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How come no one gets mad when Fluttershy throws RD's fears in her face?


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You're talking about this week's episode, right?


She did told RD the truth with good intentions.

No, I was talking about Putting Your Hoof Down (S2E19)


This week's episode didn't even air when I posted that, lol.

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Jesus Christ guys, everytime the same with ye.


Didn't you read the first rule of this fandom? No one gets mad a Flutters. Actually, scratch that, no one CAN (In the boundaries of the banal human psyche) get the slightlest hint of vexation towards Fluttershy.


It's sheer science.

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Jesus Christ guys, everytime the same with ye.


Didn't you read the first rule of this fandom? No one gets mad a Flutters. Actually, scratch that, no one CAN (In the boundaries of the banal human psyche) get the slightlest hint of vexation towards Fluttershy.


It's sheer science.

I'm rather upset at Flutters. This shows that it is, in fact, possible to get mad at her.

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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Pointless argument is pointless... Can't we just stop over-analyzing every part of MLP and move on? I used to love how much people read into the show, but these days, it just seems dumb. Heck, celebrity gossip seems more constructive than this...

Edited by Midnight Gaze
  • Brohoof 3
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At that point they probably just wanted Rainbow Dash to stop crying so they didn't try to stop Fluttershy when she had show some 'tough love' to Rainbow Dash.


Also, it had the desired outcome so why the fuss?

  • Brohoof 2



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I keep seeing the argument being made that Pinkie was way out of line in Filli Vanilli, but I really don't think she was. And here's why. Looking at “Tanks for the memories” (and) “Sonic Rainboom” where Fluttershy adressed RD's fears in such a way that she's throwing them in her face and only making Rainbow worse- some would argue that Fluttershy is doing it deliberately- to allow RD to conquer her fears. But isn't doing something deliberately, not knowing whether it'll backfire or not, actually worse than if someone does something accidentally? In the case of Filli Vanilli, where people say Pinkie was in the wrong, when she does the exact same thing Fluttershy did herself, twice now, to Rainbow Dash, Pinkie goes on her tangent, throwing Fluttershy's fears in her face on accident- and unlike Fluttershy who can do what she does deleberately, and not get called our or punished for it, Pinkie does it on accident and gets the blame. This is Pinkie Pie- the pony who goes well out of her way to make ponies smile and be happy. Can we really say that SHE'S throwing Fluttershy's fears at her, on purpose? Canned Cream, in the video adresses this, in saying “when you have a character as openly bombastic as Pinky friends with another as reserved as Fluttershy (both of which who, once they start getting inside of their own heads, can be hard to pull them back out again), eventually those two personalities are going to clash, and Pinkie's more dominate one is going to trample over the other, And while Pinkie's words may have had a bad outcome, there wasn't anything vicious about her intent. Pinkie simply lost herself inside a single thought (which we've seen happen before many times, mind you.) What started off as her honestly being excited for her friend (Fluttershy) went off on a tangent, where she forgot what she was saying and WHO she was saying it to.” When Flutters starts crying, Pinkie looks genuinely confused, unaware that what she was thinking and how she was saying it didn't come off as intended. This is the complete opposite of Fluttershy's actions and intentions in both of the aforementioned episodes.


Tl:DR- Fluttershy did what she did on purpose and takes no heat for it. Pinkie does it on accident and gets blamed.

Not necessarily. Fluttershy did what she did to make Rainbow be honest with herself and accept an inevitable situation. If Fluttershy's actions towards Rainbow were actually malicious or had real negative consequences, then I would have a problem with her (as I did in Putting Your Hoof Down). But with Sonic Rainboom and Tanks for the Memories, it worked out. Dash's problems often stem from her struggle to hide a perceived weakness--nerves about the flying competition, how much she loves Tank and would miss him during hibernation, her enjoyment of reading, and the list goes on. Fluttershy sometimes forces her to face the truth, and things ultimately turn out for the better. Friendship is more than just being nice all the time.


