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open Bloodlines (S.O.L./Horror Mystery) [reboot]

Midnight Scribbler

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Belinda noticed a familiar looking pony walking nearby, carrying quite a bit of luggage. She couldn't quite remember who he was, nor did she particularly care to, but figured that he must be connected to the vacation somehow with his luggage and familiar face. She walked towards him and called out.

"Hey, you!" She approached the stallion. "Do you know anything about this dinner party thing tonight, like when it is and where we're supposed to meet?"

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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Emerald Gaze.


Pausing, Emerald raised a brow in suprise. Odd that such a fate had befallen a book, and even more so that someone had gone to the efford of preserving it. More and more things were adding to her paranoia now, and she was in danger of starting to think of this as more than just a vacation - a common problem that arose from combining a suspicious mind and thirst for court intrigue.



She carefully drew it from its place and set it down on a nearby desk. Alongside it, she placed the other books that had caught her eye in a small stack. Carefully using magic so as to not damage the fragile pages, she opened it and began scanning the words inside.

Never quite forgotten.

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Belinda noticed a familiar looking pony walking nearby, carrying quite a bit of luggage. She couldn't quite remember who he was, nor did she particularly care to, but figured that he must be connected to the vacation somehow with his luggage and familiar face. She walked towards him and called out.

"Hey, you!" She approached the stallion. "Do you know anything about this dinner party thing tonight, like when it is and where we're supposed to meet?"

The pony continued walking forward until he was next to Bellinda. Now that you had a good look at his face you could tell it was Wagon Wheel, "I'm not entirely sure. Technically, I'm not a staff member or a guest. I'm from an independent company. I think they said something about a bell though." The stallion said, with as much of a shrug as he could muster. "If you'll excuse me I have to drop the luggage off..." The pony didn't wait for a response and started walking towards the inn.

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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Bitter looked at the pony with a somewhat odd look. She was confused at how interested someone could be in what, to her, was just a normal line of work. However, she didn't mind the attention; after all, she did love this normal line of work. The eager Aero Wind had asked Bitter if she could make elixirs that calm nerves. Bitter quickly spoke up in response. "Of course. Their not the easiest to concoct but they're not too difficult either." She started off, though her thoughts trailing off slightly as she was eager to check out some of the literature that resided in this cabal of knowledge. "And yes, I do believe that herbs with pink tints tend to calm nerves." 


It was after she finished speaking when Red Cask spoke up and directed her towards the section where her interests lied. "Thank you." She said with gratitude as she began to slowly tip toe towards the section with the alchemy section, though before hand she turned to the bright green Aero Wind and smiled a bit timidly. "I'm gonna go read now, I'll talk to you later, maybe." She said as she turned around and began to walk away, though, an urge pierced the back of her mind, taking over her actions like some kind of parasite. She turned her head around back towards the stallion and informed in a quiet, and sheepish tone. "You... can come with if you want. I'm sure there are books on alchemy you could read there too." 


"We are legion. For we are many." Legion, Mass Effect 2

(Image not mine, btw. I plan to make my own soonish when I get the time)

Credit to WheatleyCore for my avatar

OCs: Bittersweet, Masquerade / Silver Tongue (Workin' on this one still)

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That answer was better. Still, Shadowhide would've liked to know exactly was the important thing Dove thought she'd forgotten was. Although at this point, Shadowhide thought it probably isn't worth the effort anymore trying to dig up any more information. Sure, Dove could be hiding something, but it's also plausible Dove is telling the truth and just doesn't see these details as important. Besides, it's not like Dove just committed a crime. There's no need to run a thorough investigation on the incident. 'Thanks for your answers. And I'm happy to accompany you for tea later,' Shadowhide responded.


By now, Shadowhide has finished packing away her things, leaving only her detective's badge and 10 bits in her saddlebags. She placed her saddlebags down next to Aero's, and took a moment to enjoy the view outside her window. While taking in the scenery, she responded to Dove's latest remark. 'Why would I be worried?'




