first movie was full of it. I will admit that, but hey! More pandas!



To sum up, I'm excited to see the sequel because I really wanted the human universe to be expanded a little more, but a little voice in my head is nagging me to be cautious and not to get my hopes up too high. Either way I'm definitely watching this. Wait, when did they say Rainbow Rocks would be released? Trailer: Fall 2014 :o....NOOOOOOOOOOOO-etc.



Signature by JellyBean.

I'm derping your computer as we speak...

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For me, all I can say is that S5 won't be cut in half, which is always a good thing.

I think they might've learned their lesson the first time.


Signature by JellyBean.

I'm derping your computer as we speak...

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Than sometime aftr that tweet she posted this




so yeah

She never specifically says it's not cannon there, just that if you choose not to accept it, it won't break head cannon.


In another post, she states that it is cannon in the sense that Twilight had this experience and she learned from it. It's cannon, Hasbro is just being careful on how they say it so not to upset fanboys.

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She never specifically says it's not cannon there, just that if you choose not to accept it, it won't break head cannon.


In another post, she states that it is cannon in the sense that Twilight had this experience and she learned from it. It's cannon, Hasbro is just being careful on how they say it so not to upset fanboys.

Tho I was initially confused by the wording used by of them, I interpreted it as "you can choose whether or not you think it's canon, and that the show won'f contradict that", but I must admit your interpretation sounds more believable. Whatever, if they choose to associate that literary mess with the show than fine, I can just choose to stop caring about the show.

Edited by Sir Wulfington

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Tho I was initially confused by the wording used by of them, I interpreted it as "you can choose whether or not you think it's canon, and that the show won'f contradict that", but I must admit your interpretation sounds more believable. Whatever, if they choose to associate that literary mess with the show than fine, I can just choose to stop caring about the show.

Doesn't it seem a bit ridiculous to stop caring about the show based upon 2 movies? I mean in comparison we're going to have over 100 episodes eventually. That's over 2200 minutes, or over 36 hours of content. Is it really worth just throwing that all aside over 2 and a half hours of "bad" content?

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Doesn't it seem a bit ridiculous to stop caring about the show based upon 2 movies? I mean in comparison we're going to have over 100 episodes eventually. That's over 2200 minutes, or over 36 hours of content. Is it really worth just throwing that all aside over 2 and a half hours of "bad" content?z

Well actually thinking about it a bit more, the movie never had any real effect on the show's continuity, however, the plot hole or more that bother me ruin any sequel the movie gets, so I already don't care about rainbow rocks. That plot hole being how

Sunset Shimmer knew about the location of the element of magic, that Twilight's crown was the element of magic, which was her entire reason for going through the portal and stealing it, leading to Twilight going in and fixing all the problems that she wound up fixing (the human mane five's relationship, redeeming Sunset). Or how she even knew what the element would do to her in that world



So the movie's believability fell apart as a result. Since I can't believe the events that led to Twilight going in the portal and fixing all that stuff, any believability of a sequel to that canon is thus shattered.  

Edited by Sir Wulfington
  • Brohoof 1

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  • 2 weeks later...

I liked Equestria girls don't get me wrong, I really do but I hope this doesn't become a bad habit Equestria girls movie but I am still going to watch the movie hopefully sunset shimmer would be in the movie

- Envy Noson was here -

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Hmm, Part of me wants to scream " WHYYYYY" at it, but the other half of me. I'm kinda excited, I'm interested to see how this is going to turn out. As stated in this thread before, we have heard of a EG universe Twilight, but we never saw her in the first EG ( since that was Twi going through the mirror).


Last of all, Where's Sunset?, I'd love to see if she really did change after EG.

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I personally loved the first one and cant wait to see how they will do on a second. The first one actually started my MlP Fandom as a brony. I gave it a try and now have tons of shirts and toys.


I believe a aecond one will be amazing and I cant wait! I hope for some more great music numbers. Helping Twilight Win The Crown is a personal favorite.

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