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Something you loved, and now hate?


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Anime. As controversial as it seems.

In my defense, the only anime i'll ever watch is Madoka Magica or any anime that's basically a slice of life/sweet (Like Lucky Star for example. Or K-On). Anything else just bores me.

Anime made me into a huge weeb, and my nuttiness caused me to lose a lot of friends in middle school. I have other reasons why I don't like anime...because most of them are over sexualized or just down right crazy and tries to be as over the top as possible (Like Higurashi or Attack On Titan. Ew. ) . Oh, and let's not forget the weeaboos who make anime fans looks bad....those people are nuts.

So now i'm just a casual fan. Like i'm a fan, but i'm not if that makes sense?


Edited by Mellifluous
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Many years ago i used to play a game called Battlefield heroes... I had alot of fun playing that game, After a while i got tired of it and stopped playing. I tried returning to the game only finding out what it has become... Its basicly a pay to win game now, All the new maps and weapons are futuristic and stuff (It used to be like WW2).

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I used to be a huge fan of Sonic, for many years. It wasn't until 2012, however, until that obsession had finally burnt out. I still play some of the games every now and then, but I don't consider myself a fan anymore.

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I used to watch Family Guy, but that was back before I really got into cartoons. Many earlier episodes are good, but I've hated the show overall with a passion once I found out there were plenty of better cartoons out there. I'd say the moments that got me out of the show were the Terri Schiavo song, which shows just how low and tasteless they are in baselessly making fun of the mortally disabled, and the sequence with Stewie dancing with Gene Kelly, which was rotoscoped over Jerry Mouse without a hint of credit or respect to the original animators (but they can get away with it, because they're Family Guy >_> ).


Similar was Friendship is Witchcraft. In fact, I compare FiW with Family Guy, and Sherclop Pones with Seth MacFarlane a lot, because they're very similar - people with immense talent but no morals or respect in their work whatsoever, and with viewers sharply divided into fans and haters as a result. I didn't think too much against FiW at first, but once I saw Voice of Reason's video on it, as frenetic and nitpicky as it was, it got me to realize how bad FiW was and still is. I find the comedic timing to be as sharp as that of a dead moose and the delivery of the jokes to be equally as lively as one, and in later episodes, they followed the pattern of Family Guy in delving into cheap shock humor and baseless, tasteless jokes. All from people who have proven that they are culturally savvy enough to deliver good satire (see "At the Convention"). -_-

NASCAR; and probably racing in general.


I mean, I used to be a BIG racing nut, and I tried to watch everything I could. NASCAR, IndyCar, F1, NHRA, WRC, Aussie V8s, Le Mans, DTM, BTCC, WTCC; anything.


Now...well, I'm burnt out, and I can't watch NASCAR without...not caring one single bit. I still like some things about it like my current fav drivers Kasey Kahne, as well as rookie Chase Elliott, but...I just can't watch it without going meh.


Honestly, about the only bits of racing I care about are Dakar, IndyCar, and WRC. That's it.

I kinda second this. I still watch NASCAR but I only watched F1 for a short time. Now it's just boring with the same team winning every race under a more strictly standardized technical package. Sports car racing is still pretty good, though. NASCAR needs to shorten the schedule and some of the races, and stop changing the package every year.

Edited by Wind Chaser
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  • 3 weeks later...

I hope no one takes offense of this, but I just hate religion. I have nothing wrong with other people's beliefs, and I respect their opinions, but I just grew into hating religion as I grew up and gone through school over the years. Now I just find any and all arguments between science and religion to be pointless and to have no effect on anyone whatsoever if one side were to win. I mean come one, who cares who/what created the universe and how things are the way they are? It was so long ago when that happened and we will most likely find it pointless to find out, none of this has anything to do with what will happen in the future, which we should be focusing on.

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I used to seriously like Johnny Test. But now that I'm the angriest cartoon fan you've ever heard, I can't stand it at all.


And I liked the first Equestria Girls movie when I watched it. Now I'm like "wtf why do i have this on DVD?"

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The band Avenged Sevenfold.

I used to love everything by them, but now... now they just seem awful...

I feel the same way about Ax7. I also used to like 3Days Grace but now I can't bring myself to listen to them after finding much better bands to listen to over the years.
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Caffeine, came down with this weird heart problem and the doc told me to stop using it (and tobacco). Been almost two months and I can't even drink a soda it seems without feeling like crap.

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I remember being so excited for this game. Hell, I even got it for a great price. When I first started playing Destiny, I really liked it! I thought it was very fun to play, and leveling up my character in the early stages of the game was great! I was getting better guns, I was getting better armour, I was getting better abilities. I was actually feeling a sense of progress! And PvP was so much fun aswell. It was just an excellent multiplayer experience....... Then I hit Level 20. This is where the game throws progress out the window and makes you do the exact same thing over and over again to get better gear, only to get NOTHING in return for all that fucking grinding! The campaign is one of the worst I've ever played. The story is non-existent, the enemies are dumb and the gameplay gets repetitive. Also, PvP started getting old.


So yeah, now I fucking hate Destiny! It was fun at first, but now it's an absolutely miserable dreck of a game. A total failure

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  • 6 years later...

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