Aero Wind



It seems Aero was right, pink herbs can create elixirs that calm nerves. That's great news! Hearing that made the ever present smile on his face grow a little larger. 'Thanks, I'll be sure to look out for such elixirs next time I go to the shops! By the way, how many bits do they usually cost?' However, before he could continue the conversation, Bitter thanked him, and said she's going to read now. Aero then noticed she's been slowly moving towards the shelves. He must've gotten swept up in his excitement and didn’t stop talking. Oops. Aero's enthusiasm quickly gave way to an embarrassed, sheepish look. 'Sorry, did I start rambling? Sorry, I just get very passionate about science sometimes. Look, don't be afraid to ask me to stop talking if I start rambling again.' When Bitter invited him to go to the alchemy section with her, Aero replied 'No thanks, I want to go look at the stories they have. I hope they have some Daring Do books; I've heard great things about that series. Anyway, I'll see you later.' Aero then turned and walked over to Red Cask.



Once Aero approached Red Cask, he asked 'Excuse me, which section of the library has the fiction books? Oh, and do you know if you have the Daring Do series here?' he added with a little excitement.


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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Dove Marigold


A sly grin formed on her face when Shadow turned around. When she moved, Dove noticed a saddlebag right near the bed, and walked over to it quietly as she responded, "I'd love to take you, but I really must be going. I must check my room - may I take you another time? I'm sure my roommate could wait until dinner - we can't be full when we go, can we?" she smiled, shoving her hoof in the bag as quickly and silently as she could and grabbed around fifty bits. She stuffed it into her own saddlebag and moved back by the door. "..Unless you still would like to go. I could meet you there if you like - I just need to go to my room real quick - it is of the utmost importance."


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Sunset Glow


Sunset entered the Library last, following the others, who seemed to be instantly drawn to their corners of the place. She glanced about the room, scanning the vast selection, and the beautiful woodwork, and stained glass ceiling. This place was truly fit for royalty.

Emerald had wandered around to a desk, and selected a couple books, which she seemed quite focused on. Sunset considered following, to see what it was she'd found, but thought better of it, realizing Emerald likely wouldn't want to be disturbed while she read. Instead, Sunset walked along the rounded wall of books, scanning the titles on the spines. Many of these books seemed quite old, and many had collected dust, and the odd cobweb. If they had been read, it hadn't been in quite some time. Most of the books she looked over seemed to be dry old history texts about the founding of Canterlot, and other places around Equestria. She poked at one or two with the tip of her hoof, just enough to tip the book out to see the cover on them before pushing them back into place.


After a while, Sunset noticed that Emerald seemed to have picked the books she wanted. Having found nothing of particular interest, Sunset decided to wander over to see what sort of things Emerald had chosen. "I'm having no luck finding anything that looks interesting." She commented in a hushed voice. "I see you've found a couple here, what sort of books are these?" She inquired with an inquisitive smile, hoping she wasn't bothering Emerald.



Red Cask


Red Cask raised a brow at Aero Wind's inquiry into the Daring Do series. He seemed puzzled by the question, as though Aero had just spoken some foreign dialect. "I'm afraid I don't know of this.. Daring Do series. This Library is quite old, so if you are referring to a newer book, I daresay you will not find it here. This town does not see much in the way of shipments from outside the forest boundaries, save for the odd tourist groups, er-such as yourself."  He paused, clearing his throat. "The fiction books are along the south wall though, I am quite certain there are some classic epics within the mix. Sword and sorcery, and the like. Mystery, possibly some horror even. Though I'm not sure, I have never looked for it myself. Not exactly my taste." He chuckled lightly. Hoping this would be sufficient information for the stallion.

  • Brohoof 1

Check out my new music projects on youtube, Bandcamp, or Soundcloud

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Cherry Bomb

@@Gloomfury, @SilverHeart, @Scribblegroove
Cherry trotted along looking rather excited as she walked through the entrance to the theatre with Belle,walking down the hallway the red mare did occasionally glance around at it's gloomy appearance before she turned to Belle,"Ooooooh Belle, I'd really like to meet a really really special pony to me, you'd like her, she like to wear a large cloak and hide her face just like you, would you like to meet her?"

