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So far, I've almost finished my Zinogre Armor S set. All I need now is a single Zinogre Jasper and then it's good to go!


By the way, As I was planning on upgrading my Usurpers+ Long Sword, I found out I need a Lagia Sapphire to turn it into a Despot's Boltbreaker. Is there anyway to get a Lagia Sapphire when there are no signs of Lagiacrus anywhere?


(Hey! I'm a bird now! If only I had wings...)

Edited by Photon Jet
  • Brohoof 1

Dark thoughts are banished! Dark thoughts do not exist!


3DS Friend Code: 4167-4477-3810


(The picture of my OC in the profile icon was created by MrBrandonMac. OC description is in the Character Database.)

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So far, I've almost finished my Zinogre Armor S set. All I need now is a single Zinogre Jasper and then it's good to go!


By the way, As I was planning on upgrading my Usurpers+ Long Sword, I found out I need a Lagia Sapphire to turn it into a Despot's Boltbreaker. Is there anyway to get a Lagia Sapphire when there are no signs of Lagiacrus anywhere?


(Hey! I'm a bird now! If only I had wings...)

There is a quest in the arena for a Tigrex and a Brute Tigrex that gets you Lagiacrus and Aganktor parts available for Wycoon trade. Also, I got Tunder Attack +2 with a couple gems on my Zinogre S armor and with my thunder charge blade, I destroy monsters that have negative Thunder resist.

EDIT: Sorry, Stygian Zinogre and Brute Tigrex.

Edited by Yarne


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Ah, I see. Thanks for telling me where to get the Lagiacrus parts. I bet the Arena Quest is not gonna be easy when both monsters are in the arena at once.

Edited by Photon Jet
  • Brohoof 1

Dark thoughts are banished! Dark thoughts do not exist!


3DS Friend Code: 4167-4477-3810


(The picture of my OC in the profile icon was created by MrBrandonMac. OC description is in the Character Database.)

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Ah, I see. Thanks for telling me where to get the Lagiacrus parts. I bet the Arena Quest is not gonna be easy when both monsters are in the arena at once.

Its not an actual arena quest though, it just takes place in te arena. My buddy did it last night while we were chatting, he went down twice while wearing silver rathalos armor, and got lucky with the tigrex finishing off the zinogre.


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Just finished Rath Soul armor and got to hr7... whattya mean I gotta fight all these elder dragons? :blink:

Shouldn't be too hard, but still... that is something to just spring on ya. :P


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I'm wishing that I had time to catch back up in Monster Hunter.  Between work and college, I haven't been able to do any online quests.  I'm hoping that once this semester ends, I'll have time to catch up and play with some of you guys online.  I used to fight all kinds of stuff in Tri and 3U.  :/

  • Brohoof 1
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Both S Zin & B Tigrex in the arena? Shouldn't be a problem actually! Just be sure to use the gate switch if you want to have a less frustrating time.

(If at all possible to use the switch)


Seriously, the amount of times that thing is overlooked is just ridiculous! Especially in arena quest matches. It makes the possibility of S-rank lean towards A or even B sometimes! ^_^


Now with more added tea leaves!

My fantastic signature made by Gone Airbourne

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Stygian Zinogre armor is complete. After the grind ended, I have to say, even though Zinogre is my absolute #1 favorite monster, bar none, Stygian is kinda meh for me. His fight doesnt get my blood boiling as much as standard Zinogre. He's super cool, yeah, but still, I wouldnt put Stygian on my top 5 even though standard Zinogre is on a level of love waaaaay above even my number 2 favorite of Nercylla, then brachy, tigrex, and finally qurupeco.


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I'm totally with you there Yarne. Zinogre is my favourite monster too. That's why I'm trying to get a full armor set of it by doing Hunt-a-thons. I mean, c'mon. A monster that goes super and summons lightning from the sky with it's mighty roar! How awesome is that?


I have a theory that monsters in Hunt-a-thons respawn after they were taken down. Kinda like Wreck-It-Ralph if you ask me. 

Edited by Photon Jet
  • Brohoof 2

Dark thoughts are banished! Dark thoughts do not exist!


3DS Friend Code: 4167-4477-3810


(The picture of my OC in the profile icon was created by MrBrandonMac. OC description is in the Character Database.)

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I'm totally with you there. Zinogre is my favourite monster too. That's why I'm trying to get a full armor set of it by doing Hunt-a-thons. I mean, c'mon. A monster that goes super and summons lightning from the sky with it's mighty roar! How awesome is that?


I have a theory that monsters in Hunt-a-thons respawn after they were taken down. Kinda like Wreck-It-Ralph if you ask me. 


