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gaming Is Nintendo irrelevant?


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Now, I am a huge Nintendo fan (as you can see by my profile picture), but Nintendo seems to irrelevant today in a lot of people's eyes.


I feel like every gamer on the planet these days hate Nintendo with a burning passion, especially the ones that started gaming last gen.


Everyone on youtube hates Nintendo, the comments on Nintendo related video's are always so hateful.


Most of Nintendo's Fans have left them, the sales of the Wii U show that they have very little fans left, everyone wants playstation and Xbox these days.


Also, Nintendo keep doing stupid things, The "New" 3ds, the just alienated 40 million "Old" 3ds owners, their online is terrible, the Wii U is very underpowered and lacks RAM and GPU power.


A lot of Kids these days don't play Nintendo, they want to play PlayStation and Xbox to feel more mature.


Third Parties hate Nintendo, Teens hate Nintendo, Kids hate Nintendo, everyone these days seem to hate Nintendo.


I'm sorry, but Nintendo hade their golden age, but that time is over, they can't compete any more, they might as well give up.


Mario, Zelda etc...., Can't save them any more, Nobody cares about those franchises anymore.


looks like society thinks Nintendo is irrelevant these days, oh well, all good things come to an end :(

  • Brohoof 4
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I still care about Nintendo's franchises; Mario, Zelda, Old school Metroid, Pokemon, and so on. That's what keeps my family buying Nintendo hardware; their exclusive ips and some exclusive third party games. I'm saddened that as time passes, their are fewer games exclusive to their hardware, but so long as they keep making games that we like, we'll keep buying their hardware. Would like to see them move away from motion controls, and touchscreens, but that's a topic for another thread. ;)


To be honest, we aren't bound to a single console, being older an having jobs and what not. But we don't buy new consoles on launch day, unless their is a really good launch title that falls within our tastes.

Both Sony and Microsoft's consoles also suffer from not having a lot of games that we like either, but that's mostly a personal preference kinda thing.

  • Brohoof 2


Custom Signature and Avatar by Balareth

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The existence of a new 3DS certainly won't alienate existing players, since only a handful of games actually require the additional power. Nintendo is a powerhouse in portable gaming and I doubt that'll change any time soon.


As for who still cares about Zelda and Mario? I certainly do, and a friend of mine, his little brother, 16 who's supposed to like cawadooty or whatever?


Had a blast playing the Luigi's Mansion ghost game on Wii U and elected to play his 3DS after getting tired of CoD Ghosts. Just "more of the same every year."


Nintendo's still in it.

  • Brohoof 1
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I don't believe Nintendo is going to stop making games that easily. They still have a great franchise they won't stop selling: Pokemon.
Even with all the shit they make these days (like the new 3ds and stuff), they still sell... Wii U was a disappointment in all regards, but the Wii, everyone said it was going to suck and ended up being on the best selling consoles ever (I think)
Nintendo still has a shot with the 3DS. A lot of people bought one last year for Pokemon X and Y and now for Super Smash, so they still have a chance to compete. They just gotta step up their game.

If they actually advertised all their games like they do with Pokemon, they would be famous and appreciated. For example, I remember, before X and Y came out, the Pokemon YT Channel released a video every single month, at least, filled with news and excitement (like the mega-evolutions, the 3D and so on...). If they did that with Zelda, Mario and other games, they would have more wealth.
Anyway, I do agree with you when it comes to the audience. Not a lot of people are interested in Nintendo these days, specially kids and teens. But if Nintendo did what they do with Pokemon games, they would be noticed.
I'm sorry about this rant about Pokemon but I do believe it would help them a whole lot.
Even if Nintendo comes to an end soon, it will be missed by many. But as long as we can continue playing the video games, everything's going to be just fine right? We have plenty that are great so... Who cares what the future brings?
As I like to say, "Don't be sad because it's over, Be happy because it happened".

  • Brohoof 1


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Sony and microsoft's Consoles sell well because people know they have good online and great third party support, Nintendo has neither, and that's what is making them more and more irrelevant, and they aren't fixing the issue.


