Shadowking58 1,137 November 1, 2014 Share November 1, 2014 Clop. I have nothing against people who view it, I am just not a fan. I actually used to look at it myself until I decided to attempt to quit, so far, the urges have not been getting the better of me, I just hope it stays that way. Second. Clopfics All My OCS Quote “The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Redeye 399 November 1, 2014 Share November 1, 2014 (edited) Nightmare Moon Princess Luna in general Derpy *Flame Armor activated* Button Mash Sweetie Belle Ship.... it makes ZERO sense. They are never seen with each other, she never mentions him, and blah blah WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The whole shipping thing started after the Hearts and Hooves Day song... I agree with this, though, since SB called him "too young". He must've been offended after that. Edited November 1, 2014 by Redeye 1 gonna take you out Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Castle Bleck 19,380 November 1, 2014 Author Share November 1, 2014 (edited) On 10/22/2014 at 11:09 AM, PathfinderCS said: As much as I liked the animation, I can totally agree with this. I'm one of the few who absolutely loved Sombra's portrayal in the show, so I can totally understand this. Him ^there^ < him here: I want dark-magic maracas, too! Edited June 4, 2020 by An Antagonist By @Emerald Heart.↑ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HopeTheWanderer 121 November 2, 2014 Share November 2, 2014 The idea that Celestia likes bananas, its just stupid, especially since its pointed out in the show itself that she prefers cake. 2 "It is part of a good man to do great and noble deeds, though he risk everything." - Plutarch "As long as humans continue to be the ruthless destroyer of other beings, we will never know health or peace. For as long as people massacre animals, they will kill each other. Indeed, those who sow the seed of murder and pain will never reap joy or love." - Pythagoras, Greek philosopher, ca. 530 B.C. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Coco Pommel 669 November 2, 2014 Share November 2, 2014 Some of the animations made just seem cheap when they have voice acting. The only ones I have liked are that from Jan Animations, and Children of the Night. Though the latter might not count since it is singing rather than voice acting. But other than that I have spent countless hours listening to songs, and have read the entirety of FoE. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shawn Parks 1,798 November 2, 2014 Share November 2, 2014 The idea that Celestia likes bananas... I can't say that I have ever heard of that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
baba_booey 4,303 November 2, 2014 Share November 2, 2014 (edited) The "Applejack is a background pony" joke - If she was a background pony, she wouldn't be one of the elements of harmony.. -_- Season 1 - I'm not saying I hate OR dislike it, I just think the fandom kind of.. *says through gritted teeth* "overrates" it. There are people who practically worship this season, while picking out every single flaw of Seasons 2-4. Personally, Season 1, IMO, has the most bad/meh episodes out of the 4 seasons (yes, including Season 3). The Living Tombstone - The only good piece of music by the Living Tombstone was Magic [PMV]. Otherwise, most of their other songs are generic dubstep remixes. Hate on past gens - I'm not saying I like the past gens that much (Gen 1 was alright, but the others were bland) but I hate how people pretty much act like the past gens are Satan's creations. I especially dislike it when people haven't even WATCHED them or just jump on the bandwagon and go straight to bashing it. Edited November 2, 2014 by Percy 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Argumedies 1,748 November 3, 2014 Share November 3, 2014 The only one that gets under my skin is Fallout Equestria Again, it's not the stoy itself, just it's main character and the hypocrisy of it's fans Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hovershy 3,814 November 3, 2014 Share November 3, 2014 I'm not really a big fan of Team Fortress Two. I find the characters really interesting and creative but the game itself is just rather boring to me. Fluttershy Fan Club sig by Blue Snowfire Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Radiance64 7,053 November 3, 2014 Share November 3, 2014 I don't hate fanfics, but I don't read any really... Fallout Equestria and a few more of the popular ones was enough for me, but maybe I could get back into reading some sometime. Not really into much of the music, PMVs or reviewers either, but I do like some of each. As for what I actually don't like that others might: -weird fanons like the Lyra/humans thing(I get it, I'm just not too fond of these sorts of things, especially at the point where some of it seems super bandwagon-y) -brushable merch(why do people buy those) -roleplaying(I want to talk about the show, not pretend that I'm in it lol... except maybe actually as myself. In my dreams. ) -certain artwork trends(Raricow... whoever's drawn any of that, well, we probably wouldn't get along very well :okiedokielokie:) -fan games(I'd rather play an official one, I liked how Fighting is Magic looked sure but things didn't go so great there) I'll tell ya though, it's much harder to think about what I don't like in this fandom than it is to think about what I do like. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Plato's Pony 455 November 3, 2014 Share November 3, 2014 Fall Of The Crystal Empire by Silly Filly Studios. Bronies: "Sombra finally got character-development!" Me: "He was the same For The Evulz overlord from the show. Only now he was overconfident, monologue-y, and cowardly when facing defeat (unlike the no-nonsense trapmaster whose dying moments were spent trying to bully the Crystal Ponies one last time). Also, Luna/NMM being the one to banish the Empire didn't even make microcosmic sense. The trailer was more original than this." I understand your disliking to this fan-made animation, but I can provide possible reasoning for your confusion. First part: "He was the same For The Evulz overlord from the show. Only now he was overconfident, monologue-y, and cowardly when facing defeat (unlike the no-nonsense trapmaster whose dying moments were spent trying to bully the Crystal Ponies one last time) Probably the reason his whole personality changed was a result of the fight with Luna and Celestia. After learning being overconfident is what caused his defeat, he tried a much more cautious approach, which can be seen when he was trying to take over the Crystal Empire a second time. It's a simple "you learn from your mistakes" kind of thing. Second part: Also, Luna/NMM being the one to banish the Empire didn't even make microcosmic sense I actually didn't understand this part at all either. But, here's my theory: Sombra put Celestia under one of his fear spells, making it so Celestia saw what she feared most (her sister becoming Nightmare Moon). Luna then frees herself and strikes back at Sombra, but then Sombra traps her in a cage made of dark crystal. Since both Sombra and Luna have some connection to dark magic, Luna is able to break the crystal trapping her, but is then swallowed by darkness and evil. Luna, with her new dark and evil powers finally beats Sombra and then wipes the whole place off the map, I guess. Oh wait, adding onto the reasoning for the second part, I think it was actually King Sombra who banished his whole kingdom to save his life. But why he was trapped in ice and the empire returning to its...non-dark state in the series I do not know. Here's the video, if you wanna see what I'm talking about "Life is not about success or making others happy, but about being happy in the process" - Plato's Pony "Only the dead have seen the end of war" - Plato "Night. Fear and Darkness in one sense. Peace and Tranquility in another" - Plato's Pony Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CosmicHooves 2,705 November 3, 2014 Share November 3, 2014 The Pokemon series never really gasped my attention. I know there are allot of fans of that particular video game on this site. I'm also not into anime which also is another media consumption allot of Bronies seem to like. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sunshower Raindrops 3,227 November 3, 2014 Share November 3, 2014 The use of the Comic Sans font. Why I have many reasons (not gonna explain them all since there is a fanclub that does) it is easier for dyslexic people to read compared to most fonts. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
baba_booey 4,303 November 3, 2014 Share November 3, 2014 Also, I'm not a fan of Belly Buttons on ponies. I know they're supposed to be cute, but to me, they look more disturbing to me. I don't know, I've never really been a fan of human features like that on our cute ponies 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shawn Parks 1,798 November 3, 2014 Share November 3, 2014 The use of the Comic Sans font. Why I have many reasons (not gonna explain them all since there is a fanclub that does) it is easier for dyslexic people to read compared to most fonts. You hate Comic Sans font because it is easier for dyslexic people to read? 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ponylaces 1,870 November 5, 2014 Share November 5, 2014 Rainbow power looks stupid, 'nuff said. Also, I'm not a fan of Belly Buttons on ponies. I know they're supposed to be cute, but to me, they look more disturbing to me. I don't know, I've never really been a fan of human features like that on our cute ponies Oh yeah, those look kind of awkward 1 hello Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