The Pinkie-Fluttershy situation isn't comparable, for reasons that to me are pretty obvious. Pinkie and Shy did not know each other before Season 1 and have never been close, Pinkie's bizarre rants about stage fright were not merely exceptional but extreme and a disservice to her character, she had no good intentions or specific goal in mind, her words were far too specific and direct to be in any way accidental, and she never helped Fluttershy by saying them.


Fluttershy did the right thing for the right reason in examples of good writing; Pinkie did the wrong thing for no reason in an example of poor writing.

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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Because Fluttershy fans are super biased and don't care about anything she does. She deserved to have Pinkie Pie throw her fears in her face, it was funny and was deserved payback. :)

Jesus Christ guys, everytime the same with ye.


Didn't you read the first rule of this fandom? No one gets mad a Flutters. Actually, scratch that, no one CAN (In the boundaries of the banal human psyche) get the slightlest hint of vexation towards Fluttershy.


It's sheer science.

And here's an example of everything wrong with the fandom! I'm starting to hate Fluttershy so much when people keep defending her! She's done so much wrong and her fans excuse it, but any time someone does something to her, people get butthurt about it!


Well, I'm mad at Flutters and laughed when Pinkie made her cry, because at least Pinkie was funny when she did it!!!  :lol:


In all seriousness, I've been sick of this fandom ever since people got so offended by that hilarious Pinkie Pie scene. People take the show way too seriously and ruin it, but they're not even consistent with it. Your precious Fluttershy cannot be defended when she does the same thing that you guys went crazy at Pinkie for doing.  :okiedokielokie: (Not accusing everyone of doing it obviously, but man, the ones that did...  >_> )

Edited by Grumpy Enchantress
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Because Fluttershy fans are super biased and don't care about anything she does. She deserved to have Pinkie Pie throw her fears in her face, it was funny and was deserved payback. :)

And here's an example of everything wrong with the fandom! I'm starting to hate Fluttershy so much when people keep defending her! She's done so much wrong and her fans excuse it, but any time someone does something to her, people get butthurt about it!


Well, I'm mad at Flutters and laughed when Pinkie made her cry, because at least Pinkie was funny when she did it!!!  :lol:


In all seriousness, I've been sick of this fandom ever since people got so offended by that hilarious Pinkie Pie scene. People take the show way too seriously and ruin it, but they're not even consistent with it. Your precious Fluttershy cannot be defended when she does the same thing that you guys went crazy at Pinkie for doing.  :okiedokielokie: (Not accusing everyone of doing it obviously, but man, the ones that did...  >_> )

I'll admit, that that episode was the funniest Pinkie Pie's been for me since season 1.  :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

That line was somehow out of character by the writer's mistake, someone as fluttershy is unlikely to say something that like that, mostly because she knows how does it feel to be afraid on public, probably better than anypony else. She struggles, but on a much higher degree.

There're some things from some episodes you should skip on, unless you want trip over the arguments you make up to justify things like this. That was made to emphasize on RD's problematic situation, as it was shown right there with her immediate reaction.


Take into account that writers are human beings.

Edited by They call me Loyalty
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Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy have long history that extends past Season 1. Their relationship is more than friends since Fluttershy also works under Rainbow Dash.

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Well, there's her "cuteness", which enables her to get away with everything as everyone else has already stated...


I guess that's it. :/

This is a signature,


and that was a post...

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Or it could be a side to Fluttershy which comes out rarely. She had to give RD that tough love though and I believe it was fully justified considering the way Rainbow Dash was just lying on her bed and crying.



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I think it's more of a matter of how it was done.


Pinkie Pie was being how she was for the sake of being Pinkie.


Fluttershy, when dealing with:

The Dragon

The Manticore

The Cocatrice

etc etc

Was doing so to save her friends

(Fine, I can say her chasing down Celestia's animals was a little over the top, but hey, imagine finding something you're great at to have it thrown in your face. Wouldn't you be a little mad?)



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As a Fluttershy fan, I just can't hate Fluttershy no matter how hard I try since she's basically me in pony form. I think RD deseves it after the way she treats Fluttershy in Season 1. That arrogant little filly,

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Considering that Rainbow Dash did something bad to Cloudsdale, she was crazy at that point over Tank. Time to put the life saver on Rainbow Dash and yank the rope.