Cherry beamed at the masked mare as they entered into the main stage area, where Scribblegroove could immediately be seen talking to somepony else,"Hey look there he is!"
Cherry quickly trotted down between the row of seats as she approached him, the stream of mucus he'd given her in her mane still very visible as it dangled slightly.

Cherry smiled at the colt," Hey, do you found the place, you like it? Who are talking t-...oh," Cherry paused as she looked upon the two bat-pony twins in front of Scribblegroove, upon seeing them she bagan speaking a lot more calmer than she used to,"Ooooh, hey Lapis..hey Gemma, I see you've met one of our new guests, this is...um, I'm sorry what's your name?" The red mare smiled sheepishly as she looked at Scribblegroove.

"Oh! And this is belle, another of our guests," cherry pointed to Belle standing behind her.

Edited by Golbez
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Emerald Gaze


Emeralds eyes narrowed as she scanned the pages of the mostly ruined book - reading over stories that she had heard before, but different. Historical events from the perspectives of this family... claims of achievements that were fairly well known to any amateur historian, but attributing them to...


Not only was it absurd, but some of the accounts were by all means horrific. Peaceful begotiations rewitten as diplomancy though bloodshed and violence.


'What the... What is this? This cant be correct, can it? This family...'


A voice startled Emerald out of her daze with a snap - her head whipped around to face it, eyes wide and fierce in suprise at the interuption and muscles tense to respond to whatever threat...


"Ah, Sunset!" She breathed a sigh of relief. Of course this was just a vacation: there was nothing wrong with her reading this - she had been invited here! "Sorry, you startled me. I get a little, uhm... nervous, when taken by suprise."


Tittering a little to herself, she shook her head with a slight smile. Why she was on edge like this she didnt know: but she felt something even more amiss than usual now... and she didnt like it.


"Just a little history on this delightful place: nothing terribly informative however. Nothing at all that interests you? What a disaster: it is all quite outdated material isn't it?"

Never quite forgotten.

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Bitter's expression turned from that of a rather forced smile to that of a very subtle remorse; it wasn't enough to bring her down, however, as she made a simple nodding gesture to the green pony as if to say "Alright" before turning around and trotting towards the alchemy section. 


"The ponies here are quite nice." The pink mare thought to herself as her eyes bolted across the shelves. "It's a relief to know that I, at the very least, don't have any enemies. At least not yet." She calmly informed herself, though her thoughts were short lived as she turned a corner which revealed, at the far end of a long corridor of shelves, a rather moderately sized bookshelf which according to Red Cask, pertained the textbooks Bitter had been yearning for. Quickly, her trots sped up into a slight canter. Her hooves tip-tapping on the ground creating an echoing staccato like rhythm. "That's a lot of books..." She groaned with excitement in her thoughts as she continued her giddy gallop. 


She stopped when she was but a few steps away from the bookshelf. Her jaw-dropped expression combined with her pupils which surveyed the shelf. "What do I read first?!" She questioned herself as she trotted excitedly in place. Though, she took just began to haphazardly grab books from the wall and shove them into her saddle pouches. "I'll just take as many as I can and come back tomorrow for more! Perfect plan, Bitter!" She praised herself gleefully as she placed book after book into the packs on her back. 


"We are legion. For we are many." Legion, Mass Effect 2

(Image not mine, btw. I plan to make my own soonish when I get the time)

Credit to WheatleyCore for my avatar

OCs: Bittersweet, Masquerade / Silver Tongue (Workin' on this one still)

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Shadowhide continued to look out the window. She scanned the area for any cafes, but there were none in sight. Although she could only see the buildings north of the hotel from her room, so chances are one of the many buildings she couldn't see was a cafe. 'I'd prefer to have tea later too,' Shadowhide responded. She turned around and faced Dove, seeing her standing next to the door and seeming a little anxious to return to her room. That's good, Shadowhide felt it was about time for her to leave. 'The carriage ride earlier was rather hectic. I want to relax on my own now. Would you shut the door on your way out, please?'