yayayayayala 1,668 November 5, 2014 Share November 5, 2014 Rainbow power looks stupid, 'nuff said. I know! All that looked fine on Pinkie but not on the other ponies. These are what the colors really should have been. (I also just like all of these anyway X3) I mean, it has to be pretty hard to design Super Saiyan designs for pastel ponies who already have pretty elaborate manes, but at the least they shouldn't have gone with yellow as the predominant added color) 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ponylaces 1,870 November 5, 2014 Share November 5, 2014 (edited) I know! All that looked fine on Pinkie but not on the other ponies. These are what the colors really should have been. (I also just like all of these anyway X3) I mean, it has to be pretty hard to design Super Saiyan designs for pastel ponies who already have pretty elaborate manes, but at the least they shouldn't have gone with yellow as the predominant added color) Wow, those actually look way better. The colors were all over the place in the original design Edited November 5, 2014 by PonyLaces 1 hello Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zekromic 1,054 November 5, 2014 Share November 5, 2014 While I don't like the rich filly brats, I think the fandom takes the hate WAY too far, specially with Diamond Tiara. Yeah, she's a bitch, she's supposed to be disliked, but wishing death to her ? Damn But there's the other extreme with Silver Spoon. I dunno why the fandom portrays her as overly positive way, maybe it's because she's a bit less meaner (not much mind you) than Diamond Tiara, her clapping of Granny Smith's story, or the fact that her VA is Pinkie's singing voice, but it's ridiculous of the fandom making her as the ONLY good out of the bullies and giving Ron the Death Eater to DT 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
baba_booey 4,303 November 6, 2014 Share November 6, 2014 I've always disliked the thought that Rarity is just an annoying whiny B.. word censored for little kiddies. I feel like most of the people who say that just see her at face value and don't actually think about her character. Not trying to start a flame war here, but still. Also, Fanfics. Most of them are poorly written or just boring walls of text by people who don't understand what "paragraphs" are. An obvious one would be Sonic Rainboom, but me and the rest of the Rarity Fan Club have bashed it enough so I won't explain. 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Andaasonsan 3,205 November 6, 2014 Share November 6, 2014 Not sure if everyone loves or hates this but the fact that when ponies wear shoes. Sometimes the points on the shoes are kept. It looks disturbing especially when they are wearing them on all 4s. Because the front part is supposed to be a pony's hand. Celestia's shoes are actually good because they lack a point. If the shoes kept to the cylindrical shape of the leg and foot. Then it would be better. I find it really weird when they have shoes on their front hooves, but not on the back two. I guess trying to put quadrupeds in human clothes is always going to be a round peg in a square hole sort of deal. While I don't like the rich filly brats, I think the fandom takes the hate WAY too far, specially with Diamond Tiara. Yeah, she's a bitch, she's supposed to be disliked, but wishing death to her ? Damn But there's the other extreme with Silver Spoon. I dunno why the fandom portrays her as overly positive way, maybe it's because she's a bit less meaner (not much mind you) than Diamond Tiara, her clapping of Granny Smith's story, or the fact that her VA is Pinkie's singing voice, but it's ridiculous of the fandom making her as the ONLY good out of the bullies and giving Ron the Death Eater to DT I didn't know the fandom was more positive about Silver Spoon. I almost think of DT and SS as a single entity. 3 Application REJECTED! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nightmare_Shinigami 31 December 8, 2014 Share December 8, 2014 I don't like the Japanese Dub of MLP (especially the Openings), Raricow (another Japanese Thing, that has no purpose to exist... at least Kyubeyshy makes sense with them sharing a Voice Actress), Friendship is Witchcraft, Double Rainboom and "Awesome as I Wanna be" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Andaasonsan 3,205 December 8, 2014 Share December 8, 2014 I don't like the Japanese Dub of MLP (especially the Openings), I like how Japan couldn't handle the American opening, so they created their own opening that is exactly the same as the opening for everything on Japanese TV including a J-pop song whose lyrics have absolutely nothing to do with the show you're watching. 1 Application REJECTED! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moonbacon 384 December 8, 2014 Share December 8, 2014 People disliking Flash Sentry because Twilight is their "Waifu". If you hate Flash Sentry because of this please rethink that not forcing you to do it but please do it. Find another reason to hate Flash other than THIS. I think Derpy is overrated i don't dislike her i just think the fandom just gives faar too much attention. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Andaasonsan 3,205 December 8, 2014 Share December 8, 2014 People disliking Flash Sentry because Twilight is their "Waifu". If you hate Flash Sentry because of this please rethink that not forcing you to do it but please do it. Find another reason to hate Flash other than THIS. I think the whole waifu thief thing is more about making fun of the people who hate Flash. 1 Application REJECTED! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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