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Mane 6's maturity in order?


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First the list.




Twilight Sparkle 


Rainbow Dash 

Pinkie Pie


I really think Applejack is the first obvious choice. She's so overprotective of her sister, she maintains the family farm with her big brother, while taking care of Granny. AJ has had the least crazy outburst in the series. She has also in my eyes been there first to calm down Twilight in a serious situation. 


Fluttershy spends a lot of time taking care of animals. She makes it her living and personal responsibility. Like AJ, she hasn't had little tantrums or escapades. Other than Philomena, I can't think of one really immature thing Fluttershy did. Fluttershy's limtied cowardice is also a good thing every now and then.


Twiligt would have been to obvious. She has had her worst moment in Lesson Zero and pigged out on hay burgers. She's highly intelligent and works hard. But sometimes working too hard and not stepping back can be a negative thing. I also found Feeling Pinkie Keen to be her worst moment. Twilight cared more about being right and debunking Pinkie's ESP/sixth sense. It's like people in real life who do this, I understand these ponies grow. But I found this to be the most immature thing from the leader of the Mane 6.


Rarity is an overall drama queen and has done comical immature things. Crying and  having ice cream episodes *wink wink*. She also early in the show has tussles with Sweetie Bell.


Rainbow Dash......Lets list what she did



Endangered animals's lives for a pet contest

Disrupted a hospital to read a book she could have borrowed but was to ashamed to.

Didn't care about a falling balloon..Autographs first

Cared about Mare-do-Well(s) actually saving people and taking the spotlight

After going fangirl for Daring Do. Daring got captured


Pinkie Pie: Ok now this is her character. She's a party animal and that's it. She can be serious and real when she's needed to be. But her biggest level of immaturity, was when Cheese Sandwitch came and got the attention of others. She made it bigger than it needed be.

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I don't define maturity the way you seem to be doing here. Can you please elaborate of how you define maturity for context, thank you. 

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I don't define maturity the way you seem to be doing here. Can you please elaborate of how you define maturity for context, thank you. 

How they handle a situation

How they handle their emotions over something trivial

Edited by TheMarkz0ne
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It depends on how you define maturity, but I think it's very hard to rank them as they're complex characters.

They all have their moments of immaturity (Applejack in Somepony to Watch Over Me, or Twilight in It's About Time...), plus the fact they have matured since season 1...


I'd say that Fluttershy, Applejack and Rarity are more mature than Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle, but I can't make a precise ranking.

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something trivial


Wait, what?


What is trivial to a person is highly subjective and personal, based completely on a persons body of existence. I don't marginalize people and assume my experiences are more important that theirs in real life, so I have a hard time fabricating that sort of mindset for fiction.  


To answer your question, I feel that in their own ways they demonstrate an equal or near equal amount of maturity when measured out over the course of the series, and the effort it takes them to apply it. To categorize it is akin to me looking at my oldest daughter and trying to judge her against my youngest daughter. 


That mindset alludes me. 


They are equally mature. 

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I am unsure as to whether the said maturity of the Mane Six is something that can be measured in a quantifiable sense. It's one thing to say that Applejack is the most mature pony of the group, but what do we mean by that? We do know that she has been one of the more level-headed members of the bunch, but at the same time she's overreacted plenty of times various situations.


Can we really say that AJ is any more mature than Fluttershy or Rarity; both of whom have had quite a lot of soul-searching and development through the seasons?


In a sense they are all equally mature; yet still have learning to do; as do we as adults. :)

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Applejack: Has been shown to be stubborn and a bit bull headed in the past and still is to a certain extent but is in most situations relatively level headed and acts as a good voice of reason. 


Twilight: Can also be a good voice of reason on occasion but has also been shown in some situations to be relatively closed minded and anal retentive but has gotten much better with this. Has suffered from severe OCD like tendencies which have improved though I don't chalk all of that up to maturity or lack thereof as something like that is difficult for anyone to deal with. 


Fluttershy: Is kind, gentle and compassionate but can sometimes be a bit of a pushover.