Aero Wind


@@Midnight Scribbler,

No Daring Do books here?! Bummer. Aero did a poor job of masking the disappointment on his face. 'That's right, the Daring Do series is very recent,' he explained. 'It's actually still ongoing, I think. Well, I'll try to find something else.' Aero glanced towards the fiction section on the south wall. The walls of this place are huge, so that's a lot of books to look through. He just stood there for a moment unsure of where to start looking. He came here just to look for Daring Do books, so hearing that there were none here left him feeling lost. He turned back to face Red Cask a few moments later. 'Uhh, do you have any good recommendations for a sword and sorcery book? I think those sound interesting.'


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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Dove Marigold


"Of course, so sorry for the intrusion. I hope to be able to get together with you soon!" Dove trotted out of the door with a friendly smile. Once she was out of earshot, she trotted over to a nearby cafe to, of course, buy some snacks. She decided that in order to gain her roommate's trust was to - she cringed - share. She looked inside the cafe - it was surprisingly empty.


(( I'll end it off there just in case the DM wants to add how it looks like. ))


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Poppy Seed


While Dove had disappeared to do...whatever she was doing, Poppy set about unpacking her things and putting them away in her own orderly fashion. Her dresses went in the dresser, while her bits were stashed in the nightstand. Couldn't be too careful with that amount of money, though she took around twenty bits, her casual light blue sundress with the short ruffled skirt and a pocket for bits and checked to make sure that there wasn't anypony trying to peep in. Satisfied that there was nopony at the door, Poppy put on her sundress and stashed her bits in her pocket and headed out.


She had two reasons to head out. The first one was to find Dove and make sure she didn't get herself into trouble. Nice mare, but she seemed like she'd get herself into a lot of trouble on her own. The second was to check out the town and see what it was like. After all, who wants to spend their holiday indoors?




First things first, she decided to head to the cafe and pick up a few snacks and drinks. Maybe have a picnic by the dock. Though she was surprised to see Dove there. She put on a smile, waved and called out to her. "Hey Dove!"

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Dove Marigold


"Ah! What a surprise! Poppy, you look lovely," Dove matched her smile with Poppy's. "Now, what brings you here? I do hope I wasn't taking too long. I stopped by an acquaintance's room to chat." She paused and gave the mare another kind smile. "Is it alright if you take care of buying the food? I would like to relax for just a little bit. I'll be daijoubu with anything you buy. Ah.. do you need some bits to buy it? I could spare some if you like."


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Lapis & Gemma


The twins both turned to face the new arrivals. Seeing who had graced their presence, they both smiled, in unison. Nodding their heads slightly in greeting to the new guest, and Cherry whom they'd already met. Gemma gave her sister a quick glance, which was all she needed to do in order to communicate to her that she should keep Scribblegroove entertained while she greeted the newcomers. The two seemed nearly telepathic, though it was certainly just the result of being nearly identical personalities, who stuck together through the years of their lives. Little was required to convey thoughts between these two it seemed. Lapis didn't even seem to question her sister's glance, and continued to keep her attention on Scribblegroove. "If you're here to see the rehearsals, unfortunately we won't be allowing public viewing. Don't want to ruin the surprises. Though perhaps you would like to join us for the performances later this week." She said, glancing in Cherry's direction for a second, then back to Scribblegroove. "We would love to see you there." She said, her smile widening, with an almost mischievous air.

Gemma turned back to Belle and Cherry, still smiling. "Hello Cherry.. Welcome to our humble resort, Belle. It's a pleasure to see new faces, we seldom see many new ponies in this town." She said in a welcoming tone. "I do hope you enjoy your stay here with us." She added, turning her gaze to Cherry, keeping her composure. "I don't mean to press, Cherry, but shouldn't you be running along to assist your friend? She seems to have gone to hide in her room again." Gemma tittered, sounding somewhat amused by the odd behavior of Mirror, the actress who'd taken off into the back of the stage, out of view.