It saddens me to see all this hate Nintendo gets these days, but, the hate is only going to grow more and more, they can't go on anymore, people don't like them no more, their next console (if they make one) better fix the problems the Wii U had or Nintendo is done, finished.

Maybe they still have their magic a little , but not as much as they used to.

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IMO Nintendo is stuck with an outdated marketing scheme and trying to bring inventions in that are irrelevant. They keep on going with the slightly outdated but more stable hardware choice, but instead of making gaming cheap and accessible they make unnecessary stuff to try to set themselves apart.


The 3DS is a great example, you don't need the overpriced 3D and the 2DS sucks. Instead of selling a decent gaming console with stable and solid games they add a pointless feature that most people do not use. That is a way to waste millions for users and developers.


The wii u is another example, the tab was pointless and still is. It just adds too little to make it a reasonable addition, instead they could have focused on bringing back the people who loved the traditional gaming and that loved systems like the GameCube for its stability, durability and excellent control. Instead you get a weird DS like experience.


But that's just my 2 cents.

  • Brohoof 3

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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Unlike Sony and Microsoft, Nintendo can stand on the strength of their first party. That speaks volumes to the quality of their games and why people still get excited over a big release.


They aren't perfect, and I agree that their online could use a ton of work, but if I've got a group of friends over, the Wii gets all the play while the PS4 collects dust.

  • Brohoof 5
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Now, I am a huge Nintendo fan (as you can see by my profile picture), but Nintendo seems to irrelevant today in a lot of people's eyes.


I feel like every gamer on the planet these days hate Nintendo with a burning passion, especially the ones that started gaming last gen.


Everyone on youtube hates Nintendo, the comments on Nintendo related video's are always so hateful.


What exactly does this prove? First off, Sony and Microsoft also get hate. Like, massive amounts of hate. Second, YouTube comment sections are rarely a good source to use. Reason being, people are far more prone to bitch about something they don't like than to leave a positive comment. If you've ever seen a YT video with 100,000 likes vs. 100 dislikes - and then read the comment section only to see mass amounts of hate - chances are good that the vocal minority is who you're hearing from. As much as this shouldn't have to be stated, the vocal minority doesn't come even remotely close to speaking on behalf of the majority.



Most of Nintendo's Fans have left them, the sales of the Wii U show that they have very little fans left, everyone wants playstation and Xbox these days.


Yet again, this proves nothing. The Wii-U is bombing because Nintendo made the mistake of not making triple A titles for their most popular IPs available at the system's launch. Had the Wii-U's library not been lukewarm at best, it would definitely have sold more. Furthermore, if a console's sales are to be an indicator of fan loyalty, then how do you explain the fact that Game Cube and Wii sales were through the roof in utter spite of the absolutely miserable failure that was the Virtual Boy?


If a powerhouse company like Nintendo can bounce back from one flop of a console, they can definitely do it again.


Also, Nintendo keep doing stupid things, The "New" 3ds, the just alienated 40 million "Old" 3ds owners, their online is terrible, the Wii U is very underpowered and lacks RAM and GPU power.


You're seriously arguing that hardware specs make a console? I direct you to the fact that the Wii, despite having inferior specs to the PS3 and 360, managed to outsell both.



A lot of Kids these days don't play Nintendo, they want to play PlayStation and Xbox to feel more mature.


The Sega consoles were also marketed as more "mature" consoles than Nintendo's, as I recall. Is Sega still in the console market today?



Mario, Zelda etc...., Can't save them any more, Nobody cares about those franchises anymore.


Hear that, large and supportive Zelda and Mario fanbases? You're all apparently dead.


Okay, seriously. What in the blue hell is with all these naysaying threads lately regarding Nintendo? There's speculation, and then there's just...I don't even know what. Alarmist? So, the Wii-U is essentially this gen's Virtual Boy. That doesn't mean the company's in danger of going under anytime soon. They still dominate the handheld industry, and as long as this remains a fact, I think Nintendo will be able to deflect the losses just a tad.