Rarity: She can be a bit selfish, shallow and vain at times but is starting to improve a bit. She if often at odds with her sister but does make a sincere effort to please her. 


Rainbow Dash: Has matured the most of any of the mane 6 but still has a long way to go. She is still cocky and still cares way too much about her "rep" but has on occasions like Wonderbolt Academy shown some maturity and on occasions like Sleepless in Ponyville showed a caring softer side that she in most cases is reluctant to show due to being way too concerned about what others think.


Pinkie Pie; I love Pinkie Pie but she is the most child like and naive of the mane 6. She can be thoughtful and serious when she has to be but prefers to be a party girl.

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The dictionary definition of mature is: "pertaining to or characteristic of full development" this seems to be contrary to whatever your definition of "maturity" is.


I really think Applejack is the first obvious choice. She's so overprotective of her sister


I wouldn't exactly call being overprotectiveness "mature."  Most people see a overprotective parents as parents who fail at raising a child, but on the other hand a parent who exposes their child to the world and its dangers are more likely to raise a more respectable and mature child.


I can't think of one really immature thing Fluttershy did. Fluttershy's limtied cowardice is also a good thing every now and then.


I wouldn't exactly call Fluttershy's diffidence, erm... normal.  I'm pretty sure that there is a reason 'shy' is in her her name and that being shy is one of her main traits.  Common traits are are considered mature are: handling pressure, handling fears, and acceptance of negative feedback.  All of the aforementioned points are those that Fluttershy is lacking in.


Twiligt would have been to obvious. She has had her worst moment in Lesson Zero and pigged out on hay burgers.


Excuse me?  I don't recall eating a lot, especially on one occasion to be an immature trait, or at least one that will make one less mature.


She's highly intelligent and works hard. But sometimes working too hard and not stepping back can be a negative thing.


I agree.


Twilight cared more about being right and debunking Pinkie's ESP/sixth sense. It's like people in real life who do this, I understand these ponies grow. But I found this to be the most immature thing from the leader of the Mane 6.


I don't know about that.  Sure it was the episodes moral to trust your friends and such, but I don't think that questioning your friends is immature.  


Rarity is an overall drama queen and has done comical immature things. Crying and  having ice cream episodes *wink wink*. She also early in the show has tussles with Sweetie Bell.   Rainbow Dash......Lets list what she did     Endangered animals's lives for a pet contest Disrupted a hospital to read a book she could have borrowed but was to ashamed to. Didn't care about a falling balloon..Autographs first Cared about Mare-do-Well(s) actually saving people and taking the spotlight After going fangirl for Daring Do. Daring got captured   Pinkie Pie: Ok now this is her character. She's a party animal and that's it. She can be serious and real when she's needed to be. But her biggest level of immaturity, was when Cheese Sandwitch came and got the attention of others. She made it bigger than it needed be.


Hmm... it seems that for these last three ponies you are only looking at the negatives.  O won't list them due to the large amounts of instances in the show and that some of the events moral value is ambiguous. (e.g. All of Feeling Pinkie Keen)


All in all, it is important to remember that maturity is is an ongoing process and not a state.  The characters in this show are growing and are getting more and more mature, it can be concluded that we cannot conclude which of the ponies is the most "mature" unless the show ends or something of the likes.



EDIT: Formatting

Edited by Shinytyphlosion
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1. Applejack

2. Twilight Sparkle

3. Fluttershy

4. Rarity

5. Pinkie Pie

6. Rainbow Dash


I listed Pinkie Pie above Rainbow Dash because Pinkie is capable of acting somewhat maturely when necessary, while Rainbow is unable to act maturely when the situation calls for it.

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They are equally mature. 


My first inclination is to say that's not true, but lets look at the positive side of maturity of these characters.


Having their own job.  *ding*x6

More or less having their own business *ding*x6 (if head of friendship operations counts)

being responsible for somebody who needs them. *ding*x6 (pets)

Being there for others. *ding*x6

ohhhkaaay how about consistently being there for others *crickets*

as consistently as can expected from reasonably flawed characters?