@@FortyTwo42, ((OOC: Just so you know, I'm actually referencing a real book here.))

Red Cask


Red Cask chuckled at the younger stallion's enthusiasm for this series he seemed to be obsessed with. At Aero's next question, he thought for a moment, and glanced over Aero's shoulder to the fantasy novels. As he turned his head back to Aero, he hummed thoughtfully before responding. "I believe we have a one here called "The tales of Earthsea" That one you may enjoy, for a fantasy epic. Though there are many to choose from.. I am sure you will find something within the shelves here." He nodded toward the fantasy section, and awaited any further questions if Aero had any more to ask.





Sunset Glow


Sunset recoiled slightly at Emerald's unexpected surprise. Her eyes were striking to begin with, but when she was surprised, they seemed to nearly pierce through Sunset's mind. It was almost frightening, even though she had no reason to fear Emerald. She sighed with relief as Emerald calmed at the sight of her. "I'm so sorry, Emerald. I didn't mean to startle you." She apologized, and nearly whispering, she continued "yeah.. I don't really know, this place seems to be.. a little out of date in general.. I mean, did you see how Mr. Cask is dressed? He looks like he stepped out of an old Victorian novel." She tittered quietly "Forgive me if this is too personal.. but.. you seem sort of on edge, Emerald. Is everything alright?" she asked, with a slight concern in her voice. Even though she'd only just met Emerald, she could tell this mare had something on her mind, and she didn't seem to be at ease with her surroundings.

Edited by Midnight Scribbler

Check out my new music projects on youtube, Bandcamp, or Soundcloud

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Quite surprised by the frightened reaction of the mare on stage, scribblegroove rebounded a little, stepping back as the supposed magician frantically made her exit. The stage was empty, and Scribblegroove was disappointed. He wondered if the mare had some kind of stage fright, or was perhaps scared about ponies finding out the specifics of her performance before the actual show. Still, her reaction had been quite dramatic. There was to all this than he thought.


The voices from the balcony had drawn his attention, and a moment later the two figures flew down to him, out of the darkness and into the light. Their sudden and brisk approach scared him a little, and yet again he backed up. "Dear, the two of you scared me a little, coming out of nowhere like that..." He admitted, somewhat embarrassed but also slightly accusing.


Right at that moment Cherry entered the building and joined their conversation. Evidently she knew the two of them. Introducing Belle and making an attempt to do the same with him, but failing to remember his name, he snickered. "The name is Scribblegroove." He said, slightly aimed at Cherry, after which he turned to the stewardesses. "A pleasure to meet you too. You are correct, I came to see the the magician... Mirror, was it?" With that last question he raised a brow and looked at the back of the stage again, as if she were about to come back. "I came to see her practice. I understand that maybe we aren't supposed to see the performances before the actual show, but her reaction was a little overdone. How come she seems so nervous?" He asked.

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Cherry Bomb

@@Gloomfury, @SilverHeart, @Scribblegroove@Midnight Scribbler


Cheery giggled at Scribble as he told her his name, she nodded at the unicorn as he turned his attention back to the two bat-ponies. As Scribblegroove mentioned the name of the magician however, the red mare's eye's blinked and widened in surprise, "Oh my gosh, I completely forgot!"


Cherry bit her bottom lip in anticipation, looking between the four ponies in turn, having a small panic attack in her head as she lightly hopped from one front hoof to the other, "I don't mean to press, Cherry, but shouldn't you be running along to assist your friend? She seems to have gone to hide in her room again." 

"Yes! Your right I really need to go see her, Scrabble, Belle I'm sorry but this is really important!" Barely finishing her sentence as she abruptly flew behind the curtain, which immediately proved to be a bad idea as..*CRASH* *BANG* *CLATTER* *CLATTER* ...from the sound of it, Cherry had crashed into something hidden behind the curtain, "Gosh Darnit!"


