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Rainbow Rocks


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Finished watching the whole thing from a dude's camera, because its not showing near me.


I think I liked it more than the first one, but not by much. It wasn't bad or anything, but I didn't love it. I thought it was weird that they made Rainbow Dash a huge douche the whole movie. I was like : /

Edited by Banul


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I just watched it, not in theaters though if you catch my drift ;)


It was good, way better than I expected it to be. Although I wish more interaction went on in the slumber party. Or just more of the slumber party in general. Although I gotta say, wouldn't it be hilarious if they fed Sunset Shimmer and Twilight pepperoni pizza? No. Okay...


Annnnywho. It was a great movie, definitely gonna add the DVD to my Christmas list. :D

  • Brohoof 2
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Well all I have to say as a person who hasn't seen the film that: http://www.horse-news.net/2014/09/rainbow-rocks-full-leak.html#comment-form If even the guys from /mlp/, who are among the biggest haters for EQG are impressed  by RR's and calling it an improvement over the first one, then it's pretty much a given that yes, RR's is definitely worth your time if you enjoyed the first film.

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Is it on the Internet? I'd like to see it too.


*Casually coming in and dropping this in for those who haven't seen it*



This link here. Better get it fast, I doubt its going to stay up for long.

  • Brohoof 1


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Oh my goodness that movie was fantastic. Even better than the first one. I could just be hyped since I only left the theater 20 minutes ago, but DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN I loved it!


The whole movie seemed to have a pretty darn high budget, and it showed. It made the movie just look terrific.


My Pros the movie are:


+Spectacular soundtrack. The songs were solid, catchy, and fantastic. I'd give anything to have a copy for my iPod right now.

+Sunset Shimmer Redemption! She was treated so well, and it felt great for those who support the newly reformed Sunset. She was a real sweetheart who's truly changed. I'm very happy for her.

+The plot was pretty darn decent even though it was built on the band cliche.

+Great villains. Did I mention they were all as sexy as holy hell?

+Dat ending after the credits! I was just sitting in the theater like:






There was only two real cons that I could pick out from the movie


which was how after the Dazzlings were defeated, they just "left". I hate it when movies do that. It's like "Oooh the villains are defeated now they leave with their heads hanging!" And the second would be Flash Sentry. Screw that guy. I'm so glad they didn't kiss at the end there. That would've ruined it for me.



Now I really want to see a third movie! Overall 9/10. Score may change later if I see it again or my hype level finally goes down.



Edited by takai
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I just watched it earlier today in theaters with some fellow bronies and OMG was it amazing!!!! I loved seeing the characters again and seeing Maud Pie, Derpy, Lyra, Octavia, etc. Twilight and Spike were great in this and loved seeing them at Pinkie's house for the slumber party. Sunset was really good too, and I felt bad for her in the movie being remembered as the villain and people judging her and avoiding her. The Dazzlings were creepy and really good villains and I sort of figured that they were sirens considering they seem to feed off something involving emotions. I thought this was a good sequel, better than the first in some ways. Definitely gonna get it on DVD once it comes out!

  • Brohoof 3


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I'm not gonna write a lengthy review because that's not my style. But I loved it sooo much. :wub: It was great that Trixie actually had a legitimate role. The best parts are all the little things they put in for the fans, like Lyra and Bon Bon singing a duet.




  • Brohoof 4

Signature by Lacerna | You should fill out my Johari Window. All the cool kids are doing it.

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I watched it via camrip today, and compared to the teenage 6 movies of my childhood, it doesn't stack up at all.


But compared to the original EqG, it is a vast improvement. Everything felt alot tighter, we got a bunch more fan pandering and Sunset had some actual development. Now, I would not say the movie is anywhere near perfection as it still had issues dealing with rather well worn tropes, and there were several plot inconsistencies by the mid way point. But as a movie for children, against more renown films like Frozen, it gets a solid 7.5/10. The Dazzlings music was better than that of the rainbooms in my opinion (as the Rainbooms music sounded rather generic disney radio/kidz boop) and it was a nice change in the musical style of the franchise. The ending was again just WMD'd, but the atleast added some spice into it by finally gaining a 7th ranger. 


Overall, the parts I enjoyed most were sunset's improvements and personal arc, and the Dazzlings singing. Everything else felt solid, but lacked charm and pizzazz, and thusly felt kinda mediocre.



I think the best way to sum up my feelings about the movie is this: It is a PB&J sandwich made by a gourmet chef. It is well done, expertly crafted and certainly tasty. But at the end of the day, it is still just a fooqin PB&J. So compared to other better sandwiches (ex a Philly cheese steak) it will loose the competition any day of the week in any year, but compared to the smashed up older sibling made pb&j we got before, it is a ton better.