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That line was somehow out of character by the writer's mistake, someone as fluttershy is unlikely to say something that like that, mostly because she knows how does it feel to be afraid on public, probably better than anypony else. She struggles, but on a much higher degree.


I don't agree. It shows Fluttershy's growth. She has been trying to learn how to be assertive without being aggressive in several episodes ("Putting Your Hoof Down", "Keep Calm and Flutter On", "It Ain't Easy Being Breezies"), keeping her kind nature intact while also making a meaningful contribution. I mean she still cried after seeing RD cry, showing that she's still the normally sympathetic and sensitive Fluttershy.


When a friend is going through some tough times, will you encourage them to keep their feelings bottled inside or tell them that they have to face the issue head-on and that you're willing to abet them in whichever way possible?

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But when Pinkie Pie does the same to Fluttershy- the same pony who- when need be, can stare down and scare a cockatrice shitless, talk down to a full grown dragon and make it cry, stand fearless in the face of a manticore, literally throw herself at Celestia's private garden animals, and chase them down demanding she be loved by them, throw a Luna-like tantrum over it, charge through Celestia and Luna's Castle, like a rampaging bull, and draw the attention of everypony at a Gala event, while she screams at the top of her lungs, stand up to Iron Will, have the balls to kidnap the Princess of Equestria's pet, literally bucking a Diamond Dog off of her back, talking back to RD's childhood bullies, and be the cause of Parasprites destroying Ponyville (all because she stupidly decided to keep one (and again, Pinkie gets the blame, rather than Fluttershy in that episode)) ect.- people start flipping out over it, and saying that Pinkie went too far, when Fluttershy has been shown doing the same thing? (see “Sonic Rainboom”. “Fluttershy says “just because you've failed the Sonic Rainboom One-hundred-thousand times in practice doesn't mean you won't be able to do it in front of a stadium full of impatient, super-critical sports fan ponies”)

Why does Fluttershy get away with it and Pinkie doesn't?


I was one of those bronies that was disappointed in fluttershy in the scene in "sonic rainboom" yet glad to see karma set in "filli vanilli".
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  • 5 weeks later...

Because different opinions I guess... as always (though I think both were kinda wrong).


if bth were wrong in your opinion, then who's right

I don't agree. It shows Fluttershy's growth. She has been trying to learn how to be assertive without being aggressive in several episodes ("Putting Your Hoof Down", "Keep Calm and Flutter On", "It Ain't Easy Being Breezies"), keeping her kind nature intact while also making a meaningful contribution. I mean she still cried after seeing RD cry, showing that she's still the normally sympathetic and sensitive Fluttershy.


When a friend is going through some tough times, will you encourage them to keep their feelings bottled inside or tell them that they have to face the issue head-on and that you're willing to abet them in whichever way possible?

there's being assertive and then theres being a butt

Fluttershy was a butt, like when she confronted Pinkie and Rarity in Putting Your Hoof Dwn. She had no reason to throw what Dash didn't want to hear in her face. Not in Tanks for the memories, and not in Sonic Rainboom

there were other ways to get through to Dash

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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Was I the only one upset with Fluttershy's indifference to Discord more than that one thing Fluttershy said in Tanks for the Memories? I kind of felt it made sense for Fluttershy to say that because she of all of them cares about the health of the animals and understands how she can't give love and caring to all the animals every season for reasons behind their nature.


Also the epsiode as a whole was boring and predictable, Fluttershy laying it out was pretty anti climatic but since it was a bit of a boring episode and RD acting being a bit forced nothing in it spoke out to me.


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  • 1 month later...

As a Fluttershy fan, I just can't hate Fluttershy no matter how hard I try since she's basically me in pony form. I think RD deseves it after the way she treats Fluttershy in Season 1. That arrogant little filly,

Right, because responding to some who treats you badly by doing the same thing to them is totally something the Element of Kindness should be teaching kids.


RD deserves better than her. What a lousy friend.

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