Picking herself up, Cherry took to the air again as she flew to the rear end backstage where a set of stairs were placed, spiraling upwards to where a long corridor lead to , Cherry landed in front of the first door and took a  deep breath as she raised a hoof and knocked on the door lightly, *Knock* *Knock* *Knock* "Mirror? It's me! Cherry! I'm back now!" Although a  little worried, Cherry tried to input a tad amount of her enthusiastic tone into her sentance, "Mirror? Can I come in...Please?"

  • Brohoof 1
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Emerald Gaze.


"Oh no dear, I'm quite alright." Emerald reassured her newest associate. "I get quite distracted while reading, and in my line of work... well, finding that you are ignoring somebody could be quite rude."


Technically, it wasn't a lie.


"That, and I'm a little unsure how I stand here. I'm unaccustomed to being invited to places like this without a reason - It feels like I should be working, you know?"


Making a noise of annoyance, she sighed and shook her head.


"Ugh, I need to relax more. It's sometimes hard to seperate free time from work."

Never quite forgotten.

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@@Scribblegroove,@@Golbez,  @@Midnight Scribbler


Belle mostly stood behind Cherry as she talked to the strange twins. She was too shy to talk to them. Belle was not very good at introductions. That and there was something about the twins that didn't sit right with her. And how did Cherry know them? Were they friends?


Belle's thoughts were interrupted why the twins addressed Scribblegroove was getting a little more nervous. She got even more so and a little sad when Cherry went off to look for someone. Now she was exposed and in clear view. SHe was going to ave to talk to someone, she didn't want to seem rude or too shy.


But sadly she couldn't think of anything to say. So she stood still and hoped that she would blend into the background.

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Poppy Seed



"Nah. Don't worry about. I was actually just on my way to pick up some things from the cafe anyway and have a bit of a picnic down by the docks. And I was looking for you to ask if you wanted to join me. Only got about 20 bits on me tight now, though." She said, rummaging in her pocket for the money. "It'll be fun."


Honestly, she was curious as to who Dove had stopped to talk to, but it was best not to pry. After all, she wouldn't like it very much if ponies tried to pry into her own life. But she figured that Dove just needed to wind down after the carriage ride, so the idea of a picnic by the docks still seemed like a good idea.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Dove Marigold


"No, thank you - I was looking forward to exploring this resort before I get to relax, actually. I could join you later, if you like.. I didn't realize this resort had a dock.. I didn't think it would because when we entered it looked like we were still in a forest - well, to me at least. If you need more bits, I could lend you some. I'll just have a scone and some green tea, if they have some," Dove smiled, standing up.


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Aero Wind


@@Midnight Scribbler,

The Tales of Earthsea? Sounds like an interesting book. It would be easy to find it quickly, so Aero thought he'd ask if they had any books on weather he could check too. But he decided against it, because if the library is outdated, then the information they have on the weather is probably outdated too, which wouldn't be a fun read. Good thing he brought his own recent papers on the weather to read through in his spare time. So, ultimately Aero is here to get a single book, not leaving him with much else to do in the library. Perhaps he'll go see how Emerald is doing, since after unintentionally rambling with Bitter he though it's best to give her some space for now.


@, @@Midnight Scribbler,

Aero flew over to the fiction section along the south wall and searched for the book Red Cask recommended. As expected, it didn't take too long to find it. With it in hoof, he then flew around looking for Emerald. Finding her was easy from the air, and as it turns out she's talking to Sunset at the moment. That's even better, since if they're talking they probably wouldn't mind another pony joining the conversation. He flew down next to them and said 'Hey, what are you two talking about? What books are you getting? There's so many books here I have no idea where to go looking!' Lifting the book he had, he continued 'All I found is this book which Red Cask says is really good!'






Once Dove has left the room, Shadowhide got onto her bed and laid down, staring at the ceiling. This is the first time she had some peace and quiet since the entered the carriage earlier today, so she used the opportunity to relax, and reflect upon what had happened to far.