Edited by M'aiq the Liar
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Don't listen to them, it's a trap!
Sirens have always been a very cool mythological creature in my opinion, and I liked how they were introduced as  having been banished to this world under the pretense that Starswirl thought they could do no harm; which while incorrect, is fully believable, as Celestia said not even she knew much about this other world back in the first movie. Fair to say Starswirl didn't either, so that kind of lack of judgement is at least understandable. I had a feeling they were sirens before the title sequence even happened, so totally called it, as I'm sure many, many other people did as well.

Also liked the artist's choice of how they'd appear back in Equestria. Reminds me of Hippocamps, the sea horses made of water that pulled Poseidon's chariot in Greek Mythology. Essentially, they look like dragon sea horses, which is a nice tie-in, since the original Sirens from myth were also water-based creatures that caused shipwrecks with their songs. Anyone who knows me knows that I really love to see new creatures in this franchise, and am always excited to see what choices the writers choose to include next. Glad to see another favorite of mine was added to the mythology.

* The siren forms actually look a lot like the Windigoes, except water-based, not snow/ice/cold based. Also interesting.

Sunset Buddy
Enjoyment of the antagonist's identities aside, I also got a lot more interest in Sunset's character through this movie. She seemed very believable, certainly much more than the too-quick-for-comfort change of heart through sudden tears at the end of the first movie. She was helpful but also had that sense of feeling out of place, from what she did in her past, and then as the movie progressed, continually wanted to have more of a role in proving herself.

Another interesting thing:
* Nightmare Moon and Luna are technically different entities with different states of mind, so she doesn't count
* Discord was 'reformed' but then regressed, and only now with the end of S4 has been truly 'reformed'
* Trixie was 'reformed', but then was never seen again in the show.

This makes Shimmer the first villain of the franchise who was reformed, and then became a complete, full-fledged member of the main cast. Sure it's not '100% canon', but it's certainly something.

Random thoughts:
* "Are you kidding? We're BESTIES now. SLUMBERPARTYATMYHOUSE!"
* Twi and Shimmer bonding is now cute :3 I friendship it.
* Oh my lawd, Maud xD
* Ears.jpg is loading. Ears.jpg is experiencing technical difficulties: 'Talent.png' not found. Shutting down. *POP*
* I share the awkward pain of the audience, stop rapping, Snips and Snails, before my ears bleed D:
* Not cool, Photo Finish.
* Shimmer holding on to Spike while everyone performs is also cute, not sure why.
* Pressure from the New Bitches to the Ex-Bitch D: Don't listen to them, Shimmer, your hair is still better.
* Great song, and a fantastic tournament chart montage, hot dayum.
* And the Trixie fanboys all imploded with joy x)
* Rainbow Ego hits the stage, and all Dash fanboys including myself chuckle with amusement as she is tackled to the ground xD
* Wow, goddamn Shimmer is having a tournament montage of her own in my head throughout this movie, kicking one character after another as she rises in my liked characters list.
* That was an epic final battle, for a music battle x) Freakin' lazers and sound wave blasts, and a look at the Dazzling's real forms. And to boot, Shimmer finally getting her chance to prove herself, and to demonstrate her dedication to her reformation. And OH BOY, giant horse cloud is delivering the Rainbow of Death this time! No more singing ability, bitches, your siren days are over, yay!
* So that's why I keep hearing 'Trixie won the only battle that really mattered'. All you anti-Flashlight fans who hiss like a vampire in sunlight whenever they're even on screen at the same time xD You guys are too much, taking shit so seriously.

In conclusion...
I really enjoyed it. It had a lot of the same in-character gags, humor, cameos and other things that made it interesting to see what would happen next, even more than the first one, plus a new storyline with a (imo more interesting) set of villains. If absolutely nothing else, we got:
* A fantastic new creature added to the ever-expanding lore of the Equestrian Universe, that was spot-on in depiction in how they captivate and cause their own form of disharmony among other creatures.
* A very-well handled villain reformation. It looked weak at the end of the first movie, but at the very least, they did very well in transitioning her to a full-fledged protagonist through this movie.

I guess now we just wait for the inevitable third one to come =P

  • Brohoof 6


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I loved the dazzlers' songs!  

i really liked sunset shimmer in this movie, too.  



since the dazzlers were banished by star swirl the bearded, that would make them REALLY old.  sunset shimmer is probably at least twice twilight's age as well.  but they're all about the same physical age as human twilight.  would that mean creatures banished to the human world are immortal?  the regular humans age normal, as do ponies in equestria.  so the human mane 5 would grow old and sunset shimmer would never age.    :(  that's kinda sad. 


