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request shop Moo Little Pony ~Full~


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@@PE Brony, Nope. You weren't missed. I just forgot to reply. I'll update my waiting list again tonight. I try to keep it at a limit of around 5 (give or take), and I should have a free spot or two open later. I'll quote you again when (not if, when) you're on the waiting list. :)

Sweet! Sounds like a plan to me!

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@@~Vanylla Sweetsu~, I would honestly love to draw a family portrait, but my computer is a piece of junk and crashed repeatedly when I tried drawing a pair. I know it won't handle the amount of layers it would take to draw four. :( I think I'm gonna have to stick to singles for now. If you have a solo pony you want drawn, feel free to request it. :)

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So, I'd like my ponysona done by you. The link's in my signature. I'd also like you to add another pony, if that's okay with you. The other pony I'd like to add is Derpy. She hangs out with my ponysona sometimes.

Edited by Discorded Child
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That's perfect! I wish I could of thought of that...but anyhow! I guess yo can draw Vanylla Sweestu first :derp:

Alright, I'll mention you when I update the waiting list.


So, I'd like my ponysona done by you. The link's in my signature. I'd also like you to add another pony, if that's okay with you. The other pony I'd like to add is Derpy. She hangs out with my ponysona sometimes.




So, I'd like a couple of OCs done. They're both in my signature, and the one that's my ponysona, is a unicorn, even though the picture on it shows it as an Earth pony. Jamesinium, however, is perfectly fine. You should probably read a bit more on mine, considering the picture doesn't show the cutie mark. Jamesinium is a blank flank, and the picture is a pretty good thing to get based off of. I also shall suggest two other ponies they're hanging out with, if that's okay with you. Derpy and Apple Bloom. That is all.

I wouldn't mind drawing your ponysona. I like the bright colors on him. I've drawn too many dull and dark colored ponies in a row. Plus, I went to art school and I like the idea of his cutiemark. You mean the Comedy Tragedy Mask, right?

The only thing I find confusing is his hair color. You wrote that his hair is brownish-green (I call that baby poo color) and another color by artist choice. But this is your OC... I'd prefer if you chose which colors to make his mane.


I've discovered that my current computer really can't handle all the layers it takes to draw multiple ponies in one piece so I am only drawing singles right now.

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Alright, I'll mention you when I update the waiting list.



I wouldn't mind drawing your ponysona. I like the bright colors on him. I've drawn too many dull and dark colored ponies in a row. Plus, I went to art school and I like the idea of his cutiemark. You mean the Comedy Tragedy Mask, right?

The only thing I find confusing is his hair color. You wrote that his hair is brownish-green (I call that baby poo color) and another color by artist choice. But this is your OC... I'd prefer if you chose which colors to make his mane.


I've discovered that my current computer really can't handle all the layers it takes to draw multiple ponies in one piece so I am only drawing singles right now.

First off, it's okay if you're drawing singles.

Secondly, about the mane color, just make it brownish-green and any other color that fits your fancy. The other guy who made this didn't really like descriptions, so I just put down the colors in text format, which wasn't that satisfactory for me, but the thing he made is still pretty good. 


Third, yes the comedy tragedy masks.

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Here you go~ I hope you like it. I figured since I had to draw the cutie mark I might as well throw it in as a separate image. Feel free to use it or discard it. I know I'm as good as some others at making cutie marks, but it's better than nothing.


I feel like I'm getting better at these, but definitely not faster. I seem to manage one a day. I hope I get faster or I'll never catch up on my waiting list. :lol:

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Aw... Mah... GAWD. It's literally better than i thought it would be, not that i didn't think it would be awesome already but dayum. Thanks so much for taking the time to make this, Im so happy with it <3 

I hope one day i could draw as good as you ^^

Edited by Prince Blackquill
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@, You're most welcome <3 Thank you for being patient. You've been waiting several days... @_@

Originally I wanted to draw him fighting a dragon, but like I keep telling everyone... my computer can't handle it. I started crashing with the final adjustments on yours. So no dragon. :( It's the thought that counts, right?

Edited by MooCowing
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Its fine, in fact one of his comrades is a dragon so it would be kinda awkward if he were fighting a dragon XD. He mainly hates changelings because they took over his kingdom (Killik, an uncharted kingdom in the far eastern regions of Equestria), They overthrew the king, wreaked havoc, and stole everyponies love in the kingdom. Then Chrysalis enslaved the ones she thought to be useful. Chrysalis is 10x, ney 100x more powerful than she was in Canterlot because of how powerful the king and his guard were, and also the kings untainted love for his kingdom. Chivalry barely escaped and now resides in ponyville. His dragon friend and another friend of his named Black Rose still try to fight the queen, they formed a rebeliance. His race is almost extinct because of the changelings. He swears that one day once he gains more power, he will return to the kingdom and stop the evil Queen Chrysalis.

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Going to sleep now. I stayed up way too late... @_@ Gonna regret this tomorrow.




So... I was laying the baby down for a nap this afternoon and I hear CRASH!!! I go running to find out if everyone is okay. Someone was packing up the window AC unit, peeled the tape off the window and.... it fell out of the third story bedroom window.


It was just like out of a Coyote and Roadrunner cartoon. I peeked my head out the window and whistled followed by a "boom" sound. After the shock wore off we had a good laugh. Guess I'll need a new AC next summer.


How was YOUR day? lol

Edited by MooCowing
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@, I never could get into Bob's Burgers. Wish I could. It looks like it'd be like Family Guy which is one of my favorite cartoons.

Well, our opinions are different on both things, as in I think Family Guy's a good show, but it wouldn't crack my top 20.


BTW, I'd like a background for my thing, is that too much to ask for?

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Would you mind doing one for my OC? img-3240578-1-Art-Trades-Open-Without-th

I've got way too much on my plate right now, but if you wanna stick around until I announce I'm taking requests again you'll be at the top of that list.


Well, our opinions are different on both things, as in I think Family Guy's a good show, but it wouldn't crack my top 20.


BTW, I'd like a background for my thing, is that too much to ask for?

If you can find a background you like that is a good quality then I will happily put it in. I don't draw backgrounds in freebies, but I don't mind using backgrounds from the show (or whatever else you find that you like).




Just a heads up, I think you got my name wrong on the OP. the names Prince Blackquill not Blackwell ^^ 

How did I manage that? I usually copy+paste every name. I must have been really tired... I'll fix it now.

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If you can find a background you like that is a good quality then I will happily put it in. I don't draw backgrounds in freebies, but I don't mind using backgrounds from the show (or whatever else you find that you like).

Actually, now that I think about it, all I want right now is just a solid color. Maybe a light purple?

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Alrighty, I'll be fine doing that! 

Okidoki~ So how are you doing tonight?


Actually, now that I think about it, all I want right now is just a solid color. Maybe a light purple?

I'm getting the feeling that you're indecisive. :P I can do a light purple background.

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