Although progress is slow, she's getting to know some of the other ponies well. There's Belinda, who she imagined she'd already be good friends with if it wasn't for her very antisocial personality, and taking that into account that they still surprisingly seem to be on good terms. And Dove seems friendly, and was apologetic about the line cutting incident, although Shadowhide had a feeling Dove was getting annoyed by something at the end of their visit. At this point, Dove is the pony Shadowhide considers her best friend apart from Aero.


Apart from those three, Shadowhide felt she hadn't exactly formed any bonds with anypony else. Having to spend a good portion of the carriage ride calming herself down from the lantern probably contributed to that. But speaking of which, Shadowhide was talking to somepony else just before that. Belle, who had mysteriously fallen over without an apparent cause. Thanks to the lantern, she never got around to finding out just what caused her to fall over while sitting down in a completely smooth carriage ride. It'll be much harder to look into such matters after the fact, but Shadowhide’s best guess was that it was the result of some sort of attack, so finding out for certain what the cause was would be worth it, hopefully to disprove her theory. Next time Shadowhide sees her, she'll have a talk with her if she can. She feels she can trust Belle.


In fact, Shadowhide feels she can trust all of the ponies that came on the carriage with her. She might have talked to only a few of them, but they all seem to be in the same situation, being invited to this suspicious 'vacation' without any discernible reason. Anypony she meets in the town itself deserves a bit more scrutiny, especially those directly involved in the nobles' affairs, such as Red Cask. Whatever the reason is for inviting them to this 'resort', Shadowhide doubts it's a noble one, and Red Cask is probably aware of this not-so-noble reason. Although, speaking of nobles there's one pony from the carriage that she may not be able to place as much trust in. Unlike everypony else, Emerald actually has a plausible reason for being invited, being a royal diplomat who likely already met Prince Blueblood. Not that this means she's completely untrustworthy, but Shadowhide will have to be a little more careful around her. She may know something everypony else doesn't.


However, most of that is simply conjecture. Shadowhide hasn't seen enough of this town to find out these things for certain. And she isn't going to get any answers by waiting in her room. She's relaxed long enough, now it's time for her to go out and do something. Nothing in this town is particularly appealing to her, so she wasn't sure where to start. But a quick glance at the nightstand gave her a good starting point. She's not using that lantern on it which operates on fire, so hopefully she can find an alternate light source at the shops. So, shops it is. She packed her saddlebags, putting her detective's bag, the town map and 30 bits in, and then went to the shops directly southeast of the hotel. Perhaps she'll run into somepony else while she's out on her errands.

Edited by FortyTwo42


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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Lapis and Gemma


Lapis smiled at Scribblegroove and replied "I believe that would spoil the surprise when the main show takes place, don't you think?" She tittered "Hm'yes. Mirror.. She seems to have some kind of illness of late. It seems it has been affecting her ability to perform, I suspect she was likely afraid of being embarrassed on stage if something were to fail." Lapis' expression went slightly more somber for a moment. "Well then, why don't we make our way out now, the next practice is meant to begin soon. We can't have guests unfortunately, but there are many other places for you to explore in town, I'm sure." She turned and moved toward her sister, keeping her eye on Scribblegroove to make sure he followed.

Gemma allowed Cherry past, as she hurriedly moved behind stage, tripping over whatever was behind the curtain. Gemma chuckled, hearing the clumsy pegasus. Without turning her head at first, Gemma's eyes shot back to Belle, noticing her standing perfectly still, and seemed to be either afraid or simply just too shy to speak. She tilting her head back to face Belle, she smiled. "Don't worry, we don't bite" She grinned, revealing her thestrian teeth, which happened to include a set of rather pointed canines. "You seem quite shy, Belle. There's no need to be afraid of us. I know we aren't your average pegasus." She said, moving past Belle to the doorway. "I'm afraid the theater is closed currently though, so we'll have to ask that you and your friend here take your leave. We apologize if you were hoping to catch the practices, but as my sister said, we can't have spoilers for our performances. Our daughters, Harmony and Tragedy will be performing in a play, and have much practice to do before their big night. You will get to meet them later tonight at the dinner." Gemma's voice revealed a bit of pride about who she'd mentioned.