Hmmm.... Twily has her freakouts but *ding*

AJ her pride/overprotectiveness but *ding*

Fluttershy her fears but *ding*

Pinkie has her Pinkieness, but *ding*

Rarity has her self-centered view [not that she's selfish, but she has a view that is centered around her needs in a way that makes it hard for her to see others needs]  So, when she sees something *ding*

Rainbow Dash . . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=rihYCrK0c4c#t=137

I feel needs work.  But she's improving.


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Depends on what you mean by Maturity.


Pinkie Pie is very mature in certain respects for example;

Her life's drive is to make ponies happy and she devotes her time and energy towards this goal. If you see her when she is on her own and not around other ponies she is actually not as energetic as she makes herself out to be. She assumes that persona because she believes this is how she can help brighten up other ponies day. However she can get so lost in that character that she ends up hurting otherponies feelings, which is the exact opposite of what she wants to do. This kind of selfless devotion to total strangers and friends alike is the mark of someone who knows what dark and lonely days are like and appreciates the concept of something coming in and making her smile. She is able to discern when she is acting on her own selfish desires and step down for the benefit of her friends like she did in Pinkie pride. Yes she can be odd and random, but she chooses to be this way for the good of others not because she is immature. 


So I really couldn't rank their "maturity" in any objective way because they are too complex for that kind of thing. 

Edited by Buck Testa
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I think it depends on the situation. All of them act mature within their own personality in different situations. Even Pinkie Pie she did step up and take care of those kids very well. Applejack and Twilight come off as the most mature I believe but in all honesty the other four are just as mature given the situation.


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Rainbow Dash . . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=rihYCrK0c4c#t=137

I feel needs work.  But she's improving.


How is running away from Discord a sign of immaturity? It's not her job to take care of him, and he was outright guilt tripping them into taking care of him (especially since he wasn't even sick to begin with). She's perfectly right to not want to deal with him.

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So, I usually think of maturity as the ability to place other ponies' (physical AND emotional) needs above your own. 


"Physical needs" are things like feeding the kids (instead of or more than yourself), and taking your dog for a walk (even though it's freezing cold outside).


"Emotional needs" are more like playing with your kid (instead of going out on a date), or giving your friend a shoulder to cry on (even though it makes you uncomfortable).


More mature ponies (and people) also consider the long-term consequences of their decisions before the short-term.  So if you let the Breezies stay at your place, they'll be happy in the short-term, but if you upset them in the short-term, they'll be able to get home to their families, so they'll be happy in the long-term.  Responsibility is also important--how much other ponies can depend on you to do your part and clean up your own messes.


Basically, maturity is what makes us good social animals. 


Given this general criteria, I would rate the ponies as follows.


1.  Apple Jack (just--it's basically her cutie mark.  Taking care of the family.  Of course, she's not perfect--she fails to take into account Apple Bloom's emotional needs when obsessing over her physical safety--but that's more an error of judgment than a sign of immaturity)


2-3: Twilight and Fluttershy (are about even, I think.  Flutters sometimes fails to discipline her charges because of the discomfort it causes her, but Twi sometimes puts her quest for knowledge/truth above all other responsibilities.  I think, at this point, who's more mature depends on the episode and the writers.)


4. Rarity (very long-term oriented, responsible enough to maintain a highly successful, highly stressful career, but, like Twi, sometimes prioritizes her work above everything and everypony else.  She also uses the ponies and dragon around her for her own selfish ends on a semi-regular basis.)


5. Pinkie (I actually consider her slightly more mature than Dash, since she spends so much time trying to make sure everypony else is happy.  However, she does so partially for her own satisfaction, and she's pretty short-sighted when it comes to the consequences)


6. Dash (Look Before You Sleep is a really good example of how Dash is starting to show signs of maturity, but still largely ignorant of other ponies' general comfort.  She can be really selfish and totally short-sighted, which is great for completing life-threatening stunts, but not so great for the ponies who have to take care of you when you break your wing.)