Edited by ScumCandy
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Ok so my Build a Bear ponies and I (mane 6, Twixie and CMC and of course Spike) just watched the movie. It was good but I dont want to believe this is canon for a few reasons: 1) If it was canon why hasn't Twili used or talked about anything that has happened in EG and EG 2) She makes it seem so easy to walk again after she went back to being a pony, no stuttering or wobbling just easily walking. I'd expect that from Pinkie! OK now for a review: I think the movie was good in that Twixie and I got to fangirl over her moments. I wish Muscle Pony, Lyra and Bon Bon and Tavi could've talked or maybe won since really they did not talk or show really who won. I squeed when Maude showed up and ACTUALLY talked lol! She should've sang a song about rocks or played rocks in the movie. Anyway I think the movie was good all in all but of course like I said I do not think it is canon.



^^Click the pic for oc! Full-time Brony, Whovian, artist, Code Lyoko fan, video gamer, Soul Eater fan, Xiaolin Warrior, Alicorn!

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So far I think only one person here hated it. That can't be right, can it?




And I need to correct myself. Octavia did have an accent of sorts. Almost like Rarity crossed with Pinkie maybe. Prim and proper.



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I really loved the aspect of how Sunset became their friends and ultimately in the end, was the one to defeat the Dazzlings. I just really liked it. Another funny thing that I might as well mention is that when I went to see it with my fellow brony friend, more than 75% of the people in the theatre were bronies LMAO! My rating for the movie? Definitely 10/10. I could watch it anytime and probably never get bored. And that little sneak peek at the ending credits got me soooo #HYPE! So next EG movie they make is going to probably have 2 Twilights. Well, that ends it for my little discussion about the things I enjoyed about it! Hope you guys all liked it too! ;D *brohoofs all*

  • Brohoof 4


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Don't listen to them, it's a trap!

Sirens have always been a very cool mythological creature in my opinion, and I liked how they were introduced as having been banished to this world under the pretense that Starswirl thought they could do no harm; which while incorrect, is fully believable, as Celestia said not even she knew much about this other world back in the first movie. Fair to say Starswirl didn't either, so that kind of lack of judgement is at least understandable. I had a feeling they were sirens before the title sequence even happened, so totally called it, as I'm sure many, many other people did as well.


Also liked the artist's choice of how they'd appear back in Equestria. Reminds me of Hippocamps, the sea horses made of water that pulled Poseidon's chariot in Greek Mythology. Essentially, they look like dragon sea horses, which is a nice tie-in, since the original Sirens from myth were also water-based creatures that caused shipwrecks with their songs. Anyone who knows me knows that I really love to see new creatures in this franchise, and am always excited to see what choices the writers choose to include next. Glad to see another favorite of mine was added to the mythology.


* The siren forms actually look a lot like the Windigoes, except water-based, not snow/ice/cold based. Also interesting.


Sunset Buddy

Enjoyment of the antagonist's identities aside, I also got a lot more interest in Sunset's character through this movie. She seemed very believable, certainly much more than the too-quick-for-comfort change of heart through sudden tears at the end of the first movie. She was helpful but also had that sense of feeling out of place, from what she did in her past, and then as the movie progressed, continually wanted to have more of a role in proving herself.


Another interesting thing:

* Nightmare Moon and Luna are technically different entities with different states of mind, so she doesn't count

* Discord was 'reformed' but then regressed, and only now with the end of S4 has been truly 'reformed'

* Trixie was 'reformed', but then was never seen again in the show.


This makes Shimmer the first villain of the franchise who was reformed, and then became a complete, full-fledged member of the main cast. Sure it's not '100% canon', but it's certainly something.


Random thoughts:

* "Are you kidding? We're BESTIES now. SLUMBERPARTYATMYHOUSE!"

* Twi and Shimmer bonding is now cute :3 I friendship it.

* Oh my lawd, Maud xD

* Ears.jpg is loading. Ears.jpg is experiencing technical difficulties: 'Talent.png' not found. Shutting down. *POP*

* I share the awkward pain of the audience, stop rapping, Snips and Snails, before my ears bleed D:

* Not cool, Photo Finish.

* Shimmer holding on to Spike while everyone performs is also cute, not sure why.

* Pressure from the New Bitches to the Ex-Bitch D: Don't listen to them, Shimmer, your hair is still better.

* Great song, and a fantastic tournament chart montage, hot dayum.