Sunset Glow


Sunset smiled at Emerald, seeing her frustration, and knowing exactly what she meant. Though in her own line of work, it wouldn't come from being anywhere in particular, aside from her own shop perhaps. Suddenly an idea came to her.
"Perhaps now would be a good time to talk about those candles." She said, reaching into he bag, and revealing a candle with a strange mixture of pink and yellow wax. "It doesn't look like your average candle.. well, because it isn't your average candle." She chuckled quietly. "You can have this one, it might help you to relax tonight, if you have trouble sleeping. I know I might be using one myself." She continued, hoping Emerald would trust her gift. Never having met her, it was a gamble whether someone in Emerald's position would trust taking free things from somepony she didn't know well.



Cinnamon Song

Cinnamon appeared to be gathering something from under the desk she'd been sitting at. Slinging a bag over her back, she got back up, and began making her way around the desk, stopping at the wall, where she picked a key from one of the hooks. She turned back, locking the register where the money was likely kept, and tossed the key into her bag. She made her way out onto the floor of the lobby, and wandered out the door, passing Belinda. Cinnamon turned her head, smiling at Belinda as she passed. "Enjoy yourself now, I'm on my way to the theater. If you need anything like food or supplies, remember everything here in town is free for you and the others."

Edited by Midnight Scribbler

Check out my new music projects on youtube, Bandcamp, or Soundcloud

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Cherry Bomb


@@Gloomfury, @SilverHeart, @Scribblegroove@Midnight Scribbler


Cheery giggled at Scribble as he told her his name, she nodded at the unicorn as he turned his attention back to the two bat-ponies. As Scribblegroove mentioned the name of the magician however, the red mare's eye's blinked and widened in surprise, "Oh my gosh, I completely forgot!"


Cherry bit her bottom lip in anticipation, looking between the four ponies in turn, having a small panic attack in her head as she lightly hopped from one front hoof to the other, "I don't mean to press, Cherry, but shouldn't you be running along to assist your friend? She seems to have gone to hide in her room again." 

"Yes! Your right I really need to go see her, Scrabble, Belle I'm sorry but this is really important!" Barely finishing her sentence as she abruptly flew behind the curtain, which immediately proved to be a bad idea as..*CRASH* *BANG* *CLATTER* *CLATTER* ...from the sound of it, Cherry had crashed into something hidden behind the curtain, "Gosh Darnit!"


Picking herself up, Cherry took to the air again as she flew to the rear end backstage where a set of stairs were placed, spiraling upwards to where a long corridor lead to , Cherry landed in front of the first door and took a  deep breath as she raised a hoof and knocked on the door lightly, *Knock* *Knock* *Knock* "Mirror? It's me! Cherry! I'm back now!" Although a  little worried, Cherry tried to input a tad amount of her enthusiastic tone into her sentance, "Mirror? Can I come in...Please?"


A few seconds of silence passed before the muffled sound of a lock  turning could be heard. The door slowly opened only far enough that the masked mare could peak her head through. She looked to the left, then the right, and finally past Cherry to make sure that they were alone. "Oh, thank Celestia you're back." she muttered before throwing her forehooves around Cherry's neck, lightly squeezing the mare, she trembling slightly. "Um....how was your trip?" Mirror asked as she released Cherry and stepped back. She smiled at Cherry, with her mask on it was difficult to tell whether or not it was genuine. 


((OOC: Sorry this is so short, I'm in class.)

  • Brohoof 1

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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Poppy Seed



Poppy nodded and shrugged. "Alright. Or, if you like, I could go with you for now and we can have that picnic later. Honestly, I'm not sure where to start looking around the town. This is what happens when you work so long without a break. You never know what to do when you have time off." She joked. Perhaps she really had gone too long without a holiday. Her mind was lacking in creativity at present. Maybe that would change with a nice break and maybe she'd find something of interest. Something to spark her creative mind again.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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