I used Hunt-a-thons for my Nercylla and Kecha Wacha armor sets. But yeah, as soon as I first saw my first Zinogre, I knew that I had a new favorite. Fights with the Zinogre feel more like an honorable battle between two warriors rather than a hunt, and Nercylla (my second favorite) feels like a face off between two seasoned hunters, as she herself wears armor made of gypseros.  My personal take on hunt-a-thons is that it is breeding season for that monster type, and as such, more of them are acting up, becoming dangerous and intrusive on society, as well as more of them being around.


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Hmm. That's a good theory there. It's no wonder one keeps on appearing after a minute has passed and that's a good thing because there will always be one for all of us to face.


Can I ask you something? Why is Nerscylla your second favourite? Is it because you like spiders?

  • Brohoof 1

Dark thoughts are banished! Dark thoughts do not exist!


3DS Friend Code: 4167-4477-3810


(The picture of my OC in the profile icon was created by MrBrandonMac. OC description is in the Character Database.)

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Hmm. That's a good theory there. It's no wonder one keeps on appearing after a minute has passed and that's a good thing because there will always be one for all of us to face.


Can I ask you something? Why is Nerscylla your second favourite? Is it because you like spiders?


I am indifferent on spiders in real life. So long as they don't bug me, I wont bother them. I found a spider in my headphones the other day (after putting them on and feeling something moving on my ear) and calmly got evicted and flushed after being given ample time to exit on his own and go free, otherwise, its all fine. Anyway, I just really enjoy the fight with Nercylla. Spiders are hunters, and capcom accurately portrayed her as such. Her armor made out of gypceros, and the fact that its a battle of hunter against hunter with each one viewing the other as prey, that makes it super unique in my eyes and it adds a tension that many other fights dont have. Meanwhile, Zinogre gets lightning running in my veins like blood, it awakens a beast, a berserker inside of me that just fights and fights until there is only one left standing, my hunter came into this world, kicking and screaming, covered in someone else's blood, and she has no qualms about going out the same way. Or thats how she (and her father who was my 3U character) feels when in combat with a zinogre. I actually have a bit of backstory linking the two of them. The very first G-Rank Zinogre I fought in 3U, I got a Zin Skymerald (and then eight more on the following 10). Rook (my 3U hunter) kept that skymerald, and made it into a pendant that he wore at all times, as a symbol of luck and power, fast forward a few years, Rook and his wife have a daughter (who eventually becomes my 4U hunter, Bishop) on her sixth birthday, Rook gives Bishop his Skymerald pendant, and she continues to wear it to this day. After establishing herself as a hunter and making a name for herself, Bishop occasionally returns home to visit her parents and hunt alongside her father. Got a bit off track there, but yeah I ground Zinogre for a while for the sole reason of unlocking certain title peices, those being Peerless Berserker.

Edited by Yarne
  • Brohoof 2


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Well now. Looks like you'll be putting that backstory to good use when it comes to writing fan fictions.


I now got my full Zinogre S armor set and it looked great on me. I'm also planning to find another Zinogre Jasper for the Gunner set. The only quests I got to do now is to hunt a Molten Tigrex and a Fatalis separately. I'm amazed to see the Quest Reward for Fatalis is very high! Looks like it's gonna be a big toughie to take down. On a scale of 1-10, how tough are the Molten Tigrex and Fatalis?

  • Brohoof 1

Dark thoughts are banished! Dark thoughts do not exist!


3DS Friend Code: 4167-4477-3810


(The picture of my OC in the profile icon was created by MrBrandonMac. OC description is in the Character Database.)

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Well now. Looks like you'll be putting that backstory to good use when it comes to writing fan fictions.


I now got my full Zinogre S armor set and it looked great on me. I'm also planning to find another Zinogre Jasper for the Gunner set. The only quests I got to do now is to hunt a Molten Tigrex and a Fatalis separately. I'm amazed to see the Quest Reward for Fatalis is very high! Looks like it's gonna be a big toughie to take down. On a scale of 1-10, how tough are the Molten Tigrex and Fatalis?

Tigrex is the worst.. Luckily it's Molten variety isn't as fast as the others, although it makes up for it in firepower! A well balanced team can take it on a little easier than our Elder Dragon buddy.


Fatalis is definitely one of the top tier monsters for high rank. Dont underestimate it. ive seen plenty of G rank hunters fall to their doom with that beast. And I highly recommend grabbing those blk Fatalis weapons while you can, since the fully upgraded forms are some of the best weapons in the game! (Excluding excavated relics which top almost every possible craft-able weapon)


Even though I've fought over 40 Fatalis, it's definitely an epic fight. Though these guys are nothing compared to lvl 140 apex monsters that can 1HKO armor rating less than 750! :blink:


Anyway, heres my scores:

Molten Tigrex: 7/10

Black Fatalis: 8/10

  • Brohoof 1


Now with more added tea leaves!