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How is running away from Discord a sign of immaturity? It's not her job to take care of him, and he was outright guilt tripping them into taking care of him (especially since he wasn't even sick to begin with). She's perfectly right to not want to deal with him.


She's abandoning her friends to Discord.  She doesn't think through that not it implies there is an it. 


She's not even dealing with "it."  Whatever "it" is.


She has promised not to let anything interfere with Twily and Candace.  Discord showing up and wanting care.  That's an "it" to stay around for -- just in case he has a trick up his sleeve..


Or her studying for her test is also pretty mature.  For a 4 year old.  Most 6 year olds will buckle up and focus more than RD did.


I love her, but it's for the growth that I have seen and will continue to see.

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^_^ 1. Twilight -  I'd say that being as intelligent as she is and being the leader she is, she is very mature.

:smug: 2. Applejack - Of course she belongs up here given the was she takes care and protects her family and friends.

:squee: 3. Fluttershy - She is able to tend to many types of creatures daily.

:D 4. Rarity - While she is able to meet deadlines and doesn't procrastinate, she sometimes gets frustrated and uses her friends unnecessarily. 

B) 5. Rainbow Dash - While she's very loyal, she sometimes full of herself and takes the spotlight, as seen in "Mysterious Mare Do Well."

:lol: 6. Pinkie Pie - Although she's getting better, she sometimes doesn't realize the repercussions of her unending desire to have fun.  She also hasn't proven that she can be a good sitter either.



Of course that's just my opinion and depending on your definition of maturity, the list could easily change.

Edited by rpc8169


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Check out this thread, pretty good study of pony age




And after reading the stuff you posted here, I think what most of you said was based on opinion rather than rational thought and studying ponies. If we closely look at them, discard all emotions and preferences, they are all learning to be mature, and on the maturity level, even if Pinkie is a party mare and Twilight a serious student, they all have their good and bad maturity moments.

Edited by MCAsomm


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She's abandoning her friends to Discord.  She doesn't think through that not it implies there is an it. 


She's not even dealing with "it."  Whatever "it" is.


She has promised not to let anything interfere with Twily and Candace.  Discord showing up and wanting care.  That's an "it" to stay around for -- just in case he has a trick up his sleeve..


Or her studying for her test is also pretty mature.  For a 4 year old.  Most 6 year olds will buckle up and focus more than RD did.


I love her, but it's for the growth that I have seen and will continue to see.


I don't remember there ever being any kind of promise made to Twilight and Cadence. I haven't watched the episode in a while (I actually don't like it much), but I'm completely lost when you say she 'abandoned her friends' considering none of them made that promise of an obligation in the first place.


Also, procrastination is not a sign of a lack of maturity. It's a problem that's very common even with college students; it's why there's help panels about it in the first place. As far as focusing in class is concerned, that's a problem universally regardless of grade, and if anything it's more prevalent in older audiences (teenage years and young adults, which Rainbow does happen to be) than in the age group you described, so it's not really a shining example of saying somepony is immature.


Rather, a better example if you were going to use TT123 was her shoving the blame on Twilight, but even then she sucked it up and apologized to her after Fluttershy told her to, when seasons ago she would've adamantly refused. I'd say it takes a great deal of maturity to realize that you've done something wrong when you've been called out for it instead of getting immediately defensive.

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1. Applejack. No need to continue

2. Twilight. Princess but doesnt seem to handle herself as well as AJ

3. Rarity. Lots of people say she is too much of a drama queen and gets easily frustrated. The former is clearly humorous liberties being taken. The latter is true.

However she can take care of herself and also is the only character who consistently identifies her own misdeeds without needing to be informed beforehand. Taking it upon herself to do better.

4. Fluttershy. Takes care of animals BUT has gone ballistic over things in ways no one else has. Examples like PYHD where she was the least mature I have seen anyone. And being timid as she is is not maturity.

5. Pinkie Pie. Nuff said

6. Dash. While improvong I would put her at the bottom since she is more juvenile over all.

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