* And the Trixie fanboys all imploded with joy x)

* Rainbow Ego hits the stage, and all Dash fanboys including myself chuckle with amusement as she is tackled to the ground xD

* Wow, goddamn Shimmer is having a tournament montage of her own in my head throughout this movie, kicking one character after another as she rises in my liked characters list.


* That was an epic final battle, for a music battle x) Freakin' lazers and sound wave blasts, and a look at the Dazzling's real forms. And to boot, Shimmer finally getting her chance to prove herself, and to demonstrate her dedication to her reformation. And OH BOY, giant horse cloud is delivering the Rainbow of Death this time! No more singing ability, bitches, your siren days are over, yay!

* So that's why I keep hearing 'Trixie won the only battle that really mattered'. All you anti-Flashlight fans who hiss like a vampire in sunlight whenever they're even on screen at the same time xD You guys are too much, taking shit so seriously.



In conclusion...

I really enjoyed it. It had a lot of the same in-character gags, humor, cameos and other things that made it interesting to see what would happen next, even more than the first one, plus a new storyline with a (imo more interesting) set of villains. If absolutely nothing else, we got:

* A fantastic new creature added to the ever-expanding lore of the Equestrian Universe, that was spot-on in depiction in how they captivate and cause their own form of disharmony among other creatures.

* A very-well handled villain reformation. It looked weak at the end of the first movie, but at the very least, they did very well in transitioning her to a full-fledged protagonist through this movie.


I guess now we just wait for the inevitable third one to come =P

I quote this in it's entirety because I feel it would have been a travesty to snip it.


Well said! Even though I've heard some complaints about a Dazzlings, I'm starting to believe they may be the smartest of the villains between both worlds. Well at least Adagio. Sonata was just prolly in it for Tacos. :yay:

Inb4 people say the sites were paied by Hasbro to give them positive reviews. Seriously, why is that an argument?

Oh noes Rainbowgate is upon us.

  • Brohoof 2



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I quote this in it's entirety because I feel it would have been a travesty to snip it.


Well said! Even though I've heard some complaints about a Dazzlings, I'm starting to believe they may be the smartest of the villains between both worlds. Well at least Adagio. Sonata was just prolly in it for Tacos. :yay:


Oh noes Rainbowgate is upon us.


Maybe...Adaigo was only a hop, skip and a jump away from being a Sunset Shimmer from Movie 1 carbon copy in a lot of scenes, to me. Bossy, big-haired chick with two less-intelligent cronies, who did all the plotting, and had sarcasm and insults waiting in the wings for anyone who interacted with her. I don't think it got to the point where she became less of a liked character, I enjoyed her enough, but I do want to point that out because, the similarities were defintely overwhleming at times.


The fact that Sonata = Tai Lee from Avatar: The Last Airbender and Aria Blaze = Raven from Teen Titans in my mind kinda made up for those moments with Adaigo xD


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I hated the first Equestria Girls. I thought it was a soulless cash grab that had a few good scenes sprinkled throughout.


Rainbow Rocks was actually...pretty good? What? I actually enjoyed it! Some random notes,



-The villains, while still appearing out of thin air with basically no back story, are at least somewhat interesting this time around

-There were lots of little things that made this movie more interesting than the original Equestria Girls. Lots of funny moments sprinkled throughout

-The songs were great! If there was a silver lining in Equestria Girls, it was the music. They out-did themselves with Rainbow Rocks

-Flash actually does things now. Not a whole lot, but at least I can say he's a welcome member to the cast.

-I like the scene where Dash and AJ are competing against each other in a game. Love little call backs and continuities like that - the competitive nature between the two

-I still can't fathom why Sunset would be welcomed back after trying to do such horrible things in the first movie, but whatever I guess. Friendship and rainbows and such

-I liked the credits. Some interesting concept art

-The "No offense" gag got old. Fast.

-I wish Spike had more to do. After having a fantastic portrayal (personality-wise. I still wish he was a human rather than a dog) in EG, he doesn't really do anything this time around

-I love the cameos and appearances. I also love how Vinyl practically saved the day

-The final battle was epic, and oceans more exciting than it's predecessor

-The after-credits scene made no sense. A pony princess from another dimension came through a time-portal and the news of this event hasn't managed to spread globally? It's apparently known throughout the school


The story itself was sort of confusing, and I'm sure when I see it again in HD I'll probably want to tear apart the plot and try to expose all of the potential plot holes, but with this being my first viewing I don't really care for now. I had fun watching it, so kudos to Meghan and all of the MLP team for putting together an improved and enjoyable product. =)


Edited by Rivendare
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