My fantastic signature made by Gone Airbourne

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An Apex monster that takes down hunters with 750 armor with one hit!? Goodness me...that's what I call overkill.


Anyway, thanks for the heads up on how tough the Molten Tigrex and Fatalis are.

  • Brohoof 1

Dark thoughts are banished! Dark thoughts do not exist!


3DS Friend Code: 4167-4477-3810


(The picture of my OC in the profile icon was created by MrBrandonMac. OC description is in the Character Database.)

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(This rant isn't targeted towards any of you. I'm just venting about randoms online.)


I'm honestly tired of playing online, only to get my hopes ruined. I shouldn't have even bothered trying to play with randoms. There's no point in giving your lobby a name that implies all are welcome, if you're just gonna kick someone within seconds after they say hello. I'll just solo my way through everything, just like I did in 3U. Nothing seems too difficult, anyway. I'd rather take down a Deviljho alone than wade through a bunch of jerks to find a good online group. Knowing my luck, a good majority of my peers on campus probably refuse to allow anyone in their tight-knit, secluded group. It's their loss, not mine.   

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I've had my ups and downs with online playing myself, but I've finally come to the opposite conclusion.


After reaching the endgame of mh4u And with a lot of experience up my sleeve, I play to have fun, no matter how much we (certainly not me! :P ) suck, I must say that enjoying yourself while hunting with others stands for success in my opinion.


My opinion of a good team:


- Friendly and willing to have a challenge.

- Considerate of others

-well prepared


Playing as experts is all well and good, but I often find myself entering a room that I don't want leave because I enjoy the company of the other hunters!

  • Brohoof 1


Now with more added tea leaves!

My fantastic signature made by Gone Airbourne

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I thought It couldn't get better then the switch Axe but then I tried the glorious Charge blade. Anyone else do crazy stuff when hunting monsters if frustrated? I was hunting Zamtrios  got thrown off my mount and yelled "That's it Jabber Jaw your fired"

Help the team! We need to get our own place!

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yeah some people online don't even have armor skills and I wonder just how the heck they got as far as they did... :pout:

Anyway, last night in 4U I finally reached G Rank! Wasn't that hard getting there, just long, and Akantor was kind of a pain in the butt as was Dalamadur 'til I figured him out, but it was all in fun. :D

Now the truest of hunts begin... :please:


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I was playing online a lot yesterday with some great hunters from different countries. With our amazing teamwork, we completed some Advanced Quests and got a Sonic costume for my Palicos I know it's gonna be loads of fun if Mario and Sonic teamed up with me to take on some monsters. All I need to complete the set is Caliburn from Sonic and the Black Knight. I might try getting a Seregios armor set as well. 

  • Brohoof 1

Dark thoughts are banished! Dark thoughts do not exist!


3DS Friend Code: 4167-4477-3810


(The picture of my OC in the profile icon was created by MrBrandonMac. OC description is in the Character Database.)

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Brute Tigrex armor is really nice. With only five gems I got it from earplugs to HG Earplugs, and Speed Eating +1 to Speed Eating +2. The Earplugs are super useful for mounting and the Speed Eating + 2 is really useful for me since I oft have issues dodging monster's heavier attacks, so it allows me to heal crazy fast.

  • Brohoof 1


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I have learned something today... 
I hate electric monsters that can stun you!!!!!


I was fighting 2 Khezus and I killed the first one fine. The second one though... I was beating it down quite fine until it started spraying lighting everywhere. So it throws me against a cave wall, as I'm getting up it fires an electric blast stunning me onto the floor, Konchu rolls over me taking out a tiny bit of health, my cat comes to save me, cat gets stunned by 2nd wave of lighting and I get damaged by it because I can't move, it finally wears off on its own, I starts standing up, khezu uses volt tackle, it's super effective, I'm carted I rage quit. Next time I'm taking my heavy bow gun and craig-ing him to hell.

  • Brohoof 1


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farming relics right now its so long 

Don't judge a book by its cover. You will truly understand it if you're just willing to read it.

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... Why did I never find this here before? o3o Anyways, I'm quite fond of a number of weapons :P Be it the flexible Sword and Shield, the powerful Great Sword, or the unique Hunting Horn, I am quite liking them each :P Though I did get over 100 hunts in with the SnS first xD I like popping potions while keeping my weapon out lol

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farming relics right now its so long

:blink: Relic farming is truly terrible. I feel your pain! But I guess only if you have luck on your side are you bound to get anything good.


:wacko: the amounts of Apex Deviljho I've ended up having to hunt for a specific armour piece with the right skills is just beyond incredible!


Now with more added tea leaves!

My fantastic signature made by Gone Airbourne

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