They're not like Capcom, who's in immediate danger of going under. Just give it some time.

  • Brohoof 7
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What exactly does this prove? First off, Sony and Microsoft also get hate. Like, massive amounts of hate. Second, YouTube comment sections are rarely a good source to use. Reason being, people are far more prone to bitch about something they don't like than to leave a positive comment. If you've ever seen a YT video with 100,000 likes vs. 100 dislikes - and then read the comment section only to see mass amounts of hate - chances are good that the vocal minority is who you're hearing from. As much as this shouldn't have to be stated, the vocal minority doesn't come even remotely close to speaking on behalf of the majority.




Yet again, this proves nothing. The Wii-U is bombing because Nintendo made the mistake of not making triple A titles for their most popular IPs available at the system's launch. Had the Wii-U's library not been lukewarm at best, it would definitely have sold more. Furthermore, if a console's sales are to be an indicator of fan loyalty, then how do you explain the fact that Game Cube and Wii sales were through the roof in utter spite of the absolutely miserable failure that was the Virtual Boy?


If a powerhouse company like Nintendo can bounce back from one flop of a console, they can definitely do it again.



You're seriously arguing that hardware specs make a console? I guess the fact that the Wii, despite having inferior specs to the PS3 and 360, managed to outsell both.




The Sega consoles were also marketed as more "mature" consoles than Nintendo's, as I recall. Is Sega still in the console market today?




Hear that, large and supportive Zelda and Mario fanbases? You're all apparently dead.


Okay, seriously. What in the blue hell is with all these naysaying threads lately regarding Nintendo? There's speculation, and then there's just...I don't even know what.

Guess why Sega went out of business?


Sony and Microsoft. NOT Nintendo. Nintendo had nothing to do with it.


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Guess why Sega went out of business?


Sony and Microsoft. NOT Nintendo. Nintendo had nothing to do with it.


And that's NOT what I indicated. Not even remotely. The only thing I was intending to illustrate was the fact that Sega's "mature" image did jack shit to prevent them from dropping out of the console business, and ergo the "kids think mature stuff is cool" argument holds no real merit in defense of Sony or Microsoft.


Can you possibly explain to me where I indicated that Nintendo was responsible for Sega backing out of the console market? I'm genuinely curious to know.

  • Brohoof 2
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Personally, I loved what Nintendo was, and hate what it's become.  It's valid historically, but it currently produces simple crap that (for the most part) is for children.


Between X-BOX and Playstation, I prefer the latter, mainly because I am a huge fan of the original Tomb Raider series and other games only available for the PS console family.  However, I do enjoy many X-BOX exclusive titles.  As for those that can go either way, there's pretty much the Madden games that I have explored both on, and I prefer PS simply because I got used to the button codes for what receivers to throw to.  Other than that, I don't care.


As for the current generations with all three, I haven't touched a single one of them, and I think I am okay with this.  From what I understand, they are focusing more and more on aspects that I dislike or couldn't care about.  The most relevant of these being a dependence of online play.  Whatever happened to the simpler times of putting a thing in a thing to play a game?


As for PC, I know that there are reasons why PC is considered superior to all consoles.  However, none of those matter to me.  What does matter is experience, and my PC experience isn't that thrilling.  One - Many games require using letters rather than the logical arrows, and DON'T TELL YOU WHICH ONES THEY ARE!!!  Two - With almost every PC game that I purchased at a store, there were compatibility issues that prevented me from enjoying the game, at all; sometimes I couldn't even play the game.

B):lol::P:D;):huh::muffins::umad: :comeatus:


Gimme some time to come up with something new, okay?  MUCH LOVES!!!

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And that's NOT what I indicated. Not even remotely. The only thing I was intending to illustrate was the fact that Sega's "mature" image did jack shit to prevent them from dropping out of the console business, and ergo the "kids think mature stuff is cool" argument holds no real merit in defense of Sony or Microsoft.


