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My MLP IRL Portraits (Fun with the Roger Rabbit Effect)!

Jonny Music

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Don't be afraid to critique my portraits. It's well appreciated. :blush:  :squee:

Attention: Just a word of warning however. I do not want this thread to become a Debate Pit thread (because that is overall not its main purpose), so please be considerate and respectful with your critiquing. And please be sure to look through the entire thread (including the pages) before you post your comments, because this thread is also a gallery of my work. Thank you.


Click here for the most recent update for this thread: http://mlpforums.com/topic/115614-my-mlp-irl-portraits-myself-included/?p=3394211


This one here is just the 1st of many others I have in mind. I hope you like them! :D And yes, the guy that is beside Sweetie Belle is me IRL.

(Click on them to enlarge the photos to see the detail if you want)  :squee:

Me & Sweetie Belle in colour:


Me & Sweetie Belle in B+W:


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This is my 2nd in the series' portfolio.


(Click on them to enlarge the photos to see the detail if you want)  :squee:

Me & Rarity in colour:




Me & Rarity in B+W:



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youve had ponys this entire time and you didnt tell any one  :okiedokielokie: but tho be honest i dont care much for the black and white ones

I did the black and white ones because in the photography world, black and white ones tend to be more dramatic and pop up more than colour. I also did both colour and black and white because I know others would ask me to make a black and white version anyways.


Many have preferences when looking at photography as art. Either they like both colour and black and white photos, or they would prefer either colour or black and white. ;)


Who said that I had ponies the entire time? They are everywhere! I'm not the only one making these irl photos. There are more examples out there on the internet.

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i like color and black and white but it hits and misses with me i wana say i get it but eh i guess i just dont see it

I don't blame you. ;) It can be sometimes hard for viewers to understand artwork of any form (including colour and/or Black + White photography) from its creator. :)

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did the composition of things mean any thing?

They are simple portraits. What else can I say?  :confused:


Well, the 1st (Sweetie Belle) I would say slightly does fill the frame and slightly has the rule of thirds.


As for the 2nd one (Rarity), the rule of thirds is obviously present.


And as for all of the portraits I have posted (even the additional ones I will be posting soon), they all have another type of composition in common. Which is: Simplicity. :)

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Today will be a double feature (3rd in the portfolio). Portraits of me with Applebloom and Fluttershy. Enjoy. :)


(Click on them to enlarge the photos to see the detail if you want)  :squee:


Me w/ Applebloom in colour:




Me w/ Applebloom in B+W:




Me w/ Fluttershy in colour:




Me w/ Fluttershy in B+W:



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I must say Johnny my boy I like you photos very much but 1.thing pops in my mind why don't you make a large photo of you princess Luna and celestiea plus discord

Follow this topic to stay in touch. :)


Thanks for the suggestion. Part of who you are asking for are already in plan. :)

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I shall follow this topic to stay in touch so if I may who is it that is in plan as of this moment I'm looking forward to see all your posts XD

All of them are a surprise. I already have them in an order that I have already made. :)

This is my 4th in the series' portfolio.


(Click on them to enlarge the photos to see the detail if you want)  :squee:


Me w/ Applejack in colour:




Me w/ Applejack in B+W:



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Amazing stuff mate, they all look awesome



Great job with these. They look great!



Hey im liking your photos man they look cool and I can imagine that they really are there :)

Good job my man :D

Thank you so much!  ^_^  :squee:


There is more to come. So follow this topic to keep in touch.  :)

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My one bit of criticism with these pictures is that the ponies don't seem to have a consistent size in relation to you.


For instance Fluttershy looks enormous, and the CMC seem really large in relation to the older ponies.


You should figure out how tall a specific pony should be and have a stand in of appropriate height when you take these pictures.


I could be totally off though. It's not like I got out a ruler and measured them in their pictures.

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Not bad. I love the idea of ponies in real life, so seeing works relating to that is always interesting.


As Andassonsan pointed out, the size is inconsistent. If you're interested, here's an interesting analysis on pony size. You'd get a better idea on getting the right size. http://dziadek1990.deviantart.com/art/Sizes-and-mass-347653658


I also suggest taking shading into consideration. When you look at Youtube for ponies in real life, one of the things you'll realise is that the tints and the extra shading make the ponies feel alive. Here, while the faded border makes them a little alive, it sort of feels like as if it's slapped onto the picture. And speaking of the border, you should also play around with other effects to make your pictures more like portraits.


Keep those two tips in mind and you'll be a great artist. ;)

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My one bit of criticism with these pictures is that the ponies don't seem to have a consistent size in relation to you.


For instance Fluttershy looks enormous, and the CMC seem really large in relation to the older ponies.


You should figure out how tall a specific pony should be and have a stand in of appropriate height when you take these pictures.


I could be totally off though. It's not like I got out a ruler and measured them in their pictures.

Thanks for your insight. However, I did use measuring tape for the size and height comparison compared to me. IRL I am 6' 1" (I'm pretty tall). So by how I see it, all of them are according to their actual heights and sizes.


And yes, I did look up the pony heights and sizes before I took my photos.


Let me explain:


Fluttershy looks big because she is sitting down, therefore her height is reduced compared to her standing up height (on all 4 hooves).


The CMC are around 2' 9" tall. So their heights are accurately proportionate to my lower leg length.


Again, thanks for your feedback. :)

Not bad. I love the idea of ponies in real life, so seeing works relating to that is always interesting.


As Andassonsan pointed out, the size is inconsistent. If you're interested, here's an interesting analysis on pony size. You'd get a better idea on getting the right size. http://dziadek1990.deviantart.com/art/Sizes-and-mass-347653658


I also suggest taking shading into consideration. When you look at Youtube for ponies in real life, one of the things you'll realise is that the tints and the extra shading make the ponies feel alive. Here, while the faded border makes them a little alive, it sort of feels like as if it's slapped onto the picture. And speaking of the border, you should also play around with other effects to make your pictures more like portraits.


Keep those two tips in mind and you'll be a great artist. ;)

Thank you for your insight. As I already mentioned, I am very certain on the height and size proportions of the ponies compared to my IRL height (6' 1").


According to the link you've sent me, the CMCs according to my height in the portraits are pretty much spot-on if you ask me.


I am practicing my Photoshop skills that I learned in college recently and I want to put them to good use. As for the portraits, putting a vignette makes them look and feel professionally antique (as how I see it). But I could definitely branch out a little more for the IRL pictures in the future. :)

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I noticed you were kneeling more in the photos when the CMCs were in them, and standing up more when the more adult(-ish?) main six were in them, so I think the proportions were actually pretty accurate.


And, lest I forget saying this:  I think they were great!

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I noticed you were kneeling more in the photos when the CMCs were in them, and standing up more when the more adult(-ish?) main six were in them, so I think the proportions were actually pretty accurate.


And, lest I forget saying this:  I think they were great!

Thank you for your observation. I couldn't agree more about the proportions.   :)


Thanks so much. ^_^ More are coming though. :squee:

This is my 5th in the series' portfolio.


(Click on them to enlarge the photos to see the detail if you want) :squee:


Me w/ Princess Twilight in colour:




Me w/ Princess Twilight in B+W:




Note: For Twilight, I went for her Alicorn form because of course, that is her current form in the series so far. Also, this was definitely a doozy for me to do, but the effort at the end was well worth it for me. :)

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Other than your odd pose (what are you supposed to be doing?  Petting them?  Checking for lice?  hugging them?  Try that pose on a stuffed animal and see what you end up doing)  they look really good.


The comment in parenthesis seems harsh.  I don't know how to convey the correct tone, and I think the message is important to your artwork, so I'm keeping it as is.

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