Can you possibly explain to me where I indicated that Nintendo was responsible for Sega backing out of the console market? I'm genuinely curious to know.

You portrayed it as if they lost out because of it, therefore losing to the more kid-friendly Nintendo as its oppostie.


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Guess why Sega went out of business?

Sony and Microsoft. NOT Nintendo. Nintendo had nothing to do with it.

Sega actually managed to push itself out of business. They had a series of terrible ideas named 32x, sega CD and Saturn. After that they released a CD based console without copy protection.


Sony merely helped by announcing the PS2 just shortly after the dreamcast. Notice that sega is not yet out of business, just not as big a name as it has been.

  • Brohoof 1

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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You portrayed it as if they lost out because of it





The Sega consoles were also marketed as more "mature" consoles than Nintendo's, as I recall. Is Sega still in the console market today?


...Nope, still not lining up.


If that was the conclusion you jumped to, well, that's on you.

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Sega actually managed to push itself out of business. They had a series of terrible ideas named 32x, sega CD and Saturn. After that they released a CD based console without copy protection.


Sony merely helped by announcing the PS2 just shortly after the dreamcast. Notice that sega is not yet out of business, just not as big a name as it has been.

You know why the Dreamcast failed?


Because the PS2 was a GIANT THREAT to it, so the teamed up with Microsoft to help with the console. They released Shenmue as the next big thing (it ate up all of the money) and Sega was pleading to Micro$oft to help with financial support to keep the console alive.


It didn't work.


So, Sony threw them into the failure pit, and Microsoft refused to get them out.

...Nope, still not lining up.


If that was the conclusion you jumped to, well, that's on you.

On me.


Ooooon me.


it seemed like empty logic in retrospect.


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Sega actually managed to push itself out of business. They had a series of terrible ideas named 32x, sega CD and Saturn. After that they released a CD based console without copy protection.


Sony merely helped by announcing the PS2 just shortly after the dreamcast. Notice that sega is not yet out of business, just not as big a name as it has been.

As much as I appreciated the Dreamcast's highly effective copy protection system as a high schooler with a perpetually empty wallet, there wasn't a third party around that'd touch the system as a result, which combined with their precarious financials, left them with little choice.


They needed it to be a smash hit and then some. But even with its sales numbers, it was still far off and the PS2 certainly didn't help things.

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Yes, see, Nintendo are getting more and more irrelevant every generation, Shitty gimmick after shitty gimmick, it is hurting them badly, not too mention their image, all the kids these days think Nintendo is not cool and that Sony and Microsoft are where the cool kids play, Nintendo is seen as a kiddie company, that's why they get so much hate, society thinks they are irrelevant, people don't give two shits about Nintendo these days, they could disappear off the face of the planet and gaming will go on normally.

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Yes, see, Nintendo are getting more and more irrelevant every generation, Shitty gimmick after shitty gimmick, it is hurting them badly, not too mention their image, all the kids these days think Nintendo is not cool and that Sony and Microsoft are where the cool kids play, Nintendo is seen as a kiddie company, that's why they get so much hate, society thinks they are irrelevant, people don't give two shits about Nintendo these days, they could disappear off the face of the planet and gaming will go on normally.

No, it wouldn't.


There ARE people who love Nintendo.

  • Brohoof 1


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Mario, Zelda etc...., Can't save them any more, Nobody cares about those franchises anymore.



looks like society thinks Nintendo is irrelevant these days, oh well, all good things come to an end :(




You seriously believe this? Wow you're funny.

  • Brohoof 3

The White Shinigami

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Yes, see, Nintendo are getting more and more irrelevant every generation, Shitty gimmick after shitty gimmick, it is hurting them badly, not too mention their image, all the kids these days think Nintendo is not cool and that Sony and Microsoft are where the cool kids play, Nintendo is seen as a kiddie company, that's why they get so much hate, society thinks they are irrelevant, people don't give two shits about Nintendo these days, they could disappear off the face of the planet and gaming will go on normally.

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic.

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